Memory studies
Yarychev, N.U. (2022). Cultural memory as a concept and phenomenon: the foundations of conceptualization. Culture and Art, 12, 11–20. doi: 10.7256/2454-0625.2022.12.36575 Retrieved from
The article is devoted to cultural memory, on the one hand, as the most optimal concept denoting a socially determined form of supra–individual memory, and, on the other hand, as a theoretical construct (structural and functional model) denoted by this concept. Cultural memory is understood as a type of supra-individual memory that accumulates collective, value-significant memories, intentionally preserved and transmitted in mytho-symbolic forms. The main features of cultural memory include: conservatism, collectivism, presentism, symbolism, anti-historicity, written character, artificiality, institutionality, expert character, sacredness. The functional potential of cultural memory is realized in the following functions: accumulative, integrative, identification, interpretive, stabilization.The scientific novelty of the presented article is reduced to several positions. Firstly, to substantiate the concept of "cultural memory" as the most optimal (in comparison with the concepts of "historical memory", "social memory", "collective memory", etc.) to designate one of the types of supra-individual memory. The advantages of this concept are: broad semantic coverage, fixation of the collective, social and constructed nature of memories. Secondly, to conceptualize the phenomenon of "cultural memory", to determine its essential features and functional potential. As the main conclusion of the article, the following can be noted. In the context of the terminological and conceptual diversity of memory studies, it is extremely important to determine the categorical foundations of memorial research, fixing the content, structural, functional boundaries of the phenomena studied. In relation to supra-individual memory, this is especially important, mainly due to the presence of a very wide range of its conceptual and meaningful interpretation. In the article we offer our reasoned vision of the phenomenon of supra–individual memory, in particular one of its forms - cultural memory as a special reservoir of collective, social, value-significant memories, intentionally preserved and transmitted in mytho-symbolic forms.
past, memory studies, supraindividual memory, cultural memory, memory, potential of cultural memory, memory as a phenomenon, memory category, memorial research, collective memory