Topical issues and vectors for modern conflict resolution studies development
Karyakin V.V. (2015). The problems of the Russian Political Science and their solutions. Conflict Studies / nota bene, 3, 243–248.
The subject of study is the Russian political science at the present stage of its development. This article studies the current problems of Russian political science and its analytical support. The goal is to identify and specify the problems of the Russian political science at the present stage and to identify ways to address them. The article examines topical issues of Russian political science and analytic work. The methodological basis of the research is a systemic, structural and functional, comparative political approaches, methods of analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, observation. The article shows that these problems connected with corporate affiliation of analytical centers that serve the corporate interests of their customers. The author draws a conclusion that for qualitative analysis and forecasting of the development of socio-political situation, we need a new research technology based on taking socio-political and international systems as nonlinear objects functioning in conditions of determinable chaos and high dynamics of social entropy. The work discusses an organizational approach for handling these problems taking into account foreign experience in this field.
interests, democracy, color revolutions, hybrid war, state, Russia, society, politics, values, security
Evolution of modern conflicts
Spiridonov V.V. (2015). On the determining basis of economic development of Russia in times of global instability. Conflict Studies / nota bene, 3, 249–255.
The modern world is currently undergoing a series of changes, which resulted in the formation of a new world order. These changes cause a revolutionary revision of views on key issues and problems of international relations, global and regional economic development. The methodological basis of this research is a systemic, structural and functional, comparative political approaches, methods of analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, observation. The transformation of the modern world is closely connected with the evolution of the human mind and determined by the ability to make informed decisions and to choose reasonable alternatives, since humanity, by impacting the natural processes, has brought about violations of their natural course. Moreover, as shown by V.I. Vernadsky, natural phenomena can not be divided into independent parts, and thus, it is necessary to consider the humankind's place in the natural order of things. To find ways out of this complex, contradictory situation, we must find a solution with minimal colladeral damage. The theory of Technological structure by Academician S.Y.Glazyev, may serve as a guideline for leading the Russian and Global economy out of the prolonged crisis.
interests, democracy, color revolutions, hybrid war, state, USA, society, politics, values, security
The global geopolitics of modern conflict
Filippov V.R. (2015). Gabon in "Franceafrique's net". Conflict Studies / nota bene, 3, 256–270.
Using the method of historical reconstruction, the author reveals the essence of the French neo-colonial policies in relation to Gabon after World War II. Comprehensive analysis of the less well-known historical sources (materials of legal and journalist investigations, testimonies of well-known politicians and diplomats) allows to show the reader the fundamental reliance of the political elite of this small but oil-rich African country on purely pragmatic interests of the owners of the Elysee Palace. This dependence is based, primarily, on the oil and uranium needs of the Fifth Republic. The methodological basis of the research includes the systemic, structural and functional, comparative political approaches, methods of analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, observation. The author reached a substantiated conclusion that the implementation mechanisms of such policies are typical of latent foreign policies of France: it includes creating corruption schemes, arranging secret agreements between political, military and business elites of the two countries. The Fifth Republic brings puppet leaders to power (and, if necessary, and keeps them in power), and they, in turn provide the absolute preference of Paris in the economic, political and military cooperation.
interests, democracy, color revolutions, hybrid war, state, France, society, politics, "Franceafrique", security
The global geopolitics of modern conflict
Khabenskaya E.O. (2015). Senegal and Guinea-Bissau: the Casamance conflict viewpoint (1959-1998). Conflict Studies / nota bene, 3, 271–282.
This article explores the situation is Casamance (a southern province of Senegal, which gravitates towards Guinea-Bissau, both culturally and historically), which, across several decades, is a major influencing factor. The author's attention is focused on political, ideological and cultural determinants of the tensions between the two countries. The main cause for those tensions, according to the author, are fundamental differences of the ideological values, and thus, political orientations of the ruling elites of Senegal and Guinea-Bissau.
The intensity of the Casamance conflict, according to the author, is explained by the transparency of the state borders, and the social, cultural, linguistic and confessional kinship of the tribal groups (Diola, Balante, Mandingo), living in adjacent territories.
Using the method of historical reconstruction, the author analyzes the dynamics of the relations between the two neighboring countries of the West African region in the context of the prolonged conflict in Casamance - the southern Senegalese province, bordering on the Guinea-Bissau and claims to secession. The author concludes that the nature of relations between the two countries largely depended on their domestic situation: Guinea-Bissau, which is constantly in a "fever" of military coups and leadership changes, has demonstrated an inconsistent position towards the separatist movement in Casamance. However, the mutual problems with security and control over the border areas of the two countries, the leaders were forced to overcome ideological differences and cooperate against the separatists.
Africa, Casamance, Guinea-Bissau, Senegal, state, France, society, politics, border conflict, separatism
Domestic political conflicts
Fel'dman P.Ya. (2015). Interest groups in overcoming the global destabilization. Conflict Studies / nota bene, 3, 283–291.
This article reveals the prospects for utilizing the stabilizing potential of interest groups in overcoming global conflict and instability. The author concludes that the economic actors and civil society institutions can play a significant role in resolving the conflict between Russia and the West, as well as in protecting national interests of our country on the world stage.The methodological basis of the study includes a systemic, structural-functional, comparative-historical, comparative political, geopolitical, cultural and civilizational approaches, methods of analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, modeling and observation. The current stage of the development of international relations is characterized polysubject actors that are directly or indirectly involved in the formation of a global political order. The rapid growth of influence of the large corporations, indoctrination and politicization of social structures, the formation of a global information space resulted in the loss of power monopoly by the state in international relations. Interest groups (companies, financial organizations, NGOs, media, etc.), on the other hand, acquired the status of independent actors of the global political process.
diplomacy, conflicts, destabilization, interest groups, lobbying, international confrontation, state, interests, values, security
Armed conflict and war
Semchenkov A.S. (2015). Military threats to the national security in the context of globalization. Conflict Studies / nota bene, 3, 292–304.
The article examines the traits of modern military threats to national security in the context of globalization. They are characterized by the following: an enormous spatial scope that defines the globalization of military strategy; extensive use of political and economic isolation of the victim states; coalition-based warfare; the shifting of armed conflict to the aerospace and information arenas; the growing importance of near space for warfare; the transition of electronic warfare combat from combat support to a form of warfare; intensification of innovation in the weapons industry, military and special equipment.The methodological basis of the study includes a systemic, structural-functional, comparative-historical, comparative political, geopolitical, cultural and civilizational approaches, methods of analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, modeling, observation.Among the modern threats to national security is the lack of a solid line of contact between the opposing sides; the internationalization of internal conflicts, direct or indirect involvement of foreign governments, intelligence services, and others. Considering the characteristics of modern military threats, the author formulates the priorities for the Russian state, society and citizens that would prevent and deter wars.
interests, diplomacy, state, conflict, Russia, foreign policy, international relations, NATO, values, security
Global issues of world civilization development
Sulakshin S.S., Bagdasaryan V.E. (2015). The concept of the global "center" and its migration throughout history. Conflict Studies / nota bene, 3, 305–322.
The authors investigate concepts like the existence of a unified world system and the emergence of the "center" of the world. As authors see the global system is the spatial coherence of different regions. The subject of the study are the historical incarnations of the global center on the basis of the world-system approach, the trajectory of displacement of the world center, as well as the characteristics of the current world leader - the United States. Analysis of the basic characteristics of the world leader allows to statistically prove its role as the world center. The article also substantiates the crisis of the currently established system that involves parasitism, consumerism and conflictness. The study is based on the methodology of world-system modeling. In determining the Global center and the trajectory of its migration, the authors used factor analysis, comparative approach, sociological and statistical methods. The special contribution of the authors is a detailed study of the formation of unified world system, the study of the genesis of West-polar world order, the development of criteria for determining a country as the center of the world, the diagnosis of the crisis of legitimacy of the global Center. The novelty of the research lies primarily in the quantitative measurement and statistical justification of the status of the World Center.
United States of America, speculative capital, parasitarism, civilization, Center, world system, world-systems theory, confrontation, Cold war, leadership
Global issues of world civilization development
Kalachev D.N., Polulyakh D.S. (2015). Russia - NATO relations in the context of crisis of the global governance. Conflict Studies / nota bene, 3, 323–330.
The article analyzes the relations between Russia and NATO in the context of the crisis of modern system of global governance. Analyzing the common practices in the field of global governance, as well as the most important problems in Russia-NATO relations, the authors reveal the fundamental obstacles in the way of development of cooperation between those parties. At this stage, the contradictions between the parties exacerbated, as a manifestation of the crisis of global governance and the general trend of increase of turbulence in world politics. The methodological basis of the study includes a systemic, structural-functional, comparative-historical, comparative-political, geo-political, cultural and civilizational approaches, discourse analysis, methods of analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, modeling, observation. When we talk about global governance, we mean the work involving the setting of priorities, streamlining processes and problem solving on all levels of the international system in various areas of international relations, based on the constant interaction of different actors, the making of formal and informal arrangements, operation of the institutions, as well as rules and practices. The authors conclude that the turbulence in world development and dissemination of relevant discourse make actors look for new, "limited" strategy of global governance.
interests, democracy, color revolutions, hybrid war, state, USA, society, politics, OTAN, security
New challenges and security threats to modern countries
Khanter M. (2015). Muslim Australia and the search for a solution in the "War on Terror". Conflict Studies / nota bene, 3, 331–334.
The subject of this study is the Muslim community of Australia and its involvement in the political process, as well as the ideological motivation of the community for supporting radical extremism or, on the other hand, fighting it relentlessly. The article studies the strategies and tactics of the Australian government in their fight against Islamism and terrorism. The author draws attention to the fact that the Muslim community in Australia is quite numerous and tight-knit, and, in many ways, represents a closed community in which the preachers of radical Islam receive wide opportunities for the initiation and recruitment of followers. The methodological basis of the research is a systemic, structural and functional, comparative political approaches, methods of analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, observation. This situation calls for a 'new international doctrine' that would include prevention, intervention, and restoration of mentalities to prevent any re-establishment of terrorism under different names and new generations in the future. Modern Australia does not offer the much-needed contribution in this process.The Australian Government's domestic approach to the 'War on Terror' may lead to a much more conservative Australia, and weaken the Australian values of multiculturalism. It may divide Australia rather than unite it. However, the public discussion on this issue may help the Abbott Government win a second term in office.
interests, democracy, color revolutions, hybrid war, state, USA, society, politics, values, security
International security and political stability management
Kalachev D.N. (2015). The problem of the U.S. National Missile Defense placement in Europe in the context of relations Russia-NATO relations. Conflict Studies / nota bene, 3, 335–343.
The article analyzes the history and current state of the US national missile defense system deployment in Europe in the context of the evolution of Russia - NATO relations. To prove the thesis of the inefficiency of placement of the defense complex for the purposes of protection against Iranian missiles, the author pays special attention to the analysis of its technical capabilities. The methodological basis of the study consists of the systemic, structural-functional, comparative-historical, comparative-political, geo-political, cultural and civilizational approaches, the methods of analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, modeling, observation. The NMD deployment project in Eastern Europe is incapable of enhancing the defensive capabilities of Europe, nor the U.S., nor Russia. The partnership between the two parties can be continued only on the basis of equality, within the framework of international law on the basis of legally binding intergovernmental agreements.
interests, democracy, color revolutions, hybrid war, state, USA, society, politics, OTAN, security