Goncharov V.V..
On the Arctic’s role as a strategic missile-carriers’ base (the naval component of Russia’s “nuclear triad”) in the provision of Russia’s defense potential and security
// Arctic and Antarctica.
2016. ¹ 2.
P. 126-130.
DOI: 10.7256/2453-8922.2016.2.20317 URL:
The paper studies the Arctic’s role as a strategic missile-carriers’ base (the naval component of Russia’s “nuclear triad”) in the provision of Russia’s defense potential and security. The author compares the contemporary conditions of the “nuclear triad” of Russia and NATO member-states of the Nuclear Club (the USA, France and Great Britain). The author notes that the most important role in foreign “nuclear triads” is assigned to subsurface launch platforms, equipped with the advanced accurate nuclear weapons, and their numbers exceed the numbers of other two components of the “nuclear triad” (land-based intercontinental ballistic missile launchers and strategic air force). Besides, the Arctic region is the most primising place for Russian subsurface nuclear launch platforms basing from the viewpoint of their secrecy and unavoidability and suddenness of an attack against a potential enemy. The author applies the set of scientific research methods: comparative analysis, statistical, formal-logical and historical methods, modeling and prognostication. The author substantiates the further necessity to develop the forms and methods of use of the Arctic as a strategic missile-carriers’ base (the naval component of Russia’s “nuclear triad”) in the provision of Russia’s defense potential and security. It will improve the defense and security of our country, damp the ardour of NATO-states, preventing them from rash actions aimed at launching a local or a global war against Russia.
component, sea, launch platforms, strategic, basing, the Arctic, nuclear, weapon, Russia, NATO
Goncharov V.V., Poyarkov S.Y..
The Arctic in the 21st century: is the military struggle for this region possible?
// Arctic and Antarctica.
2016. ¹ 2.
P. 131-137.
DOI: 10.7256/2453-8922.2016.2.20356 URL:
The paper studies the causes and conditions of the possible scenarios that can cause conflicts between the global and regional powers over the access to the Arctic region resources. The authors suppose that the special geopolitical position of the Arctic, its natural resources, including the hydrocarbon and freshwater reserves, will have been causing conflicts between the key geopolitical actors – Russia, the US and China – from the second third of the 21st century. The authors apply the set of scientific research methods, including statistical, formal logical and historical methods, modeling and analysis. In the authors’ opinion, Russia should clearly define and substantiate the zone of its strategic interests in the Arctic basin and continental shelf, and realize comprehensive protection of this territory using political instruments. In case of military and political blackmail on the part of NATO, Russia should peremptorily formulate the idea that Russia’s part of the Arctic region is the zone of her strategic interests and any infringement on it will be repelled using all military means.
China, NATO, Russia, resources, possession, military conflict, the Arctic, technologies, access, competition