Antonov E.P..
On the question of the origin of the subethnic group of Russian Arctic old-timers of Yakutia
// Arctic and Antarctica.
2025. № 1.
P. 1-15.
DOI: 10.7256/2453-8922.2025.1.72620 EDN: CGBEPD URL:
For the first time, the article identifies three stages in historiography on the topic of Russian settlement of the Arctic part of Yakutia: pre-revolutionary, Soviet and post-Soviet. The first of them was dominated by the idea of the resettlement of Russians by the Northern Sea Route from Pomerania to Indigirka. The second stage is characterized by the finds of the remains of a trade and fishing expedition of the XVII century on Taimyr, which proved the existence of ancient traditions of northern navigation. In the third period, evidence of the liquidation of the Russo-Georgian archive appeared, and works on the migration of Russians by the Northern Sea Route began to be evaluated as "local patriotic discourse". For the first time, documents from the United States prove the complex nature of the genesis of Russians in the Arctic occurred by sea and land, as well as assimilation with indigenous peoples. The methodological basis of the study was the civilizational approach, since the genesis of the Russian old-timers of the Arctic was associated with the formation of their ethnocultural characteristics. In the pre-revolutionary period, based on folklore data and the Russo-Georgian archive, the question of Russian migration by sea from Pomerania to Yakutia was first raised. During the Soviet period, the discovery of the remains of a 17th-century commercial and fishing expedition on the Taimyr testified to the existence of ancient shipping traditions in Eastern Siberia. The genesis of historical legends began to be considered as the result of litigation over fishing areas between indigirschiki and Yakuts. The absence of archival documents on the voyages of the Pomors along the Northern Sea Route was noted and it was said about the flight of the ancestors of the indigirschiks from the epidemic from the south to the north. Russian Russian migration route in the post-Soviet period began to be regarded as not an academic, but a local patriotic discourse, the desire to increase their social status, turning them from "not quite Russian" into "the most Russian". The formation of Russian subethnoses occurred due to migration waves by the Northern Sea Route and the Cossack explorers of the XVII century. Indigenous peoples played a decisive role in the emergence of the Russian Arctic old-timers of Yakutia. Also, for the first time, archival documents introduced here in the United States support the conclusions about the centuries-old experience of Pomeranian sailors. The combination of oral traditions, archaeological data and archival materials confirm the guess about the multi-component nature of the origin of the Russian Arctic old-timers of Yakutia.
indigenous surnames, kochi, Kasilov, Pomorye, Pokhodsk, Russkoe Ustye, Russian Arctic old-timers, origin, Ivan the Terrible, Novgorod
Prokopieva A.N..
Burial Complex Isteekh Byraan (Central Yakutia): Physical and Geographical Conditions, Geocryological Conditions, Toponyms, and Narrative of the Natural Environment.
// Arctic and Antarctica.
2024. № 4.
P. 142-156.
DOI: 10.7256/2453-8922.2024.4.72611 EDN: VEZWLW URL:
The subject of this research is the burial complex Isteekh Byraan, located on the terraces of the right bank of the Lena River and in part of the adjoining valley. The complex consists of several cemeteries from different time periods, integrated into the natural landscape: this includes the top of the terrace, its southern foothills, and the high bank of the stream flowing beneath the terraces. The focus of the study is the burial complex and historical events in the context of the natural landscape. The aim is to establish a connection between historical events, individuals, and the names of places within the natural landscape, as well as to introduce field materials into circulation. Data on the physical and geographical conditions of the burial complex have been summarized, as the natural factor may have played a significant role in the choice of this area as a burial site. Oral material regarding microtoponyms and the narrative of the monument was collected from local residents, and discussions were held during scientific and practical conferences and round tables dedicated to the history of the Khangalassky ulus. The complex terrain of the area, which had developed by the time the pasture settlers inhabited it, determined the location of the burial sites. It is likely that the picturesque landscapes corresponded to aesthetic and religious beliefs, as the burial complex and residential areas are located nearby. It was discovered that some of the existing microtoponyms can be attributed to earlier layers and have lost their meaningful significance. It is likely that the preserved oral tradition reflects previously existing rules of land distribution and inheritance among the local nobility and aristocracy. The study has demonstrated the potential of this direction and could be expanded into a collaborative interdisciplinary study of the monument.
Mazary Bozekov, Tygyin, burial, narrative, folklore, natural landscape, local studies, Modern times, Khangalassky Ulus, Middle Lena
Suleymanov A.A..
The use of cryogenic resources by participants of scientific research expeditions to the Arctic regions of Yakutia. The end of the XIX – the first quarter of the XX centuries.
// Arctic and Antarctica.
2024. № 4.
P. 118-128.
DOI: 10.7256/2453-8922.2024.4.72473 EDN: MLBVAB URL:
The subject of the article is an analysis of the experience of taking into account the traditional knowledge of the indigenous peoples of the Russian Arctic and the use by representatives of the research community in the course of their professional activities in high latitudes of cryogenic resources – material objects and forces of nature exploited by society, the origin and development of which is due to the sphere of cold. In this regard, the purpose of this article is to reconstruct the practices of using cryogenic resources in the course of conducting expeditionary research in the Arctic regions of Yakutia during the 1880s – mid-1920s. In this regard, the author's attention is drawn to the history of the Lena (1882–1884) and Russian polar expeditions (1900–1902), the Lena-Kolyma expedition (1909) and some other works performed on the territory of Yakutia. A complex of source material has been attracted, which includes documents from the archival collections of the years, as well as scientific papers published based on the results of the studies. Special methods of historical cognition were used in the analysis of this range of sources. The methodological basis for the development of the topic was the application of the noted principles laid down in cryosophy and anthropology of cold. The conducted research made it possible for the first time to show the practices of exploitation of cryogenic resources by participants of expeditions to the Arctic regions of Yakutia during the period under review. The properties of natural cold, snow, ice and permafrost were found to be used in providing representatives of the scientific community with nutrition (obtaining drinking water, cryogenic effects during cooking, food storage), performing their routes (snow and ice roads, ice bridges, icing of sled runners), as well as in the process of the arrangement of dwellings and pavilions for research (windows made of ice). The data obtained during the research also give some idea of the effectiveness of scientists' adoption of the experience of the indigenous peoples of the Russian Arctic and, in general, the fruitfulness of the dialogue between representatives of the research community and the local population.
permafrost, ice, snow, cryogenic resources, Cryoanthropology, Academy of Sciences, researches, Yakutia, Arctic, expeditions
Suleymanov A.A..
Forms of development of academic research in Yakutia in 1947-1991.
// Arctic and Antarctica.
2024. № 3.
P. 91-100.
DOI: 10.7256/2453-8922.2024.3.71352 EDN: QOVALD URL:
The aim of the work is to create a dynamic picture of the development of the forms of research of the USSR Academy of Sciences in Yakutia in 1947-1991. The initial chronological boundary is connected with the organization of the Yakut base of the USSR Academy of Sciences. The final boundary is due to the reformatting of the USSR Academy of Sciences into the Russian Academy of Sciences. The research is based on the involvement of documents from the archives of the Yakut Scientific Center of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Archive of the P.I. Melnikov Permafrost Institute of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Current Archive of the Yu.G. Shafer Institute of Cosmophysical Research and Aeronomy of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Yakutsk), the Scientific Archive of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Novosibirsk), the Archive of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow), as well as information presented in the available scientific literature. When processing the accumulated materials, special historical methods of scientific cognition were used (the principle of historicism, historical-typological, historical-comparative and historical-genetic methods, etc.). For the first time in historiography, a characteristic of the development of forms of organization of academic research in Yakutia in the period 1947–1991 is presented. It is noted that during the period considered in the article, the forms of organization of academic research in Yakutia have received significant development. The expedition surveys of the staff of the USSR Academy of Sciences were continued, which were carried out with greater intensity than before. An important place was occupied by stationary research, which unfolded on a network of hospitals in various parts of Yakutia. In addition, experimental and design work carried out in academic institutions established in the region was characterized by a number of achievements. This state of affairs has allowed the academic center to conduct a complex of largely unique research focused not only on obtaining fundamental, but also applied, of serious practical importance, results.
North, experimental work, design work, expeditions, stationary surveys, scientific research, The USSR Academy of Sciences, Yakutia, Arctic, academic institutions
Filippova V.V., Grigorev S.A..
At the Dominion of the Disasters: Rural Communities of Yakutia in the Conditions of Floods of the Twentieth Century (on the Example of the Village of Khotochu, Zhemkonsky 1st Nasleg, Khangalassky District)
// Arctic and Antarctica.
2022. № 4.
P. 20-42.
DOI: 10.7256/2453-8922.2022.4.39500 EDN: VDSEJB URL:
The purpose of this study is to identify optimal strategies for the survival and development of small settlements in the Arctic region facing threats of a sharp change in the water balance of adjacent territories caused by Climatic changes. The territory of Yakutia occupies majority areas not only in the Arctic zone of Russia, but also in the world. The impact of Climate change in Yakutia will accordingly affect the local, regional, Russian and global levels. As an illustrative example, the small Yakut village of Khotochu, located on the banks of the Lena river and regularly exposed to the threat of flooding, is taken. To this end, the authors of this study collected materials from the archive of the municipality "Zhemkonsky 1st nasleg", which includes the village of Khotochu, official documents of departmental organizations, annual reports of heads of municipalities and already published scientific articles. Also in September 2021, field materials (interviews and questionnaire survey data) were collected directly in the village and in the surrounding areas. As a result, the authors identified the current socio-economic situation of this settlement, its history, the main problems faced by the villagers, the measures taken by administrative authorities at various levels, as well as the opinion of local residents. The vulnerability of the village of Khotochu to the negative consequences of water resources is characterized. Based on the study of the experience of adaptation of the residents of the village of Khotochu to the floods of the twentieth century, the decisions taken by the authorities to ensure the safety of population in Yakutia, based on the results of the study, recommendations were made to administrative and governing bodies of various levels to minimize hydrological risks and adopt more effective adaptive strategies.
agriculture practices, adaptation strategies, hydrological risks, permafrost, floods, Climate change, the Lena river, Khotochu, Yakutia, The Arctic
Magritskii D.V., Povalishnikova E.S., Frolova N.L..
History of studying the water runoff and water regime of the rivers of Russian Arctic zone in the XX – early XXI century
// Arctic and Antarctica.
2019. № 3.
P. 61-96.
DOI: 10.7256/2453-8922.2019.3.29939 URL:
This article describes the history of scientific applied study of water regime of rivers of the Russian sector of Arctic region in the XX-XXI centuries. The authors highlight the stages and key vectors of priority research, which, at different times were substantiated by the need for ensuring functionality of the Northern Sea Route and transport arteries of navigable waterways, usage and consumption of water actively developing since the second half of the XX century, examination and forecasting of the consequences of global warming, emergence of the new methods of data collection and processing, physical-mathematical modeling of hydrological processes.. The article presents a detailed analysis on largest Arctic rivers, as well as synthesis of works containing the estimation of their runoff, regional water resources, consistencies and factors of space-time fluctuation, including under the influence of the increasing climate changes and anthropogenic load. Another segment of research is formed by the studies of the transformation of runoff, water regime and dynamics of waters in the mouths of Arctic rivers.
long-term changes in flow, water management, climate change, field research, water dynamics, water regime of rivers, Arctic, river mouth areas, flow modeling, forecasts
Agafonova S..
Exploration of the river ice regime of the Russian Arctic Zone in the XX and XXI centuries
// Arctic and Antarctica.
2019. № 1.
P. 81-94.
DOI: 10.7256/2453-8922.2019.1.29530 URL:
The ice phenomena on the Arctic rivers often cause hazardous hydrological conditions and processes: ice-clogging floods and ice dams; damage of hydraulic structures and the fleet during the spring ice run. In winter, the rivers are used for navigation and construction of ice crossings. The article demonstrates the key stages in studying the ice regime of Arctic Zone rivers in the XX century. The author examines the peculiarities of establishment of the monitoring system and methods of ice forecasts in the conditions of limited network of hydrological posts. The research presents the main approaches for assessing the possible changes in the characteristics of river ice regime, flowing in the severe climatic conditions, with variable anthropogenic impact and different scenarios of climate change. The most promising directions of the modern river ice research of in Russia and foreign countries are highlighted: the use of satellite imagery data; the development of new approaches in ice forecasts; assessment of the response of ice regime to the climate change. It is demonstrated that the advancement of these directions is possible on the basis of national and global experience.
river-ice forecasts, river-ice monitoring, dangerous ice phenomena, Arctic rivers, the history of Arctic exploration, climate change, the Arctic, river ice, satellite imagery, future changes in river ice
Velikotsky M.A..
Formation of the modern polar marinism concept
// Arctic and Antarctica.
2017. № 3.
P. 119-131.
DOI: 10.7256/2453-8922.2017.3.24399 URL:
The author of the article considers the formation of the polar marinism concept and describes the biography of N.A. Kulik, a bright and original researcher of the Arctic. Almost without supporters, he defended the ideas of marinism in the first quarter of the 20th century, when the ideas of "glacialists" seemed to have defeated the ideas of "marinists". The article contains the facts, on which the views of N.A. Kulik as a marine scientist were formed. Boulder loams have been the subject of scientific discussion for 300 years. The article presents the views of particular scientists who prove the correctness of the ideas of marinism.The article highlights the scientific merits of N.A. Kulik in substantiating the paleogeography of the post-Pliocene of the Arctic. He supported the new methods of studying boulder loam (foraminiferal analysis), applied the ideas of A.P. Karpinsky about alternating-latitudinal-meridional oscillations of the earth’ crust and the related climate changes the glaciation in the north. He raised the question of the southern boundary of continental and marine morains, defended the idea of glaciation during the marine transgression. N.A. Kulik had revived the scientific ideas of modern marinism.
marine moraine, post-Pliocene sediments, glacial cover, transgression, marinism, boulder loam, sea shells, glacialism, the Arctic, Pechora lowland