Culture and cultures
Sitnikova, A.A. (2014). The Concept of the North in Rockwell Kent's Creative Work. Man and Culture, 2, 1–27.
Article offers research of picturesque and graphic works of the artist Rokuell of Kent regarding visualization in these works of a concept "North". The detailed review of "waves" of professional and spectator interest in R. Kent's creativity precedes researches: in the 1920th years the artist comes to the forefront in the American art, in the 1960th years becomes popular in the USSR, in the 1980th years to the artist the attention of the American audience comes back, in the present interest in R. Kent's creativity is maintained on the Internet. According to tasks researches gave a general characteristic to cycles of the works created by the artist during travel to Alaska (1918-1919) during travel to Tierra Del Fuego (1922-1923) and during travel to Greenland (1929, 1932-1933, 1935); representative works from these cycles – "Solar patches of light are analysed. Alaska" (1919), "Tierra del Fuego" (1922-1925), "November in Greenland" (1932-1933). The image of the Eskimo – the aboriginal of Greenland, formed in the graphics created by R. Kent is investigated. In addition in article art traditions and receptions, characteristic for works of the artist in general reveal. The main method - the philosophical and art criticism analysis of representative art texts. This method was developed by V. I. Zhukovsky and D. V. Pivovarov. Besides, the method of the description and analysis of works of art, the analysis of basic concepts was applied (including, Yu.S. Stepanova). Germenevtichesky methodological procedures, including interpretation and identification of the meanings put in work were applied to art texts of R. Kent. Scientific novelty of research is that works of the famous American artist R. Kent are considered from positions of the conceptual analysis. The works of art connected with northern subject are investigated. R. Kent's creativity is presented as the certain world outlook system of the artist of the XX century shown by means of visual means.
Ethnology and cultural anthropology
Pimenova, N.N. (2014). Cultural Heritage of the Small Indigenous Groups of Krasnoyarsk Krai and the Present-day Cultural Practices. Man and Culture, 2, 28–66.
The subject of the research is the contents and the form of keeping and transmitting the cultural heritage of the small indigenous groups of Krasnoyarsk Krai (the Evenkis, the Nganasan, the Chulyms).The author performed ethnographic studies in the areas of the Chulyms’ compact settlement in the village of Pasechnok, Tjukhtetski Region, Krasnoyarsk Krai. Vectors of the changes in the cultural space of the small indigenous groups in the conditions of globalization and reindustrialisation of the Russian Federation Nothern Territories are represented on the basis of the present-day cultural practices and their reflection in the scientific literature. The site studies methods, modeling of social types (M. Weber) were used. The conceptual analysis of the notion “cultural heritage” had a great meaning as well as the critical revision of scientific texts on the topic of the cultural heritage of the small indigenous groups of the North, Siberia and the Far East. It is proved that the post-Soviet methods of keeping the cultural heritage of the small indigenous groups of Krasnoyarsk Krai comes, mostly, to making it a part of museum exhibitions, assigning the cultural symbols of shamanism by the cultural group. In connection with this a special cultural phenomenon of neoshamanism has appeared which is rather a representation of postmodernist cultural practices than that of the premodernist. We may observe the difference between the vectors of a real social economic and cultural situation of the small indigenous groups of Krasnoyarsk Krai. These differences between the vectors are connected with the processes of modernization and reindustrialization of the Siberian regions of the Russian Frderation. The differences are also observed in the cultural practices connected with the ethnic identity (where the exotic peculiarities of the small indigenous groups of the Siberia can be seen). Solution of this contradiction is bind to the virtualization of the cultural space of the Nothern peoples and to the rules and regulations mechanisms that regulate the usage of cultural signs and symbols of the Nothern nations.
Cultural ctudies, enthnology, the North, small indigenous groups, the Evenkis, the Chulyms, the Nganasans, the Siberian Federal University, site studies, cultural heritage
Symbol, word, speech, language
Shchuplenkov, N.O. (2014). Cognitive-Discursive Approach to Describing Terms of the Russian Emigre Community. Man and Culture, 2, 67–96.
In languages for the special purposes an important role is played by communication of information with knowledge and their use in speech activity which is considered in cognitive linguistics as a special type of information processing. It is the difficult cognitive process including transfer and receiving coded by language media, depending on conditions of its implementation and on between what partners it proceeds. Therefore studying of the language information processing necessary for transfer of knowledge and a problem of communication become the central aspects of the modern kognitivno-diskursivny direction in a terminovedeniye.Cognitive discursive approach recognizes as two main functions of language cognitive and communicative and pursues the aim "to study these functions in continuous interaction and coordination with each other".The cognitive component of this paradigm allows to analyze knowledge/information types, the verbalizuyemykh in the scientific text and costing behind them mental units and structures while the diskursivny component allows to reveal ways of submission of information to the addressee taking into account a pragmatical orientation of the text, intensions of the author and a special context of the communicative act.Terms optimize process of preservation and information transfer during scientific communication as the sense of the term is formed by characteristics of concepts which are always submitted in a system word meaning. In it one of differences of terms from words of common-literary (natural) language which conceptual characteristics, according to kognitolog, are shown only at the functional level, that is in the statement consists. Therefore it is important to note that existence at the term of a definition allows to use it as rather stable element of scientific knowledge. Definition of the term is fixed, though is subject to correction in connection with development of scientific knowledge, that is characteristics of the concepts forming value of the term are reflected in it rather precisely and correspond to a certain stage of development of science.
Historical culturology and the history of culture
Sertakova, E.A. (2014). The Concept of the City in Russian Culture. Man and Culture, 2, 97–126.
Object of research - a city concept in the context of history of the Russian culture. The analysis of researches in the field of the concept "concept" is carried out, various theories of a concept are considered. The concept of the city reveals through integration of various definitions of the city, its understanding in annalistic and works of painting of Old Russian culture. Modern theories of the city as welfare phenomenon are considered. The understanding of the city as cultural space is offered, genesis of modern culturological understanding of the city in the context of the analysis of Old Russian chronicles and picturesque miniatures is considered. The main method - the analysis of concepts (Yu.S. Stepanov's technique, A.A. Sitnikova). The terminological analysis of the concept "city" is used, elements of cultural researches (N. P. Koptseva's technique), the art criticism analysis of texts of Old Russian art (V. I. technique of Zhukovsky) are applied. Scientific novelty of work consists in integration of culturological, conceptual, art criticism methods of research. The Old Russian understanding of a concept "city" on material of the analysis of concrete Old Russian picturesque miniatures is specified. The synthetic culturological methodology connected with synthesis of theoretical and applied methods of cultural researches is used. The conceptual analysis of the city is supplemented with the art criticism analysis of works of art.
Culture of art and the process of creation
Seredkina, N.N. (2014). To The Question of Methodological Principles of Cultural and Semiotic Approach to Studying the Art of the Small Indigenous Groups of The North, Siberia and Far East. Man and Culture, 2, 127–146.
The article is devoted to the analysis of a cultural and semiotic approach which is viewed as one of the main approaches in studying the art of indigenous groups of the North, Siberia and Far East. The author’s systematization of methodological principals of the cultural and semiotic approach (understanding the culture as a structure which consists of several symbolic systems and cultural texts; the principle of creating the symbols that are actualized in the artistic dialogism; representationism of the culture and symbolic interpretation of the culture’s signs; the notion “value” as one of the key notions in the concept of the art’s semiotic phylosophy) is suggested in the article. The definition of the notion “art” is made clear on the basis of correlating the methodological principles of the cultural and semiotic approach and the ideas of constructivism. The art is understood as a cultural-semiotic set which evokes social senses in individual and collective consciousness and helps to perform verification of the human ideas if the world around and to create our own world vision in the underconsciousness. The method of the research is a conceptual and categorical concepts analysis of the basic notions. The article proves the cultural-semiotic methodological approach ton the analysis of the fine arts objects. The methods of philosophical artistic analysis by V.I. Zhukovskij, N.P. Koptseva, D.V. Pivovarov are used. The most effective methodological strategy for the analysis of the works of art of the native people of the North, Siberia and the Far East is defined for the first time. The double semiotics of the art works is shown as that of cultural texts. Possibilities of cultural-semiotic approach to the analysis of certain works (including the Northern nations living on the territory of the Russian Federation) is analyzed. The problem of the article is of great importance in connection with the new exploration of Siberia and the Far East and the necessity to preserve the unique culture of the native peoples living on that territories.
ñonstructivism, Siberia, native peoples, arts, cultural text, symbol, sign, value, world vision, the North