Culture and cultures
Wertsch, J. (2011). Narrative Templates as Underlying Cultural Codes. Culture and Art, 6, 7–14.
The article analyzes the notion of a ‘cultural DNA’,
describes the grounds for differentiating between specific nar rati ves
and narrative templates and brings forward certain arguments
proving the assumption that there is the ‘expulsion of alien enemies’
template lying in the basis of the Russian mnemonic community.
According to the author, this template has got the two opposing
properties, – generalizability (or schematization) and ethnocentric
particularity, and such a template is rather a norm than an ex ception.
National narratives are very resistant to change. It explains
why it is so diffi cult to bring changes and to offer new strategies.
cultural studies, history, cultural code, cultural DNA, national narrative, Russian mnemonic community, narrative template, the ‘expulsion of alien enemies’ template, specifi c narrative, ethnocentric particularity.
Culture and authority
Astafi eva, O. N. (2011). Cultural Coalition Policy: the Strategy of the
Russian-Polish Dialogue During the 21st Century. Culture and Art, 6, 15–27.
The six plots described in this article reveal various
aspects of positive changes in international relations between
Russia and Poland overcoming certain stereotypes in politics and
artistic culture. The article draws our attention at serious theoretical
issues (such as cross-cultural dialogue, strategy of a cultural policy,
relationship between an artist and a state institution, memory of
history and etc.). Based on concrete examples, the author of the
article shows how a socio-cultural context infl uences the process of
formation of a new vector in modern cultural policy.
cultural studies, cultural policy, crosscultural dialogue, artist, power, memory of history, stereotypes, regional policy, socio-cultural context.
Culture and science
Ershova, G. G. (2011). Yu. V. Knorozov Center at Russian State
University for the Humanities and Yury Knorozov
Center in Shkaret (Mexico) Prior to the 60th
Anniversary of a Maya Script Decryption. Culture and Art, 6, 28–31.
The article shows an important role of Yu. V.
Knorosov’s scientifi c school which is recognized and respected all
over the world. Yury Knorosov did not only develop the theory
and method of ancient writing decryption but also proved it to
be successful in interpreting Maya hieroglyphic writing). The
article is also devoted to the Yu. V. Knorosov Mesoamerican
Center at Russian State University for the Humanities and Knoro
zov Center in Shkapet which was established in the year of
the 120th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Russia
and Mexico. These centers successfully develop this branch of
science and conduct leading researches in the spheres of Maya
epigraphy, language studies, history of ancient America, native
American studies, models of civilization-based development,
local cultural peculiarities of Latin America, religious consciousness,
communication models and social development.
cultural studies, Yury Knorosov, decryption method of Ancient writing systems, Maya scripts, Shkaret, writing traditions, Knorozov Center in Shkaret, archeological and epigraphic project El-Tortuguero, linguistic project ‘Origin of Mesoamerican Writing. Decryption Challenges’, ‘Corpus of Read Maya Scripts’.
Ethnology and cultural anthropology
Pavlova, Î. S. (2011). The Custom of Swadding Babies at the Northern
Caucasus: History and Modernity. Culture and Art, 6, 32–40.
The article is devoted to the custom of swadding of
babies at the Northern Caucasus and its role from the point of
view of cultural anthropology and psychology. The author of the
article describes the composition of a child’s cradle and its specifi c
features in different ethnic groups living in the Northern Caucasus
as well as rituals of putting a baby into a cradle. The article
analyzes the pagan roots of these rituals and their transformation
in modern socio-cultural practices under the infl uence of Islam.
cultural studies, cultural anthropology, psychology, Northern Caucasus, socio-cultural practice, ritualism, swadding, diaper determinism, cradle, infl uence of Islam.
Symbol, word, speech, language
Alpatov, V. M. (2011). Causes and Consequences of Stalin’s Speech
Regarding Language Issues in the Summer of 1950. Culture and Art, 6, 41–46.
The article is devoted to causes and consequences
of I. V. Stalin’s speech regarding language issues made in
the summer of 1950. Many Russian and foreign researchers
wrote and talked about that speech. Many points of views
were revealed. Over the last decade language studies have
demonstrated interest in Stalin’s personality just as other
humanities do (publication of his language studies is a great
example to it). In such a situation, it seems quite necessary and
topical to analyze Stalin’s speech regarding language studies.
cultural studies, language studies, researchers’ points of views, conjuncture, personal caprice, ‘language genocide’, ‘common sense reaction’, changes in personnel and structure, the end of Marrism, international resonance of the speech.
Memory studies
Remishevsky, K. I. (2011). Maksim Bahdanovich: Memory of History in the
Byelorussian Screen Culture. Culture and Art, 6, 47–60.
The article analyzes a wide range of audio visual
products (nonfi ction fi lms, videos and telecines) devoted
to life and creative work of a Byelorussian poet Maksim
Bahdanovich and created in the Republic of Byelorussia over
the past four decades. Based on the example of complicated and
contradictory processes of formation of his cultural memory,
the author of the article studies formation and development
of a memorial paradigm in the Byelorussian screen culture,
describes certain patterns of interaction between studies of
literature and screen culture, proves the common factors of
evolution of informative and genre-style approaches of the
makers of audio visual products (depending on axiological
evaluation of the poet’s works dominating in a particular state
in history as well as the change of development priorities of a
national non-fi ction fi lm production).
art history, Maksim Bahdanovich, national intelligentsia, cinema periodicals, cinema documentation, documentary telecine, fi lm – portrait, national Byelorussian idea, genre and style solution, plot making.
Culture of the mundane
Shapinskaya, E. N. (2011). Dynamics of Everyday Life and the Escapism
Phenomenon. Culture and Art, 6, 61–70.
The article is devoted to the culture of everyday life as
a dynamically developing space involving more and more cultu
ral phenomena which used to be regarded as miracles, myths
and fantasies. Escapism is a necessary way out of everyday
rou tine. The author of the article describes the following forms of
esca pism: ‘external’ escapism (physical escape from everyday life),
‘alienation’ (perception of usual things and events in a completely
different light) and ‘internal’ escapism which allows us to dive into
the world of fantasy. Accordingly, the author defi nes the most
rep resentational spheres of escapism which are universal for all
cul tures. These spheres include religion, love and art. These are the
spheres the escapism is mostly expressed in. The author of the article
also touches upon the modern tendency to deep into virtual reality.
Based on the author, it is one of the most famous forms of escapism
nowadays and may cause quite questionable consequences. Every day
life and escapism are viewed as inseparably associated phenomena.
cultural studies, everyday life, dynamics, glo calization, escapism, fantasy, routine, culture, de-mythologization.
Audiovisual culture and art
Rudnev, V. P. (2011). Pushkin and Post-Modernism: Regarding V. Mirzoev’s
Movie ‘Boris Godunov’. Culture and Art, 6, 71–84.
V. Mirzoev’s new movie ‘Boris Godunov’ is being
analyzed by the means of the psycho-motive analysis allowing to
fi nd the profound inter-textual motives both in a movie and the
same-name tragedy written by A. S. Pushkin. According to the
author of the article, the movie and the tragedy are in one postmodernistic
time and space where there is neither past nor future.
Pushkin infl uences Mirzoev just as Mirzoev infl uences Pushkin. The
author’s analysis shows hidden identifi cations between heroes and
‘their prototypes in history’ in ‘the future’ of the post-modernistic
discourse. However, it is admitted that a true achievement made
by Mirzoev’s movie is an overcoming of post-modernism in search
of new cinematographic esthetics in the 21st century.
cultural studies, V. Mirzoev, A. S. Pushkin, motives, identifi cation, Boris Godunov, reality, inter text, psycho semiotics, cinema.
Art and Art History
Severyukhin, D. Ya. (2011). High Underground: Erotic in the Underground
Art in the 60th – 80th of the 20th century. Culture and Art, 6, 85–93.
The article is devoted to the development of
erotic in fi ne and graphic arts of Moscow and Leningrad
artistic underground in the 60th – 80th of the 20th century. The
author of the article names the key stages of development of
the underground art and describes the basic trends in erotic
art during the above mentioned period of time.
art history, fi ne arts, graphic arts, erotic arts, underground, Nonconformity, socialist realism, censure, exhibition, expression.
Styles, trends, schools
Kursua, T. T. (2011). Czech Art at the Turn of the 19th – 20th Centuries:
Prague Secession. Culture and Art, 6, 94–97.
The article analyzes the problem of Czech form
of European secession. The author describes peculiarities of
Czech art in architecture, literature, sculptor and fi ne arts at
the turn of the 19th – 20th centuries. The author also touches
upon the social, historical and national factors contributing
to distinctive character of Czech art and describes the main
stages in development of the Manes Association of Fine Artists.
Czech art, secession, Manes Association, Prague architecture, literature, monumental sculpture, modern.
Fine arts
Epishin, A. S. (2011). The Image of a Revolutionary – Prisoner in Russian
Fine Art in 1880-1910. Culture and Art, 6, 98–101.
The article reveals peculiarities of the image of
a revolutionary – populist in fi ne arts at the end of the 19th –
beginning of the 20th century and its transformation under the
infl uence of events ongoing in Russia in those times. Special
attention is paid at the creative works by Iterinants such as I. E.
Repin and his follower N. I. Verkhoturov as well as N. A. Kasatkin.
art history, revolutionary – populist, ‘Popular Will; socialist revolutionary, proletarian, Museum of the Revolution, fi rst Russian revolution in 1905-1907, intellectual – commoner, fi ne art, Iterinants.
Music and music culture
Petrov, O. V. (2011). Regarding the Phenomena of Space Music. Culture and Art, 6, 102–111.
The article is devoted to the phenomena of space
music which became a bright event in music during the second
half of the 20th century. Space music means individualized,
original disposition of music instruments on a stage involving
acoustic experiments. The author analyzes music by Luciano
Berio, George Brecht, Karlheinz Stockhausen, Iannis Xenakis,
Brown, Toru Takemitsu, Rodion Shchedrin, John Corigliano,
Tan Dun and specifi c features of their stage performance.
art history, music, disposition, instruments, acoustics, space, experimentation, avant-garde, Karlheinz Stockhausen, Iannis Xenakis.
On poetry and prose
Boyko, M. E. (2011). Formalization of Literary Criticism Activities. Culture and Art, 6, 112–115.
In most cases literary criticism activities are confined to
the pattern when the initial text (T1) is compared with the secon dary
text (T2). The article describes the fundamental and conventional
limitations imposed by T1 to T2. Literary criticism method is vie wed
as a succession of basic intension operators applied to the initial text.
cultural studies, nonsense, intension, intension operator, communication failure, convention, literary critics, narrative operator, reduction, semiotics.