Culture and cultures
Girin, Yu. N. (2011). Avant-garde Picture of the World. Culture and Art, 3.
The article is devoted to avant-garde which is
viewed as an integral system of culture with its own axiology
and its own esthetical measure. It is well understood that
the purpose of avant-garde is creation of a new cultural
continuum but not just an artwork. Avant-garde is an
important element of renovationism movement in a
universal culture. It is the art of generating and changing
forms where an artist is himself involved in transformation
of the world, turning from a subject into an object of history.
cultural studies, art, science and scientifi c character, culture, avant-garde, irrationalism, cultural continuum, the idea of total artwork, cosmicality of cogitation and language, avant-garde poetics.
Culture and civilization
Alpatov, V. M. (2011). Collective Consciousness and Language:
Japan and Russia. Culture and Art, 3.
The article is devoted to the language as one of
those cultural components which are the most apprehended
by very diverse culture beams with a very different level of
education. However, as numerous examples show, collective
stereotypes and prejudices are rather usual for famous writers,
people of art and even scientists including linguists. Collective
concepts of the world and language also need explanation
and assessment. The article compares collective concepts of
language in the two countries, Russia and Japan; regarding
Russia the article covers only Russian language speakers.
cultural studies, linguistic culture, native language, collective consciousness, stereotypes and prejudices, cultural infl uences, modernization, westernization, national specifi city, concept of the world and language.
Culture and science
Khrenov, N. A. (2011). Formation of Humanities Knowledge in Russia:
Situation in Esthetics in the Context of Changing
Cultural Types. Culture and Art, 3.
The article is devoted to the revival of esthetics
at the end of 1950th. The background for such a revival
was rehabilitation of avant-garde in art at the beginning
of the 20th century not only in the Soviet Union but also all
over the world. It was particularly expressed in the spirits
of the ‘thaw’ epoch. Esthetics was aimed at overcoming
dehumanization. Discussions of this topic (which played
an important role for western existentialism) involved
early works of Karl Marx which touched upon the issue
of ‘estrangement’. Renovating esthetics demonstrated an
expansion of the utilitarian into the sphere of esthetics
which contradicted to the idea of William Morris about
estrangement of culture from society. In such a situation
esthetics of early epochs in history became very topical.
cultural studies, esthetics, post-culture, esthetical renaissance, dehumanization, avant-garde in art, estrangement, Mediaeval esthetics, symbolic forms of expression, Plato’s discourse.
Natural science, technology and culture
Salnikova, E. V. (2011). Evolution of Medium Storage at the Turn
of the Modern Age: the Role of the Medical
Dissection and Anatomy Theatre in the Context
of Modern Technical Visual Culture. Culture and Art, 3.
The author focuses on the transfer from the Medieval
Epoch of Renaissance to the Modern Age. The article
studies transformations in the concept of death and attitudes
to human body in the 16th-17th centuries. The author considers
semantics of the images of death at the turn of the Middle
Age and Renaissance and interprets various plays of the Death
Dance and Anatomy Theatre. Special attention is paid at connection
between development of anatomy and technological revolutions
which resulted in a birth of modern electronic storages of medium.
cultural studies, information, storages, anatomy, theatre, technology, Medieval, Renaissance, eternity, revolution.
Philosophy of culture
Rudnev, V. P. (2011). Reality as a Mistake. Culture and Art, 3.
The article proves the thesis that reality is a
mistake. Based on the author, the entire psychoanalysis is
based on mistakes. Mistakes are often met in everyday life.
The imaginative plot is based on the phenomenon of a mistake.
cultural studies, reality, mistake, mythology, language, Wittgenstein, psychopathology, life, non-transparency.
Sociology of culture, social culture
Kanash, T. V. (2011). Analysis of the Concepts of Poverty and Wealth
Based on the Analysis of Byelorussian and Polish
Proverbs and Sayings. Culture and Art, 3.
The author analyzes Polish and Byelorussian
proverbs about poverty and wealth and compares their
similarities and differences. The results of this study are compared
with the other studies of the topic of poverty and wealth as well as
studies about mental characteristics of Polish and Byelorussian
nations. It is concluded that Polish people demonstrate a more
active and optimistic attitude to opportunities enrichment.
cultural studies, poverty, wealth, proverbs, Poland, Byelorussia, mentality, inequality, discourse, study.
Symbol, word, speech, language
Rozin, V. M. (2011). Analysis of Contextual Meanings of Signs. Culture and Art, 3.
The article is built on the concept of ‘scheme’ and
analyzes the functions of schemes (based on the author, schemes
create a new reality, direct activities and describe objects). The
author also discusses relations between schemes and signs. In
particular, it is shown that schemes are a necessary condition
for formation of signs and different types of knowledge.
cultural studies, sign, scheme, reality, meaning, knowledge, object, activity, understanding, work.
Culture of the mundane
Sidorova, G. P. (2011). Communist Morality in the Texts of Everyday Life
of a Soviet Detective Story at the 1960–1980th. Culture and Art, 3.
As a part of the Soviet mass culture and society,
literature was aimed at forming values of communist morality including simplicity and modesty of personal and everyday
life. Mass literature formed these values through positive and
negative, direct and indirect assessments of heroes and their
actions. In modern cultural studies the items of everyday life
are included in a broad understanding of a text. Certain items
of everyday life and heroes’ attitudes to these items display
an indirect assessment of heroes. Special attention to details
of everyday life which is typical for the most popular genre
– detective story – as well as the tendency of mass literature
towards ‘the truth of life’ in the middle of the 1950th makes this
genre to be an interesting source of cultural studies. The goal
of the article is to trace back how the Soviet detective story of
the 1960-1980th used texts of everyday life (clothes, footwear,
jewelry) for forming the communist morality.
cultural studies, communist morality, literature for general readers, detective story, text, everyday life, meaning, oppositions.
Audiovisual culture and art
Lapkina, N. A. (2011). Representation of Information on Culture and Humanitarian
Disciplines in Electronic Mass Media:
Analysis Methodology. Culture and Art, 3.
The article studies existing methods of the
analysis of cultural resources including resources of ethnology
in the global network. Special attention is paid at intellectual
resources which are, due to their credible and intelligent
content, capable of standing against ethno nationalistic
discourse into ethnicity currently prevailing on the Internet
as well as implanting values of intercultural respect and
tolerance. In her article the author describes various methods
of analysis of information distributed within electronic
resources and compares these methods in order to defi ne the
most effective ones. The author also touches upon the questions
of quality of information represented in the global network.
cultural studies, electronic mass media, online journalism, discourse of ethnicity, discourse analysis, web-site analysis methodology.
Aesthetics and theory of art
Tlostanova, M. V. (2011). Post-Colonial Paradigm, De-Colonial Esthesis
and Modern Art. Culture and Art, 3.
The article views the basic elements of postcolonial
discourse which infl uenced development of mo dern
art and its theories. The author gives a critical evaluation of
the post-colonial paradigm comparing it to the de-colonial
turn as a more perspective tendency in comprehension of
modern culture, art and society. The author also compares the
Western esthetics and esthesis as spheres of sensual perception
of the world which needs de-conolization. The author also
touches upon the question of understanding the actual art of
post-Soviet space from the point of view of the de-colonial turn.
history of art, esthetics, esthesis, postcolonial paradigm, de-colonial turn, modern art, trickster, relational esthetics, global coloniality, Eurasian frontier.
Styles, trends, schools
Popov, E. A. (2011). Modernism and Russian Avant-Garde:
Correlation of Category Systems. Culture and Art, 3.
The author offers a summary of scientifi c
experie n ce in correlating complex category systems of
modernism and Rus sian avant-garde of the 20th century.
A new vision of the author allows to view modernism as
a general cultural phenomenon crea ted by the Western
civilization and being spread everywhere while avantgarde
is described as a mainly Russian creation. Actualization
of the latter played an important role for Russian
art and culture because it formed a culturally centered
epoch called the Silver Age.
avant-garde, modernism, art, categories, esthetics, culture, art, destruction, world outlook.
Fine arts
Makarova, N. I. (2011). Allegoric Portrait of the Duke Cosimo I de’ Medici
in the Image of Orpheus. Culture and Art, 3.
The article is devoted to the analysis of an
allegoric portrait of the Duke Cosimo I de’Medici featured
as Orpheus (artwork by Agnolo Bronzino). Being an
example of a man in love and a founder of orphism,
for Marsilio Ficino and his followers Orpheus became
a symbol of wisdom teaching people a virtuous and
beneficial to society life. The author of the article makes
a suggestion that Plato’s Symposium influenced creation
of the portrait. Florentine humanist Cosimo Bartoli is
viewed as a potential author of the iconography version
of the portrait.
cultural studies, Renaissance, Duke Cosimo I de’Medici, Orpheus, the Symposium by Plato, fi ne arts, humanism, neoplatonism, harmony.
Scenic arts
Litavrina, M. G. (2011). The Sound of a Broken String. Culture and Art, 3.
This article is a topical conversation about
interpretation of A. P. Chekhov’s dram in modern world
theatre and festivals of the recent years. The article analyzes
concrete stage plays shown in 2010 in Moscow during
the International Chekhov’s Theater Festival. The author
questions whether those plays actually refl ected the main
tendencies of the global Chekhov’s theatre and were a decent
even in art. If so, then the plays shown during the festival
create a vast fi eld for polemics – not only in the sphere of
interpretation of this author in our directing practice but,
which is the most important, in the sphere of established
principles of the theatre festival policy in our country.
history of art, A. P. Chekhov, drama, play, inter national festival, anniversary, Moscow, interpretation, theatre life.