Culture and cultures
Yakimovich, A. K. (2011). Cervantes, Don Quixote and Sancho Panza. Culture and Art, 5, 7–15.
Cervantes’ novel is alongside the Bible as one
of the most frequently published books in the world. His
interpretations are countless and make the text rather
diffi cult for understanding. Let us try to read the novel
putting aside his ideologies and axiologies. Let’s say we
are not interested in Cervantes as a Catholic, Cervantes
as a monarchist, a patriot or a representative of the
Pochvennichestvo. It is Cervantes the ‘free lancer’ we are
interested in. Perhaps such an approach will cast light on
important aspects of the novel’s meaning which heretofore
have been hidden from the researches of Spanish literature
and culture.
Spain, Catholicism, monarchism, catholicity, European values, creative freedom, anthropology of mistrust, novel, Cervantes.
Culture and authority
Koepnick, L. (2011). Fascism and the Contingency of Cinematic Time. Culture and Art, 5, 16–23.
The article questions about the extent to which
the National Socialism and Italian fascism were created
by cinematograph and the emphasis of cinematograph on
those, which role the cinematograph played in propaganda
of politically signifi cant symbols and emotions and what
responses were created to the paradoxes of the cinematic
time. The author proceeds from the assumption that both
Nazi and Fascism ideologies appealed to the logic of the
epoch of cinematograph in the hope of connecting the present
with a major ideological need. In order to reinforce his
position, the author analyzes Fillipo Tommaso Marinetti’s
Futurist Manifesto written in 1909, A. Hitler’s speech at
the opening of the Great Exhibition of German Art in 1937,
Italian sculptor Umberto Boccioni’s artwork and etc.
cultural studies, cinematograph, cinematic time, national socialism and fascism, totalitarian regime policy in the sphere of culture, entertaining role of mass media, documentation of reality, perception of life as a motion, photodynamism and time-lapse photography, modernism.
Culture and science
Golubytsky, Yu. A. (2011). Gnoseological Relation and Interaction of Scientifi
c and Artistic Ways of Refl ecting the Reality in the
Process of Convergence of These Phenomena. Culture and Art, 5, 24–33.
Being the follower of the literature-centered
outlook on the basic, fundamental cultural phenomena,
the author disseminates his approach and views on
interdisciplinary interaction between culture (in particular,
literature) and humanitarian disciplines. The author
proposes a hypothesis about literature-determinated genesis
of sociology and, going even further — the entire class
of humanitarian sciences. Having performed an insight
into the development of the thesis, the author tries to
prove the close gnoseological relation between literature
(documentary literature in the fi rst place) and social science.
literature, sociology, divergence, convergence, determinism, physiologism, essay, perception, cogni tion, hyper language, mega science, stylistics, written reproduction, interdisciplinary interaction, innovativeness, transformations.
Sociology of culture, social culture
Bukina, T. V. (2011). Formation of the Soviet Cultural Identity in Music
Sociology at the end of the 1960th – the beginning of
the 1980th. Culture and Art, 5, 34–42.
During the last Soviet decades music sociology
has being formed in the conceptual space of Russian music
studies as a primarily ideological product. This article
studies the music sociological texts of late 1960th – early
1980th as a tool of cultural policy. It is concluded that the
mission of this science should be, in the fi rst place, the
creation of acceptable offi cial ‘image’ of the Soviet audience,
its preferences and responses to music.
cultural studies, sociology, music, USSR, Soviet music culture, the Era of Stagnation.
Theory and methodology of communication
Tinyakova, E. A. (2011). Interaction between the Social and Cultural
Development of the Society Through Linguistic
Communication. Culture and Art, 5, 43–47.
Linguistic communication created by human
activity can turn into a factor guiding this activity. Variety
and complexity of linguistic communication aggravate
the social and cultural issues. The author describes the
basic infl uences of linguistic communication on social
and cultural realities: stimulation and organization, destruction,
compensation, prognosis, context and contents,
esthetics, social enter tain ment. The language is used at its
most capacity by the society of high cultural development.
cultural studies, social reality, linguistic communicant, structure of the thought, practical activity, linguistic picture of the world, meaning, feeling, psychological pattern, culture.
Symbol, word, speech, language
Alpatov, V. M. (2011). I.V. Stalin’s «Marxism and Problems of Linguistics
»: Replies to Readers’ Letters. Culture and Art, 5, 48–53.
The article is devoted to I. V. Stalin’s replies
to letters of the readers of his «Regarding Marxism in
Linguistics» («On some problems of linguistics: reply to
E. Krasheninnikova’ and ‘Reply to Comrades»). The article
shows that the Soviet leader evidently wanted to use his
own example as a demonstration of ‘struggle of opinions,
freedom of criticism’. Stalin’s social and governmental
policy did not give a chance to such a struggle, but he
found the way to reconcile the contraries, different ways
represented by different letters, as the matter of fact.
cultural studies, linguistics, textological analysis, relation between the formal and semantic interpretations, formalism in linguistics, the role of dialects information of national languages, Mongolian dialects, sound language and sign language, language of the future, the beginning of the ‘Stalin’s period’ in the Soviet linguistics.
Historical culturology and the history of culture
Mikhailov, A. Yu. À. Þ. (2011). «The Archeology of Culture»: Application of Foucault’s
Methodology to Researching and Teaching
Cultural History (the Case of the Russian Empire). Culture and Art, 5, 54–60.
The author of the article applies M. Foucault’s
methodology to researching and teaching the Russian
culture. The conception of the archeology of knowledge
combined with other methodological concepts (by Thomas
Kuhn, Erwin Panofsky, Naum Pevsner) allows to establish the
research frame for analyzing the mechanisms of interaction
and mutual infl uence of the historical epoch and concrete
spheres of culture. In order to describe his original views on
development of culture, the author makes his own categories
of terms allowing to avoid a discriminated description of
the culture-historical process (the spirit of the time, culturehistorical
paradigm, leading cultural practice).
cultural studies, culture-historical process, Russian Empire, Baroque, Modern Age culture, archeology (genealogy) of knowledge, the spirit of times (German Zeitgeist), culture-historical paradigm, leading cultural practice.
Cultural heritage, tradition and innovation
Shulepova, E. A. (2011). Interaction between the Museum and Society as a
Socio-Cultural Issue. Culture and Art, 5, 61–64.
The article empathizes that historically we
have various forms of museum in Russia (private, institutional
and state museums). The latter has been the
most universal form but this form is not mobile enough.
In practice, it is important to combine museum’s extra
system functions allowing to work with different social
classes with system functions which have been historically
related to organization of the museum’s interior life. Such
an approach has already brought us to the fact that today
the leading Russian museums do not seem to be some kind
of reservation or cultural necropolis. Quite on the contrary,
they are part of local historical and cultural environment.
cultural studies, heritage, society, museum, forms of the museum, extrasystem functions, system functions, social memory, historical and cultural environment, culture.
Audiovisual culture and art
Sevastyanova, S. S. (2011). Film Version of Mussogorsky’s «Pictures at an
Exhibition». Culture and Art, 5, 65–75.
In the 20th century many classical artworks
truly changed due to development of new technologies.
A completely new form of art, screen music theatre,
appeared, and today it offers many unique works such
as fi lmed version of M. P. Mussogorsky’s ‘Pictures at an
Exhibition’. The composer’s suite acquires a new form in
fi lmed ballets by I. Heber, M. Pendleton and Ch. Dutoit as
well as in cartoon ballets by I. Kovalevsky, O. Tezuka and A. Alekseeva. Film versions of ‘Pictures at an Exhibition’ are all
original interpretations, in most cases quite typical for the
post-Modernism ‘play with the text’.
art history, transcription, interpretation, reinterpretation, derivation, M. P. Mussogorsky, suite, post-Modernism, music studies, cartoon animation.
Culture of art and the process of creation
Baldina, O. (2011). Pictoral and Plastic Forms of Folk Culture in
their Interaction with Other Layers of Modern Arts:
Problem Defi nition. Culture and Art, 5, 76–88.
The article is devoted to the issues of modern
development of a traditional folk culture. The author of the
article touches upon the two particular issues: language of
the ‘objective folklore’ and its interaction with other layers
of modern arts, in particular, with art crafts.
cultural studies, art studies, traditions and novations, folk art, archaic cogitation, projection forms, post-Modernism, craft, occupation, legacy.
Aesthetics and theory of art
Gorbunova, K. V. (2011). W. Kandinsky and His New Science of Art:
Comments and the Publication «About the method
of synthetic art». Culture and Art, 5, 89–93.
In this research W. Kandinsky examines
«embryonic stage» of art science, analyses its defi nite
prob lems and what is more underlines the ways of art and
positive science approaches. Finally, the artist enlarges
concept «the art theory», gives to it scientifi c basis and
enriches it with natural-scientifi c principles. There is also
the full text of Kandinsky unpublished article.
V. V. Kandinsky, Russian Academy of Arts, embryonic state of science about art, positive science, monumental art, synthetic art, elements of art, resultant actions, the principle of the parallel fl ow, the principle of contraposition.
Scenic arts
Gustyakova, D. Yu. (2011). Mass Culture as a Context for an Opera Performance:
P. I. Tchaikovsky’s The Queen of Spades’
staged by A. Galibin). Culture and Art, 5, 94–98.
The article studies the stage version of P.
I. Tchaikovsky’s opera ‘The Queen of Spades’ directed
by A. Galibin from the point of view of mass culture
being the context for an opera performance. The study
results in the two conclusions. Firstly, it is concluded
that the features of mass culture in a performance
include: dominance of the reproductive beginning or
over the creative one, actualization of specific behavior
of a ‘mass human’ in acting, external visual appeal and
formal illustrations of scenography and stage direction,
absence of integrality and consistency of solutions in
acting. Secondly, it is concluded that such a performance
realizes the principles of mass culture: simplicity,
accessibility, regularity and easy perception.
cultural studies, mass culture, classics, art, music, theatre, opera, interpretation, stage direction, scenography.
On poetry and prose
Joyce, J. (2011). James Clarence Mangan
Translation and comments by S. S. Khoruzhy. Culture and Art, 5, 99–103.
It is the fi rst Russian publication of James
Joyce’s essay ‘James Clarence Mangan’ (1920), one of the
fundamental works which expresses early Joyce’s esthetic
attitudes. The main hero of his essay, James K. Mangan
(1803-1849), a ‘Celtic Nerval’, was a poet, translator, essay
writer and one of the brightest fi gures of Irish and European
late Romanticism. This essay became an important part
of early Joyce’s creative works; many of the thoughts,
formulas and stylistic expressions were then repeated and
transformed in other Joyce’s works.
cultural studies, esthetics, James Joyce, Ireland, romanticism, poetry, fi ction, art, artist, style.
First person view
Biryukov, S. E. (2011). Escape FROM: Mysterious Emergence and Disappearance
of Gleb Tsvel. Culture and Art, 5, 104–107.
The article devoted to creative work by Oleg
Udaev (Gleb Tsvel) shows that practically in every work by
Oleg Udaev we can fi nd examples of his thorough attention
to the gaps between material matters, phenomena and
circumstances which were often reconciled by the author at
their contrasting points according to Lomonosov’s principle
of ‘reconciliation of contraries’ and actualized by Russian nerds, and then — imagists, OBERIU, and various Dadaists
and surrealists in the 20th century. Perhaps, our young hero
read some of them, although it is more possible that he felt the
need in crossing borders, in reconciliations, in getting a hold
of words and dreams even in the air around him. The reality
was defi nitely too small for him. It just narrowed the space
which was much wider than dictations and copy-books.
Russian avant-garde in literature, poet, Oleg Udaev — Gleb Tsvel, author and reader, writings (poems or texts), accentuation of texts, overcoming a negative experience by destructing this experience, ‘atonal’ lyrics, tragedy-drama-comic spaces.
Chronicle of cultural life
Severyukhin, D. Ya. (2011). «A Man of Unbending Happy Spirit…»: About the
book ‘Vasily Shukhaev. Life and Creative Works’
Wasily Shukhaev. Life and Creative Works /
Science editor – E. P. Yakovleva, redactor and
author of the introduction – N. A. Elizbarashvili;
comments by E. P. Yakovleva, ‘Chronicles of Life and
Creative Works’, ‘Exhibitions’ and ‘Bibliography’
by E. P. Yakovlev and N. A. Elizbarashvili. M.:
Galart, 2009. 287 pages, illustrated. Culture and Art, 5, 108–114.
The article provides information about
biography of a major, although still depreciated Russian
artist V. I. Shukhaev (1887–1973), shows the importance
and just-in-time publication of the book and comments on a
high level of E. P. Yakovleva’s reference apparatus.
art history, painter, schedule, scene designer, lecturer, exhibition, letters, memories, Shukhaev, Yakovlev.