(2012). Russian Institute for Cultural Research
Celebrates its 80th Anniversary!. Culture and Art, 3, 7–7.
Culture and authority
Polosina, A. N. (2012). The Idea of Violence in Lev Tolstoy’s Creative Work. Culture and Art, 3, 8–13.
Despite the fact that the idea of violence is
quite utopian and abstract, when Lev Tolstoy refreshed the
idea at the end of the 19th – beginning of the 20th century
in his own grandiose way, it made a strong impression on
his contemporaries, attracted criticism of philosophers and
politicians of all kinds and movements and created grounds
for it to be recognized and accepted in many regions of the
world (by Mohandas Gandhi, Martin King and others).
As if he could foresee an unusual splash of violence in the
oncoming 20th century, the writer kept discussing the
Antique truth in his novels, philosophical and political
essays, diaries, letters and verbal expressions. Although
we do not even claim that we will be ever to fully represent
this topic, we will try and analyze the genetic sources of
Tolstoy’s rejection of violence as well as evolution of the idea
of Satyagraha in his philosophy.
cultural studies, genesis, violence, Satyag raha, state institution, power, money, Church, Christianity, rejection.
Culture and Cult
Rozin, V. M. (2012). The Mystery of Eschatological and Demiurgic Percep
tion of the World of Philosophers and Artists
of the Silver Age (Case Study of the Conception
of All-Encompassing Unity by Soloviev). Culture and Art, 3, 14–21.
The article is devoted to the world perceitpoin of
philosphers and artists during the Silver Age that combined
both eschatological and demiurgic ideas. In this regard the
article discusses Soloviev’s ideas about human immortality
as well as Soloviev’s conception of all-ecomopassing unity.
In order to analyze the latter, the author addresses to his
own researches of esoteric teachings, on the one han, and
to his theory of ‘schemology’, on the other. The author
shows that being an esoterist, Soloviev uses the schemes to
understand the reality of all-ecompassing unity and solves
the problem of death in this context. When doing so, Soloviev
also realizes the strategy of ‘esoteric day-dreaming’ which
helps him to enter the reality of all-encompassing unity.
cultural studies, esotherics, conception, allencompassing unity, reality, psyche, problem, situation, vision, perception of the world.
Culturology and cultural studies
Zhidkov, V. S. (2012). About Specifi city of Art of the 21st Century. Culture and Art, 3, 22–37.
Growing scientifi c and technological progress
which stimulates socio-cultural changes, has a drastic
infl uence on socio-cultural environmenta and the world
view of the arists – creators of artistic values – as well
as their audience. It creates a need in defi ning borders
between art and creation of artifacts. This is what the article
is devoted to.
cultural studies, culture, art, world view, artist values, artifacts, borders between art and non-art, progress, artist, audience.
Philosophy of culture
Skorokhodova, T. G. (2012). Philoosphical Understanding of the Biblical Legacy:
Parralels between India and Russia in the 19th –
20th Centuries. Culture and Art, 3, 38–45.
The author of the article has made an attemp
to compare views on the Bible from the point of Indian and
Russian philosophy in the 19th – 20th centuries. The common
approach to Biblican texts that united such peoples as a philosopher
and reformer Rammohan Roy, a priest, theologist
and public fi gure Krisnamachar Banergee, philosopher
Vla dimir Soliviet and a priest and theologist Alexander
Men, viewed the Bible as something phenomenological and
personal, something that was far from modern and traditional
interpretations. These philosophers addressed to the
Spirit of the Biblical legacy and it allowed them to achieve the
synthesis of the national and universal, Western and Oriental,
spiritual and slocial development of peoples and cultures as
well as sensibility of every nation to general human values
represented in the Biblican legacy.
cultural stuies, philosophy, values, Bible, Christiniaity, culture, Christology, understanding, text, theology.
Theory and methodology of communication
Horuzhy, S. S. (2012). Concerning the Value of Personal Contacts in the
World of Humanitarian Communication. Culture and Art, 3, 46–49.
Analysis of veritual and mass media technologies of
communicaton shows a current tendency towards degradation
of communication, depletion of its spiritual, personal and
existential features and loss of the ‘depth of communication’. This
tendency allows to speak of hierarchy of communication forms
starting from meaningful personal communication to totally
formal ‘protocol communication’ of computer systems. Quite
on the contrary, philosophers and spiritual practitioners see the
hierarchy of communicaitno forms starting from simple empiric
communication – through the forms relevant to the stages of
spiritual practice, - up to absolutely meaningful communciation
that serves to exchange not only information but also existence.
This is that Byzantian patristics called ‘perihorisis’. Since the
degradation of human communication is one of the threats for
the current anthroplogical and social situation, cultiviation of
personal communcation and communcation form should be
viewed as one of the strategies to overcome the anthropological
crisis. New opportunities of such cultivation reveal the oncoming
process of the society and conciousness reaching the post-secular
cultural stuies, anthropology, personology, Hesychasm, being, communication, mass-media, virtual world, personality.
Historical culturology and the history of culture
Listov, V. S. (2012). "Here the Eagle is Flying, Heavy and Scary": Speaking
of one Historical Motive in Alexander Pushkin’s
poem ‘Yezerskiy’. Culture and Art, 3, 50–57.
The article is devoted to the verse XIII of the
poem ‘Yezerskiy’. This verse is full of profound philosophy and meaning and, based on the author, has a concrete historical
implication. The verse describes the events happened in 1815
when Napoleoe escaped from Elba Island and moved to Paris
– evolution of Buonaparte’s ideas and his retaining his power
and government. The verse also very well proves Pushkin’s
tendency to ‘parody history and Shakespear’.
cultural studies, Alexander Pushkin, Napoleone Buonaparte, history of Russia, history of France, Hund red Days, memoirs, Jacobinism, proclamation, empire.
Memory studies
Shapinskaya, E. N. (2012). Images of the Past in Post-Modernism Culture:
Representation or Pastiche?. Culture and Art, 3, 58–63.
The article considers the problem of representation
of the past in post-modernism culture. In those times
the most famous form of addressing to the past was the
pastiche which is, in fact, a mimicry that reminds of the
past and does not have any historical referents. Based on
Fredric Jameson’s theory of post-modernism, the author
analyzes a series of cultural texts and modern practices
showing the loss of the feeling of history in the culture of postmodernism
while popularization of historical plots in mass
culture, especially in screen arts. Post-modernism examples
of historical art include the usage of such instruments
as combination of fragments from different epochs and
presence of both real and fi ctional characters. One of the
forms of such practices in art is the interpretation of classical
plots deprived of any temporal features. The author admits
that post-modernistic interpretation of history is rather
contradictory and concludes that the desire to understand
the past is quite typical for ‘post-culture’ human despite all
the changes in interpretation of history which happened at
the end o the 20th – beginning of the 21st centuries.
cultural studies, post-modernism, representa tion, history, pastiche, nostalgia, image, biography, narrative, referent.
Audiovisual culture and art
Khilko, N. V (2012). Comparative Analysis of the Linguistics of Social
Cinematograph and TV Broadcasting. Culture and Art, 3, 64–68.
The article provides a detailed analysis of evolution
of the linguistics and of cinematographic documentary and TV
movies refl ecting the most important issue about a talent being
recognized by the society. Based on the example of the movies
shown during the International Movie Festival ‘Meetings in
Siberia’ held in November 2011 in Omsk, the author describes
style and composition techniques of the social brand repertory.
The author also studies such aspects of development of the
linguistic consciousness as occurrence of new genres, operator’s
techniques and cutting features.
cultural studies, language, cinematograph, social cinematograph and TV broadcasting, linguistic conscious ness, operator’s techniques, evolution of the cinematographic language, repertory, genres, cinemato graphic docu mentary, cutting.
Culture of art and the process of creation
Baldina, O. D. (2012). Dmitry Zhilinsky as a Person and an Artist: Dedicated
to the Master’s Jubilee. Culture and Art, 3, 69–82.
The article is devoted to the member of the
Russian Academy of Education and Russian Academy of
Fine Arts, national artist of the Russian Soviet-Federated
Socialist Republic, Dmitry Zhilinsky who turned 85 in 2012.
The article describes his work and signifi cant events in his
life before and after he became an artist. The article is based
on published memories and expressions of the artist as well
as personal impressions of the author.
cultural studies, history of art, culture, creativity, fi ne arts, artist, talent, artist’s life, personality, spiritual values.
Aesthetics and theory of art
Khrenov, N. A. (2012). Symbolism At a Time when the Empire Broke. Culture and Art, 3, 83–91.
The article raises a question about traditions
associated with one of the movements in art at the turn of the
the 19th – 20th centuries – symbolism. The author proves that
symbolism hasn’t become consign consign to history because
it is just an anticipation of culture which unfolded throughout
the 20th century. The alternative culture which occurred in
the 20th century made its contribution to the understanding
of symbolism as a cultural phenomenon, expanded and
deepened its meaning which was not that clear at the turn o
the 19th – 20th centuries. Formation of a new system of values
makes the connection between the legacy of symbolism and
the culture that is being established now more clear.
cultural studies, alternative culture, esthetics, symbolism, Thaw, social anomia, empire, Renais sance in art, gnostic tradition, libertine, all the colours of culture.
Music and music culture
Sobakina, O. V. (2012). Sonorism Movement and Aleotory Composition
in Polish Music. Sonorous Piano Compositions
by Kazimierz Serocki. Culture and Art, 3, 92–98.
Polish music of the 1960th is well-known for
the development of expiremental movements among which
the most brightest achivement was sonorism. Special role
in the development of the stylistics of this movement was
played by Kazimierz Serocki whose piano compositions are
being analyzed by the author of this article. The tendency of
development of sonorism appeared to be stable and full of
perspective while Serocki’s world of the sound with his own art
issues and throbbing dramaturgy of emotions are stil topical.
It is the sonorism basis which allows to enrich the modern
musical language with other means of expression. Serocki’s new
and colourful world o the sound has become a special event in
moderm music. It showed the way to the development of a whole
movement because eventually sonorism is not that innovative
but emotional and rich sign of imagination and master skills.
history of art, culture, art, Polish music, Serocki’s music, sonorism, aleotory, the world of sound, modern musical language, composer’s way of thinking.
Debating club
Vanslov, V. V. (2012). Culture and Art in the Modern World. Culture and Art, 3, 99–103.
The article provides an assessment of the
humanistic role of art as well as its role in the development of
humanism. Art unites people, helps a better understanding
between nations and creates the spiritual foundation for
human. The author of the article describes the two elements
of the crisis of modern culture (and art as an important part
of it): material part (insuffi cient budget) and spiritual part.
Spiritual crisis is related to the loss of the spiritual dominant
of the epoch. The author’s arguments say: the art becomes
small and insignifi cant; there are major artists but it would be
too early to speak of any epoch-making creations. The author
underlines the role of the Russian Academy of Fine Arts in
preservation of professional art school. Academy successfully
realizes target programs and implements the principle of
high art. The author also touches upon the opposition between
traditional and so called modern art as well as expansion of
the horizons as a consequence of globalization.
cultural studies, history of art, technological civilization, industrial civilization, human sciences, humanism, avant-garde, crisis of culture, leftover principle of culture fi nancing, classics, world culture.
Chronicle of cultural life
Razlogov, K. E. (2012). Successor of the Great Tradition. Culture and Art, 3, 104–106.
The author of the article views R. Kazaryan’s
book ‘Esthetics of the Cinema’ (published in 2011 in Moscow)
as the continuation of the tradition in the Russian art
history according to which people who themselves create
artwork can write and talk very seriously about patterns
and laws of art and creative work. It is noted that the author of the book was quite innovative in his analysis of
the sound and approach to cinema phonography from the
point of view of the synthesis between the sound and image.
Kazaryan’s special approach and his thoughts about the
relation between the diegesis space (the world that is shown
in a movie) and the audience space are considered to be
favorable and productive.
history of art, creative work, art of the cinema, cinematograph, phonogram (audio record), stereo sound, synthesis, space (out of picture, diegesis, audience), psychophysiology of hearing, acoustic image.
First person view
Galkina, T. A. (2012). Russian Institute for Cultural Research: Memories
of the Past. Culture and Art, 3, 107–115.
In the year of the 80th anniversary of the
Russian Institute for Cultural Research the author of the
article shares his own impressions of the fi rst after the war
20th anniversary of the Institute. Back in those times it was
called the Institute of Local Studies and Museum Work and
then it changed its name into Institute of Museum Studies and
Institute of Culture. The author of the article, Galkina, knew
many of those who worked for the Institute: she spent a lot of
time there when visiting her mother, Pavla Ivanova Galkina,
who had worked at the Institute as the deputy of the director
for many years. The article describes Pavla Galkina’s life and
activity, changes in the fi elds of work of the Institute, change
of the general paradigm since 1947 up to 1973 and expansion
of scientists goals and tasks of the Institute.
cultural studies, local studies, museum studies, museum, Russian Institute for Cultural Research, archive, workers, meeting, foraging, exposition.