Culture and civilization
Kondakov, I. V. (2013). ‘New Russia’ and the Destiny of Humakind:
Russian Culture in Lev Gumilev’s Conception. Culture and Art, 1, 7–20.
The article is devoted to ethno-historical
concept of the Russian culture suggested by
L. Gumilev who discovered the relationship between
ethnogenesis and culturegenesis in ethno-cultural
history. He showed the dependence of culture on
the landscape, the biosphere and the passionarity
of other ethnic groups. Lev Gumilev viewed Russian
culture as the Eurasian phenomenon and the frontier
between sedentary and nomadic peoples, the
Forest and the Steppe, the East and the West. Collapse
of the USSR and the ethno-cultural crisis of
former constituents of the Russian and Soviet Empires
make us view Gumilev’s theory of ethnogenesis
in a different light and apply its projective and predictive
capabilities to modern socio-cultural realities
in Russia during XXI century.
cultural research, Russian culture, cultural and civilizational identity, ethnogenesis, culturegenesis, passionarity, breakdown (collapse), Eurasian cultural knot, super-ethnos.
Culture and Cult
Rashkovskiy, E. B. (2013). Religion and Culture in Modern Russia. Culture and Art, 1, 21–25.
The author sets himself at a task to theoretically
explain the severe cultural crisis ongoing in modern
Russia based on the analysis of the ternary institutional
structure of a modern society – state institution – civil
society. To the author’s opinion, it is possible to create
grounds for overcoming today’s cultural collapse and ensuring
future humanistic evolution only if we understand
that these three basic elements of the modern society complete
one another, on one hand, and have absolutely different
content and functions, on the other hand.
cultural research, state institution, religious institutions, civil society, Russia, culture, crisis, upswing, post-Soviet period, intellectual – cultural landscape.
Philosophy of culture
Khrenov, N. A. (2013). Symbolism as a Part of the Confl ict Between
Anthropomorphic and Disanthropomorphic
Tendencies in Culture. Culture and Art, 1, 26–40.
The author of the article discusses the role
of symbolism as an art movement in Russian art at the turn of XXth century. Symbolism is viewed as the
creation of the epoch of the Russian empire collapse
and thus, the author underlines the following features
of symbolism: symbolism demonstrates the gap in
continuity of generations; the opposition between anthropomorphic
and disanthropomorphic tendencies,
between humanitarian and natural scientifi c spheres.
The latter creates the gap between ‘fathers’ and ‘children’.
‘Fathers’ are viewed as positivists and ‘children’
– symbolists demonstrate their escaping into mystics,
theosophy, mythology, Gnosticism and Christian personalism.
It makes symbolists resemble romantics
and therefore symbolism is often said to be the neoromanticism.
Continuing the opposition between Art
Nouveau and romanticism in XX, symbolists adopted
and developed the romantic tradition.
cultural research, empire collapse, continuity of generations, alternative culture, anthropomorphism, disanthropomorphism, personalism, rationalism, precognition, myth.
Ethnology and cultural anthropology
Marushiakova, E. A., Popov, V. Z. (2013). Gypsy Court in Eastern Europe: Concept,
Forms and Modern Transformations. Culture and Art, 1, 41–46.
The article continues the theme of the
ethnical gypsy court, one of the main institutions of
behavior control which is still used by certain gypsy
tribes in Central, South-Eastern and Eastern Europe.
The author of this article describes the main
features of the gypsy court as the method of institutional
resolution of confl icts between communities
as well as transformations ongoing at a modern
stage of development.
cultural research, ethnology, gypsy court, non-judicial confl ict resolution, institutional confl ict resolution, authority and social-age status, composition of court, mixed court, cross border courts, International Romani Union.
Theory and methodology of communication
Sineokiy, O. V. (2013). East Rock: the Recording from Socialistic Asia. Culture and Art, 1, 47–53.
The phenomenon of rock’n’roll comes in
the form of information-cognitive model, which consists
of various components where the most important
component is the geography of recording. The article
reviews the history of the formation of recording industry
in China, Vietnam, Laos, Mongolia, North Korea
and, in part, in South Korea. Particular attention
is paid to the communicative features of recording rock music under conditions of socialism. We propose
practical ways of resolving some of the raised issues
at a legal level in the fi rst place.
cultural research, social communication, information-cognitive model, law, Asia, label, recording, shellac, rock music.
Symbol, word, speech, language
Alpatov, V. M. (2013). Indian Death has the ‘Caste, Gender, Age,
Social Status, Political Bias and Tastes’. Culture and Art, 1, 54–60.
The author of the article provides the
analysis of a fundamental book ‘Death in Maharashtra.
Imagination, Perception, Embodiment’ (published
in Moscow in 2012). The book includes texts
of different kind and content and all these texts have
the same two topics in common: Maharashtra, one of
the major states of India, and death. The author describes
differences and similarities between Indian
culture and Russian and Western cultures as well
as between Indian culture and globalization culture.
These differences and similarities show themselves
in people’s attitude to death and associated rituals.
Particular attention is paid at three main themes discussed
in the book: caste (including the ones still exisiting
in modern India), women’s position (India has
the worst living conditions for women)and terrorism
(different opinions on Mohandas Gandhi death is a
bright example of Indian alternative to non-violence).
It is noted that Russians’ interest for Indian culture
(and India in general) experienced its ups (in early
XX when orientalism was in fashion and in 1950
when relations between Soviet Union and India were
promoted and Indian cinema and literature became
popular) and downs (including the present times).
cultural research, Oriental studies, Indian studies, Indian culture, Maharashtra, mahratti language, death, ritual, cultural differences and similarities, globalization culture.
Cultural heritage, tradition and innovation
Baldina, O. D. (2013). Objective-Material World of National Culture
in the Sphere of Modern Communication:
Contact Areas. Culture and Art, 1, 61–73.
The article is devoted to the problem of
traditional national culture as a ‘new’ cultural reality.
The author analyzes the forms of national arts
and crafts as continuation of the cultural tradition
in a rapidly globalizing world, implementation of the
processes of collective and individual identifi cation and its interactions with other layers of national arts
and crafts. The discussion is based on the materials of
the exhibition ‘Modern National Art. Traditions and
Modern Age’ held in 2008 in Vologda as well as the
conference ‘Theory and Practice of National Art in
Post-Perestroyka Period’ held at Stroganov Moscow
State University of Arts and Industry as part of Voronov
readings (Moscow, 2010).
cultural studies, history of art, national culture, objective and material world, globalization and glocalization, national work crafts, ethnical processes, layers of national culture, identity, tradition.
Culture of art and the process of creation
Severyukhin, D. Ya. (2013). Art Market and Self-Organization of Artists
in Leningrad (St. Petersburg) During the Transitional
Period (Mid 1980 – Mid 2000). Culture and Art, 1, 74–87.
The article is devoted to the artistic life
of Leningrad (St. Petersburg) during the transitional
20 years (mid 1980 – mid 2000). The author of the
article analyzes the development of art market, exhibition
and gallery business and describes activities
performed by unions of artists. It is concluded that
new tendencies became evident in St. Petersburg only
by mid 2000 when the ‘Western’ type of galleries were
founded. These galleries have managed to combine
business practice with promotion of modern art and
certainly gave tone to this sphere.
cultural research, art history, perestroika, art market, artist, exhibition, gallery, union, auction, festival.
Styles, trends, schools
Limanskaya, L. Yu. (2013). Avant-Garde Quests in Odessa School
of Painting at the Beginning of ÕÕ Century. Culture and Art, 1, 88–95.
Odessa has a special place in cultural
and geographical space of the Ukraine. Being a major
Black Sea port, it functions as the connecting link
between Russia, Ukraine and Europe. It is still far
from the central part of the Ukraine which makes it
a good place of living for writers and artists who are
not liked by the offi cial government. Close connection
with Western European art centres and opposition
in art created conditions for formation of the original
school of painting. Odessa Art School played an
important role in formation of the artistic life in the
region, too. Graduates from this School continued
their education in major educational and art centres in Russia and Europe. At the beginning of XX century
different art styles in Avant-Garde painting were
created by international activity of V. Kandinsky, D.
Burlyuk, V. Izdebsky, T. Fraerman, A. Nurenberg, M.
Boychuk, M. Zhuk, N. Shelyuto who studied in Odessa
and then continued their education in Paris, Munich,
Krakow and Vienna.
art history, avant-garde, art, Odessa, V. Kandinsky, V. Izdebsky, M. Gershenfeld, A. Nurenberg, Société des Artistes Indépendants (Society of Independent Artists), Spring Exhibitions.
Architecture and design
Chernyavskaya, E. N. (2013). Symbols of State in the Territory of Moscow. Culture and Art, 1, 96–103.
The article is devoted to the development
of symbols of state in Moscow throughout the
times: the Kremlin (still remains a symbol) and
Ivan the Great, Pokrovsky Cathedral on the Moat,
the Cathedral of Christ the Saviour, the Palace of
the Soviets with its supertall skyscrappers, Moscow
International Business Center ‘Moscow City’.
The author describes the governor’s idea of Russia’s
role in world affairs reflected in each architectural
symbol. It is stressed out that there were
no such architectural symbols of state in 1920
and 1960 – 1980 when the functional architecture
ruled and only architectural signs were created.
The author also discovered the meaning of
compositional and planning connections between
the symbols, for instance, between Ivan the Great
and neighboring cities and important manors of
nobility built near Moscow; between the Palace of
the Soviets and new Stalin-era buildings, and etc.
Traditional meaning of architectural axis buildings
also expoains the current tendencies in developing
the south-west of Moscow.
cultural research, symbol, statehood, Moscow, architecture, urban development, sign, axis, history, simulacrum.
Music and music culture
Petrov, V. O. (2013). Vocal Symphony: Concerning the Synthesis
between Music and Word. Culture and Art, 1, 104–114.
Based on the example of the vocal symphony
that was formed in XIX century as a genre and
became one of the key elements of symphony modifi -
cation, the author discusses the synthesis between the
two forms of expression – musical and verbal ones.
The relation between music and word also refl ects the
historical evolution of the vocal symphony. The author
also analyzes a number of original artworks.
art history, music, symphony, word, genre, synthesis of arts, image, avant-garde, text, semantics.