Topical issues and vectors for modern conflict resolution studies development
Goncharov, V.V., Shalin, V.V. (2017). Interreligious conflicts in the 21st century: a social and philosophical analysis. Conflict Studies / nota bene, 2, 1–7.
This article is dedicated to social and philosophical analysis of interreligious conflicts in the 21st century. The author believes that in the era of globalization, social, political, public an legal, financial and economic development of national societies and states the problem of interreligious conflicts is of particular importance, and is planetary scale issue. With this in mind, the area of interreligious conflict does not draw only the believers of different religious faiths, but also atheists (as militant atheists and people who simply do not identify themselves with the adherents of a particular religion). This article used a number of methods of scientific research, such as historical, comparative, formal and logical The author notes that ignoring the problems related to interreligious violence on international (global) and state (national) levels, inevitably leads to conflict escalation, growth of the number of victims among civilian population. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a complex of measures aimed at the prevention of development of interreligious conflicts on planetary scale, as well as on the level of individual states.
global constitutionalism, Russian Federation, conflict, socio-philosophical, inter-state, interreligious, ethnic, atheism, Christianity, Islam
The global geopolitics of modern conflict
Deych, T. (2017). Syrian crisis and counter-terrorist fight: the international aspect. Conflict Studies / nota bene, 2, 8–24.
The object of this research is the Syrian crisis and the attempts of its resolution by external actors. The subject of this paper are the roles of Russia and China in resolving the Syrian conflict and in the fight against terrorism. The goal of this work is to evaluate the level of international security terrorist threat presented by ISIL, and the contribution of Russia in opposing it, and to analyze the policies of China regarding terrorism and the Syrian conflict as well as the stance of BRICS countries on the issue, such as India and Brazil, and BRICS as a whole. The methodological basis of this research includes comparative political approach, the methods of analysis and synthesis. The scientific novelty of this work lies in the fact that, despite the conflict in Syria is the subject of many publications, the international aspect of this problem, and in particular, the stances of Russia and China in the resolution of this conflict and the fight against terrorism has not yet become yet the object of in-depth research. This topic becomes relevant when some states attempt to regulate crises by exerting power impact, bypassing the Security Council and the UN Charter, which leads to the escalation of tension. The author comes to the conclusion that the increase in terrorist activity, which poses a serious threat to international security, makes the need for cooperation between the leading powers of the world all the more relevant for dealing with crisis situations in general, and the Syria conflict in particular.
Assad, Syria, ISIL, conflicts, terrorism, international security, Irac, USA, China, Russia
The global geopolitics of modern conflict
Semenova, N.K. (2017). The Energy aspect of international relations in Central Asia: Russian-Chinese rivalry. Conflict Studies / nota bene, 2, 25–37.
The article is devoted to the special role of the Russian Federation and the PRC in political and energy cooperation in Central Asia in the present situation of growing competition for the control over oil and gas regions, which is becoming one of the key conditions for political and economic influence in the world. The subject of the study is the formation of the elements of a potential "competitive field" in the political and energy spheres of the RF-PRC relations in the Central Asian region. The author considers aspects of the problem, such as the dynamics of Russian-Chinese interests in the region, the conceptual foundations of the regional energy policy of Russia and China, the implementation of the concept of "soft power" in its Chinese interpretation, which finds its continuation in the idea of social harmony - one of the main state goals of the PRC. Particular attention is paid to a multi-level analysis of the political and energy set of interests in this region. The issues of safety in the implementation of oil and gas projects in the Caspian sea area and the Central Asia region are being addressed. Over the course of the research, the author used the periodization method. The use of this method allowed the author to trace the dynamics of Russian-Chinese interests in the region. The political methods used in this study include SWOT analysis. This method was used to review the implementation of the national energy strategies of the Russian Federation and the PRC in the region. It allowed to provide a classification of the models of energy cooperation between Russia and China in the CAR, to identify potential and existing challenges and threats to the national interests of Russia and China during the implementation of energy projects. The author was the first to draw attention to the substance of the Russian-Chinese political-energy "competitive field" in the hydrocarbon sphere in Central Asia. The author turns to the relatively unexplored problem of determining the nature and mechanisms of the influence of international political factors on the process of realizing the energy (hydrocarbon) interests of Russia and China in Central Asia.
national interests, energy strategy, competition, security, integration, energy cooperation, Central Asia, China, Russia, soft power
The political aspects of international war on terror and political extremism
Tahirov, Z.I. (2017). Countering extremism and terrorism as a global conflict aspect (the European Union experience). Conflict Studies / nota bene, 2, 38–47.
This article analyzes the extremist and terrorist acts as a singular social phenomenon - the most dangerous and destructive kind of mass violence observed in Western Europe and the globalized world. The object of this article are the social relations based on religious values and regional economic interests of various social and political groups in their interaction with extremist and terrorist manifestations. The subject of this article is the Western European conflictological approach to the counteraction of social conflict that leads to extremist and terrorist acts. The author examines the overall determination of such manifestations in the light conflictological approach and specific examples considers the experience of the countries of the European Union on the harmonization of (mediation) of public life in order to minimize this social conflict. The article presents the author's conclusions, as well as a number of proposals that could be used in a social, political and legal practice in Russian Federation, and developed by Russia within Eurasian integrative international organizations. In particular, the author concludes that the determinants of modern international terrorism are global in their nature, stresses the key role of political interference with national interests of the pro-Islamic countries, which gives rise to conflicts of interests and provokes global cooperation Islamist extremist forces. The author also substantiates the proposal for the unification of social values with a view to the harmonization of social life, without which countering extremism and terrorism is impossible.
interests, violence, mediation, harmonization, humanism, the European Union, values, conflict, terrorism, extremism
Value conflict
Afanas'ev, S.V. (2017). Conflict of moral values in the culture of the information society. Conflict Studies / nota bene, 2, 48–60.
The article examines conflicts of moral values of the information society. Based on the analysis and synthesis of the opinions of the authors studying this problem, the article discusses possible negative consequences of such conflicts, the most dangerous of which is the deformation of the moral state of society. One of the main reasons for changes of value system is the projection of traditional forms of social interaction into information space, which uses a scattered mosaic of moral values for controlling behavior of the subjects. The main methods of research are the analysis of the scientific literature that outlined the problem of generalization, principles of dialectics, the axiological approach to the analysis of culture. When resolving conflicts of moral values between traditional and information society there is a danger of losing of moral values of the culture of the individual, such as conscience, duty, honor, patriotism, responsibility, etc., which define being "human" in the culture of traditional society. At the level of the collective subject, there is a risk of losing the value of a fellowship, ethical principles and norms of interaction within different social groups, communities, as well as interaction between them.
Informatization of culture, the motivational subsystem, morality, network subculture, tradition, information society, information culture, social conflict, globalization, moral values