Theoretical culturology and the theory of culture
Rozin, V.M. (2013). Thoughts of Architecture (the Dialogue Initiated by Alexander Rappaport. Man and Culture, 5, 1–34.
The author of the article discusses the origin and essence of architecture as well as its theoretical interpretation. The author disputes with Alexander Rappaport's statement about architecture being created already in the ancient world. According to the author of the article, the process of architectural development has passed the three main stages. At the first stage ancient people created sacral monuments allowing them to 'talk' to the gods or live in the afterworld. The second stage (the Early Modern Period) was the formation of architecture as it is as a kind of art, direction of designing (architectural design) and applied science. The third stage (modern times) has led to the crisis of the architectural thought partly caused by the uncertaint reality and future of the mankind. The author also describes the nature and the main purpose of architecture and supports Alexander Rappaport's concept according to which the new theory of architecture should be viewed as the anthropological and culturological discipline.
architecture, theory, conception, culture, designing , art, science, discourse, scheme, concept
Philosophy of culture
Berseneva, T. (2013). Synergy. Synergetics. Dialectics. Man and Culture, 5, 35–46.
The author of the article makes a hypothesis that the usage of the term 'synergy' can unable a common vision of the human and culture in general as well as cover the gap between the three main approaches to anthropology: natural scientific, philosophical and theological. Based on the aforesaid problem, the author of the article analyzes the definition of synergy. According to the author, the term 'synergy' has a wide scope which includes, first of all, Orthodox theology because synergy is the concept of the mystical ascetic Orthodox tradition of Hesychasm. Secondly, it includes the term 'synergetics' because both of these words have the same root meaning 'common'and 'energy'. Thirdly, it inludes dialectics because synergy is basically a form of the dialectic contradiction. The author of the article offers a definition of synergy as the joint action or interaction of different potentials and energies that share the common orientation at the ideal and achieve the synergetic effect.
synergy, synergetics, dialectics, interaction, dialectical contradiction, Orthodox theology, synergetic approach, synergetic effect, Hesychasm, Byzantine philosophy
Sociology of culture, social culture
Kanasz, T. (2013). The Role of Hope and Optimism in Modern Culture. Man and Culture, 5, 47–69.
The article is devoted to philosophical, psyhological and sociological approaches to understanding socio-cultural phenomena of hope and optimism in modern culture. The purpose of the article is to study both universal and specific aspects of hope and optimism in terms of Polish culture and society. Based on practical sociological researches the author analyzes the significance and peculiarities of hope and optimism in the Polish system of values and mentality. The author makes an emphasis on manifestations of hope and optimism dominating in the Polish society and explains the reasons contributing to the development of defensive and 'expansive' optimism. During the transformation period experienced by the Polish society, hope was very similar to that in other countries of Central and Eastern Europe. Optimistm or pessimism has been closely related to the social structure of the society as well as the political and economic environment. The role of defensive optimism is usually growing for people who are experiencing a difficult life situation. On the contray, well-to-do people who have a good job and don't have any health issues are more concerned about the expansive optimism as it is aimed at achieving life success.
social studies, psychology, philosophy, Poland, values, society, hope, optimism, culture, transformation
Gender studies
Sidorova, G.P. (2013). Soviet Economic Everyay Life in Images of Popular Art of the 1960 - 1980th: Gender Features of the Axiology of Labour. Man and Culture, 5, 70–89.
Object of research is representation of the Soviet economic daily occurrence of the 1960-1980th in art of this period. Production and consumption, household and social production, the individual valuable orientations motivating economic activity of the subject of culture, and also their subject-corporal fixedness falls within the scope of economic daily occurrence; perception of official culture masses; mentality manifestations in economic activity; perception of official culture masses – adaptation of specialized forms of economic culture in daily forms. Research objective – to reveal gender features àêñèîëîãèêè the work, reflected in artistic images of the Soviet mass art of the 1960-1980th. Research methodology: system, historical typology and komparativny methods, semiotics and germenevtichesky analysis of works of art. Research showed: in the Soviet socialist culture of industrial society development of innovations is inconsistent connected to strengthening of traditional valuable orientations and new forms of tradition. From "thaw" time to the "seventieth" value of socialist values in society steadily decreased. Valuable orientations were displaced from socialist to traditional and universal values, and also to values of market economy and a consumer society. In the period of "thaw" and in the "seventieth" art figuratively embodied all completeness of the real valuable world of the subject of the Soviet culture.
Soviet culture, economic, everyday life, popular art, Soviet art, gender features, axiology, value of labour, subject of culture, axiological orientations
Symbol, word, speech, language
Vinnikov, A.V. (2013). Secret Languages. Attitude to the Government. Man and Culture, 5, 90–158.
Secret languages are traditional signs of ethnic deviant groups. They create the unity and protect a special (marginal or criminal) life style. National Jipsy and Jewish languages etimologically provide words for the non-standard dialect. The necessary condition for a secret language to be created is the conflict between the existing social or ethnic group and the government. In this day and age national languages of etchnic criminal unions and migration as well as the Russian slang 'Fenya' are acquiring the feautures of secret languages. The criminal secret language 'Fenya' is often used by the elite or usual people when they want to express their negative attitude towards the effective law or government.
studies of law, secret language, Fenya, etymology, Gipsy, Jewish, conflict, court interpreter, pretended misunderstanding, life by one's notions