Topical issues and vectors for modern conflict resolution studies development
Gorbachev, M.V. (2020). Problems and prospects of MERCOSUR as a civilizational political project of South America. Conflict Studies / nota bene, 3, 1–8.
This article discusses the political projects of civilizational level, which are designed and implemented in South America. The author examines MERCOSUR as the largest regional civilizational political project, its sociocultural foundation and institutional superstructure; functionality of the “core state” in formation and maintenance of the South American civilizational political project; problems of development and future implementation. The article reveals conflict potential of MERCOSUR, as well as sociocultural capabilities for its overcoming by the “core state” of the project. The research was conducted via application of civilizational-project methodology of interpretation of policy, which is based on methodological synthesis of the principles of project approach with provisions of the theory of civilizations. The author was able to determine the value grounds of MERCOSUR, which comprise its sociocultural foundation; identify the countries competing for status of the “core state” within the framework of this project. The nature of commonality between the key participants of the projects is identified. Problems and prospect of further development of MERCOSUR civilizational projects are defined.
project structure, project participant, core state, South America, civilizational political design, civilizational political project, Southern common market, civilizational and project methodology, theory of civilizations, project approach
Classification and typology of modern conflicts
Gorbachev, M.V., Dibrov, E.A. (2020). Information space of military-political conflicts in Donetsk and Luhansk through the prism of modern Ukrainian cinematography. Conflict Studies / nota bene, 3, 9–15.
This article is dedicated to the analysis of information space of the zone of military-political conflicts in Donetsk and Luhansk. The authors shift away from the traditional models and patterns of its explanation, which relate to examination of databases, their maintenance technologies and application mechanism, information systems, and information needs of the information environment. Structural and content analysis of modern Ukrainian cinematography, which reflects the key components of information space of the zone of military-political conflicts in Donetsk and Luhansk is proposed as an alternative explanatory model. In accordance with the substantiated criteria, the author selected the film footages for further examination. Research methodology is based on the content analysis and intent analysis for interpretation of the content and focus of dialogues of the core storylines. Additional methods include the models of comparative analysis of film plots, narrative analysis of film micro-plots, and ideological assessment of films. As a result of the conducted research, the author determined the mechanisms of binary structuring of information space of the zone of military-political conflicts, as well as techniques and methods used for implementation of these mechanisms. The peculiarities of “distortion” of information space of the zone of military-political conflicts are described. Techniques of the film director that comprise the backbone of strategies for positioning information space of the zone of military-political conflicts in modern Ukrainian cinematography are explored. The author is first to analyze the films of modern Ukrainian cinematography regarding the positioning of information space of the zones of military-political conflict in Donetsk and Luhansk.
scripts of movies, plots of movies, political communication, binary promotion, information wars, information policy, distortion of information field, information field, director's receptions, military and political conflicts
Political conflicts in global politics and international relations
Alekseev, N.N., Babirov, I.M. (2020). Azerbaijan-Iran relations: transformation of Azerbaijan's foreign policy during presidency of I. G. Aliyev . Conflict Studies / nota bene, 3, 16–28.
This article explores the questions related to the current relations between Azerbaijan and Iran, namely vectors of development and milestones over the period from 2000 to 2020. Analysis is conducted on the contradictory positions and most favorable spheres for cooperation. An attempt is made to answer the question, why the promising relations between Baku and Teheran transitioned into a moderately tense state, and what factors influenced this process. Special attention is given to the process of harmonization of relations between the countries at the time of coming to power of the President of Azerbaijan I. G. Aliyev. Based on the acquired results, the authors came to the conclusion that the relations between Azerbaijan and Iran have high potential, first and foremost due to cultural and historical commonality of the nations. At the same time, the conducted research demonstrates profound systemic contradictions that impede achieving potential in development of bilateral relations between Azerbaijan and Iran. Such contradictions may constitute a threat to the regional international relations and often involve other countries (USA, Israel, Turkey, Russia, and Armenia). The novelty this work consists in comprehensive analysis of key events in the history of modern Azerbaijan-Iran bilateral relations, as well as transformation of foreign policy vectors of the countries, namely in the conditions of coming to power of the President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev.
Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, international cooperation, Caspian sea, Ilham Heydar oglu Aliyev, international relations, South Caucasus, Azerbaijan–Iran relations, Iran, Azerbaijan, Iranian nuclear deal
International security and political stability management
Kornilova, K.A. (2020). The activity of German law enforcement authorities in resolving the problem of political stability: counterterrorism aspects (2013-2018) . Conflict Studies / nota bene, 3, 29–42.
This article examines the counterterrorism policy of Germany during the third term of Angela Merkel, when the spread of terrorist threat in the territory of Germany has increased. The subject of this research is the activity of law enforcement authorities in development and implementation of German counterterrorism policy strategy, which include preemptive and prevention measures, forcible methods, and share of intelligence between the departments. The goal of this work consists in analysis and assessment of the achievements and failures of counterterrorism policy of Germany. Neorealism served as the key approach used in the course of this research. The conclusion is made that successfully consolidated activity of Merkel’s government and law enforcement authorities led to decrease in the number of terrorist attacks and strengthening of political stability in Germany. For indicating achievements and problematic aspects of German counterterrorism activity during the indicated period, the author translated from German the reports of law enforcement authorities on the instances of violence and prevented terrorist attacks, as well as mass media materials testifying to successful prevention of terrorist attacks. The acquired materials can be valuable in teaching corresponding disciplines and within the framework of scientific research.
counterterrorism operations, departments, counterterrorism policy, terrorist attacks, terrorism, security, state, FRG, security policy, extremism
The political aspects of international war on terror and political extremism
Nesterov, D.A. (2020). Warfare against terrorism and colonial experience of European powers in the expert opinions of RAND Corporation . Conflict Studies / nota bene, 3, 43–50.
The subject of this research is the expert opinions of RAND Corporation prepared during the warfare against terrorism. Their characteristic feature consists in reference to the colonial experience of the leading European powers in counter-insurgency. Special attention is given to the analysis of two vectors in the activity RAND Corporation: publication of the articles of 1960s-1970s dedicated to the problems of anti-insurrection and adaptation of the colonial experience of counter-insurgency activity to the new conditions of warfare against terrorism in the Near and Middle East. The selected methodology demonstrates how the leading powers perceive the role of colonial knowledge in ensuring domestic security in the “third world” countries (it refers to the lessons of history analyzed on the expert level within the framework of historical modeling of asymmetric conflicts). The conclusion is made that the expert opinions of RAND Corporation virtually resemble the key expert opinions of the time of Vietnam War, but adjusted them to the current conditions of warfare against terrorism. The aforementioned works were rather used for justification of the decisions of political and military elites, and clarification of the context and origins of the new American anti-insurrection doctrine to mainstream audience, as well as to the U. S. officials and commanders inexperienced in subjection of the rebels.
David Galula, Afghanistan, Iraq, counterinsurgency, colonial experience, RAND Corporation, War on Terror, asymmetric conflict, rebellion, terrorism
Political manipulation and reflexive control
Nikolaev, I.V. (2020). Discursive loyalty in the conditions of centralization of power in Russia: nature and typology of the phenomenon. Conflict Studies / nota bene, 3, 51–62.
This article raises a problem of existence of the verbal political symbols of autocratic discourse in public space. The hypothesis is advanced that in the conditions of centralization of the Russian political system, forms a specific type of discursive loyalty, interpreted as communicative behavior within the framework of the structure of verbal political symbols set by the official political discourse. The object of this research is the Russian sociopolitical discourse of Russia in the early XXI century. The subject is the instruments of manifestation of discursive loyalty used by public actors. Special attention is turned to the public attitude on verbal symbols of the country’s leader, political parties and bureaucracy in the conditions of centralization and personification of power over the period from 2000 to the present. An attempt is made to formulate the typology of discursive loyalty based on the components of perception of political symbols indicated by R. Cobb and C. Elder. Three basic types of discursive loyalty are defined depending on the dominance of separate components in perception: 1) affective, based on emotional empathy with the content of the discourse of power and its source; 2) cognitive, based on recognition of the relevance of verbal symbols of the discourse of power; 3) analytical, based on rational choice of the verbal symbols of power upon availability of the alternative or evasive option. Types of loyalty are illustrated by examples of discursive behavior of the subjects of civil society of the early XXI century – presidency and prime-ministry of V. V. Putin, whose personal influence actualized the affective type of loyalty, and the results of transformation of the political system led to proliferation of analytical type of loyalty. The author believes that the prevalence of analytical type of discursive loyalty is dangerous for the political system, due to its simulated nature, which creates an illusion of public support.
components of perception of the symbol, verbal political symbol, centralization of power, discourse of government, public discourse, discursive loyalty, political loyalty, manipulation, politics, authority