Culture and cultures
Tlostanova, M.V. (2012). Postcolonial Theory, Decolonial Choice and Liberating Esthesis. Man and Culture, 1, 164.
The article describes the conceptual grounds of postcolonial theory and decolonial choice as two contemporary parallel influential theoretical and applied discourses. It presents decolonial aesthesis – the sphere of sensual perception of the world, as an important part of the liberation of knowledge and being from the limitations of Western aesthetics. After a short survey of the main tendencies in the aesthetic thought of the last two decades, the author dwells on such aspects of transcultural transmodern aesthetics as its links with beauty and the correlation of art, aesthesis and knowledge. The article examines in detail the works of several foreign and Russian artists having to do with decolonial aesthesis – Fred Wilson, Pedro Lasch, Tanja Ostojic, Saule Suleymenova, Zorikto Dorzhiev, Taus Makhacheva, Patrice Naiambana, etc. The author comes to a conclusion that border trickster transcultural pluritopic art is the most effective way of decolonizing knowledge, perception and being on the way to a transmodern world.
transmodernity, decoloniality , knowledge, Esthesis, Esthetics, decolonial choice, postcolonial theory, transculture, beauty, anti-sublime
Natural science, technology and culture
Sal'nikova, E.V. (2012). Anatomy Theatre as a Part of History of Visual Information Carriers. Man and Culture, 1, 65101.
The article is devoted to changes in understanding of death and perception of human body in XVI - XVII centuries. The author describes the semantics of the death image at the turn of middle ages and Renaissance. The author also explains the difference between the Death Dance and Anatomy Theatre. The author draws our attention to the relation between development of anatomy and technological revolutions leading to creation of modern electronic information carriers. One of the motivations of creating information carriers is assumed to be a man's starvation for symbolic overcoming of physical death.
cultural studies, information, anatomy theatre, forensic dissection, carrier, body, death dance, electronic technologies, technological revolution, secularization
Philosophy of culture
Samokhina, N. (2012). Agni Yoga Ideas and Philosophical Symbolism of N. Roerich' Paintings. Man and Culture, 1, 102133.
This article is devoted to the art of outstanding Russian artist Nicholas Roerich (1874 -1947). The author analyzes the main philosophical ideas of N. Roerich’s paintings. One of the main purposes of article – a comparative analysis of the stories of Roerich’s pictures and some ideas of Agni Yoga teachings, which was established by Roerichs’ family in collaboration with the Indian philosopher Mahatma Moriah in 1924-1938. Author of the article concludes that the pictorial art of N. Roerich is close to some ideas of Agni Yoga teachings.
art history, creative work, Roerich, symbolism, philosophy, teaching, East, Apocalypse, spiritual, evolution
Sociology of culture, social culture
Golubitskii, Y.A. (2012). Phenomena of Scientific and Artistic Ways of Reflecting Reality: Antagonism or Gnoseological Relation and Convergence? . Man and Culture, 1, 134187.
As the follower of literature-centered views on basic cultural phenomena, the author of the article applies his approach to understanding of multidisciplinary interaction between culture (especially literature) and the humanities and puts forward the hypothesis of literature-determined genesis of sociology and all the humanities in general. By providing the insight into the history of humanities, he tries to prove that there is a certain relation between literature (documentaries first of all) and social studies. The author of the article studies the reasons of 'literaturizing' Russian sociology. These reasons include the fact that the process of formation of social studies coincided with the so-called 'silver age' in Russian litrature as well as the fact that the founders of Russian sociology (M. Kovalevsky, E. De-Roberti and P. Sorokin) participated in... Fremasonry.
social studies, divergence, convergence, determinism, physiologism, essay, perception, cogitation, literature, hyper-language
Styles, trends, schools
Epishin, A.S. (2012). Revolutionary Archetypes in Russian Painting of the 1880-1910's. Evolution of Characters. Man and Culture, 1, 188205.
The article reveals the specifics of the revolutionary populist image in Russian painting of the late XIX - early XX centuries, its transformation from the intellectual to the proletarian types under the influence of russian political and historical events. The author analyzes the development of the Russian revolutionary utopia, tracing the transition from the evangelical idea of sacrifice to its meaningful denial, and then to the denial of God. The author's attention focused on the works of artists, members of Russian realist school: Repin I., his disciple Verhoturov N. and Kasatkin N.
populist-revolutionary, People's Will (Narodnaya Volya), socialist-revolutionary, proletariat, revolution, commoner, militant proletariat, fine art, Utopia, Itinerants
Music and music culture
Denisov, A.V. (2012). Phenomenon of Parody in Music Art. Man and Culture, 1, 206227.
The work purpose – analysis of the organizing principles underlying the musical parody. The main question – to consider the general mechanisms of the parody, the concrete musical means leading to its formation, and also its general functions in musical art.The basic principle of the parody consists in the structural-semantic inversion of the initial text forming its image overturned in the semantic relation. Parody reconsideration of the original usually occurs at the expense of parallel action of the intra text and intertext relations: a certain mutual coordination of the parody text elements, and also "comparison" of this text with the parodied original.Thus the concrete embodiment of inversion can be connected, first, with a certain immanent organization of the musical text structure, secondly – with its extra musical semantic sphere (in musical and theatrical works, vocal music). On concrete examples the main receptions of the parody in music – deformation and agglutination - are considered. At last, functions of the musical parody in a historical and cultural context are separately shown. In particular, the principle of parody inversion is opposed to the idealization and mythologization phenomena accompanying each other in development of culture. Work can be interesting to culturologists, critics, and also everything who is interested in problems of a musical art theory and history.
parody, music, inversion, agglutination, deformation, hyperbole, semantics, text, culture, art history
Music and music culture
Sobakina, O.V. (2012). Sonoristics and Aleatorics in Polish Piano Music. Aleatoric Compositions by Bogusław Schaeffer. Role of Music Composed by Kazimierz Serocki. Man and Culture, 1, 228257.
Piano music composed by Kazimierz Serocki and Bogusław Schaeffer includes highly original composition in the aesthetics of polish sonoristics and aleatorics. This composers created his own avant-garde piano stylistics. The main features of the works by polish composers of 1960 – 1970 are the stylistic synthesis and the interest to avant-garde techniques.
Polish music, XX century, piano music compositions, Kazimierz Serocki, music avant-garde, sonoristics, aleatorics, Bogusław Schaeffer
Chronicle of cultural life
Kenya, I.A. (2012). Charity in Russia: Traditions and Modern Age. Man and Culture, 1, 258275.
The article describes the periods of Russian charity and provides examples of charities by such historical figures as P. Gubonin, S. Maltsev, V. Tenishev, M. Tenisheva, S. and P. Mogilevtsev which fates crossed on the Bryansk land. The article also describes activities performed by the Bryansk Regional Social Charity Fund N.A. Mogilevtsev Brothers that promoted charity traditions in the region. The author of the article describes a unique experience of a region in revival of Rusian spirituality. The author gives a brief description of the main activities by the Fund and reveals the cultural mission of the Fund and its international relations.
charity, patronage, traditions, history, revival, Charity Fund, Gubonin, the Mogilevtsevs, the Tenishevs, the Maltsevs