Culture and authority
Razlogov, K. E. (2012). Razlogov, K. E. Culture and Art, 1, 7–17.
Innovative civic and political outlook which
understands culture as a justified and evident political
target are of practical importance for the new nationstates,
especially Russia after 1991. On the one hand nationbuilding
policies encourage the Fortress syndrome, on
the other diversified cultural landscapes have become the
intrinsic characteristics of Russian society, while the routine
cultural interaction expands in everyday practices and in
particular locations re-establishing constructive principle
of “thinking globally and acting locally”.
Cultural policies, diversity, glocal, fortress, interaction, transculturalism.
Culturology and cultural studies
Khrenov, N. A. (2012). Russian Art at the Turn of the 20th Century
and Its Role in the Cultural Synthesis of the West
and the East. Culture and Art, 1, 18–27.
This article focuses on a transitional period in the
history of Russian art, namely on the turn of the 20th century.
An intensive interaction between different cultures – Russian,
Western and Eastern - was taking place during this very period.
The phenomenon of the cultural synthesis is a subject of our
particular analysis. Special attention is given to assimilation
of Eastern cultural values as part of the synthesis which
characterizes not just the Russian but the Western culture as
well. At the same time in some cases such assimilation in Russian
culture shows its seamy side - the anti-Western sentiment.
An increasing interest in Eastern values at the turn of the
20th century in Russia we demonstrate through the analysis
of the works of L. Tolstoy, V. Solovyov, A. Bely, A. Blok,
N. Roerich, V. Khlebnikov, A. Dobroliubov, K. Balmont, B.
Livshits, and others. A special page of this history covers
the reflection of the “Eurasians” (historians, philosophers,
publicists) – G.Vernadsky, L.Karsavin, N. Karsavin, among
others. Their writings had formulated the idea which had been
reverberating in art in a subconscious form. Later, closer to
modern times, its development will be continued by L.Gumilev.
cultural synthesis end cultural identity, euro-centrism, axis time, modernity – romanticism – neoromanticism – symbolism – eurasianism, Faustian man, scythianism, pan-unity, pan-mongolism
Philosophy of culture
Grigoriev, A. A. (2012). Architecture and Music as Cultural Analogies
of the Time-Space Continuum. Culture and Art, 1, 28–34.
The author of the article suggests to view
architecture and music as analogies of the time-space
continuum in physics and mathematics. A ‘poetic’ word is
the core beginning connecting architecture and music and
bringing meaning into culture. The ‘architecture, music,
literature (language)’ triangle is the foundation of all cultures.
cultural studies, culture, architecture, music, space, time, number, word, logic, analogy.
Theory and methodology of communication
Lusyi, A. P. (2012). Autonomous Subject of a New Media Reality:
A. Eisenberg’s Holographic Theatre. Culture and Art, 1, 35–41.
The author of the article views a new media
reality as a challenge for the traditional art of writing.
Artwork of a modern author A. Eisenberg from Odessa
is believed to be one of the responses of literature to the
challenge. The author of the article also raises a question
about the border between educational norm and antieducational
pathology in using media and creation of a new
autonomous subject.
cultural studies, information industries, holographic improvisation, media education, independent subject, challenge, fractal semiotics, global spectacle, adjustment of expectations, cultivation of needs.
Cultural heritage, tradition and innovation
Kenya, I. A. (2012). A Revival of Charity Traditions:
Experience of One Region. Culture and Art, 1, 42–44.
The article is devoted to the Bryansk regional
social charity Fund of Mogilevtsev Brothers. The purpose of
the Fund is to revive charity traditions. The article describes
the region’s experience in revival of the Russian spiritually
and charity traditions and characterizes the Fund’s main
activities and cultural actions.
cultural studies, charity, patronship, revival, traditions, charity fund, the Mogilevtsevs, the Tenis hevs, Gubonin, Maltsov.
Audiovisual culture and art
Reifman, B. V. (2012). The Way to the Notion Accompanied by the Image:
Some Aspects of Sergei Eisenstein’s Film Theory. Culture and Art, 1, 45–55.
The article describes some aspects of Sergei
Eisenstein’s film theory viewed from the point of view of the
film-modernism conception. Most of the attention is focused
on a very important problem in Eisenstein’s esthetics: the
problem of conflict relations between image and concept in the
audience reception of a film. Ways of activating of the audience
conception thinking which is structured by the scientists as a
method of creation of an image accompanied by its alienation,
is compared with the irrational and rational forms of film
modernistic opposition to the totally narrative film realism.
cultural studies, image, concept and myth, film modernism, film realism, alienation, audience reception, institutionalization, irrationalism and rationalism, philosophy of life, Marxism.
Culture of art and the process of creation
Lyusiy, A. P. (2012). Gods and Devils of Our Naivety:
Cultural Duet for the First World. Culture and Art, 1, 56–60.
The article is devoted to the interaction between
two opinions on naïve and primitive in culture and
art. This interaction is very well shown in A. N. Ryleva’s and
O.D. Baldin’s work ‘The Two Opinions on the Naive Art’. The
‘double’ opinion which is shown in the book is described as a
picture of spontaneous metamorphoses and understanding
of their nature. The author of the article also touches upon
some argumentative issues.
cultural studies, the naive art, primitive, avant-garde, symbolism, interpretation, culture, civilization, sociality, spontaneity.
Aesthetics and theory of art
Kayukov, V. A. (2012). Cultural Types of the Stage Artistic Impression
in West-European Conducting. Culture and Art, 1, 61–67.
The article provides definition and analysis
of cultural types of scenic artistic impression based on the
example of key representatives of West-European conducting
(Hans von Bulow, Felix Weingartner, Wilhelm Furtwangler,
Arturo Toscanini, Herbert von Karajan, Seiji Ozawa, Daniel
Barenboim, Simon Rattle). The author of the article describes
types of conductors: the three basic types (dictator, action
boy, intellectual and poet) and mixed types (politician,
businessmen and showman and a ‘traveling’ conductor).
The author of the article also analyzes particular influence of
conductors of different types on the orchestra. The author also
tries to answer the following question: why some conductors who have a wonderful ear and memory for music, cannot
become a great conductor, while others who are less talented
play an important role in the history of music? For the first
time the author suggests a classification which is not based on
music or art studies but philosophy and culture (using such
categories as ‘success’ and ‘artistic impression’).
cultural studies, conductor, dictator, action boy, activity, music, artistic impression, success, personality, orchestra, choir.
Styles, trends, schools
Shulgina, D. P. (2012). Eclecticism in a Russian Province:
the Factor of Architectural Heritage
in Determination of Regional Peculiarities. Culture and Art, 1, 68–75.
The article is devoted to the peculiarities of
development of eclecticism as a particular architecture style
at the end of the 19th – beginning of the 20th centuries. Special
attention is paid at demonstrations of eclectic architecture
in a Russian province, most of all, determination of regional
differences in manifestations of this style. The author shows
general trends of this style and quite exact differences between
different provinces which mostly depends on situation in the
architecture of such regions in the middle of the 19th century. The
author also describes how these differences show themselves in
the architecture of different types of buildings and constructions.
art history, eclecticism, architecture, province, Russia, historicism, urban construction, heritage, the 19th century, regions.
Biblical culture and art of the book
Reifman, B. V. (2012). Alive Movie as a Non-Visual Image:
Concerning K. E. Razlogov’s Book ‘World Cinema:
History of Screen Arts’. Culture and Art, 1, 76–78.
The article contains the author’s analysis of a
newly published book K. E. Razlogov about the world motionpicture
process. The image of the ‘history of movie’ created by
the author is compared to a living organism which is developed
during his new births but keep the core and foundation of his
life unchanged. The author talks about the narrative structure
which combines the concept of collage and the ‘iron scenery’ and
gives a necessary order to the text body and information array.
cultural studies, movie, motion-picture process, film studies, film semiotics, history, social studies, philosophy, image, narrative.
Scenic arts
Gnutikova, S. S. (2012). Art Image or Information Code?
On the Question about Conceptualization of a Term
‘Theatre Puppet’. Culture and Art, 1, 79–87.
The article analyzes the evolution of the term
‘theatre puppet’ in Russian researches. It is fair to say that the theatre puppet is a changing and unsteady cultural phenomenon
which depends on the transformation inside the theatre arts.
The article shows that there are two approaches to the definition
‘theatre puppet’. The first definition defines the theatre puppet as
a product of a modern puppet theatre and the second contains key
characteristics of the puppet theatre as the space for fine arts.
cultural studies, sign, imitationability, puppet, culture, image, synthetic theatre, stage culture, puppet theatre.
Music and music culture
Sevastyanova, S. S. (2012). Musical Biography Film: the Genre Issues. Culture and Art, 1, 88–96.
This article is an attempt to understand some
challenges of the music biography film. To which extent this
genre can be viewed as a documentary? What are the criteria for
selecting music for such a film? How the time format influences
the corresponding coordinate of the film? The phenomenon
concerned is viewed in a genre space of a music film.
history of art, film art, musical biography film, genre hybrids, music scores, orchestrating, keynote ideas, banknotes, in-screen music, off-screen music.
On poetry and prose
Boyko, M. E. (2012). Method of Structural Analysis of Literary
Characters: Approbation and First Results. Culture and Art, 1, 97–106.
The article describes one of the most promising
direction in psychological literary studies – literary characterology.
The author of the article approbates the method of
hypothetic reconstruction of literary heroes by means of a text
structural analysis. The object of the research is the roman
‘Venus in Fur’ (1869) written by an Austrian writer Leopold
von Sacher-Mazoch. The main heroes there are identified as
accentuated personalities standing very close to pathology.
It is well shown that the structural analysis allows to take
a new look at the plot and conflict of the novel and better
understand a very complex phenomenon of masochism. The
author introduces such terms as ‘aglo charaters’ and ‘micro
schisis’ and defines a number of certain patterns which were
not noticed by researchers before.
accentuated personality, Venus in Furs, Leopold von Sacher-Mazoch, cultural studies, psychological literary studies, structural analysis, psychosemiotics, characterology.
First person view
Vanslov, V. V. (2012). The Knight of Theatre, Circus and Variety Show:
to the 100th Anniversary of Yu. A. Dmitriev’s
Birth. Culture and Art, 1, 107–109.
The article is devoted to a great theatre expert,
circus and variety show historian Yu. D. Dmitriev. The
article describes the main ‘milestones’ of his life path and
shows Dmitriev’s contribution to the art science as well as
uniqueness of his talent for research and pedagogy.
art history, theatre history, circus history, variety show history, synthesis of arts, art critics, art practices, Russian Academy of Theatre Arts, State Institute of Art Studies, ‘Circus and Variety Show’ journal.
Debating club
Rabinovich, V. L. (2012). Vision of the Absent. Culture and Art, 1, 110–115.
The article is devoted to the interpretation of
Nikolay Gogol’s poetics form the point of view of the ‘vision
of the absent’ and in comparison with Chavchavadze’s
creative works, modern animation (Yuriy Norshteyn) and
Osip Mandelstam’s poetry (‘I toast to military asters’).
cultural studies, poetics, N. V. Gogol, physics of existence, metaphysics of existence, ‘everyday life’, life, symphony of life, ‘exposure of the invisible’, caesura is not a mere pause.