Topical issues and vectors for modern conflict resolution studies development
Merkulova T.A. (2015). Commercial Organizations in the Civil Code of Hungary. Conflict Studies / nota bene, 4, 353–362.
The article describes the forms of cooperative commercial activities, which are regulated by the new Civil Code of Hungary.The author used the information on the history of legal regulation of the legal persons in Hungarian Law, as well as several scientific works on this topic. Attention is drawn to analyzing the provisions of the 3-rd Book of the Civil Code of Hungary, called «Legal Entities». Based on the research conducted, the author concludes that the Hungarian Civil Code does not divide legal entities into profit and non-profit organizations. In the list of the legal forms given in the Civil Code, there are legal entities which are designed for making profit. They include business associations, cooperative societies, associations and groups of enterprises. This article lays out the general provisions that regulate all of the legal forms of profit-making, as well as the rules which apply to specific forms and types of profit organizations. Significant attention is given to business associations and their subtypes - simple partnerships, limited partnerships, limited liability partnerships and joint-stock companies. The analysis of the legal status of business associations in the new Civil Code precedes the information on the history of legal regulation of such legal entities, supported by citations of Hungarian legists. This article analyzes the provisions contained in the Civil Code that establish the forms of cooperation of enterprises - associations and groups of enterprises, in particular. The author offers the data on such cooperative forms as early as 1960s, and analyzes their status and place in the existing civil economic circulation.Aside the general scientific methods (such as analysis and synthesis), the author also employed specific methods of research,including formal and logical, theoretic, legal-systemic, historical and comparative Law. Based on the new Civil Code of Hungary, the Author analyzed the changes which occurred in the legal regulation of the legal status of profit-oriented legal entities - business associations, in particular (including simple, limited, limited liability and joint-stock), cooperations, associations and groups of enterprises. Hungary's new Civil legislation establishes two new, previously unregulated legal forms of legal entities - associations and groups of enterprises.
corporation, commercial organization, society, partnerships, cooperative, enterprise, legal entity, Civil Code, reorganization, legal status
Topical issues and vectors for modern conflict resolution studies development
Khauer-Tyukarkina O.M. (2015). The role of "soft power" under the global economic crisis (on the example of the EU). Conflict Studies / nota bene, 4, 363–373.
The article examines current status of soft power usage in the European Union and provides the analysis of the potential of using soft power as a means to overcome the negative consequences of the global economic crisis. The goal of the article is to determine the role of soft power in the European union in overcoming the negative consequences of the financial and economic crisis. The object of study is soft power in the European Union. The subject of research is the forms, methods and tools of soft power in the EU employed under the European and Global financial and economic crisis. The methodological basis of this article involves the systemic, structural-functional, comparative-political approaches, the methods of analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, observation. The author describes main components as well as key instruments of the European soft power which are being used by the EU during the economic crisis in order to restore its reputational capital and stabilize the position of the European Union in the world system of political coordinates.
interests, the European Union, soft power, components, instruments, international relations, diplomacy, state, security, risks
Topical issues and vectors for modern conflict resolution studies development
Bocharnikov I.V. (2015). Political science aspects of the fight against corruption. Conflict Studies / nota bene, 4, 374–381.
The article analyzes the current international aspects of corruption and its manifestations in the leading foreign countries: USA, UK, Germany, France, and the European Union as a whole. Using practical examples, the author demonstrates the degree of corruption spread across the governments of the countries being studied.At the same time, the regularly published global press releases of the Transparency International organization that offer a view on corruption in various countries and regions of the world describes the corruption levels in the abovementioned countries as "low". The methodological basis ofthis study includes the systemic, structural-functional, comparative-political approaches, the methods of analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, observation.
According to «Transparency International», Russia traditionally belongs to the list of states with high levels of corruption, comparable to African countries by corruption levels. As presented in this article, the data published in the latest press release of Transparency International confirms its rating bias regarding the corruption in various countries around the world, those ratings being used as a means to discredit any state that is, for whatever reason, objectionable US and its allies.
self-organization, socio-political processes, corruption in the US, world politics, Russia, corruption, interests, state, security, risks
Theory, history and methodology of conflict resolution
Karyakin V.V. (2015). Definition and paradigms of geopolitical studies. Conflict Studies / nota bene, 4, 382–394.
This article focuses on the modern definition of and paradigms of geopolitical studies that reflect the multidimensional nature of the geopolitical space in the era of globalization. The goal of this article is to form the concepts of the paradigm basis of modern political science studies, and on the subject field and the borders of political science. The subject of this study are the definitions and paradigms of the modern political science studies. It is shown that the definition of paradigm is the communicative basis of scientific work, and involves the usage of mental constructs of the perception of reality, forming the foundation of the scientific society's self-organization. The methodological basis of the research is a systemic, structural and functional, comparative political approaches, methods of analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, observation. The article considers the system transformation of the geopolitical definitions, provides the definition for this transformation that is appropriate for modern realities. The author presents a system of geopolitical paradigms that reflects global political processes. The author also indicates the connection between the system of paradigms and the "wave" evolution theory of geopolitical thought. In conclusion of the study, the author formulates the most general paradigm of modern geopolitics.
geopolitical definition, interests, diplomacy, international relations, global insecurity, world politics, Russia, geopolitics, security, geopolitical paradigms
International conflicts
Gusher A.I. (2015). Geopolitical and strategic aspects of Russian Air and Space forces in Syria. Conflict Studies / nota bene, 4, 395–402.
This article focuses on the study of geopolitical and strategic aspects of Russian Air and Space forces in Syria. The goal of this article is to define the role of Russian Federation in the fight against international terrorism and islamism in Syria.The methodological basis of this research includes the systemic, structural and functional, comparative political approaches, methods of analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, observation. The author notes that Russia's involvement in open conflict with frontline forces of international terrorism in Syria has opened a path to improving strategic partnerships with Iran, Iraq, Syria and other states for Moscow, as well as for the formation of a new system of international security in the Near and Middle East.
diplomacy, international relations, U.S. foreign policy, world politics, Russia, geopolitics, interests, state, security, color revolutions
Crisis of a unipolar world
Kalachev D.N. (2015). The expansion of NATO's influence: the consequences and challenges for Russia's national security. Conflict Studies / nota bene, 4, 403–409.
The article is dedicated to the study of NATO's eastward expansion. The author analyzes the history of the issue, stressing the legal obligations taken up by NATO, which have been violated over the course of several waves of expansion of the Alliance in the late 1990s and 2000s. The author argues that, despite the official statements, the policy of expansion is directed against the interests of Russia, and that NATO-centrism is a systemic defect in the European security system. The author emphasizes that full and effective cooperation between the parties can be resumed only on the basis of equality and within the framework of international law on the basis of legally binding intergovernmental agreements. The methodological basis of the study includes the systemic, structural-functional, comparative-historical, comparative-political, geo-political, cultural and civilizational approaches, methods of analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, modeling, observation. Cooperating on extensive list of security issues, NATO and Russia will inevitably have to face the sharper corners concerning national security of Russia. Among those issues is NATO'sexpansion, as well as the problem of adapting the Treaty on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe, the problem of US missile defense system placement in Europe, and the status of various territories (Kosovo, Abkhazia, South Ossetia and Crimea). In this article the author considers the problem of NATO expansion.
interests, democracy, color revolutions, hybrid war, state, USA, society, politics, NATO, security
International security and political stability management
Avetisov E.K. (2015). Themain elements and indicators of political stability. Conflict Studies / nota bene, 4, 410–415.
This article examines the phenomenon of political stability. The author describes and narrows down the definition of "political stability", and offers his own definition of the term. The main conclusion of the article is that political stability is both, a dynamic and sustained state of a political system which enables its preservation, the main instruments of which are the governing bodies on all levels, including municipalities, and the organizations of civil society. The author also reaches a conclusion on the stability of modern Russia. Using general science and specific methods and approaches enables the author to determine the main criteria for political stability and to point out some of the mechanisms for its sustenance. The fruits of the author's work which were reflected in this article may be used by professionals in scientific research in the area at hand. The criteria of political stability that were offered by the author maybe employed in comparative analysis within comparative political science research. They also may contribute to the improvement for the expert-and analytical support of the government's work.
Russian policy, political system, maintaining political stability, political mechanisms, political institutions, political interests, political stability, system stability, political processes, political relations
Political administration and crisis management
Fel'dman P.Ya. (2015). The mechanisms of political coordination of interests: system analysis. Conflict Studies / nota bene, 4, 416–423.
The article considers the phenomenon of political coordination of public interests through a prism of a system approach. According to the author, there are institutionalized and non-institutionalized mechanisms by means of which public interests are being coordinated. These mechanisms are divided by the author into two types: horizontal and vertical. The first type of mechanism provides convergence of interests of subjects sharing the same political status and having similar political resources (subjects being ordinary citizens, interest groups, parliamentary fractions, deputy groups, etc.). The mechanisms of the second type are realized by means of vertical communication of the actors, who take different positions in hierarchy of political system - governmental institutes and interest groups. The methodological basis of the research is a systemic, structural and functional, comparative political approaches, methods of analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, observation. The author compares the coordination mechanisms of public interest with various forms of electoral and functional representation and comes to a conclusion that balance in public interest can be achieved using political mechanisms such as public lobbying, social partnership, as well as institutes of direct democracy and parliamentary procedures. The system of administrative and communicative mechanisms by means of which the state carries out the regulation of public interests is also described in the article. The author considers "the soft power" as a prospective mechanism of harmonization of interests of the government and society.
diplomacy, international relations, U.S. foreign policy, world politics, Russia, geopolitics, interests, state, security, risks
Identity and conflict
Ovsyannikova O.A. (2015). Public consciousness reformatting technologies employing and religious discrimination (on the example of Ukraine). Conflict Studies / nota bene, 4, 424–429.
The article examines the technologies used to reformat public consciousness by the means of linguistic and religious discrimination in Ukraine. In modern Ukraine, Russian language is being pushed out from communication, education, science, culture and governance, as well as religious life of Ukrainian people. This is the example of modern technologies, successfully employed in Ukraine and used by political groups currently in power in Ukraine to to achieve their political goals. The methodological basis of this article includes systemic, structural-functional, comparative-political approaches, the methods of analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, observation. The author assumes that native language is an indicator of the spiritual life of an individual as well as the people as a whole, being the most important ideological value. The author stresses that language is an important medium for the perception of surrounding reality, a reflection of self-consciousness and, as a result, the forming of opinions regarding political processes and phenomena, political course of the state as it is realized in domestic and foreign policy.
state, geopolitics, Russia, world politics, U.S. foreign policy, coup d’état, , diplomacy, interests, security, color revolutions
The Pen Test
Lasariya A.O. (2015). The latest stage of the formation of Abkhazian statehood. Conflict Studies / nota bene, 4, 430–435.
Attention is paid to the process of the formation of Abkhazian statehood - the chance of acquiring a full international legal independence. The author takes note of the ever-popular slogans such as "fight for freedom" and "struggle for independence" that have, and still play a key role in the attempts of different ethnic groups in many parts of the modern world to establish their own state. For some, it is the restoration of a sovereignty once-owned in a historic period, for others, it is a fundamental reconstruction of their ethnic- and territorial unit that emerged due to emerging factors. This work examines the dynamics of political processes in the Abkhaz Republic, which are defined by several factors, the chief of which being history, political situation and ethnicity. This dynamic is being examined in the context of the Georgia-Abkhaz conflict, considering the influence of the abovementioned factors. The subject of research is the emergence of Abkhaz statehood. The object of this article is the Georgian-Abkhaz conflict.The methodological basis of the study includes: a systematic approach; comparative political science approach; content analysis of documents; scientific methods, etc.The article analyzes practical aspects of the challenges that Abkhaz sovereignty faces, the primary ones being the principles of International Law, and the conflict with Georgia. The novelty of this work is based on the study of a previously-underanalyzed and undervalued aspects of application of Law in terms of Abkhaz ways of realizing their right to self-determination, which may result in a fundamental reformatting of the Georgian-Abkhaz conflict resolution.
diplomacy, international relations, Abkhazia, world politics, Russia, geopolitics, interests, state, security, Georgia