Theory of architecture
Kirichkov, I. (2018). Refraction of the category of fold through the prism of architecture. Architecture and design, 3, 1–11.
Perhaps, none of the categories of architecture over the recent few decades has been the subject of so many contradictory assessments as the category of fold. Although by the end of the XX century, it rapidly and steadily moved from the philosophical platitude to architectural, its meaning then and now remains ambiguous. Postmodern philosophers believe that literally all areas of space – from material to abstract objects, including human mentality, are replete with folds. The pursuit of universality of application of this category requires imposing certain restrictions. The research method became the comparative analysis of interpretations of the category of fold, which includes determination and systematization of its main characteristics. Specification of the category of fold will allow creating semantic unity, make the theory observable, as well as express it with a finite number of axioms. The author suggests separating the category of fold into the wide – first and foremost meant for theoretical research, and narrow understanding – intended for implementation of the form of fold in practice.
non-Euclidean geometry, phenomenology, metaphysics, topology, architecture, morphogenesis, fold, monadology, curvilinearity, perception matter
Landscape architecture and design
Permyakova, V.V. (2018). Land Art as a dialogue between man and nature. Architecture and design, 3, 12–19.
The object of this research is the trend of modern art commonly referred to as “Land Art”. The subject of this research is the problematic of manifestation of the creative interaction between man and nature. The author examines such aspects of the development of art practice that reflect environmental concerns. The various forms of creative manifestation of landscape art are demonstrated. Special attention is given to the principles of aesthetic contemplation, vigorous creative activity as the conceptual foundation in the works of Land Art painters. The article explores the results of scientific-theoretical insights of the modern Land Art scholars, among whom are the pioneers and founders of Land Art. In the context of “classical” works of Land Art, the author considers the experience of manifestation of certain qualities of Land Art in the practice of creating the geoglyphs in the best interests of political parties, regimes and corporations. The author also turns attention to the possibility of using “Earth Art” for designating the places of the missing historical and cultural monuments. It is noted that the artistic expression of Land Art is based on the reference to the archaic ways of expressing oneself, how the ancient people built dolmens and creative cave paintings for emphasizing their connection with the nature and earth.
return to primitive creativity, concept of land art, land art principles, performance art form, the history of land art, dialogue and nature, earth art, land art, environmental problems, ecological art
Life support systems
Taranenko, D.V. (2018). Experience of using solar energy to create a comfortable environment in buildings. Architecture and design, 3, 20–29.
The article provides a brief historical overview of the achievements of mankind in the field of heat accumulation of solar radiation without generating electrical energy, in order to heat water and air, more intensive ventilation in the premises of residential buildings. Based on that, the author generalizes the main methods of capturing solar heat to achieve these goals, which concern the alignment of windows to cardinal directions, exterior and position of the building, use of high heat capacity materials and phase transition materials, "solar chimneys", solar walls and water heaters (which is the subject of this study). The possibility of their use in modern buildings, including those located in a relatively cold climate, with the presence of negative temperatures around the year is analyzed. The study demonstrates that currently the single-family residences located in low-rise buildings can benefit the most from using the solar radiation; at the same time, the presence of negative temperatures is not in itself an obstacle for application of such techniques. Therefore, the reduction heating costs due to the usage of solar energy in a cold climate can be achieved.
resource saving, energy saving, building, passive house, sustainable development, green building, solar energy, overview, heat capacity, latent heat
Construction and architecture
Vakhrusheva, E.A. (2018). External reinforcement with carbon fiber as a method of strengthening building structures. Architecture and design, 3, 30–35.
In the industrially developed countries, the share of investments in new construction and remodeling of the already existing buildings sites has almost converged; therefore, the question of restoring the load capacity of building structures should be given particular attention. The method of reinforcing building structures with carbon fiber is considered as an alternative to the traditional method. The author notes that the currently used traditional methods are labor intensive and economically impracticable. Thus, the more innovative approach, which implies external reinforcement with carbon fiber, is needed for strengthening the building structures. The analysis of the results of national studies, along with the experience in construction using the external reinforcement system with carbon materials is conducted. The author concludes that despite the fact that this method has a number of advantages: increase of the building load capacity without significantly increasing its weight; reduction of repair costs; reduction of labor-related costs; prolongation of mean time between repairs; option to conduct repairs without shutting down the building, there is a problem of separation of the adhesive layer from the concrete.
reinforcement of reinforced concrete structures, carbon fiber properties, carbon fiber, amplification method, composite materials, strengthening, reconstruction, external reinforcement, carbon fiber reinforcement, fiber external reinforcement
Construction and architecture
Otkeev, R.V., Sazanakova, K.A. (2018). Analysis of the composition of the lightweight self-compacting concrete. Architecture and design, 3, 36–42.
The materials presented in this article pertain to the lightweight self-compacting concrete – a substance that combines the qualities of lightweight and heavyweight self-compacting concrete. The combination of benefits of the lightweight and self-compacting concrete becomes the new area of research. The article discusses the key issues emerging as a result of combining the two types of the aforementioned materials. Attention is also given to the geographical distribution of case studies over the years, as well as to demonstration of the relative number of research dedicated to the lightweight concrete aggregates. The analyzed results are presented in the form of statistical expressions. The research method is the analysis of scientific publications and studies conducted over the years worldwide. The main conclusions lie in the the information collected for studying the proportions of the mixture that includes chemical and mineral additives, lightweight and normal weight aggregates, fillers, cement, and water. For future research, it is necessary to select suitable components with different ratios and curing conditions to achieve the desired grade of concrete in accordance with the planned application.
water to cement ratio, vermiculite, expanded clay, composition of the mixture, lightweight aggregates, compressive strength, lightweight self-compacting concrete, self-compacting concrete, lightweight concrete, segregation