Regional conflicts
Komakha, A.A., Ivashkin, M.A., Kotov, M.V. (2022). The relations between France and the Middle East states during the presidency of Emmanuel Macron in the context of settlement of regional crises. Conflict Studies / nota bene, 1, 1–10.
This article analyzes the relations between France and the Middle East states through the prism of foreign policy course of Emmanuel Macron, who was elected as the president of France on May 14, 2017. The Middle East vector of foreign policy is traditional for the Republic, and therefore is one of the foreign policy priorities for the current leader. The author aim to determine the essence and key peculiarities of the Middle East course of E. Macron. For achieving the set goal it is necessary to outline the priority foreign policy vectors of the president and range of countries in the region that are subject to the measures of his chosen course; analyze in which states and to what extent the leader of the Republic continues the policy of his predecessors who were in power since the early XXI century; and changes in the relations between France and certain Middle East states. The conclusion is made on the presence of particular factors that hinder the conduct of smart policy in the region, which would meet the interests of all Middle Eastern actors. Disaccord of the French leader with his international partners regarding the Middle East regulation significantly complicates the implementation of smart foreign relative to the Arab world. E. Macron is currently paying scrupulous attention to the policy of European integration, which raises a number of unresolved issues regarding the Middle East. This alongside the domestic political issues undermines the authority of the current French leader.
United Arab Emirates, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Algeria, Middle East, Saudi Arabia, Makron, France, foreign policy
Topical issues and vectors for modern conflict resolution studies development
Ermolaev, I.A., Loginov, E.A., Madumarova, A.R., Nesterov, A.V., Morgunova, O.A. (2022). Comparative analysis of approaches of the Russian Federation, the United States and Germany towards recruitment of highly skilled migrants (2010–2016) . Conflict Studies / nota bene, 1, 11–31.
The subject of this research is the programs for attracting highly skilled workers in the United States, the Russian Federation, and Germany. The developed countries compete for such valuable and limited resource as highly skilled workforce. It is emphasized that the immigration system and the priority of highly skilled workers in migration flows contributes to the long-term rise in labor productivity, technological innovations, and entrepreneurial development. The currently implemented in the Russian Federation policy of recruiting highly skilled workers leans on the experience of countries that have already embarked on such programs of priority migration. Within the framework of comparative analysis of the category “highly skilled migrant” in the United States, the Russian Federation and Germany, the authors highlight their characteristic features of national approaches towards migration policy. The ambiguity of the term “highly skilled workforce” and national peculiarities of visa policy with regards to migrants are outlined. The need for highly skilled migrants is substantiated with consideration of the global and national factors. Over the period from 2010 to 2016, in the United States the number of H-1B visa applications has increased by 28%, the number of issued H-1B visas by 44%; Germany marks the increase in the number of highly skilled migrants by 8%; the approved visas for highly skilled workers in the Russian Federation amounts to 82%. The article systematizes the relevant methods of recruiting highly skilled specialists in the United States, the Russian Federation and Germany.
Russian Federation, USA, Germany, migration policies, human capital, human resource, highly-skilled migrant, visa, language test, qualifications
The role of Mass-Media and New media in conflict management
Luk'yanova, G.V., Martyanov, D. (2022). Spontaneous vigilantism and conflictogenic potential of the everyday Internet discourse . Conflict Studies / nota bene, 1, 32–47.
This article discusses the conflictogenic potential of spontaneous vigilantism in third spaces. Vigilantism is associated with usurpation of the function of justice by unauthorized persons. Vigilantism can be institutionalized and spontaneous, which is related to disorganized participation of individuals in penalizing the violators of social norms. In the conditions of post-truth, the important role in the formation of vigilant discourse is played by the environments of everyday communication – the so-called third spaces. In the context of third spaces, communication is realized beyond the institutional field, i.e. political parties and social movements. Besides the interpersonal relations, the discussion of crucial social issues also takes place in third spaces, which requires assessment from the perspective of its conflictogenic potential. The novelty of this article is determined by the relevant theoretical aspects – analysis of the phenomenon of post-truth, public sphere, echo chambers and third spaces, as well as the authorial empirical research dedicated to the content of messages in third spaces of the social network Vkontakte. The study of spontaneous vigilantism employs the range of posts from the online community “Overheard” in 15 megacities for the past two years. The quantitative and qualitative content analysis revealed the key topics with a vigilant problematic, which were assessed through the prism of conflictogenic potential. The conclusions is made on the contradictory nature of spontaneous vigilantism in the Russian third spaces.
post-truth, discourse, everyday discourse, social networks, vigilantes, conflict potential, third spaces, vigilantism, echo chamber, public sphere
Private military companies and the issue of the fight against mercenary employment
Sokolov, R., Rogozhina, E.M., Ryzhov, I. (2022). Technologies of functioning of the private military services market and features of Customer-Private Military Company interaction. Conflict Studies / nota bene, 1, 48–62.
The authors consider in detail the topic of the private military services market as a special system with a limited number of participants and extremely limited effect of market laws. Special attention is paid to the topic of the relationship between the customer and the contractor, as containing a counterintuitive problem - the desire of the contractor to maximize the customer's expenses and delay the implementation of the tasks set. Another contradiction is connected with this problem - the balance of control and efficiency, the study of which is also given in this paper. The authors consider the key features of the private military services market, the actors that operate on it, the mechanisms for regulating the activities of customers and performers, which, in essence, determine the contradictions that arise between them. A special contribution to the study of this problem by the authors is the consideration of Private military companies as an element of the private military services market. The market itself seems to the authors to be a source of key contradictions in the relationship between the principal and the agent in the implementation of military tasks. The authors reveal the system of interaction in the military services market by establishing the main influencing factors of both the external environment and the market's influence on the environment. For the first time, the interaction of the customer-PMCs within the framework of existing contracts is considered in detail, the interests of the parties and the mechanisms for their implementation are systematized. The authors consider two methods of solving already existing contradictions: the method of "strategic privatization" and the method of "deal with Faust". The authors have developed an original method of "controlled competition", which potentially solves a greater number of contractual contradictions.
international humanitarian law, Military services market, Israel, modern international relations, closed markets, USA, Germany, international security, international law, private military companies
Political administration and crisis management
Dianov, S.A., Poluyanova, O.G., Chegodaev, V.P. (2022). Geocultural branding as a tool for solving the crisis state of the socio-economic sphere of a rural settlement . Conflict Studies / nota bene, 1, 63–73.
In this article, geocultural branding of territories is considered in the context of the theory of political management, which can be used in solving the problems of the socio-economic sphere of rural settlement. In the scientific literature, insufficient attention is paid to the branding of Russian rural settlements. Individual stories can be found only in the publications of specialists in the field of marketing territories. According to the author's point of view, a progressive solution that allows creating conditions for sustainable socio-economic development in a rural settlement is the development and implementation of a geocultural branding strategy for the settlement. On the example of the village of Bard, a large rural settlement of the Perm Region, measures for the development of a geocultural strategy and brand are proposed. Among the image resources of the village, unique natural places, craft traditions, national ornaments, mythologems of the Tulva district, as well as art objects as an organic part of the public spaces of the settlement are singled out separately. The historical personality of the Tatar poet Gabdulla Tukai (the beginning of the XX century) is proposed as the "genius of the place". The geocultural brand "Barda ‒ mirror of the Perm land" was developed based on the poetic creativity of G. Tukai. Barda can really be considered a mirror of the Permian land. Good-neighborly relations between ethnic communities have historically developed here, religious tolerance has taken place in everyday life, traditional types of economy and life have developed. The concept of geocultural branding of territories was used as a methodological basis (D.N. Zamyatin).
creative action, creative industries, image resources, geocultural brand, geocultural potential, economic problems, crisis state, Perm Region, rural settlement, ethno-cultural community
The Sociology and Psychology of conflict
Neustroeva, A.B., Trofimov, A.L. (2022). Features and types of conflicts in preschool educational institutions of Yakutsk. Conflict Studies / nota bene, 1, 74–86.
The subject of the research in this article are the features, types and frequency of conflicts arising in preschool educational institutions (on the example of kindergartens in Yakutsk). Based on the conducted psychological tests and a sociological survey of kindergarten workers, the authors consider in detail such aspects of the topic as the causes and frequency of conflict situations in kindergartens, the varieties and specifics of conflicts, the dependence of the conflict of kindergarten workers on gender, age, level of education and work experience, position. Particular attention is paid to identifying the relationship between satisfaction with basic working conditions and the level of conflict in the team. The main conclusions of the study are the following: most conflicts in kindergartens arose between children, between parents and kindergarten; most employees faced conflict situations once every six months; among kindergarten employees, such a style of behavior in conflict as compromise prevails; 37% of the surveyed employees revealed a destructive type of behavior in a conflict situation; among women, the frequency of conflicts was higher than among men; among fully satisfied employees, the frequency of conflicts was lower than among dissatisfied employees; educators and teachers needed additional knowledge about effective conflict resolution among children, methods for identifying the causes of conflict between the child and parents.
competence, conflict, behavioral strategies, preschool educational institution, causes of conflicts, kindergarten, types of conflicts, job satisfaction, survey, conflictology