Topical issues and vectors for modern conflict resolution studies development
Manoylo A.V. (2014). Chief Editor’s Opening Remarks. Conflict Studies / nota bene, 1, 5–6.
conflict studies, foreign policy, Russia, geopolitics, conflict, diplomacy, interests, values, security.
Topical issues and vectors for modern conflict resolution studies development
Di Gregorio A. (2014). Vetting in Post-Authoritarian Societies:
a Proposal of Classification from the Point of View of Comparative Law. Conflict Studies / nota bene, 1, 7–27.
The aim of this article is to describe the so-called «vetting», within the framework of
transitional justice policies. In order to do that, it is first necessary to answer a series of preliminary
questions.In general we talk about post-authoritarian justice (term which I do prefer to others, like transitional
justice), dealing with the past, coping with the past, but also «militant democracy». The latter
is a concept not usually employed in writing on these matters but, as I will explain, still very pertinent to
the issue. In fact, I consider necessary to highlight the relation between vetting and protection of democratic
legal order. Vetting is only one of the transitional justice measures, aimed at removing from public
life representatives of the leadership and management of the old authoritarian regime (political élite,
administrators).The definition and the meaning are not the same in other languages. The methodological
basis of the research is a systematic, structural-functional, comparative approaches, methods of analysis,
synthesis, induction, deduction, observation. Main results of this article: 1. Linguistic and definition
problems: vetting in the framework of post-authoritarian justice; 2. Transition to democracy: a record;
3. A brief history of vetting; 4. Circulation of models and comparison between countries and areas;
5. The phenomenon of lustration in post-communist Europe; 6. Conclusion: vetting as a protection of
Konfliktologiya, politika, pravo, post-authoritarian societies, politicheskii rezhim, gosudarstvo, interesy, tsennosti
Topical issues and vectors for modern conflict resolution studies development
Filippov V.R. (2014). Territorial Conflicts and Possible Changes in State Borders on the African Continent. Conflict Studies / nota bene, 1, 28–39.
This article is focused on the research of modern territorial conflicts, and the prospects
for state border changes in Africa. The borders of African countries that were drawn by the parallels and meridians by the British and the French at the dusk of the colonial era, are bound to change drastically.
It is something that everyone knows, and Thabo Mbeki, the President of South African Republic,
addressed this issue during his speech before South African Parliament, the day before the opening of
2002 First African Union Summit in Durban. The methodological basis of this work is the systemic,
structural-functional, comparative-political and comparative-historical approaches, as well as methods
of comparative conflict studies. The problem of state borders remains an acute political problem for
the majority of African countries that emerged from ex-European colonies. The moment that African
countries became independent, the borders that previously were dictated by purely administrative
reasons, separating areas of influence of European countries, became the separation lines of nations,
peoples and ethnic groups, creating a multitude of problems. This article contains the evaluations for
risks and threat of conflicts that might emerge on the grounds of revising the old borders that are the
legacy of European colonialism.
international relations, conflict studies, Africa, borders, political instability, diplomacy, state, interests, values, security.
Topical issues and vectors for modern conflict resolution studies development
Manoylo A.V. (2014). Color Revolutions: Theory and Practice of Modern Political Regimes Dismantling. Conflict Studies / nota bene, 1, 40–47.
This paper analyses the problems connected with dismantling of political regimes in modern
countries (both of authoritarian and democratic kind) that takes the form of colour revolutions. The role
of state-organised party building in prevention of colour revolution and stabilisation of political situation
is also considered. After the outbreak of the Arab Spring and the Ukrainian crisis, the problems mentioned
have become acute and highly topical. In the world history there have always been place to dismantling of
political regimes. In the past, however, it was performed through the use of force in its classical form, with the
methods used during military takeovers, local military conflicts, civil wars, and military interventions. The
global community succeeded in developing effective measures for combatting this threat and creating efficient
mechanisms for political regulation at the international level. Though the severity of the problem connected
with the threat of military takeovers in different countries is still on the agenda, the world community as a
whole is familiar with this category of threats and knows how to counteract them.
Conflict studies, foreign policy, USA, soft power, colour revolutions, dismantling of political regimes, international conflict, international stability, international security, international relations.
Evolution of modern conflicts
Bocharnikov I.V. (2014). Ukrainian Dusk of Europe. Conflict Studies / nota bene, 1, 48–54.
Based on the analysis of events that lead to World War I and modern events that are linked
to the realization of anti-Russian policy of the leading European countries as a result of the situation in
Ukraine, this article reaches a conclusion that this is the dusk of Europe as an independent subject of
global politics. The author substantiates the main grounds for calling European political elites biased and
controlled by United States of America, and formulates projections of possible consequences of Europe’s
anti-Russian political and economic course. The methodology of this research is based on systemic, structural-
functional, comparative-historical and comparative-political approaches, the methods of induction,
deduction, analysis, synthesis, observation, analogy. The events of World War I, its 100-th anniversary
being commemorated rather modestly in most participant countries, and the developments in modern
international political processes, within and around Ukraine, in particular, give grounds to Hegel’s postulate
of all world’s tragedies being repeated twice — first time as a tragedy, the second, as a farce.
Conflict studies, foreign policy, Russia, Ukraine, Europe, political regime, state, anti- Russian sanctions, Donbass, World War I.
Comparative conflict studies
Giakagalini F. (2014). Social and Political Communication
In Border Regions of Latin America, by the Example of Brazil, Bolivia and Paraguay. Conflict Studies / nota bene, 1, 55–58.
This article is dedicated to comparative analysis of social and political communication
in border regions of Latin America, by the example of Brazil, Bolivia and Paraguay. Based on the
principles state sovereignty and control over its territory, central governments have always strived to
limit contacts and flow between border regions and the outside world. Despite this fact, the borders
are points of communication between people of different cultures, languages, nations and worldview.
The inhabitants of those regions depend on relations with the neighboring countries, and attempt to
circumvent the limitations that were imposed by the state without concern for their interests. The
methodological basis of this research is the systemic and structural-functional approaches, methods
of analysis, synthesis, observation, modeling, expert evaluations, field studies. In Latin America’s case,
the struggle between the state and the border was exacerbated by the fact that political and economic
centers of the country, historically, were always located far away from the borders — it always was a
standoff between the center and the periphery. Moreover, the national elites still focus their attention
on the relations with European countries and the USA, at the cost of weakening connections with the
neighboring countries. Moreover, the national elites of Latin America were competitors, because the
economies of their countries depended on raw goods exports into world economy centers. This gap
between countries serves as an obstacle before achieving control over border territories by the government,
and became the reason for the emergence of so-called «town twins› — towns separated
only by a state border, often running along a street or a river. The flaws of infrastructure connecting
the center and the periphery forced the population of border areas to develop their own channels for
communication and foreign relations, especially in the field of economy.
Conflict studies, foreign policy, Brazil, Bolivia, Paraguay, Latin America, border areas, social communications, political communications, partnership.
The global geopolitics of modern conflict
Bairektarevich A. (2014). Why Is (The Korean Peninsula and East) Asia
Unable to Capitalize (on) its Successes: Asia Needs Asean-Ization not Pakistanization of its Continent. Conflict Studies / nota bene, 1, 59–64.
Speculations over the alleged bipolar world of tomorrow (the so-called G-2, China vs. the
US), should not be an Asian dilemma. It is primarily a concern of the West that, after all, overheated
China in the first place with its (outsourced business) investments. Hence, despite a distortive noise about
the possible future G-2 world, the central security problem of Asia remains the same: an absence of any
pan-continental multilateral setting on the world’s largest continent. The Korean peninsula like no other
Asian theater pays a huge prize because of it.Why is it so? Asia’s success story? Well, it might be easier than
it seems: Neither Europe nor Asia has any alternative. The difference is that Europe well knows there is no
alternative — and therefore is multilateral. Asia thinks it has an alternative — and therefore is strikingly
bilateral, while stubbornly residing enveloped in economic egoisms. No wonder that Europe is/will be able
to manage its decline, while Asia is (still) unable to capitalize its successes. Asia — and particularly its
economically most (but not yet politico-militarily) advanced region, East Asia — clearly does not accept
any more the lead of the post-industrial and post-Christian Europe, but is not ready for the post-West
world. How to draw the line between the recent and still unsettled EU/EURO crisis and By contrasting
and comparing genesis of multilateral security structures in Europe with those currently existing in Asia,
we can easily remark the following: Prevailing security structures in Asia are bilateral and mostly asymmetric,
while Europe enjoys multilateral, balanced and symmetric setups (American and African continents
too). These partial settings are more instruments of containment than of engagement. Containment
will never result in the integration through cooperation. On contrary, it will trigger a confrontation which
feeds the antagonisms and preserves alienation on the stage. Therefore, irrespective to the impressive economic
growth, no Asian century will emerge with deeply entrenched divisions on the continent, where the
socio-political currents of the Korean peninsula are powerful daily reminder that the creation of such a
pan-Asian institution is an urgent must.
international relations, foreign, political conflicts, political stability, Asia, interests, values, security.
Armed conflict and war
Simons G. (2014). Communication Management and the Humanitarian War Blueprint: the Libya War. Conflict Studies / nota bene, 1, 65–88.
Communication Management has become a common tool in the arsenal of the West in the context
of trying to build the pretext for war, and then controlling the information flows after the fighting has begun.
It is an attempt to justify the seemingly unjustifiable, where reason and logic are distorted, and the use of emotion
is actively promoted. In the 21st century, its use has come to be common place in the settling of scores and
the advancement of national interest in international relations (Pashenstev & Simons, 2009). Methodological
basis of the research is a systematic, structural-functional, comparative political and comparative-historical
approaches, methods of analysis, synthesis, observation, simulation, expert assessments. Certainly, one may
now even speak of a blueprint for going to war being established. This has been gradually shaped and refined
by events such as the 1991 Gulf War, 1999 Kosovo War and the 2003 invasion and occupation of Iraq.Libya
gave the opportunity to operationalize the blueprint, which in political terms proved to be successful, in terms
of managing the information environment in order to promote a dubious political agenda (going to war against
Libya under Gadaffi). The current situation in Syria points to the urgent need to be able to understand and to
counter these tactics.
Konfliktologiya, vneshnyaya politika, Liviya, geopolitika, Siriya, informatsionnaya voina, ideologiya, interesy, tsennosti
Regional conflicts
Khabenskaya E.O. (2014). Relations Between Senegal and Republic of The Gambia: Experience and Perspective. Conflict Studies / nota bene, 1, 89–98.
The relations between Senegal with Gambia, an ex-colony of Great Britain, always were
special, if not dramatic. Each of the four presidents of Senegal focused their efforts on strengthening
the relations with this country, which is the smallest on the African continent, because of Gambia’s
unique geographical position — within the territory of Senegal. This small states with a narrow coastal
strip by Atlantic ocean (barely several dozens of kilometers) is located right at the center of Senegal,
dividing Casamanse, its southern part, from the north. The methodological basis is systemic, structural-
functional, comparative-historical, comparative-political, geopolitical and cultural-civilizational
approaches, the methods of analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, modeling and observation. The
border areas between Senegal and Gambia are dominated by the Jola people. They were pulled into a
prolonged conflict in Senegal’s southern part, Casamance. Over 30 years, this region is a «hot spot»
of political instability in Southern Africa, a hotbed for a domestic conflict. Since 1982, a political organization called the Democratic Movement of Casamanse has become an actor, its most radical supporters
demanding to secede from Senegal and to create an independent state. The Democratic Movement
has broad support of the local population, especially the Jola.
international relations, conflict studies, Africa, Gambia, Senegal, diplomacy, politics, interests, security.
Ideological confrontation and the war of meanings
Lobanova T.N. (2014). The Linguistic and Media Standoff Between China and USA. Conflict Studies / nota bene, 1, 99–108.
This article is focused on researching the linguistics factor in the bilateral relations between
the two largest world economies — China and USA. In public life, the growth of importance of
language leads to an increase of conscious interference into language practices of the «new media»,
by using special technologies. This article analyzes the role of linguistic representation of USA as an
object of geopolitics and the construction of the reader’s world view in terms of China-US relationship.
The author examines and analyzes Chinese media texts (information and analytical materials)
for information and communication technology applications, and attempts to classify them. The
methodology of this research is systemic, structural-functional, political-linguistic, comparativepolitical,
approaches, the methods of analysis, synthesis, observation, content analysis. Chinese media
texts serve as units for the analysis of interactions among political science, political journalism,
political linguistics and demand further thought and research. The movement towards analyzing the
mutual influence of linguistic and political aspects of linguistic manipulation in foreign «new media
» appears to be a promising vector for political linguistics and modern communication studies
within the structure of Russian political science. Now, from the instrumentarium standpoint, it is
more important than ever to have an understanding of projects and technologies of mass-media, social
media — especially the foreign ones. Those are systems that permit the filtering of information,
for media workers to be aware of media streams, for researchers and analysts who need to process
large streams of information.
Conflict studies, foreign policy, Chinese new media, linguistic influence strategy, political media course, USA, China, mediatexts, translation, security.
Crisis of a unipolar world
Spiridonov V.V. (2014). To the Question of Creating the Brics Development Bank: Prospects, Potential, Advantages. Conflict Studies / nota bene, 1, 109–121.
The article is dedicated to analyzing the changes in international economic relations
which occurred as a result of establishing the BRICS development bank, founded by the resolution of
2014 BRICS summit. The official goals of this international organization include the development of
financial and economic cooperation between countries, stabilization of post-shock economies, overcoming
financial crises, financial aid and recovery of developing economies. From this point of view,
the BRICS development bank will play a unique role in the formation of a new financial system, and
the U.S. dollar won’t be the world’s only reserve currency. The subject of this research is the role of the
BRICS development bank in stabilizing the world’s financial system. The methodology of this research
is a systemic, structural-functional and comparative approaches, the methods of financial-economic
analysis, synthesis, modeling, observation, expert assessments. The exacerbation of Ukrainian domestic
crisis lead to growing economic pressure on Russia. There are no objective economy-based reasons
for this: Russia has a reputation of a reliable economic partner. The testament of this is the creation of
the BRICS development bank in 2014. This article presents an analysis of the potential of all BRICS
countries on the international economical, financial and political arena. The authors draw historic
parallels of cooperation between Russia and international financial organizations.
conflict studies, foreign policies, Russia, BRICS, diplomacy, economic policy of Russia, BRICS development bank, international financial organizations, Ukrainian crisis, finance.
New challenges and security threats to modern countries
Ivanov S.M. (2014). The Role of Iraqi Kurdistan in Regional Geopolitics. Conflict Studies / nota bene, 1, 122–135.
This article focuses on the studying of the place and role of Iraqi Kurdistan in world and
regional politics. Iraqi Kurdistan is a unique model of a just solution to the problems of Kurdish people
within a given country, a flexible combination of the two main principles of international Law: the right
of nations to self-determination and the territorial integrity of countries. A fairly streamlined democratic
administration was established in the Kurdish region, along with the major civil society establishments,
independent media, dozens of political parties and hundreds of public organizations. However, the ISIS
Islamists are determined to dismantle the Kurdish autonomy in Iraq, transforming it into a Sunnite dictatorship.
The methodology of this study is based on a systemic, structural-functional and comparativepolitical
approaches, methods of induction, deduction, analysis, synthesis and observation. In this situation,
it is important for Russia to keep, if not expand its presence in Iraqi Kurdistan. The prospects of
further cooperation of Russia with Iraq, Syria, Iran and Turkey depend on the fullness of Russian-Kurdish
relations. Erbil has long become an independent player in the regional and international politics, and this
factor needs to be considered in Russian foreign policy and economy. It seems that, during the period of
Russian cautiousness towards Iraqi Kurdistan and building relations with Erbil with an eye on Baghdad
is closing to an end. The breaking point was the meeting of Russian President V. V. Putin with the Kurdish
president Basud Barzani in February 2013, and the creation of an Islamic khalifat in Syria and Iraq.
conflict studies, foreign policy, Iraqi Kurdistan, Barzani, Iraq, regional politics, geopolitics, ISIS, conflict.
International security and political stability management
Patricia Galves D. (2014). Brazil — New Age. Conflict Studies / nota bene, 1, 136–139.
Brazil is the largest country in size and population in comparison to other Latin American countries,
and it is the seventh largest economy in the world by nominal GDP. Since the mid 2000’s, Brazil has become
a more attractive global player: it has diversified its economy and its partnerships, and launched the Growth Acceleration
Plan (2007) in order to increase investment in infrastructure and provide tax incentives for economic
growth. Brazil has also decreased domestic poverty through development plans: according to the World Bank,
poverty (people living with USD 2 per day) has fallen from 21% of the population in 2003 to 11% in 2009. An
overall view of Brazilian economy shows that the level of foreign direct investment is increasing, the wages are rising,
the middle class in growing, and the unemployment rate is low, which offers a wide range of opportunities in
different areas. Despite the positive scenario, Brazil is an emerging economy and faces issues and challenges to be
surpassed. Brazil is a thriving economy that welcomes foreign investment that is aligned with its main principles.
It is also a global player in economic terms and in global and regional issues. The 2014 elections are coming and
the unpredictable political and economic scenario is once more arriving. The commercial and economic partnerships
should remain both diversified and traditionalist, with Brazil’s national interests set as priorities.
mezhdunarodnye otnosheniya, vneshnyaya politika, Braziliya, geopolitika, konfliktologiya, diplomatiya, gosudarstvo, interesy, tsennosti
The political aspects of international war on terror and political extremism
Rakityanskiy N.M., Zinchenko M.S. (2014). Mental and Political Expansion of Islamism in the Northern Caucasus. Conflict Studies / nota bene, 1, 140–155.
In this article, we offer a political and psychological analysis of reislamization, in the context of
mental transformation of the Northern Caucasus. Enhancement of Islam on the south of Russia is explained by a multitude of historic, religious, global and domestic aspects, which have controversial influence on the
state of North Caucasian society. The authors point out that one of the key mental and political factors of
the political expansion of Islam in its radical forms is the Stavropol region, which is not only a cultural, but
also an education and economic center of the Russian North Caucasus, as well as a nexus of intensive communication
processes, especially in the polymental environment of youth, which is susceptible to radical
Islamic ideologies. The methodology of this research is a systemic, structural and functional, comparative
and historical, comparative and political, geopolitical and cultural-civilizational approaches, as well as methods
of analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, modeling and observation. The authors reach a conclusion
that the global operators of political Islam are realizing a strategy of reformatting of self-identification views
and settings of North Caucasian citizens. The goal of this plot is the destruction of a historically established
polymentality of this region, and the forming of a basis for a religious dogma-based totalitarian monomentality,
which is a part of the «new Islam» project for separating North Caucasus from Russia.
conflict studies, politics, North Caucasus, mentality, identity, Islamism, conflict, nation, interests, security.
Information and psychological warfare
Vinogradova Y.A. (2014). Latin America Under a «Media Assault»: the Chronicles of an Information War. Conflict Studies / nota bene, 1, 156–169.
The examination of contemporary information and communication technologies in
the modern world drastically changes the principles and methods of administration and education.
Today, it lies in the foundation for the revolutions in the fields of international relations and in the
art of war. Therefore, one of the prominent tasks before Latin American countries and their defense
departments is the usage of information to manage any conflict, because information may influence
the perceptions of people. The methodological basis of this work is systemic, structural-functional,
comparative-historical, comparative-political, geopolitical and cultural-civilizaitonal approaches, and
the methods of analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, modeling and observation. Today, a sound
strategy of information management enables a country to be victorious in a standoff. The forms of
processing, actualization and circulation of information, such as the Internet, the «new mass media
and communications», became a new method of conducting modern warfare.
conflict studies, foreign policy, conflict, resolution, information warfare, USA, cyber warfare, Latin America, public diplomacy.
Rudov G.A. (2014). A Review for «Upon the Ruins of a Great Country»,
A Monography by A. D. Shutov (Moscow, «Veche» Publishing House, 2004, 27 p. p.). Conflict Studies / nota bene, 1, 170–172.
Professor A. D. Shutov’s book is dedicated to a perpetually contested topic in historical
science, by which historians and politicians of various ideologies consistently clash. The discovery of
the deeper reasons for Soviet Union’s dissolution, and the study of ways that lead to the revival of a
country, define the scientific importance of this work. The research of historical processes is impartial
and fundamental, as it lacks diplomatic understatements and politically correct condescension
that statesmen and politicians of all ranks are notorious for. As it appears, the book lacks speculation,
just the truth, and by shedding light on this truth, the author pursues the only goal — to study ways
to revive of our Fatherland, to eliminate complications and to improve the lives of the people. Moreover,
A. D. Shutov’s book is one of the first attempts at comprehensive analysis of the work of CIS as
an international regional organization. Based on a broad circle of sources and literature, including archive
materials, the monography is quite encyclopedic in its content, and presents a profound scientific,
theoretical and practical interest, and may serve as a study guide on history and political science.
international relations, foreign policy, USSR, political regime, Warsaw treaty, state, interests, values, security.