Topical issues and vectors for modern conflict resolution studies development
Goncharov, V.V. (2018). Civil control in Russian Federation as a tool for social tension growth prevention (constitutional and legal analysis). Conflict Studies / nota bene, 4, 1–6.
This article is focused on studying the institute of civil control in Russian Federation as a tool for social tension growth prevention. The author believes that this institute of the civil society plays an important role in preventing the growth of social tension in the society due to the fact that it represents one of the major safeguards for the constitutional and legal principles democracy and citizen's ability to participate in state management, and acts as the main safeguard for Russian citizens and their associations to realize their rights, civil liberties and legal interests. The study uses a number of research methods, including formal and legal, comparative and legal, historical, classification, generalization, analysis. The author substantiates their position regarding the evident issues in existing legislature, related to the use of civil control in Russian Federation as a tool for social tension growth prevention. This study contains proposals for potential resolution of issues regarding civil control in Russian Federation as a tool of prevention of social tensions (by introducing changes to existing legislation).
society, social tension, growth prevention, tool, Russian Federation, public control, constitutional and legal, analysis, institution, democracy
International conflicts
Orlov, A.A. (2018). The 1812-1814 conflict in Europe (A.N.Popov, historian, on the German vector of Russian foreign politics in 1812). Conflict Studies / nota bene, 4, 7–19.
The subject of this study is the diplomatic background of the European 1812-1814 conflict. The goal of this work is to reveal how the Russian Emperor Alexander I, facing a seemingly impossible situation, managed to establish relations with Stockholm and Constantinople, protecting his Empire from the north and the south before the war of 1812. On the other hand, it is also necessary to discuss the reasons that lead to the failure to prevent the March, 1812 treaties between France, Prussia and Austria which were disadvantageous for Russia. For this purpose it is fruitful to turn to the studies of A.N.Popov, a prominent Russian historian of the late XIX century. Using the method of historical and psychological research, the author draws attention to the reconstruction of ideas, goals and motives of the main actors. The novelty of this research is based on the historical and psychological substantiation of the actions of Napoleon's and Alexander I instead of explaining their policies by a vulgar need to outsmart each other, or to claim a territory. The main conclusion is that Napoleon, facing a difficult situation as the continental blockade of Great Britain started to fail, could not, or did not want to go on using politics and economy, turning to the methods of using military force, well-tested in the 1789-1799's French Revolution. Alexander I responded using diplomatic maneuvers, but later responded with overt resistance, turning Napoleon's weapon against himself, using French Revolution’s rhetoric empathizing the justice of fighting for freedom and independence.
Alexander Nikolaevich Popov, Napoleonic wars, Napoleon I, Alexander I, diplomatic history of Europe, Russia, France, Great Britain, Prussia, Austria
The place and role of political conflict in modern political process
Ryabchenko, A.I. (2018). Social crisis as a driver for the developing democracy. Conflict Studies / nota bene, 4, 20–25.
The subject of this article is social conflict, the ways of its development and possible consequences. Defining social conflict as the apex of a contradictions' development in relations between people, groups, etc., it is possible to reveal its negative and possible beneficial effects. The democratic regime determines the specific ways of organizing social relations dominant in such states. The set of rights and civil liberties are inherent in democratic states, and in fact, makes it possible to expand the range of conflict situations and increase of rivalry. Therefore, the standing challenge is to achieve the level of the conflict control management which allows to maximize probability of beneficial outcomes.The chief research method of this study is content analysis. Also, the author employed method of induction in his process of thought. The constant presence of social conflicts is an indisputable fact of social life. With the development of democratic mechanisms and the emergence of an increasing number of civil institutions, the involvement of society in political processes is increasing in proportion to the growing conflict in such societies. Therefore, it becomes possible to trace a certain correlation between the said factors. In this regard, the most pressing issue is to narrow down a suitable format for the regulation of social conflicts, which allows a democratic state to reap the greatest benefits from those events. The search for this type of successful conflict control management format within the democratized state constitutes the scientific novelty of this theoretical work.
conflict management, e-democracy, democratic institutes, communication, civil activity, social development, information, democracy, social crisis, social change
Conflict management: paradigms, models and technologies
Gryaznova, E.V., Afanas'ev, S.V. (2018). To the issue of global management on the background of growth of social conflict intensity . Conflict Studies / nota bene, 4, 26–31.
As globalization marches, transformations of social space occur in both, the global society and separate countries alike. This study views globalization as a factor of social conflict growth, and one of the major sources of growth of tensions between the parties of modern civilization. The authors focus attention on numerous aspects of the issue, such as economic development disparity between countries, intercultural, inter-ethnic conflicts on numerous levels of social space. The chief methods of study include analysis of academic studies on the issue, as well as the methods of comparison and generalization. The analysis performed by the authors revealed that the reasons of social conflict lie in the nature of the society and ensure its development. However, the process of globalization may catalyze the so-called primary conflicts till they reach catastrophic scale, becoming unmanageable by any single social subject. Being the source of social conflict, globalization reveals the need for change in the system of management which must be able to control the level of social tension and efficiently handle its negative consequences.
economic globalization, information globalization, selfgovernment, management, social inequality, social conflict, globalization, global governance, social tension, economic competition
Prevention of conflict
Averina, K.N. (2018). The correlation between self-assessment and behavior styles conflict situations of men and women in early adulthood. Conflict Studies / nota bene, 4, 32–41.
The subject of this study are the styles of individual behavior in a conflict situation, self-esteem and its correlation with behavior as typically seen for men and women in early adulthood. The author closely examines the phenomenon of self-esteem as the individual's evaluation of themselves, their capabilities, qualities and their position among other people. The author provides a reasoning for the importance of studying self-esteem in men and women in early adulthood, which has traditionally been defined to the age of 20 to 40 years old. The study results presented can be used in psychologist practice and professional training for counseling male and female clients of early adult age in order to improve their competence in conflict situations, as well as to develop special training courses for psychologists, lawyers, sociologists, state civil servants. The study is based on theoretical and empirical research methods, including survey and analysis, which involves theoretical analysis of psychological studies on the studied phenomena, as well as testing, quantitative and qualitative methods for processing study results, statistical analysis of the data acquired. The methods of statistical processing of information include descriptive statistics (average values count), calculation of significance for criteria of difference using the φ - criterion (Fischer angular transformation) and correlation study using Spearman's rank correlation method. The novelty of the study is based on the need to provide solutions for the prevention and management of conflict behavior of adults that dictates the necessity for a comprehensive study of personality determinants of human behavior in the conflict since the topic of the correlation between self-esteem and personality styles of behavior in a conflict situation is mainly studied in developmental psychology from the perspective of self-esteem of children and adolescents. The author, based to the results of the study, concludes that the behavior of the person in conflict is driven by psychological factors, self-esteem, in particular. Therefore, the formation of proper self-assessment, increasing a low self-esteem, and, on the other hand, lowering it, if over-inflated, will contribute to building a more productive interpersonal interactions. The formation of a new model of behavior, the resolution of interpersonal problems requires a lot of effort and time for both, psychologist, and at the client. Individual counseling, employment training in groups (T-groups) can provide the necessary help to the person in dealing with these problems.
professional training, psychological counseling, conflict competence, Conflict Management, Interpersonal conflicts, conflict behavior, self-concept, interpersonal relationships, civil servants, early adulthood