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«Culture and Art» (18+)

№ 1, 2012
Published since
2013 year

Culture and authority
P. 7 - 17
Culturology and cultural studies
P. 18 - 27
Philosophy of culture
P. 28 - 34
Theory and methodology of communication
P. 35 - 41
Cultural heritage, tradition and innovation
P. 42 - 44
Audiovisual culture and art
P. 45 - 55
Culture of art and the process of creation
P. 56 - 60
Aesthetics and theory of art
P. 61 - 67
Styles, trends, schools
P. 68 - 75
Biblical culture and art of the book
P. 76 - 78
Scenic arts
P. 79 - 87
Music and music culture
P. 88 - 96
On poetry and prose
P. 97 - 106
First person view
P. 107 - 109
Debating club
P. 110 - 115
Contents details