Culture and cultures
Kulikovskaya, I.E. (2015). Semio-sphere of Preschool Education Content. Man and Culture, 4, 18–57.
The given research deals with the concept of “semio-sphere” of modern preschool education content. The author of the article gives coverage to semiotic and symbolic grounds of teaching preschool children which is presented in the program “World Outlook”. According to the author, the concept “semio-sphere” includes signs, symbols and values that are reflected in mytho-poetic, philosophical, universal, symbolic and scientific world views. The above mentioned program unites signs and symbols from various areas of life – nature, society and art. They are united into the complete world view as a result of translation which becomes the main mechanism of mental operations. Continuous translation from one cultural language to another is occurring all the time: from the language of senses – into the language of concepts, from the natural language – into the language of art. Methodological background of the research lies within the framework of the following ideas: understanding of culture as the philosophical category which causes deep changes in the education model as a whole and the system of preschool education in particular (M.M. Bakhtin, V.S. Bibler, M.S. Kagan, Yu.M. Lotman, L.P. Pechko, V. N. Stolovich); semio-sphere is seen as the semiotic and symbolic space of culture (Yu.M. Lotman); childhood is understood as the period of the highest level of unleashing potential of a child and his/her comprehensive knowledge of the world around (L.A. Wenger, L.S. Vygotsky, A.G. Gogoberidze, A.V. Zaporozhets, M.V. Korepanova, V.T. Kudryavtsev, E.A. Tupichkina, R.M. Chumicheva) . The author comes to a number of conclusions. Thus, the definition of semio-sphere of preschool education content which opens way to the complete world view is given. The following principles provide the developing effect of the education content: unity of filo and ontogenesis; integration of mythology, philosophy and science; integrity and differentiation of age-related periodization; culture congruent knowledge and ways of learning about the signs and symbols of culture. The content of preschool education aimed at development of the complete world view of preschool children is presented in the program “World Outlook” which includes several components. The first is called “The Elements of the World”. It is aimed at revealing the signs and symbols of the nature reflected in folklore and ways of learning about the real natural phenomena (for children aged 4-5). The second component “Basics of Literacy” reflects the knowledge about signs and symbols of culture presented in the generalized, curtailed form in the letters of the Russian alphabet and small literary texts (for children aged 6-7). The third component, referred to as “Categorical View of the World: Flowers of Russia", reflects the signs and symbols of floristics, nature worthiness, diverse forms of interrelation between a child and the natural world around (for children aged 6-7).The conducted research is of topical interest since it gives full definition to the concept “semio-sphere” of preschool education content as well as the detailed description of the program “World Outlook” which treats the world view as the elaborated set of various signs (cultural, natural, eco-cultural, speech and motive related). The unity of semiotic and symbolic systems which is further elaborated in its components and thematic blocks provide integrity of the whole program. What makes the program specific is the idea of integration, based on the principle of culture congruence, representation of the complete world view in preschool didactics, including mytho-poetic, philosophical, universal and symbolic world views which correspond to the figurative type of perception and thinking of a child. What is more, semio-sphere of preschool education content is mentioned in the Federal State Standard of Preschool Education regarding the criteria of informative, speech, artistic and esthetic development of children.
Unity of ontogenesis and phylogeny, Theory of world outlook evolution, world view, human world view, semiosphere content, the content of pre-school education, signs and symbols, preschool education, mythopoetics, natural philosophy