Cultural heritage, tradition and innovation
Slabukha, A.V. (2016). Establishment of the historical and cultural value of objects of historical and cultural heritage, part 1: organizational and methodical problems. Man and Culture, 6, 18.
This research is dedicated to the relevant issues of organization of the methodical provision of state measures on establishment of the historical and cultural value of the objects of cultural heritage (monuments of architecture). The problems are being examined in accordance with the requirements of the Federal Law “On the objects of cultural heritage (monuments of culture and history)" of people of the Russian Federation”. The attention is focused on the initial stage of identification of the valuable historical and cultural heritage – substantiation of a decision by the regional authorities of state preservation of the monuments regarding the inclusion of the objects into the list of the identified objects of cultural heritage. The methods of this work include the study of the existing federal legislation and organization of practical work of the government authorities in the area of the objects of cultural heritage. The author determines that there is now developed system for establishment of value of the objects pf heritage for the purpose of its implementation at the initial stage of decision-making by the regional authorities of preservation. The article explains the need for formulation of the formalized the methodical provision for establishment of the value of the object. The author expresses propositions on the improvement of the forms of efficient work regarding the establishment of the historical and cultural value of an object that has signs of the object of historical heritage.
historical and cultural examination, expertise, historical and cultural value, architectural monuments, monuments of culture, objects of cultural heritage, historical and cultural heritage, list of identified objects, signs of the object of heritage, register of the objects of heritage, legislation on heritage
Cultural heritage, tradition and innovation
Slabukha, A.V. (2016). Establishment of the historical and cultural value of objects of architectural heritage (part II): criteria and method in the modern expert practice. Man and Culture, 6, 922.
This research is dedicated to the methodical issues of the establishment of historical and cultural value of the objects of cultural heritage in accordance with the Federal Law “On the objects of cultural heritage (monuments of culture and history)" of people of the Russian Federation”. The work is focused on the question of methodic of the appraisal at the stage of decision-making by the regional authorities about the inclusion of the object (monument of architecture) into the list of the identified objects of cultural heritage”. There have been established various ideas about the criteria of the historical and cultural value of the monuments, however, there is no generally accepted methodic of their appraisal. Based on the research experience, the author presents the certified expert methodic for establishment of the historical and cultural value of a monument, which contains the complex of value characteristics and criteria of the appraisal. It can be relevant for substantiation of a decision regarding the inclusion of the object into a list of the identified objects of cultural heritage; and as a result – into the public register of the objects of cultural heritage.
historical and cultural examination, expertise, historical and cultural value, architectural monuments, monuments of culture, objects of cultural heritage, historical and cultural heritage, list of identified objects, signs of the objects of heritage, register of the objects of heritage, legislation on heritage
Culture and cultures
Chikhacheva, M.M., Ekard, L.D., Shkredova, I.N. (2016). The results of the 2016 folklore-ethnographic expedition to Turukhansk District of Krasnoyarsk Krai. Man and Culture, 6, 2329.
The subject of this research is the traditional folklore of the Russian settlements of Turukhansk District of Krasnoyarsk Krai. The data recorded during the 2016 folklore-ethnographic expedition of the Krasnoyarsk State Art Institute serve as the material form this work. The main task of the expeditions included the exploration of the residential areas of Turukhansk District, determination of presence and level of the preservation of the traditional culture (particularly folk music), documentation of the examples of immaterial cultural heritage, and determination of the level of assimilation of folklore of the Russian settlements with the culture of indigenous people. The scientific novelty consists in the fact that in study of the northern areas of Krasnoyarsk Krai, the primary attention was given to the folklore of the indigenous people, while the folklore of the Russian migrants was on the fringes of the authors’ review. The exploration of the residential areas allowed identifying just the songs of the late period of establishment – urban lyrics and couplets (Russian chastushka). It is also noted that the genres of children folklore are well preserved. The authors were able to document the local peculiarities of the separate folklore genres: primarily in children games, rituals of caroling and fortunetelling. The article confirms a hypothesis about the assimilation of the people from various regions of Russia in the territory of Turukhansk District.
route, colonists, Russian folklore, Krasnoyarsk Krai, Turukhansk District, folklore-ethnographic expedition, rituals, songs, children's games, fortunetelling
Culture and cultures
Pupysheva, N.V. (2016). Symbolic language for the description of human nature in Buddhism . Man and Culture, 6, 3039.
The subject of this study is a special symbolic language used in the Buddhist teaching for a comprehensive description of a person (the physiological and psychological constituents of a personality) within the framework of the characteristic to Buddhism integral approach towards personality. The object of this research is the system of "great elements" of Indian origin (mahabhūta, i.e. earth, water, wind, fire and space) that, on the physiological level, are condensed into the "three humors" of an organism (phlegm, bile and wind). The analysis carried out in the paper allows revealing the conceptual peculiarities of the terms through viewing them in accordance with the principles of Tibetan linguistics on three levels of the meaning (literary meaning; verbal meaning, which represents the conceptual matrix of the term; and true meaning, revealed through the pragmatics of the text). Based on examination of the complicated hierarchic structure of meanings of these terms, the author concludes that the use of this system allows interpreting texts, which describe different levels of the reality. It results in the productive method of presentation of the knowledge in Buddhist doctrine and makes it possible to include the knowledge on human as the personality into the general context of concepts about the world, using the universal language of description. The article provides the examples of interpretation of the phenomena of different levels of reality, applying the system of "great elements".
pragmatics of the text, true meaning, conceptual matrix of the term, word meaning, literary meaning, three levels of meaning, system of great elements, Buddhist philosophy, interpretation of the phenomena, different levels of reality
Culture and cultures
Pupysheva, N.V. (2016). Typology of personality within the system of Tibetan Buddhist medicine. Man and Culture, 6, 4048.
This article pursues correlation between the typologies of personality by Western authors and the typology of personality of the Tibetan Buddhist and Ayurvedic medical traditions that use a specific language for the personality typology description and interpretion in the context of the «great elements» system (mahabhūta – earth, water, wind, fire), which on the physiological level is narrowed down to the notion of «three humors» of an organism (wind, bile, phlegm). Analyzing the original sources, the author demonstrates that these traditions base the typology of personality on domination in specificities of the body, physiological processes, and psyche of one or another "beginning" of an organism or its combinations. Comparing the principles of personality classification of such Western philosophers and psychologists as Kretschmer and Sheldon with the Tibetan Buddhists tradition in Ayurveda, this work illustrates that the foundation of views upon the typology of personality of the Buddhist and Ayurvedic medical traditions lies in the theoretically substantiated and verified by the century-long practice theory of personality that differs from the European in its description language, which in turn, is based on the alternate philosophical perception of the world.
seven psychophysiological types, three humors of the body, system of great elements, psychological characteristics, body constitution, typology of personality, Tibetan Buddhist medicine, Ayurveda, temperaments, psychophysiological features of a personality
Culture and cultures
Tsareva, E.S. (2016). The formation of academic music culture of Yeniseian Governorate: new outlook through the prism of processes of self-organization and institutionalization. Man and Culture, 6, 4967.
The subject of this research is the processes of formation of the academic music culture in Krasnoyarsk during one of the most significant periods of its development in the region – the existence of Yeniseian Governorate (1822-1925). The author examines the establishment and functionality of the local model of academic traditions during the imperial and Soviet historical stages, by determining the universal (general Russian and general Siberian) and specific features. The main interest of the author is focused in the socio-culturological aspects of the research, identification of the key processes of construction of the music-academic system, analysis of their functionality under the conditions of various types of government structure. The article introduces the unpublished documents into the scientific discourse, as well as present a new approach towards perception of development of the Siberian music culture. Analyzing from the socio-culturological perspective the establishment of the system of academic art in Yeniseian Governorate, the author reveals the two main processes taking part in its formation – self-organization and institutionalization. Based on the local history materials, the author demonstrated their impact and diverse combinations depending on the sociopolitical and economic context. The conclusion is made that the balance and “complementarity” between the processes of self-organization and institutionalization represents the most favorable environment for the rapid development of academic and music culture. The acquired results allow significantly enriching the existing knowledge in the area of establishment of the traditions of Siberian academic art, as well as discover the new relevant prospects in examination of the world musical and historical processes.
Achinsk, Kansk, Minusinsk, Yeniseysk , Krasnoyarsk, Yeniseian Governorate, Institutionalization, Self-organization, Music culture, Academic traditions
Ethnology and cultural anthropology
Spektor, D.M. (2016). Symbolic exchange, death, and mystery of gift. Man and Culture, 6, 6883.
The subject of this article is the symbolic exchange in its connection with “death” and mystery of gift. The author thoroughly examines such aspects of the topic as archaic equivalence of the value and sacred object of the exchangeable females. Special attention is given to the primary nature of sacrifice that is not the subject of exchange (with gods, dead, etc.), but inspires the “state of enthusiasm” and justifies the (secondary) value of exchangeable things (value). Sacrificial offering on one hand, and exogamy on the other, if meticulously reconstructed, allows re-creating the gift-exchange logic – a substrate of human subjectivity, realized by the inter-communal relationship. The method of this research is associated with the analysis and historical reconstruction of the gift, sacrifice, and symbolic exchange. Its logical counterpoint lies in criticism of the existing interpretations. The scientific novelty consists in proof of the fact that the act of exchange “generates the surplus value”, transforming the object (women) from the given into impersonal and generalized “consumer product” as the primary prototype of “commodity”, in which the common property – usefulness – dominates over the singular specificity. Without having understood of the initial profit of exchange, it is impossible to understand the development of its forms.
inter-communal relations, death, exogamy, initiation, community, victim, gift, Exchange, goods, surplus value
Audiovisual culture and art
Bykova, N.I. (2016). The art of cinematography and cinema museums: world practice and contemporary problems. Man and Culture, 6, 8493.
The subject of this research is the cinema museums, while the object is the art of cinematography. The author examines the global experience in the area of creation of cinema museums, as well as studies the history of Russian Cinema Museum and prospects of its further development. Special attention is given to the modern status of cinema museums and issues associated with determination of their functions, which at the present stage remain unambiguous. The perception of the world experience in regards to this question is necessary for resolving the problem of creation and functionality of the cinema museum in Russia. The main methods of this study is the comparative-historical and analytical. The work analyzes the key concepts of outlook upon the cinema museums, as well as their sociocultural importance. The scientific novelty lies in the fact that the cultural phenomenon of the museum of cinematography art requires thorough examination. Cinema museums are located in multiple countries of the world, however, the question of what does the notion of cinema museum imply, is rather complicated due to the syncreticity of the screen arts.
multimedia, art of cinema, screen art, cultural heritage, cinematography, cinema museum, photography, syncretism, Museum of photography, exposition
Styles, trends, schools
Aleksandrov, N.N. (2016). The third phase of engineer style decadence. Man and Culture, 6, 94109.
The subject of this research is the development of design over the period of 1942 – 1960’s. This period is not sufficiently studies within the history of design. The difficulty of coverage of the regularities of this stage consist in the fact that a part of it falls on the period of the World War. Considering such specificity, the author forms an image of development of the European and American design. The European line of design originate the new style, while the American acquires them with a delay. This period in the history of design is presented based on the cyclical methodology. The author applies method of existential systemogenetics, which is the progression of the general systemogenetics and technogenetics, theory of cycles, and theory of mentality. The new aspect consists in examination of the period from 1942 to 1953 as stylistically homogeneous, characterized by the decadence of engineer style. The work introduces the new notions about the “postponed development” within the stylistic tends due to the war, which explains the bloom of the “Detroit Baroque”. The author establishes the unity of formal trends in “Stalinist Baroque” and “Detroit Baroque”.
Ulm School, XX century, mentality, culture, design, style, history of design, Stalinist style, Braun style , Detroit Baroque
Music and music culture
Bayarsaikhan, S.B. (2016). Saxophone in martial music of the Western European and American composers of the late XIX early XX centuries. Man and Culture, 6, 110117.
This article reveals one of the important and insufficiently studied problems of orchestration – the interpretation of saxophone family instruments as the orchestral instruments, as well as reflects part of the major scientific conclusions of the cognominal thesis research that is dedicated to the interpretation of saxophone as an orchestral instrument. Based on the results of the analysis of the military marches original scores of the late XIX – early XX centuries, written by the composers of Western Europe and America (France, Germany, Great Britain, Italy, Austria-Hungary, Spain, USA, and Mexico), as well as academic works on the questions of theory and practice of the orchestration, the article reveals the ways, peculiarities, and trends of application of the saxophone family instruments in the genre of martial music. The modern communicative means (Internet) helped to find multiple compositions in the genre of march, but at times such scores dare not the original primary sources. However, the volume of materials that became accessible allows forming the holistic perception, as well as making substantiated conclusions. Discovering the facts on the use of saxophones in marches seems purposeful if leaning on the national affiliation of a composer, or in other words, within the framework of a separate country.
Orchestral texture, Score, Wind ensemble, Orchestra, Compositions, Composer, Martial music, March, Interpretation of saxophone, Saxophone