Culture and science
Limanskaya, L. Yu. (2013). M. V. Lomonosov’s Teaching about Light and Color
Within the Framework of Natural Philosophy and Art
Quests in Mid XVIII Century. Culture and Art, 2, 127–131.
Viewing art as a science, Mikhail Lomonosov included
his art theory of light and color in the sphere of
academic inquiries. As a researcher and a naturalist, he
assumed that the more mysteries of Nature our mind can
understand, ‘the happier we feel at heart...’. Based on the
laws of optics, Mikhail Lomonosov created his trichromatic
theory of vision that precedes Hemlhotz’s findings. He
used achievements in optics for creating colored glass in
the process of mosaic making. In addition to scientific findings,
Lomonosov also viewed the theory of color vision as
a way to get closer to the deepest mysteries of the Heavens
and art in genera as the mean of expressing the knowledge
that praises God through images.
art history, Mikhail Lomonosov, natural philosophy, Isaac Newton, Hermann von Helmholtz, color, paint, mosaic, trichomatic vision.
Culturology and cultural studies
Akopyan, K. Z. (2013). The World Perceived Sub Specie Culturae or the Space
of Creating Spirit. Culture and Art, 2, 132–143.
The author analyses the most typical examples of
definitions of the subject of cultural studies found in the
latest methodological-educational literature. Based on
this analysis, the author proposes a thesis about a need
to expand the scope of the subject of cultural studies and
include, along with the term ‘culture, the term ‘civilization
’ and a new term which the author calls “nonculturenoncivilization
”. In the author’s opinion, this term covers
a) the “lining” of the life of the society, b) those extrasocial
sources and roots owing to which, from the author’s
point of view, culture originates, and c) uber-social sphere
which first of all includes the Highest Values that cannot
be formalized. The position of a researcher, which presupposes
consideration of all elements incorporated in the
subject of cultural studies through the prism of culture,
plays a decisive role in the author’s approach.
cultural studies, subject, cultural, culture, nonculture, civilization, non-civilazation, pre-social, ubersocial, antinomic.
Philosophy of culture
Zubkov, N. N. (2013). «Credo» and «Cogito» as a Historical and Cultural
Issue. Culture and Art, 2, 144–152.
Participants of the conference ‘Philosophical
Thought and Religious Experience’ devoted to the
memory of a philosopher, theologian and historian Nikolay
Zernov discussed the relation between religion and
knowledge in different cultures and epochs. They analyzed
philosophical meaning of the Biblical commandments,
the role of religious experience for the leaders of the Bengal Renaissance, types of religious mind in
modern Russian society, religion and knowledge as the
main concepts in history of European thought and etc.
The relation between knowledge and religion was shown
as one of the most important dogmatic and at the same
time creative collusions in history of the world culture in
general and Russian culture in particular.
cultural studies, culture, religion-knowledgephilosophy, science and myth, religious experience, conventional thinking, gnosis, polydiscourse, Vladimir Soloviev, Nikolay Zernov.
Ethnology and cultural anthropology
Sukovataya, V. A., Fisun, E. G. (2013). East and Femininity in Writings of Russian and French
Orientalists: Inversion of Gaze. Culture and Art, 2, 153–160.
The authors of the article study semantics
and evolution of the “East” in the West European and
Russian orientalism paintings of the 19th century on
the materials of the works by J.A.D. Ingres, E. Delacroix,
V. Vereschagin. The target of the study is to analyze
evolution of the Eastern woman’s images in the
West-European and Russian orientalism in the context
of evolution of the dialogue between the East and the
West. It is proved that semantics of “East” is closely
connected with semantics of femininity. The novelty of
work is caused by several facts: 1) the study is about
not only aesthetical but also ideological differences
between French (West European) and Russian orientalism
(V. Vereschagin); 2) development of the Postmodernist
and Feminist concept of gaze (that was founded
by Laura Mulvey) based on the classical paintings of
the 19th century; 3) demonstration of the “inversion”
opportunities of gaze in the orientalist painting; 4) the
study analyzes specifics of the dialogue between the
East and the West in the West European and Russian
paintings of the 19th century.
cultural studies, femininity, orientalism, the Other, dialogue between the East and the West, race, sexuality, ‘spectator’s opinion’, inversion of gaze, gender analysis.
Symbol, word, speech, language
Malkhar Kulkarni (2013). Complementary Development of Language Studies
and Philosophy of Language in India. Culture and Art, 2, 161–167.
The article describes development of language
studies and philosophy of language in India as well as
their close relation and mutual usage of advantages. India
is famous for its language diversity and development
of language technology, especially in the sphere of education.
The author focuses on how grammatical formalism
and meta-language allowed Ancient Indian linguist Panini
to explain a great number of linguistic phenomena.
The author of the article also touches upon the topic of
philosophical discussions that reflect the development of
language studies.
cultural studies, language studies, philosophy, Indian culture, linguistic variety, educational environment, standardization, Panini’s grammatical formalism, metalanguage, cognitive aspects.
Historical culturology and the history of culture
Chernyavskaya, E. N. (2013). Great Road of Russia in Bogorodskaya Land. Culture and Art, 2, 168–184.
The main topic of the article is the road going
from Moscow to the East of Russia, in particular,
the part of the road passing through Moscow region.
The author of the article describes the role of this road
in history for different spheres of social life and Bogorodskaya
land (Bogorodskaya county of Moscow
province). The road is shown as the road for traveling,
trade, post service, the road of war and the road of
transportation of exiles as well as the road for traveling
of private travelers. The author describes the most
important events and facts associated with different
functions of the road and tells us how the road has
been changing and shown in art work. Therefore, the
author proves that this road has a great potential as an
object of cultural and historical heritage. The author
also suggests that this road should be viewed as the
resource for territory development and describes how
forgotten phenomena, events and places can be turned
into the basis of tourism development and help to create
new profitable objects of road-side tourism.
cultural studies, history, image, outlook, culture, economics, heritage, revival, Moscow, Moscow Region.
Cultural heritage, tradition and innovation
Ostaptseva, V. N. (2013). Cultural Dialogue between Russia and Poland in Literary
Journal ‘Moscow Telegraph’ (1826–1829): A Lesson
for Modernity. Culture and Art, 2, 185–189.
Natinal culture is formed by creative individuals.
Participation of Adam Mickiewicz in the Moscow Telegraph
Journal and interest of Russian writers for creative
work of this Polish poet and Polish culture in general was
caused by adoption of general cultural values. The main
principle of participants in a cultural dialogue is that love
for truth should be more than love for one’s motherland.
In the century of literature centrism literature was seen as
a field for uniting two nations and two cultures. Dialogue
between Russian and Polish cultures within the framework
of a literary journal, based on Mickhiewicz, was the key to
understanding between the two ‘related nations’ as well as
in other spheres of human activities. Romantic consciousness
has a historical memory about the union of the common
Slavic roots of Polish and Russian nations and moreover
even a deep memory about the common soul that was
not divided based on national characteristics. It is our duty
to keep this experience of international communication
discovered by publicists at early XIX century who truly believed
in cultural (Slavic and Christian) unity as the basis
of relations between Poland and Russia.
cultural studies, dialogue, natioal culture, Adam Mickiéwicz, Moscow Telegraph, romanticism, transfer, literature-centrism, values, memory.
Audiovisual culture and art
Khrenov, N. A. (2013). Sokurov’s ‘Faust’: Anatomy of Demonism. Culture and Art, 2, 190–206.
The article is devoted to a cinematographic
masterpiece caused by an attempt of a film director
Alexander Sokurov to use Goethe’s brilliant worktragedy
‘Faust’ –and to tell about the most nettlesome
issues of XX century related to formation of masses,
mass societies and, as a consequence, group leaders
and dictators. Alexander Sokurov’s film is not a screen
version of Goethe’s ‘Faust’ in the traditional meaning
of the word. It should seem that using Goethe’s tragedy
for sharing his thoughts on modern issues must lead
to superficial and vulgar interpretation of a classical
writing. But Sokurov’s idea to include his new film in
what he called ‘tetralogy’, i.e. a group of films devoted
to famous dictators of XX century (Vladimir Lenin, Adolf
Hitler and Hirohito) allowed to get a better insight
into Goethe’s plot and to understand why that Goethe
had such a difficult time writing that tragedy. If we
try to understand the primary intentions of Goethe, we
can find out the beginning of the demonism complex
in Western culture that very well explains the way we
perceive political leaders of XX century.
cultural studies, demonism, dictatorship, intertext, Faust’s culture, screen version, rationalism, postmodernism, transcendent, utopia and anti-utopia.
Culture of art and the process of creation
Skorobogacheva, E. A. (2013). Images and Art Work of the Russian North in World
Perception and Creative Work of the Vasnetsovs
Family. Culture and Art, 2, 207–214.
The article is devoted to the meaning of images
and art of the Russian North continued by national
cultural traditions of Russia (based on the world
perception and creative work of M. Vasnetsov, V. Vasnetsov,
Ap. Vasnetsova, Ar. Vasnetsova, N. Vasnetsova
and Al. Vasnetsova. Images of the Russian North often
appeared in their natural landscapes, genre paintings,
literary writings, fairy tale ad religious paintings and
decorative patterns. Those images helped artists to
continue Russian cultural traditions. It is especially
shown in creative work of V. Vasnetsov. The author of
the article focuses on his childhood, young and mature
years, analyzes images of the North in his art work
and graphic, architecture projects and decorative art
(furniture first of all). Images of the North helped the
artist to understand the nature of folk life and traditions
and had a significant influence on V. Vasnetsov’s
style and artwork.
art history, art, culture, traditions, art language, Russian North, the Vasnetsovs, fine arts, architecture, furniture.
Aesthetics and theory of art
Makeenkova, A. V. (2013). ‘Classical’ and ‘Modern’ Phenomena in History
of Fine Art. Culture and Art, 2, 215–227.
The issue about ‘beginning of art history’ is not
such a challenge for art studies any more, but the modern
state of art still raises lots of questions. Modern art is a
difficult topic to study because there are a great number
of art forms nowadays. So the author suggests to use a
general term ‘modernism’ for all kinds and forms of modern
art. Based on the author, this term ‘modernism’ covers
all modern movements in art starting from impressionism
and also points out the similarity of processes that started
in art at the last quarter of XIX century and have been
ongoing up to the present. So far, the main intrigue in art
studies is the appearance of modernism that recalled the
old topic of the ‘death of art’. Kazimir Malevich’s ‘Black
Square’ is now interpreted as the ‘gravestone’ of classical
art. But ‘classical’ does not usually mean ‘stable’ or ‘constant
’ in art. Modernism did not ‘kill’ classical art. Classical
art was gradually fading away because there was no
more need in it.
art history, art studies, classical art, modern art, crisis of art, modernism, avant-garde, post-modernism, style, realism.
First person view
Rashkovskiy, E. B. (2013). Philosophy of Communication: From Memories about
Alexandra Kudasheva-Tinikova. Culture and Art, 2, 228–234.
This article is some kind of analytical memoirs
about a child’s theatrical teacher Alexandra Kudasheva-
Tinikova (1894–1971), the heiress and the follower of traditions
of the great Russian theatrical culture at the beginning
of XX century. She taught many famous actors of the
second half of XX – beginning of XIX century. Analyzing
life and experience of Alexandra Kudasheva-Tinikova, the
author of the article, a historian and a philosopher, tries to
understand the phenomenon of theatre as an essential part
of human life and culture.
cultural studies, oral history, Alexandra Kudasheva- Tinikova, psychological realism, convention, philosophy, pedagogy, theatre, communication, inside.