Culture and cultures
Khokon, S.E., Siiukhova, A. (2014). Circassian Ethnic Costume in the Socio-cultural Situation of the Modern Multi-ethnic Region. Man and Culture, 5, 1–31.
The subject of this study is the existence of ethnic costume of Circassians in modern conditions the multi-ethnic region, which is the Republic of Adygea. On the basis of historical, ethnographic and sociological data structure functions, symbolic content, aesthetic principles of the Adyghe ethnic costume are detected. Noted a close correlation between the structure of a traditional costume with a moral complex of "Adyghe the xabz" requiring a person to be physically fit, moderate in food, to care about his body as the greatest value. The role of ethnic costume in the minds and practice of modern Circassians is presented. The method of structural-functional analysis, ethnographic method, and the method of survey used to understand the cultural role of Circassian costume as a means of marking the nation and also how positive intercultural communication. The result of this survey, the fact that sustainable conservation of ethnic costume in a festive and ritual practice of ethnic group, and also the appearance of a new function attribute-ideological are detected. Culture-creating role of the Adyghe ethnic costume in modern social and cultural situation of the multi-ethnic region, as well as its role as a source of maintaining ethnic and cultural identity of modern Circassians is proved.
functions of ethnosuit, Adyge the xabz, multiethnic region, Circassians, ethnosuit, traditional costume, clothes, culturology, ethnology, sociology of culture
Culture and authority
Popova, O.V. (2014). Sociocultural construction of a military man (on the example of . Man and Culture, 5, 32–49.
This article analyzes the process of socio-cultural construction in a military environment. The author has shown to demonstrate the evolution of the formation of human identity in a military environment and pointed the role military hazing in the process.Purpose of work is to demonstrate the conflict between the humanistic values of modern culture and values and archetypes, which are hidden behind the informal hazing (accepted in Russian reality a form of "dedovshchina").
ethics of of military service, violence in the army, ethics of war, ethics of of non-violence, dedovshchina, socio-cultural construction, hazing, construction of a soldier, army rituals, initiation in the army
Philosophy of culture
Strizhov, A.Y. (2014). The role of “special” in society. Man and Culture, 5, 50–58.
Human societies are not similar, although in its development subject to the general laws. However, a separate social organism lives in the unique concrete historical environment - as a result, he produce specific forms of adaptation to the environment. This feature we can see in the specific characters of the people in the forms of industrial relations in a particular technique. Systematic amendments contributes peculiar aspect of society’ life in specific circumstances to the development. It is the subject of our research.The special aspects of human life in society consist of the historical memory, values, development strategies, etc. We should see how all these elements of culture and politics develop a specific aspect of life of all social classes. The basis for research on the role of political and cultural superstructure taken the concept of cultural "hegemony" of Antonio Gramsci.The specifics of the social development is expressed in the motivating forces that allow people together, regardless of their social status, to consolidate certain tasks. “Special” in the collective life lives always. However, while it is not meaningful, it is simply a synthesis of “Common” and “Single”. “Special” is becoming an effective force when there is a creative interpretation of it. This is emergency of ideology, the balance between value systems of different classes. In times of crisis stories “special” becomes a force for significant changes in the social structure.
single, separate society, social development, revolution, ideology, the cultural “hegemony”, ethical and political solidarity, social class, motivation, common
Sociology of culture, social culture
Bakumenko, G.V. (2014). The concept of socio-cultural process of symbolizing success. Man and Culture, 5, 59–66.
The subject of this research is the model of socio-cultural process of symbolizing success, expanding notions of cultural mediation of social dynamics. If the category of socio-cultural process, the process of symbolization and success concept firmly established in the scientific and philosophical discourse, the concept of derivative sociocultural process of symbolization of success is used by us to actualize a new vision of dynamic phenomena. Thus, the purpose of this article is updated by the author's point of view on the cause of cultural dynamics, which is based on generated in the process of survival in the environment of genetically property culture - symbolizing success.At the heart of our research is a systematic approach to cultural phenomena. In which we describe the multi-function model of socio-cultural process of symbolizing success, it is proposed for further tested in the most pressing areas of cultural studies.The main contribution of the author in the study of cultural dynamics is a reinterpretation of modern ideas about cultural mediation sociogenesis based on a hypothetical situation causes of specific ways of mankind's survival in the environment. This method is implemented as a system of symbolization of the positive experience of the individual with the aim of social integration. The same way as a multifunctional model of behavior allows social actors through social communication to navigate the environmental and socio-cultural environment.
orientation in culture, systems approach, sociocultural process, social and cultural self-organization, interdisciplinary discourse, sociocultural model, symbolizing success, sociocultural space, phenomenology of success, success
Culture of the body
Pogontseva, D.V. (2014). Cultural and historical dynamics of female beauty representations. Man and Culture, 5, 67–85.
The author examines the phenomenon of beauty through the prism of the history of fashion and costume. This is due to the concept of fashionable clothes as a way of disclosure of human dignity and the presentation of his body from the perspective of ideas of beauty at a given time in a given area. As a whole category of "beauty", in relation to a person, often used to describe and categorize women, as representations of a beautiful woman, their dynamics of change at different moments in history. The paper presents a theoretical analysis of the problem, building on difficult by cultural studies, art history, theory of fashion and costume. The main conclusion of the work is a statement of the phenomenon of the beauty of the body in terms of its dynamism. Throughout all the ages, there were several female characters who succeeded each other: the image of the girl - teenager (thin, sometimes even painfully thin, with angular figure); the second image based on a sports figure, and the third image of a beautiful woman - bursting with "healthy body" (like on paintings of B. Kustodiev or P. Rubens). The phenomenon of "feminine beauty" is inherently socio-cultural, its interpretation varied depending on the status of women in society, from existing in a certain era of gender relations. Feminine beauty in its many interpretations paired with age, is associated with youth, it is attributed to the fragility.
history of a suit, art, culture, presentation, fashion, female beauty, body, youth, beauty, attractiveness