Topical issues and vectors for modern conflict resolution studies development
Esiev, E.T. (2019). Conflict in the Syrian Arab Republic. The danger of a collapse of Syrian State as a global threat to perseveration of world order. Conflict Studies / nota bene, 3, 1–8.
The subject of this research is the potential collapse of the Syrian Arab Republic. The article examines the question on possibility of collapse of the Syrian Arab Republic and emergence of the new state entities on its territory; as well as analyzes the parties interested in collapse of the powers inside and outside the country. The author describes and explains the positions of actors directly or indirectly involved in the conflict. Such approach allows clearly understanding tasks and objectives of these countries, as well as forecasting their future actions. The article also considers the possible implications of such phenomenon as the collapse of the Syrian Arab Republic. The scientific novelty consists in the analysis of all actors involved in the conflict, determining their positions, interests, and consequences caused by collapse of the Syrian Arab Republic for each of the countries, as well as forecast of their future actions. It is concluded that collapse of the Syrian Arab Republic currently benefits only some of powers involved, though they will be affected by the subsequent negative consequences of the collapse of the Syrian State. The analysis of crisis situation in the Syrian Arab Republic demonstrates the scenario of Syrian collapse is plausible, however the odds of it happening are rather insignificant.
Russia, USA, Syrian opposition, Kurdistan, Collapse of Syria, Separatism, Syria, Israel, Turkey, Saudi Arabia
Theory, history and methodology of conflict resolution
Babich, I.L. (2019). The concept of peacekeeping in North Caucasian legal heritage: theory and practice in a historical perspective. Conflict Studies / nota bene, 3, 9–23.
This article examines the customary law of the North Caucasus peoples, which had emerged in the distant past and partially remains in the current legal consciousness and legal practice of highlanders of the region. As the subject of research, customary law, includes studying the primary and secondary conflicts, bases of conciliatory procedures, practice of blood vengeance as one of the scenarios of evolution of the primary conflicts into secondary, etc. In the course of studying the highlanders' adat, the author answers the question on the role of legal heritage in the modern legal practice and theory of law. The article is prepared on the basis of the collected by the author field ethnographic materials in the number of North Caucasus republics – Kabardino-Balkaria, Karachay-Cherkessia, Adygea, North Ossetia; as well as the materials on Ingushetia, obtained by other researchers. Using the methods of historical reconstruction and historical analysis, the author examined the problem of the emergence and development of the highlanders’ adat. The conclusion is made that up until now, the legal culture of North Caucasus peoples is not anachronism. The norms of adat successful “work” in the cases when it is possible. Legal heritage of the highlanders, aimed at settlement of conflicts in the communities, is the ultimate achievement of North Caucasian culture, and may be viewed not only as an element of the past, but also a part of modern and even future cultural field of the region. With regards to Northern Caucasus, we can speak to application of certain legal pluralism.
Islam, blood vengeance, customary law, peoples of the North Caucasus, customary law, reconciliation, conflicts, Russia, national movements, mediators
Evolution of modern conflicts
Vnukova, L. (2019). Public opinion of the Russians and Ukrainians on the War in Donbass in the context of V. V. Putin’s decree on a simplified procedure for granting Russian citizenship . Conflict Studies / nota bene, 3, 24–32.
This article is dedicated to the examination of public opinion of the Russians and Ukrainians regarding the ongoing armed conflict in the Donbass Region in the context of the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation on the simplified procedure for obtaining Russian citizenship for residents of the unrecognized Donetsk People's Republic and Luhansk People's Republic. The author also analyzes the reflection of this political decision in the Ukraine’s media space. For more than five years, the negative image of Russia is consensual in the Ukrainian mass media; however, there is a trend of improving attitude of Ukrainians towards Russians after a sharp decline 2014-2015. For substantiation of the proposed theses, the author uses the data of the Russian and Ukrainian sociological surveys, as well as instruments of the monitoring systems “Medialogy”. Public opinion among the Ukrainians directly depends on place of residence of the respondents: for example, almost three fourth of Donbass population have a positive attitude towards Russia against just a quarter in the west of the country. Same pattern is traced with regards to the War in Donbass and possible ways for its settlement – the closer to the epicenter of conflict, the lesser people approve the hostilities. The great majority of Russians support the President’s decision on the simplified procedure for obtaining Russian citizenship. The author underlines the direct dependence of the fluctuations in public opinion on the presence or absence of massive propaganda in mass media. The scientific novelty of this article consists in examination of the relevant questions using the most recent data from various sources.
conflict in the Donbas, opinion polls, public sentiment, Donetsk People's Republic, Ukraine, Russia, issuance of Russian passports, Donbas, news analysis, passport system
Evolution of modern conflicts
Khalitova, A. (2019). Military aspects of French policy in Africa during the presidency of N. Sarkozy and F. Hollande (2007-2017). Conflict Studies / nota bene, 3, 33–44.
The subject of this research is the military aspects of French policy in the African continent during the presidency of N. Sarkozy and F. Hollande (2007-2017). Both politicians adhered to the concept proposed by J. Chirac in the early 2000’s on least intervening in the internal conflicts and more open cooperation with foreign countries in the area of defense and security. This discourse changes the vector of French military operations, turning them to a nominal “attribute” of peacekeeping missions of the UN and regional organizations. The reporting period also marks the development of cooperation with the countries of the continent in the area of counterterrorism. The author applies the method of comparative analysis; as well as examines the major military operations initiated by the governments of N. Sarkozy and F. Hollande in Africa. The conclusion is made that the military component remained the primary guarantor of French dominance in the continent. Multiple experts consider such approach as following “double standards”, and even continuation of the practices of neocolonialism. However, the author believes that refraining from military intervention in Africa, could lead Parish to a full or partial loss of the political and economic leverage in the continent, namely due to the changing geopolitical landscape in the region – increase of terrorist threat and spread of asymmetrical conflicts.
peacebuilding operations, asymmetric conflicts, hard power, Francois Hollande, Nicolas Sarkozy, Africa, French policy, neocolonialism, humanitarian intervention, terrorism
Clash of civilizations
Grachev, B. (2019). The conflicts of civilizational projects in the territory of Near East. Conflict Studies / nota bene, 3, 45–56.
The subject of this research is the Near East as a conflictogenic territory – the region that reveals confrontation with the Western civilization, as well as having a cascade of internal contradictions. The author explores the attempts of establishing the Western democratic structure in the countries of the region, and analyzes the results of such attempts. Particular attention is dedicated to determination of civilizational characteristics of the regions and their manifestations in political process and historical retrospective. The article provides examples demonstrating the emergence of the unique models of sociopolitical order as a response to political and economic influence of the West. The author considers the experience of Iran, Libya and Tunis, analyzes the positions of terrorist organizations, and gives assessment for the prospects of creation of Caliphate. The author’s special contribution consists in description of response of a number of Near East countries to the cultural and economic expansion of the West, taking into account a difficult and mosaic from the civilizational and political perspectives public method of its organization. The research reflects the evolution of ideological grounds of the unity of Near East countries, as well as reviews the strong and weak aspects of the various social models emerging in the region.
Arab socialism, Panarabism, Civilizational alternative, Islam civilization, Midde East, East-West confrontation, Civilization project, Iran state model, Libia military conflict, Cnfrontation