New challenges and security threats to modern countries
Khusainova, S. (2021). The specificity of Russia’s chairmanship of the Arctic Council in 2021–2023. Conflict Studies / nota bene, 4, 1–11.
The subject of this research is the policy of the Russian Federation in the Arctic. The object is Russia’s chairmanship of the Arctic Council in 2021–2023. The author meticulously analyzes the positions of the state, taking into account national interests and peculiarities of the current international situation in the region. The article examines the domestic legislative acts adopted for regulation of the Arctic Region, as well as international documents aimed at sustainable development of the North. The conditions of collective security dictate moderate and clearly defined policy in the Arctic, which is the central arena for political action with the leading role of the Russian Federation until 2023. The conclusion is drawn that the Arctic Region is currently the most relevant vector of the policy of northern states. Chairmanship of the Russian Federation imposes enormous responsibility on the country, as despite the overall state of security in the region, there remains a range of unresolved issues. The attempts of institutionalization of the Arctic Council may become an implicit threat for the Russian Federation; this is why the systematization of domestic legislation and foreign policy actions on maintaining the health of ecosystem, cultural heritage, and environmental policy have become the priority vectors in the first year of Russia’s chairmanship. The overall responsibility of the leading actor the Arctic does not exclude the existence of classic threats to the security of state’s sovereignty, which requires accurate planning in subsequent years of the chairmanship.
Russian Federation, sustainable development, ecosystem, institutionalization, national interest, northern countries, Arctic Council, Arctic, foreign policy, north
The philosophy of conflict
Nadtochii, I.O., Nikishin, S.V. (2021). Conflict between an individual and the state in the concept of Max Stirner . Conflict Studies / nota bene, 4, 12–23.
The subject of this research is the views of the German classical philosopher Max Stirner on the individual, society, and the state reflected in his flagship work “The Ego and Its Own”. The object of this research is the anarchism as a unique trend in the world political and philosophical thought. On the one hand, the author emphasize the determinedness of the ideas of German philosopher by the historical atmosphere of his time, while on the other – view anarchism as the doctrine with the equally long history in the world thought and practical implementation of the anarchist concepts. The focus of M. Stirner's ideas lies in the conflict between an individual and the state. The scientific novelty of this article consists in the analysis of the essential conceptual conflict, immanent to the history of mankind, which is the foundation for M. Stirner’s original concept of the relationship between an individual, the state, and surrounding world. The trueness of being in the concept of German philosopher is determined by the embodiment of the anthropocentric, or according to M. Stirner, the “egoistic” ontological ideal. The authors' special contribution consists in the analysis of views of M. Stirner, as well as in tracing correlation between the anarchist concepts and realization of the ideas of anarchism in one or another form. The authors show no reference to any value judgments related to this ideological phenomenon.
history, practice, concept, anarchism, ideology, idea, conflict, philosophy, politics, thought
The place and role of political conflict in modern political process
Gavrilov, S.D., Pankratov, S.A., Azizova, D.K. (2021). Conditions and technologies for minimization of protest activity of the Russian youth in the context of modern media discourse in digital environment . Conflict Studies / nota bene, 4, 24–34.
This article is dedicated to the analysis of protest activity of the Russian youth in the context of the institutionalization of the global digital politics. The contradictions existing in the Russian political system are viewed in the form of conflict, which determines the specificity of the reproduction of protest activity of the representatives of youth cohort. The ambiguities in implementation of state policy manifest as the trigger for the formation of protest activity, including mobilization of social activity of youth in constructive / destructive behavioral practices. Research methodology is comprised of the concept of social action in interpretation of M. Weber, T. Parsons, J. Habermas, as well as the theory of social changes developed by P. Sztompka, which allows relying on the thesis of the mutual interaction of structures in relation to the actors in terms of analysis of youth protest. Interpretation is given to the results of discourse analysis of political media texts on the Internet that was conducted by the authors. The scientific novelty consists in determination of the existing expert opinions on the conditions necessary for minimizing protest activity of the youth, as well as most widespread technologies used for their implementation. Of particular importance are the results of the original empirical study that allow interpreting the two positions, which reflect the opinion within the professional environment on the role of youth in protest movement of the Russian Federation, forming the so-called “ideological foundation” for further reasoning on the state and social activity related to protesting youth.
digital environment, media discourse, opposition to protest, internal political conflict, Russian youth, protest activity, political protest, government policy, public policy, public discussion
Conflict in organizations
Svinukhova, Y.N. (2021). The system of moral encouragement of personnel as the mechanism for improving labor efficiency and mitigating conflict manifestations in the sphere of social and labor relations (on the example of companies of the Republic of Bashkortostan) . Conflict Studies / nota bene, 4, 35–43.
One of the key tasks at the current stage of development of the Russian society and its regional communities lies on only in modification of labor capital for increasing its quantitative and qualitative parameters, but also in improving the quality of social and labor environment, which prompts more effective implementation of the available labor capital and rise in labor productivity. The development of the system of moral encouragement of personnel is viewed as the condition for improving the social and labor environment of the company and the criterion satisfaction with the work life. The subject of this research is the system of moral encouragement of personnel as the mechanism for improving the labor efficiency and mitigating conflict manifestations in the sphere of social and labor relations. The empirical analysis is based on the state statistical data, as well as the sociological survey conducted by the Sector of Socio-Political Research of the Institute for Social and Economic Research of Ufa Federal Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences in 2021 in the Republic of Bashkortostan. The article also employs secondary data analysis. The author substantiates the need for implementation in the companies of the Republic of Bashkortostan of the flexible system of moral encouragement based on the principle of “social cafeteria” and differentiated mechanisms considering the social characteristics of employees (men, women, and employees with family responsibilities). It is revealed that the clash of career and family is one of the most relevant spheres of the emergence of tension and conflict in modern labor collectives regardless of the field of employment. Description is given to the relevant measures of moral encouragement of personnel, which imply the broadening of options to combine work with family and parenting responsibilities.
flexible incentive system, non-material incentives, material incentives, labor efficiency, labor incentives, quality of working life, social and labor environment, labor capital, social and labor relations, conflict field
Topical issues and vectors for modern conflict resolution studies development
Bulatov, G.I., Abdalla Bashir, K., Khalil' Khussian, M. (2021). Problems and prospects of evolution of the relations between Germany and Turkey . Conflict Studies / nota bene, 4, 44–55.
This article analyzes the concerns and prospects for the development of relations between Turkey and Germany based on the historical method and event study. The relevance of this topic lies in the fact that at the in the context of transition of the global political system from bilateral to multilateral model of world political landscape, Turkey’s political interests are focused on becoming one of the dominants in the Caucasus-Black Sea-Mediterranean region. The article discusses the complicated relations between Germany and Turkey. Special attention is given to the domestic political agenda of the two countries, their bilateral relations, as well as relations with the European Union. Various political parties in Germany, their outlook upon Germany-Turkey and EU-Turkey relations, positioning on the German Turks, and policy of the German governments are described from the perspective of historical approach to shed light on the key aspects of their attitude towards the “Turkish issue”. The article outlines the trends and prospects for the evolution of Germany-Turkey relations at the current stage of development of the world political-economic system. The conducted analysis relies on the authorial fundamental works, scientific publications, and historical documents on the history of Germany-Turkey relations. Using the three-tier analysis of bilateral visits of the representatives of both countries over the period from 2014 to 2020, the author places emphasis on the domestic political agenda of the two countries, bilateral relations between them, as well as their relations with the European Union.
Bilateral relations, Mutual cooperation, Relations, Interests, Politics, Germany, Turkey, Foreign policy, UN, Analysis
Topical issues and vectors for modern conflict resolution studies development
Echimovich, M., Danilov, V.A., Mardonova, Z.F., Karpukhin, M.K. (2021). Evolution of foreign policy priorities of the Western Balkan countries in the context of their European and Euro-Atlantic . Conflict Studies / nota bene, 4, 56–70.
This article traces the evolution of foreign policy priorities of the Western Balkan countries in the context of their European and Euro-Atlantic integration over the period from the mid-1990s to 2020. The key goal lies in the analysis of formation and development of the European and Euro-Atlantic vectors in foreign policy of the Western Balkans. The relevance of the selected topic is defined by fact that all Western Balkan countries are somehow involved in the European and Euro-Atlantic integration processes, which prompts transformations in their home and foreign policy. In post-Cold War era, the Western Balkans depart from their foreign policy course, which they have followed since the end of the World War II. The conflicts that were related to dissolution of Yugoslavia underline the expansion of influence of the North Atlantic Alliance as the major “peacekeeper”, and the European Union, which took on the role of post-conflict settlement. In the under their influence. Tracing the evolution of foreign policy priorities of the Western Balkans within the framework of their European and Euro-Atlantic integration defines the scientific novelty of this research. The acquired conclusions can be implemented in theoretical and practical activity. The article explores the regional initiatives of NATO and EU, which were aimed at stabilization of the Western Balkan region through transformation of state and social institutions, development of interstate cooperation, and involvement in regional integration processes. For determination of the role of the European Union and NATO in foreign policy of the Western Balkans, the author analyzed the doctrinal documents of the Western Balkan countries, which highlighted the priority of European and Euro-Atlantic vector.
Albania, NATO enlargement, EU integration policy, NATO, European Union, Western Balkans, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Serbia, Montenegro
Political conflicts in global politics and international relations
Novoseltsev, S.V., Ryzhov, I.V. (2021). Foreign policy priorities of the United States in Asia-Pacific: impact of the concepts “Pivot to Asia” and “America First”. Conflict Studies / nota bene, 4, 71–80.
This article analyzes the influence of the United States upon the political processes in APAC based on the example of territorial disputes in the South China Sea. An overview is given to the foreign policy concepts “Pivot to Asia” and “America First” proposed by the administrations of B. Obama and D. Trump respectively, the priorities outlined therein, as well as importance of the conflict in the South China Sea for the US foreign policy. The author examines the practical steps taken by Washington in relation to the South China Sea question, as well as concludes on the objectives of the United States and possible steps in this direction. Although the theme of territorial disputes in the South China Sea, including the degree of involvement of Washington into this issue, as well as other East Asian affairs, is quite popular in the scientific works, the novelty of this research consists in the innovative approach towards consideration of the conflict in the South China Sea not as a separate problem of international relations, but as the foreign policy instrument of superpower and regional powers (including the United States) used for formatting the East Asian regional subsystem of international relations and structuring the Greater East Asia macroregion to their benefit.
China, pivot to Asia, Asia-Pacific region, foreign policy concepts, territorial disputes, conflict, South China Sea, USA, Barack Obama, Donald Trump
Topical issues and vectors for modern conflict resolution studies development
Zastavenko, V.A. (2021). Communicative space of the conflict: theoretical analysis . Conflict Studies / nota bene, 4, 81–95.
Communicative space of the conflict is the phenomenon that objectively exists, but has yet to be comprehensively studied. Analysis is usually conducted on the conflict communications, without taking into account the entirety of interactions and mutual influence with the social and psychological factors that largely determine the content and nature of the course of such communications. The subject of this article is communicative space of the conflict as a systemic phenomenon. The goal lies in defining communicative space of the conflict, revealing its main essential characteristics, thereby creating the pretext for scientific discussion, which would be the first step towards introduction of this concept into the scientific discourse of conflictology. Methodological framework is comprised of the systemic approach towards the interpretation of communications and communicative space of the conflict. The scientific novelty lies in the fact that leaning on the approaches established in linguistics, communicology and psychology, the author gives definition to the concept, its essential characteristics and structure of communicative space of the conflict, as well as outlines its role in the emergence and course of the conflict interaction. The representation on communicative space of the conflict is formulated in unity of its three facers: social-communicative, communicative-discursive, and psychological-communicative. The article reveals the semantic characteristics of these aspects, as well as their place within the system of communicative space of the conflict. The results acquired results can be valuable in studying such important issue as the information approach in conflict.
communicative and discursive space, social and communicative space, information model of conflict, information space, communicative space of conflict, communicative space, communication in conflict, conflict, psychological and communicative space, communicative processes