Philosophy of culture
Belikova, E.K. (2025). Value-normative structure of the culture of artificial intelligence. Man and Culture, 1, 1–12.
The object of the study is the culture of artificial intelligence (AI); the subject is its value-normative structure, that is, the correspondence of the AI culture to the key values of the modern world. As a result of the analysis of the cultural-philosophical context, such values were identified as the meaning of being, the idea of the ultimate goal of human existence, the connection between man and nature, the interaction of man with space, humanism, spirituality, immortality. The analysis of the AI culture was carried out through the prism of these values in order to identify the specifics of their refraction. In the study, AI is understood as technological systems that have some properties of human intelligence and strive to perform functions that are traditionally considered as the prerogative of man. The study was conducted on the basis of general scientific methods of analysis and synthesis, observation, description and special methods as dialectical, cultural, historical. An interdisciplinary approach to the problem was used. The scientific novelty of the study is determined by its subject matter: the value-normative structure of AI culture is a new phenomenon. It is noted that various "eternal" values find their refraction in AI culture in different ways. Humanism and spirituality seem to be unrelated to AI culture, but their significance is strengthened by the spread of AI. The meaning of life, unity with nature as values in the context of AI culture are actualized. Cosmism and immortality are values that AI culture fully complies with. AI allows a person to spread his influence to an ever-expanding surrounding space and promises digital immortality. It is concluded that AI culture has a value-normative structure indicating its consolidation in the modern cultural field, its importance for culture.
space, meaning of being, philosophy of culture, values, culture, computer, digitalization, artificial intelligence, humanism, immortality