Culture and civilization
Alekseev-Apraksin, A.M., Li, L. (2022). Six schools of Chinese Mahayana. Man and Culture, 2, 1–11.
This article is an analysis of the Mahayana Buddhist schools that were developed in China due to the development and adaptation of knowledge that came to the country along the Silk Road. Starting with the history of the penetration of Buddhism into the Celestial Empire, the authors offer the reader an overview of the main schools of Chinese Mahayana: Tiantai-zong, Huayang-zong, Chan-zong, Iznitu-zong, Sanlun-zong and Fasyan-zong, noting that they are all studied and practiced to this day. In addition, many of the ideological positions developed in them have formed a kind of frames over time, combining a number of cultural codes of the Chinese ethos. A review of the main schools of Mahayana allowed the authors of the article to show the continuity between Indian sources and Chinese-Buddhist thought, and at the same time demonstrate cultural forms of adaptation and independent development of the teaching. The centuries-old history of the existence of schools reconstructed by the authors testifies to the role of China in the transmission of Buddhism to neighboring countries. The present work reveals the conceptual kinship of Chinese and Russian Buddhism. The study showed such features of Buddhism as the openness of the teaching to new cultures, the lack of dogmatism in it and a number of valuable timeless ideological resources necessary for the implementation of cultural synthesis.
Six schools, Chinese Mahayana, Buddhist School, Fasiang-zong, Sanlun-zong, Jingtu-zong, Chang-tsung, Tiantai-zong, Huayang-zong, Buddhism
Art and Art History
Al-Mamori, Y. (2022). Addressing the Future with Data Visualization in Science Fiction Films: Dystopia or Utopia. Man and Culture, 2, 12–20.
The subject of the research is the methods and techniques of addressing the future in dystopian and utopian films. The object of research is visual effects and ways of displaying the future, which allow us to convey to the viewer the meaning of the narrative. In the process of research, special attention is paid to the possibilities of science fiction films that create another world with the help of special effects, emphasizing many themes and hidden ideas, while depicting a fairy tale. Special emphasis is placed on the fact that modern technologies, the possibilities of creating visual effects have changed the film industry, as a result of which it has strengthened the genre convergence of utopian and dystopian film products, as a result of which it has become possible to create plausible worlds so that science fiction films are perceived in a more immersive way. The main conclusions of the study are the conclusion that the modern tradition of visualizing science fiction films embraces and interweaves dystopias and utopias within the framework of one work, as a result of which the narratives are doubly fictional: they create a utopian or dystopian place as a backdrop for history, and at the same time the place itself becomes history. The author's special contribution lies in the fact that in the process of research, visual techniques of representing the future in cinematic fiction are highlighted, which invariably contain cultural meanings. The scientific novelty of the research is to identify and analyze the most typical techniques of reproducing the future in science fiction films using visual effects, which include brutalist architecture, creating an image of the future city.
decorations, fantastic, image, cultural meaning, city, future, utopia, dystopia, visualization, history
Art and Art History
Wan, J. (2022). Ways to Preserve the Traditional Art of Jianzhi from Jinzhou in Modern China. Man and Culture, 2, 21–29.
This article discusses the methods of preserving jianzhi art from Jinzhou. Among the ways to ensure this activity, traditional inheritance, museum business, school education, the use of modern technologies, the program of "productive conservation", as well as the organization of education were highlighted. The expansion of preservation work will not only popularize the art of jianzhi, attract more people to its study and preservation, but most importantly, preserve those intangible cultural values of the people that reflect not only its traditions, customs, culture, way of life, but also its uniqueness and identity. The author concludes that it is possible to preserve traditional art through the use of the methods described by him. He points out the need to develop the jianzhi craft, as it embodies the unique characteristics of the Jinzhou people, their culture, traditions and identity. At the same time, to include paper cutting art in Jinzhou in people's lives, it is necessary to count not only on the help and support of the government, but also on the love and recognition of the people. With the help of public forces and the media so that jianzhi art and the traditional culture it carries can continue to exist and develop.
Cultural heritage, Culture, preservation of traditional art, China, Traditional culture, Art, Chinese culture, cultural continuity, traditional art, jianzhi
Ethnology and cultural anthropology
Gogolev, A.I., Fedorov, S.I. (2022). Hunting activity among the Yakuts at the present stage. Man and Culture, 2, 30–37.
This article discusses some issues of hunting activity among the Yakuts on the basis of ethnographic and field materials collected in the territories of the Srednekolymsky, Olekminsky, Vilyuysky, Verkhnevilyuysky and Nyurbinsky districts of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). Field materials were collected through included observation, in-depth interviewing, audio, photo and video fixation. In this study, the authors were deeply interested in rural residents who are close and involved in hunting activities from an early age. The paper attempts to record the transformation of hunting activity and to present the current state of hunting among the Yakuts in the studied areas. This paper is the first attempt to comprehensively study and record the transformation in hunting activity. The study examines the ritual and ceremonial component, the tools used and methods of catching prey. The main conclusions of the work are that hunting for many is an active form of recreation, leisure, i.e. it is no longer a subsidiary farm, since it does not bring economic benefits. The findings also include the emergence of new hunting methods using modern technologies. However, it is necessary to note the preservation of some ritual or ceremonial elements of hunting, in some form the sacredness of the activity is also preserved.
rituals, rituals, cult traditions, traditional culture, transformation, commercial game, commercial hunting, hunting activities, hunting, yakuts
Culture and cultures
Gogolev, A.I., Fedorova, A.R. (2022). Modern Yakut horror story as a genre of urban post-folklore. Man and Culture, 2, 38–48.
This article examines a special genre of Yakut oral literature – modern Yakut "horror stories". This new genre was formed on the basis of traditional folklore in the late Soviet period during the era of active Urabanization processes in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) and is a genre of modern post-folklore. Proceeding from the point of view that any folklore transformations are indicators of the dynamics of public sentiment, an attempt was made to look at this genre as a reflection of some social experiences that support and are reflected in certain plots that remain more stable. The sources of the study were data from a survey conducted in 2018, in which 213 respondents took part. With the help of the obtained materials, some quantitative data were revealed, as well as the most popular and frightening motives of the modern Yakut horror story according to the respondents. The review of the most popular plots is carried out, the characteristics and regional features of the genre are given. The author comes to the conclusion that the Yakut horror story, arising during the period of urbanization processes, is the result of the decomposition of rural communications, and the characters of the modern chthonic spectrum differ from the traditional ones in their simplified appearance and universality in relation to global culture.
folklore articulation, Yakut folklore, urban folklore, chthonic characters, urbanization, postfolklor, fear, yakut horror story, Horror Story, Yakutia
Culture and cultures
Kobets, M.V. (2022). Mentoring and career building in the event industry. Man and Culture, 2, 49–67.
The article is devoted to the study of the phenomenon of mentoring in the event industry. The industry is developing at an active pace and does not stand still. Continuous training and updating of competencies is required not only for novice specialists, but also for established and experienced event managers. The methodological basis of the research includes the theoretical provisions of event management, as well as models and tools that take into account the specifics of mentoring in the event business. The goal is to study the theoretical foundations of the mentoring phenomenon, as well as to identify factors that influence the construction and development of a mentoring system in the event industry. Material and methods. The research materials were articles, books by foreign and domestic scientists in the field of research of mentoring activities in the event sphere. In the course of the research, universal methods of cognition were used: systemic, dialectical, structural and functional, analysis and synthesis.The empirical base of the study was formed using the survey data. This article will be of interest to researchers in the field of event management, stakeholders of the event industry and students studying in this field of training. The novelty of the research is due to the fact that the topic of mentoring in the event industry is a fairly new and relevant topic for research. Currently, mentoring is not just working with employees and recommending books for reading — it is a full—fledged process for transferring accumulated experience, knowledge and modern competencies. The results of the study can serve as a basis for the formation of corporate mentoring programs in event agencies, which will contribute to the disclosure of the personal, creative, professional potential of each employee. This article will be of interest to researchers in the field of event management, stakeholders of the event industry and students studying in this field of training.
events, soft skills, professional development of employees, coaching, career track, competencies of the event manager, mentoring programs, menti, mentoring in the event, tough skills
Culture and civilization
Mikheeva, V.V. (2022). Private Higher School of Russia: history and current problems of study. Man and Culture, 2, 68–80.
The object of the study is the system of non-state higher education in Russia. The subject is the analysis of historical research devoted to the difficult process of formation and development of a private higher school in Russia in various periods of national history. The methodological basis is the dialectical principles of the relationship between the process and the result, individual, special and general. In addition, there is a systematic approach that helps to identify the state of knowledge of the stated problem. A comparative historical method has also been used to explain the historiographical facts of the history of private education in connection with the historical situation, a retrospective method that contributes to complementing the picture of the development of historical and pedagogical events in our country. Relevance of the research topic. Democratic reforms in Russia in the 90s of the XX century contributed to the creation of conditions for the emergence of a non-state higher school. The State Higher School was unable to respond promptly and on a large scale to the changing situation in the country, the growing interest in education, the emergence of new professions and specialties, the provision of additional earnings to the teaching staff of state universities, etc. In these conditions, the non-state sector of higher education has experienced its rebirth, which is waiting for its reflection. The scientific novelty and theoretical significance of the conducted research are as follows: the trends in the development of the Russian system of private higher education from the moment of its birth to the present are outlined; the definition of the term "private higher school" is given; conclusions were drawn in the article about the state of domestic knowledge on the history of private higher school.
students, gymnasium, history, historiography, university, school, education, literature, status, reform
Culture and civilization
Ibragimova, A.R. (2022). Intercultural communication in the space of social interaction. Man and Culture, 2, 81–90.
The article is devoted to the problems of intercultural communication related to solving the problem of real achievement of consolidation in modern society. In this regard, special attention is paid to the analysis of the phenomenon of social interaction, which is traditionally mixed with the communication process. The article highlights the reasons for this confusion and its negative social and cultural consequences. Various levels and situations of social interaction that determine the nature and content of possible intercultural communications are also considered. The basis of the research methodology was the identification of various levels of social interaction as conditions for intercultural communication: micro-level, meso-level, macro-level and mega-level. The study of the levels of social interaction shows that the main problems in intercultural communications arise due to the mixing of these levels in the process of a particular communicative act. The main conclusions of this study are that it is the mixing and non-discrimination of the communicative and behavioral space that is the main cause of many modern social conflicts and confrontations. In the modern information society, virtual communications are increasingly dominating, creating an imitation of any social activity. To get away from this imitation, it is necessary to conduct a comprehensive mutual study of the cultures of communicants involved in intercultural communication, which includes not only the development of relevant "cultural texts", but also the study of the processes of real social interactions in their relationship (or in the absence of such) with the processes of communication.
the content of intercultural communications, the nature of intercultural communication, the condition of intercultural communication, consolidation, culture, social, situation, social interaction, cross-cultural communication, communication
Aesthetics and theory of art
Zaótseva, N.V. (2022). Language reforms in France of the XVII century and the formation of gallant aesthetics. . Man and Culture, 2, 91–102.
The study of language as a carrier of a new aesthetic ideal in the first half of the XVII century in France and language reforms as a consequence of the emergence of a new ethos are at the intersection of sociolinguistics, history and cultural studies. For almost three centuries, French has been not only the language of international communication, like Latin. He carried a new aesthetic, introduced new literature, gave an opportunity to join a new manner of behavior and lifestyle in general. French became not so much the language of educated people, like Latin, as the language of secular educated people, it expressed the ideals of gallantry, good manners and upbringing, which foreigners came to Paris to study. To explain the phenomenon of the spread of the French language and the influence of French culture not only on Russia, but also on other European countries, it is necessary to return to the language reforms of the XVII century, when the language becomes a reflection of a new aesthetic. This study aims to show why the discussion around language flows into a discussion about style, and it, in turn, about the superiority of the new aesthetics. The reforms of the French language, on the one hand, were the result of the establishment of new aesthetic principles in the consciousness, on the other hand, they influenced the aesthetic principles of their time. Simplicity, naturalness and purity of style, clarity of expressions that convey exactly the thoughts come to French literature and later transferred to art as a whole. The successes of linguistic and literary reforms for contemporaries are associated with the political successes of France, because "the greatness of the empire and the elegance of the language always go hand in hand."
french culture, gallantry, the royal court, secular salons, literary salons, french history, language reforms, gallant aesthetics, French philology, literature of the XVII century
Architecture and design
Semenenko, D.A., Nazarov, Y.V. (2022). The use of tactile floor signs in public buildings. Man and Culture, 2, 103–111.
The infrastructure of modern states and megacities is very complex and extensive, so human orientation in urban space is extremely necessary. This article is devoted to the problem of adapting the surrounding space for blind and visually impaired people, the publication is designed to help solve the problem of orientation in the environment of this group of consumers. After all, despite the seemingly relatively small number of blind and visually impaired people compared to healthy citizens, in reality there are more than 2.2 billion people with visual impairments of varying complexity in the world, who, like ordinary people, should be able to move freely in the surrounding space. Â For a detailed understanding of the stated problem, the authors analyzed the experience of using various means in public buildings, such as tactile floor signs, mnemonic circuits, tactile signs, navigators, as well as mobile applications. Problems of accessibility of the environment for people with disabilities arise everywhere. Understanding the accessibility situation and searching for various solutions that contribute to the adaptation of the environment, as well as describing all kinds of developments related to the field of "affordable design" and presented in this article, will be able to improve the quality of life of blind and visually impaired people in our complex world.
mobile apps, navigators, orientation in space, adaptation, public buildings, mnemonic circuits, tactile floor signs, visually impaired people, blind people, researches