Virtual reality
Lapkina, N. A. (2013). The System of State Web Resources
in the Republic of Abkhazia:
the Issues of Information Space. Culture and Art, 6, 607–614.
Nowadays the Internet space is an essential element of practically all phenomena
or events. Everything important, interesting and topical is embodied in the global network.
To be presented in the virtual space means to be able to show that you are important.
The Republic of Abkhazia, the state that has a rather complicated political status, is fully
presented only in the Internet space today because the greater part of the global community
considers the region to be the territory that has been annexed from Georgia. The author of
this research article analyzes the process of development of official state web-resources of
the republic, the issues related to completing the content of the information space, difficulties
faced in the development of the virtual sector, absence of the national domain of the highest
level and causes of particular gaps in the development of non-state web-resources. As the
main method for analyzing the website, the author of the article uses her own research developments
as well as European programs on improving electronic resources in the sphere
of culture and ethnography.
virtual space, ethnopolitics, Abkhazia, information space, information security, web-resources, self-identification, ethnic identity, virtual identity, state websites.
Culture of art and the process of creation
Dovzhik, A. K. (2013). Addressees of Aubrey Beardsley’s Works:
Sexual Codes of the ‘Narrow Circle of Friends’. Culture and Art, 6, 615–622.
The subject under review is Aubrey Bersley’s paintings and extracts from his erotic
novel ‘Under the Hill’ published in The Savoy Journal in 1896. The purpose of the present
research article is to show that the academic interpretations of Bersley’s works showing the
Victorian audience as being homogenous and unified aren’t quite right. For this purpose, the
author of the article studies rhetoric and techniques used by Bersley in his works and describes
the target audience Bersley could have addressed his works to. Contextualization of Bersley’s
writings proves that his writings were nothing else but structured exclusive subcultural codes
that could not have been read by most of Bersley’s contemporaries. Implicit addressees of
Bersley’s works were experts in the backstreet pornography, homosexual men and members
of the closed society of decadents of the 1890th whose icon was Oscar Wilde even before he
was arrested for homosexual relations. The approach used by the author of the article shows
how inconsistent and different Bersley’s audience was. The author also questions the academic
point of view on the common perception of Bersley by Victorians.
contextualization, researches of sexuality, Oscar Wilde, Victorian Decadence, Aubrey Beardsley, cultural research, semiotics, Savoy, Under the Hill, Aubrey Beardsley.
Art and Art History
Petrov, V. O. (2013). Epatage in Art of XXth Century:
Observation and Denial
of Linguistic Expressive Means. Culture and Art, 6, 623–632.
Epatage in art of XXth century was a widespread and quite contradictory phenomenon
that was described by many artists, composers, poets and writers but still cannot
be clearly classified due to its diversity. However, the author of the present research article
tries to give a classification of epatage artwork of XXth century from the point of view
of observation or denial of linguistic expressive means. The main research method used
by the author of the article is the analytical analysis of regular patterns of the artwork of
XXth century and synthesis of the results into a classification. Epatage in art of XXth century
hasn’t been sufficiently studied modern cultural researchers. Therefore the author of
this article tries to compare major pieces of the epatage art and create their classification.
For the first time in cultural researches the author views works created by V. Ekiomvsky,
S. Zaniy, E. Brown, R. Haubenstock-Ramati and D. Cram from this point of view.
art history, music, music of XXth century, epatage, classification, Ekimovsky, Zagniy, Brown, Haubenstock-Ramati, Cram.
Styles, trends, schools
Rakov, V. P. (2013). Basic Concepts of the Poetics of Insolvabilities. Culture and Art, 6, 633–652.
The article is devoted to the description of structural components of the Silver
Age styles expressed in works created by Adnrei Bely, Marina Tsvetaeva, Vasily Rozanov
and some futurists. The researcher refers them to representatives of the ‘poetics of insolvabilities’
as he calls it. Based on the author, poetics of insolvabilities reflect the features
that were typical not only for the art of writing but for the culture of that epoch in general.
In mimetic creative strategies the most important role was plaid by the concept of the ‘beyond
the border’ creativity that was beyond the verbal context and at the same time inseparable
from it. The concepts of ukon, meon, linguistic morphability and insubstantiality
in esthetic representations and style were significant, too. The present article summarizes
and develop the ideas expressed by the author in his previous articles.
semantic spirality, semantic uncertainty, figures of style, calligraphy of style, unexplorable, art history, rhetoric culture, choreography of text, open form.
Biblical culture and art of the book
Gularyan, A. B. (2013). ‘Coming War’ as the Literary Genre. Culture and Art, 6, 653–664.
One of the most important signs indicating that a society is ready for a new
war is the appearance of war scenarios in literature. Indeed, so called ‘utopian war novels’
often preceded actual military actions and even predicted the nature and outlines of future
battles for these novels reflected the epoch and the public opinion of the epoch. Russian
science fiction writers wrote about the coming war, too. In Russia the genre of the utopian
war novel has become the mean of expression for former and acting military officers, the
mean of building a desired future and propaganda for revolutionary-minded intelligentsia
as well as the mean of mobilization of the public spirit for the communist government of
the country in the pre-war period. Literary plots of those times also demonstrate that Stalin
and his government were still getting ready for the revolutionary war between social
classes. The ‘coming war’ literary genre had the two socially important functions, to warn
about the coming war and to mobilize the public spirit in the pre-war period.
coming war, utopian war novel, predictive capabilities, mobilization of the public spirit, literature, science fiction, writers, scenario, novel, plot devices.
Biblical culture and art of the book
Rozhkova, N. V. (2013). Art and Functional Features of the Chronotope
in Hermann Hesse’s Prose. Culture and Art, 6, 665–672.
The purpose o the present article is to study special features of the chronotope of artistic
heritage of Hemann Hesse who used the system of spatial and time references in the anthropological
and ontological decision making process. Hesse expressed spatial relations in different forms of
movement and his researches of space allowed him to solve anthropological issues while his researches
of time allowed the German master of the pen to solve ontological problems. In particular,
he attempted at studying the relation between the spiritual, the temporal and the cultural by literary
expressive means. The writer touches upon the subject, features and images of space when describing
axiosphere of personality or psychological states or processes or studying the vector of development
of development of the human inner world. As for the time, the German writer brought forth
and solved that problem in terms of ontology. Opposing time to timelessness, the German writer
proved the existence of the eternal, pure, creative and divine spirituality and compared it to the existence
of culture and personality.
cultural research, philosophy of culture, anthropology, chronotope, space, time, movement, personality, existence of culture, prose.
Music and music culture
Panaiotidi, E. G. (2013). ‘Music Sounds as the Emotion Feels’.
The Principle of the Internal Similarity
in the Theory of the Esthetics of Music. Culture and Art, 6, 673–686.
Based on the example of the concept offered by a British scientist Malcolm
Budd, the author of the article views the strategy used by scientists to prove the relation
between music ad emotion based on the principle of cross-categorical similarity between
the sound of music and one’s emotional experience. Using the idea of ‘make-believe’ introduced
by Kendall Walton as an additional explicit mean as well as the three disjunctive
‘imaginative projects’ explaining the possible ways of perceiving emotional expressive music,
Budd’s concept tends to fully explain the phenomenon of music expression and emotional
impact made by music. The main purpose of the research was to describe the explicit
potentials of Budd’s concept and the main research method used by the researcher was the
method of conceptual analysis. The researcher concludes that the analogy principle cannot
be used at the core of the basic concept of musical expression because it has certain limits
and cannot cover all possible forms of musical expression of emotion. It also has certain
limits when used as the methodological principle lying in the basis of the synthetic approach
integrating different explicit means.
internal similarity, synthetic theory, cross-categorical similarity, Budd, movement, make-believe, Pratt, perception of emotions, sympathetic response, make-believe truth.
Music and music culture
Chertok, M. D. (2013). Fly up Like Eagles, Falcons!. Culture and Art, 6, 687–703.
The subject matter of the present research article is one of the most popular soldier’s
marching song ‘Fly Up Like Eagles, Falcons!’. The purpose of the present article is to trace back the
history of the song from the moment when it was first heard till the moment when it was first performed
for the audience and first published. The results of the study are the discovery of the first facts
of the song being performed in the 30th of XIXth century, particularly in 1834 during the Kalisz maneuvers
but not during the Patriotic War of 1812. The results of research can be used to prepare for
publication of selected patriotic and soldier’s songs. The scope of application of the results includes
soldier’s songs, military history, preservation of cultural heritage, songcraft and Russian history.
The research methods include the search and analysis of all references to this song in printing materials
and audio and visual works. The author of the article studied different variants of the song
as well as existing selected soldier’s songs published in Russian and foreign languages. Conclusions:
the old soldier’s song ‘Fly Up Like Eagles, Falcons!’ is still dearly loved and popular among military
officers. The song has a rich history that relates to the heroism of Russian people during wars. Different
variants of the song also show the creativity of composers of soldier’s songs. The song is quite
important for modern creative professionals.
soldier’s song, union with Prussia, Kalisz maneuvers, Great Patriotic War, military history, cultural heritage, field camp, choir singing, Russian tsar, Prussian King.