Culture and authority
Amgalanova, M.V. (2018). Buryat Socialist Culture in Terms of Ideological and Political Messages of the Late 1920's - Early 1930's. Culture and Art, 3, 1–7.
The article is devoted to the place and role of ideology in the national and cultural construction of the late 1920's - early 1930's. The subject of the research is the views and opinions as well as social, political and cultural activity of the Buryat intelligentsia that was understood as counter-revolutionary and was conceptualized with such ideologemes as 'borgeous nationalism' or 'pan-mongolism'. As an example, the author of the article analyzes newspaper articles that had a prescriptive nature and required 'self-criticism' from cultural activists. The methodological basis of the research implies the historical-cultural approach, the main methods are historical-cultural, retrospective and narrative. The results of the research demonstrate that when the Buryat culture, national by form and socialist by content, was being formed, it implied those elements of the cultural heritage that were officially understood as 'feudal religious carry-overs' of the exploitative class. Consequently, those who transmitted or translated such ideas, were withdrawn from the socio-cultural space. Pre-revolution Buryat intelligentsia was viewed by the ruling power as an oppositional social group. That had a tragic effect on its status.
counterrevolutionary activity, panmongolism, ideology, Buryat intelligentsia, national culture, socialism, socialist culture, bourgeois nationalism, self-criticism, repression
Sociology of culture, social culture
Rozin, V.M. (2018). The Road Map of Reconstruction of Ancient Greek Culture and Sociality (the Period of Polises before the Empire). Culture and Art, 3, 8–20.
The analysis of the development of ancient greek sociality is made in the form of the 'road map', i.e. the author focuses on the methodological side of the research. The author of the article describes four stages of the research and moves: reconstruction of the trigger, analysis of the development of independence and social practices that ensured it, reconstruction of the institutionalization of sociality, analysis of the influence of social theories of Plato and Aristotle on practice. The central issue the author focuses on is the explanation of how the phenomenon of sociality arose. The author demonstrates that a 'new assembly of the social group' that happened under the influence of ancient greek personality and associated politia implied solutions of a number of problems and determination of common grounds that underlined particular opinions and concepts. Plato and Aristotle created schemes that allowed to solve the aforesaid problems and find those grounds. As a result, ancient greek sociality developed. In his research Rozin has used the following research methods and methodologies: problem statement, schematization, construction of terms and concepts, and analysis of empirical material. As a result of the research, the author outlines stages of ancient greek research and analysis of polis sociality, i.e. before Alexander III of Macedon created the Empire and Rome was built. The results of the research also allow to explain how ancient greek sociality developed as a result of philosophical reflection and creation of schemes and solutions of common affairs in polises.
becoming, thinking, theories, communication, personality, practice, politia, sociality, gods, equality
Sociology of culture, social culture
Rozin, V.M. (2018). Prolegomena to Reconstruction of Sociality of the Middle Ages. Culture and Art, 3, 21–32.
In his article Rozin analyzes sociality of the middle ages. The author bases his article on the in-depth research of S. Neretina who focused on the personal nature of medieval relations, the role of cities, development of the third social class, complex relations between the king and the main social classes of France. The author offers an analysis of four medieval social groups (Christians, 'suzerain - vassal' communities, royalty and townsmen such as craftsmen and merchants) as well as relations (Christian faith, politics, law and order) that united them as one big group. Further, the author analyzes the process of decomposition of those medieval social groups and development of a larger social group, monarchy and nation state. In this research Rozin has used the following methods and methodologies: problem statement, situation analysis, historic reenactment, and construction of an ideal type of medieval sociality. As a result of the research, the author demonstrates that to some degree, the middle ages repeated the history of the ancient greek times: polity-and election-based sociality was replaced with sociality that imitated both. As a consequence, institutions and bureaucracy developed and subdued society and personality. The author makes an assumption that the same pattern occured in the history later, too, and there have been no other ways to change the course of events.
power, territory, wars, iofficials, institutions, burghers, king, sociality, middle ages, Christianity
Applied culturology
Korpan, L.M. (2018). The Concepts of 'Language' and 'Grammar' of Symbols in Russian Avant-Garde Art and its Influence on the Symbol Systems of the 20th Century. Culture and Art, 3, 33–40.
In this research Korpan analyzes the concepts of 'language' of the artwork created by V. Kandinsky, researchers of the State Academy of Fine Arts (in particular, N. Volkov and A. Gabrichevsky) and Ya. Chernikhov from the point of view of the influence of these concepts on the development of visual communications of the 20th century. Based on the non-figurative fine art of the Russian avant-garde, artists and philosophers tried to create the 'language' that would be universal for all kinds of arts, and the theory of morphogenesis (V. Kandinsky and other researchers of the State Academy of Fine Arts) as well as a universal instrument for all kinds of visual communication (Ya. Chernikhov). The author of this article carries out a comparative analysis of different concepts of 'language' of art, defines general elements and principles of morphogenesis that had the greatest impact on the development of visual communications of the 20th century. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author views the theories of Kandinsky, N. Volkov, A. Gabrichevsky and Ya. Chernikhov as an integral concept that resulted in further development of methods and techniques of visual communication up to creation graphical user interfaces. The results of the research can be used to develop the system of graphical symbols (including computer interfaces) and in the field of graphic design.
principles of morphogenesis, Russian avan-gard, symbol system, language of graphics, non-verbal communication, visual communication, graphic design, visual perseption, composition in design, design theory
Art and Art History
Zverev, A.S. (2018). The Idea of the Integrity of Art Work in Hans Sedlmayr's Researches. Culture and Art, 3, 41–47.
The subject of the research is the theoretical views of an Austrian art historian Hans Sedlmayr on interpretation of art work. The corner stone of Hans Sedlmayr's approach is the idea of integrity. According to the art historian, art work is not just a system of external relations or formal structure but an organic whole that can be perceived both intellectually and sensually. The most important feature of integrity is a graphic nature of art work which was understood by Hans Sedlmayr as the unity of the sensual and spiritual, abstract and concrete, subjective and objective based on traditions of classical German philosophy. The method of this research is the systems approach that allows to understand ideas of Hans Sedlmayr as one whole. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the researcher views the ideas of Hans Sedlmayr in terms of classical German philosophy but not only as part of Vienna School of art. This approach allows to take another look at the main categories used by Hans Sedlmayr to analyze art work, in particular, the midpoint and graphic (visual) nature.
contemplation, uniqueness, art, middle, visibility, whole, work of art, interpretation, Gestalt, Universal
Scenic arts
Sarieva, E.A. (2018). The Influence of Pierre Levassor on Russian Stand-Up Performance Art. Culture and Art, 3, 48–55.
The subject of this research is the performance art of a great French artist of the 21st century, singer, composer of songs and verses Pierre Levassor (1808 - 1870). Pierre Levassor had an amazingly virtuosic acting technique that was based on using transformation in vaudevilles, musical imitiations, verses, monologues, etc. Despite all being said, there are no special researches devoted to Pierre Levassor and information about his real and creative life is very scarce. The object of this research is the influence of Pierre Levassor on Russian performance art during the period when stand-up genres (short stories, verses, parodies) developed. Within the framework of this research the author has used the contextual, historical cultural, comparative and theatre analysis. For the first time in the academic literature the author analyzes stand-up performances that were put on using the method of theatrical transformation in the first half of the 19th century. The results of the research demonstrate that being one of the founders of the stand-up genre, Pierre Levassor had a great impact on performance traditions of stand-up in Russia and brought in the style of virtuosic intonation music declamation. The art of stage transformation created by Pierre Levassor allowed to reveal all potential of the 'artistic narration' (short story) on the stage for the Russian stage including the founder of that genre in Russia, Ivan Gorbunov (1831 - 1896).
Ivan Gorbunov, vaudeville, short story, imitation, verse, stand-up genre, stage, transformation, Pierre Levassor, entertainment