International conflicts
Bykova, E.A., Gridneva, A.O. (2021). The Yugoslav factor in the Hungarian Revolution of 1956 and its impact upon Yugoslav-Soviet relations. Conflict Studies / nota bene, 1, 1–12.
This article is dedicated to the process of normalization of Yugoslav-Soviet relations, which took place on the background of the Hungarian Revolution of 1956. The goal consists in identification of causes for the absence of strong negative influence of the Yugoslav factor in the Hungarian events upon the relations between the Soviet Union and the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. Using the analysis of a wide array of sources and systematic consideration of the international situation that formed in 1956, the authors characterize the dynamics and vector of Yugoslav-Soviet relations during this period, determine the degree of impact of the Yugoslav factor in all its manifestations upon the development of Hungarian events, as well as trace the influence of the Hungarian Revolution upon Yugoslav-Soviet relations. The scientific novelty of this research consists in the analysis of direct and indirect participation of Yugoslavia in the conflict, which has been traditionally regarded as the conflict between the Soviet Union and Hungary alone. The conclusion is made that in 1956, the Soviet Union sought to unite the socialist countries on the background of tense foreign policy situation, trying to overcome the consequences of the conflict of 1948 and “attach” Yugoslavia to the bloc. Despite the fact that such intentions were jeopardized by the events of 1956 due to a range of controversial steps taken by Belgrade, Moscow did not immediately turn to public criticism of the Yugoslavs, as the mutual cooperation between the two countries was rather advantageous that the return to the situation of 1948 – 1953.
the Cold War, Nikita Khrushchev, Josip Broz Tito, Soviet-Yugoslav relations, Hungarian revolution, Hungary, Yugoslavia, USSR, international relations, the socialist camp
Conflict in federate states
Shakali, S. (2021). Iraqi Kurds as a political subject: history and modernity . Conflict Studies / nota bene, 1, 13–22.
This research is dedicated to examination of the relationship between the Kurdish Autonomous Region of Iraq and the central government in Baghdad. The article provides a brief overview of the history of acquisition of autonomy by the Kurds as an Iraqi region in the end of the XX century; as well as describes the ongoing contradictions from the perspective of law (the Constitution of Iraq of 2005). The novelty of this research is defined by the use of foreign sources. The theoretical framework for the case under review is the so-called “paradox of federalism”, which suggests the pursuit of the autonomous regions of extensive autonomy. The conclusion is made that on the one hand, the leadership of the Kurdish Autonomous Region does not give up its ambitions to acquire full autonomy; first and foremost, this is reflected in holding the independence referendum on 25 September 2017; the conflict between the leadership of the Kurdish Autonomous Region of Iraq and Baghdad on the issue of the conclusion of contracts with foreign companies for the production of hydrocarbons, can be regarded as another testimony. However, on the other hand, in conducting an independent policy, Kurdish leadership faces insurmountable resistance from the central government and international community, who refused to recognize the results of the referendum. Baghdad still has the tools for controlling economy of the autonomy.
Internal policy, Kurdish Regional Government, Referendum, Constitution, the Kurds, Iraq, the Middle East, Autonomy, Federalism, Central government
Conflict in international economic relations
Brambila Martinez, F. (2021). Sino-Russian relations as a deterrent factor of the G2 conflict: prospects and policy recommendations. Conflict Studies / nota bene, 1, 23–34.
This examines promising directions in Sino-Russian cooperation as a deterrent factor of multidimensional confrontation in the G2 format. The subject of this research is modern and advanced mechanisms of cooperation of geostrategic importance between the two countries, adapted to the global requirements. The goal of this work consists in the review of the common pursuit of the nations for more equal distribution of global power in the aftermath of American hegemony as a result of global trade. The emergence of new regional actors and their ability to operate on the global level and beyond the ideological constraints is analyzed through the United States-China relations, promising trade agreements of China with the European Union and Russia. The author considers the existing hypothesis on the prospects of concentration of regional power and emergence of new actors. The modern forecasts regarding the future of Sino-Russian cooperation are compared with geostrategic approach on the basis of the national interest and sovereignty of the countries in the absence of sound ideology for the purpose of conceptualization of future scenarios and mechanisms for prevention and settlement of conflicts. In conclusion, the author underlines the common pursuit of Sino-Russian cooperation for achieving the objectives of geostrategic nature, which constitutes the dynamic foundation for more equal distribution of world power. This article provides an actual approach towards future globalization scenarios, which would assist to prevent and resolve the conflicts using innovative models of international cooperation in the globalized region.
International Cooperation, Conflict, Globalization, European Union, United States, China, Russia, G2 Format, Geostrategic Policies, Regional Actors
Political administration and crisis management
Ivanov, A.A. (2021). The European system of military and political decision-making: problems of establishment. Conflict Studies / nota bene, 1, 35–42.
Today’s multipolar world, one can observe how different countries with different degree of agency on the international arena, seek to be actively involved in the development of recommendations for settling the existing crises, and pursue their foreign policy based on the own resources and national interests. This naturally results in complication of the system of international relations and makes it extremely difficult for its leading actors to make adequate decisions. The fact that the modern “world powers” have fundamentally different socioeconomic and political structure, aggravates the situation even more. Different values, principles of economic management, attitudes towards the role of the key social institutions and elements of the political system impede constructive communication between the states. Despite the efforts of many politicians, Europe is yet to reach cultural and political unity. The EU member-states have strong differences with regards to domestic and foreign policy; and some states continue to seek solutions to the existing crises, guided by their own principles of effective management. This defines the relevance of outlining the prospects for the convergence of national systems of political decision-making, since the discrepancy in this sphere increases distrust among the countries, parties and government leaders, as well as creates the background for various abusive activities.
convergence, European Union, decision making, security, crisis, conflict, consensus, political elite, pluralism, democracy
The Sociology and Psychology of conflict
Kutumova, A.K., Neustroeva, A.B. (2021). The factors of conflictogenity of student environment of the Sakha Republic (Yakutia) . Conflict Studies / nota bene, 1, 43–53.
This article determines the factors of conflictogenity of student environment in the Sakha Republic (Yakutia). The student environment is permeated with a lot of conflictogenic factors and tensions that need to be managed and reduced to an acceptable level. The key research methods involve sociological surveys conducted among university students and students of the specialized secondary educational establishments in the Sakha Republic (Yakutia). The authors explore the concept of “conflictogenity” and ”conflictogenic factor”, and analyze the demographic characteristics of student youth in the region. The article reveals the current social problems of student community, determines the external and internal conflictogenic factors faced by modern student youth, describes the behavioral tactics of students in conflict situations, and gives subjective assessments to the level of conflictogenity among students. It is noted that the level of conflictogenity of student environment is affected by objective and subjective factors, social risks and problems. As a result, the author identifies that not owning a place to live, unemployment, and financial issues are the most pressing social problems of students. In a conflict situation, most students try to follow the tactics of compromise and cooperation. The authors reveal the differences in the behavior and assessments of respondents depending on such socio-demographic characteristics as gender, age, year of study, family status, and place of residence. The article makes recommendations on reduction of the potential of conflictogenic factors and improvement of student’s situation in the region.
conflictogen, conflict, causes of conflict, youth, students, factors, conflictogenicity, opinion poll, conflict situation, tactics of behavior