Cultural heritage, tradition and innovation
Amgalanova, M.V. (2018). Traditions and Development of Buryat National Literature at the Crossing of Eras. Culture and Art, 2, 1–11.
The article is devoted to the analysis of that special role that was assigned to the development of national literature and writers as part of the cultural construction of regions. The subject of the research is the main trends in the development of the national Buryat literature of the 1920s which had been considered to be the literature with a recent system of writing for quite a long time. The author emphasizes the being one of the most important forms of social conciousness, literature has always reflected live styles and world views of people in this or that historical period. The author focuses on the development of the genre system of the Buryat literature. The methodological basis of the research includes the historical cultural approach, the main methods are axiological and narrative. The scientific novelty of the research is caused by the fact that Buryat researchers mostly focus on the descriptive analysis of literary works without focusing on visions, thoughts and feelings of writers that reflected social, political, economic and historical-cultural trends in the development of the 'new' Buryat culture. The main conclusion of the research is that the first after-revolution decade of the history and culture of Buryatia was one of the most dynamic periods when conditions for formation and development of the national literature were created.
author's beginning, world view, cultural heritage, folklore traditions, genre system, realism, literature recently put into writing, traditions of the Russian literature, Buryat literature, Buryat national culture
Culture and civilization
Belova, D.N., Gurevich, T.M. (2018). Axiology of Age in Russian and Japanese World Pictures. Culture and Art, 2, 12–21.
Based on the analysis of proverbs and sayings, the authors of the article analyze how the age is perceived in different social and historical conditions by Russians and Japanese people. The authors have tried to define national-cultural specificity of perception of such a universally important concept as 'age', and analyze the definition of age and the influence of traditional religion and cults on its development. Comparing phraseologisms about age stages of human life, the authors underline national stereotypes and ideas about the spiritual and aesthetic experience and traditions of both nations. For this purpose, the authors have used comparative, linguocultural analysis as well as descriptive method to clarify the imagery picture of the world. The athors offer their own approach to understanding the multi-layer national world picture expressed in proverbs and perceived by language speakers as undoubted truth and nation's opinion. The authors conclude that there is a certain similarity in paremiological funds of both languages when age peculiarities are described. The similarity of biological and social characteristics of age in Russian and Japanese cultures proves that a specific feature of age in Japanese proverbs and sayings is a particular indication of a number of years.
national-cultural specificity, time, life expectancy, traditions, world perception, proverbs, social characteristics, age peculiarities, age, phraseologisms
Sociology of culture, social culture
Rozin, V.M. (2018). Formation of Sociality of the Roman Empire During the Reign of Augustus. Culture and Art, 2, 22–32.
In his article Rozin describes the process of formation of ancient sociality attributable to the dictatorship of Sulla and reign of Augustus. It is still a difficulty for historians to refer social reality of that time to republican or imperial form of government. Rozin describes particular features of sociality of the Roman Republic which he calls 'polis-like', and sociality of developing Roman Empire which he respectively calls 'imperial'. He demonstrates that ancient culture of the beginning of the first century was a symbiosis of two forms of sociality. Polis sociality meant rather small communities, free citizens with equal rights, decision making about a life in a polis, discussion of general rules the majority of citizens would agree with, and development of knowledge about social reality as the axiological and ontological ground for making decisions through communication and debates. Imperial sociality had such typical features as social institutions and transfer of the main duties of citizens (discussion of personal and social issues, debates, decision making and decision execution, etc.) to the emperor and his representatives. In his research Rozin implements the following methodology: problem definition, situational analysis, comparative analysis, cultural and historical reconstruction, composition of definitions. As a result of analysis of the Roman history and culture as well as ancient law, the author has described the main features of ancient sociality and demonstrated that the reign of Augustus was characterized by the formation of social institutions and symbiosis of polis sociality and imperial sociality with all that it entails. policy, empire, principle, sociality, personality, communication, dictator, law, justice, reconstruction
dictator, communication, personality, sociality, principle, empire, policy, law, justice, reconstruction
Ethnology and cultural anthropology
Permilovskaya, A.B. (2018). Decoration as Part of the Dwelling Structure and the 'Structure' of Peasant World View. Culture and Art, 2, 33–40.
The subject of the research is the structural and decorative particularities of a traditional dwelling of the Russian (European) North and Arctic Region. The object of the research is a sign system of decorations as a reflection of peasant world view. The empirical basis of the research included 34 architectural ethnographic expeditions to 368 settlements of the Archangelsk and Vologda Regions and Karelia. The source for the research included archives and monuments of wooden architecture in wooden architecture museums: Malye Korely (Archangelsk Region), Kizhi (Republic of Karelia), collections from All-Russian Decorate Art Museum, etc. The research was based on a set of methods such as the systems approach, cultural-historical, ethnocultural, semiotic and historiographical methods. The research is based on using the method offered by Permilovskaya that implies using an architectural and ethnographical research of wooden architectural objets. The method was tested and published in monographs, research books, architectural encyclopaedia (Great Britain, 2017), etc. The research is devoted to the decoration of the roof of a folk dwelling, in particular, the final element - horse-ridge (“ohlupen”) that often had zoomorphic symbolics and was sculpturally depicted in the form of horse or bird or elk or antler horns. The author makes a new scientific guess that that the ornament of carving in scultured figures that decorate the house reflects a traditional archaic picture of the world of those who built the house. The results and conclusions of the research demonstrate that a classification of decorations of a folk wooden dwelling can be represented as a triad 'function - canon - decoration'. The scope of application of the results may include research activity, teaching, building open-air museums and restoration of wooden architecture monuments.
sign system, solar symbols, tradition, roof without nails, Arctic, Russian North, archaic world picture, horse-ridge (“ohlupen”), decor, folk dwelling
Theory and methodology of communication
Agrba, A.A. (2018). Mechanisms of Creation and Impact of Social Advertising in Russia and Spain: Comparative Analysis. Culture and Art, 2, 41–56.
The subject of the research is the structural, compositional and motivational mechanisms of creating social advertisign in Spain and Russia. The object of the research is the social advertising in Russia and Spain. The author of the article pays special attention toi one of the main objectives of social advertising as a special form of communication for informational and motivational purposes. The purpose of the research isi to develop algorithms of social motivation and create attitudes that would encourage an addressee to commit socially approved actions necessary to maintain a healthy atmosphere in the society. This is a universal purpose of social advertising. The national peculiarity of social advertising is the genre framework, structural and compositional features and tone range. These peculiarities determine unique mechanisms of creation and impact of social advertising in different countries and viewed by the author within the framework of this research. The research method is the comparative analysis that is used to describe mechanisms of creation and impact of social advertising in Russia and Spain. The novelty of the research is caused by the growing role of social advertising in a modern society and the need to carry out an in-depth study and comparative analysis of mechanisms of creation and impact of social advertising in different countries for the purpose of using the experience of the foreign states to plan an advertising strategy and tactics and create social advertising in Russia. The main conclusion of the research is that the author describes the most essential features of the structural and compositional organisation of social advertising in Russia and Spain.
advertising, structural and compositional features, tonality, motives, mechanisms of impact, Spain, Russia, social advertising, motivational mechanism, national peculiarity
Cultural heritage, tradition and innovation
Vasileva, E.A. (2018). Classification of Russian Museums of Dolls. Culture and Art, 2, 57–65.
The object of the research is the Russian museums of dolls. The first museums like that were opened in Russia at the beginning of the 20th century as a result of developing pedagogics and professional puppet theatre. These have been actively developing at the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries and are still continuing to develop now. Globalisation processes, in particular, growing popularity of doll arts and collecting fashion contribute to the development, too. The author of the present article pays attention to the variety of museums of dolls which is caused by different origins of dolls and numerous functions performed by the doll in general. The phenomenon is studied in terms of cultural research and the author analyzes classifications and typologies used by the museum community. The author emphasizes the importance of regular review and change of these classifications. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that despite the increasing interest in dolls as a collecting and exhibition item, there haven't been any researches devoted to Russian museums of dolls, in particular, their classification. As a result of the research, the author offers her own classification criteria depending on the origin of museums and contents of collections. In particular, the author describes four types of museums of dolls: museums of dolls that mostly exhibit art collections; museums of dolls and toys devoted to childhood studies; museums of theatre puppets run by the puppet theatres; and traditional museums of dolls. However, this classification should be extended in the future taking into account the growing number of such institutions.
collecting, typology, doll, toy, classification, museum, museum of theatre puppets, museum of toys, museum of dolls, private museum
Aesthetics and theory of art
Igumnova, A.S. (2018). Digital Culture. Prospects and Spatial Experience. Culture and Art, 2, 66–73.
This article gives an insight into the main changes in architecture and describes these changes from the aesthetical and philosophical points of view. Virtual space allows an architect to master new options and opportunities of marketing and designing and to work with new materials. This changes both the places of an artist and recepient. These changes cause a new interpretation of classical themes both from the theoretical and aesthetical points of view. This, in its turn, creates a number of problems needed to be solved. In her research Igumnova applies the comparative method to work with the theoretical corpus and the method of visual analysis to define aesthetic particularities of digital architecture. Architecture becomes a dynamic structure at all levels, eliminating all customary borders of static objects and thus changing the urban space. This is the 'must' for a dynamically developing society. In this way, the architectural environment creates a request for a thinking architect who highly adepts at new computer programs and technologies.
modern architecture, form, virtual reality, city, digital culture, architecture, aesthetics, philosophy, urbanistics, aesthetic perception