Rozin V.M..
Architecture and state policy
// Architecture and design.
2017. № 2.
P. 23-30.
DOI: 10.7256/2585-7789.2017.2.25152 URL:
This article discusses the modern state policy with regards to architecture and urban planning. Initially, the author characterizes his understanding of the functions of architecture, two of which are traditional, and the third is fairly original (being an constructing industry that not only creates urban environment, but also capitalizes the excessive financial incomes). The work analyzes the adopted in 2017 renovation project in Moscow, concerning its ability to become an example of the efficient policy in the area of architecture and urban planning. Methodology of the research includes such procedures as problematization and situation analysis, criticism of the proposed solutions, comparative analysis, generalization of studies in the field of economy and methodology of architecture. In conclusion, the author was able to determine the functions of architecture, characterize the concept of policy, examine certain flaws of the renovation project, as well as formulate suggestions aimed at overcoming them. It is also offered to hold an extensive discussion on the indicated issues, attracting the interested architect, authorities, businesses, and population.
effects, organization, functions, state, project, renovation, urban planning, architecture, environment, economy