Isaev, I.A. (2014). The issue of Law in the Greek tragedy. Actual problems of Russian law, 1, 9–32.
The article is related to the issue of interaction between the legal ideas and views in the cultural
context of the ancient Greek drama. The tragedy moments interacted with the ideas of law and order,
which were being formed in the ancient world, and provided them with epic and aesthetic platforms. The
heroes and personalia of the tragedy were reflections of typical prose, statuses and acts within these
legal views. T he mythological attitude to law brought special features into legal conscience and legal
practice. The Greek democracy revived the ancient traditions while correcting them with its legal and political
commentary. The right to speak and the right to see became specific legal institution of this political
system. Specific features of criminal law – guilt and punishment – were duly included into the dramatic
picture of the epoch, and they were reflected in the Greek tragedy. The views and institutions, which
sprang from the Greek polices and democracy, later had a considerable influence upon the development
of European law and legal ideology. In this aspect the law becomes an important part of culture, and its
language correlates to the language of legal customs and documents. The ancient Greek tragedy became
a visible drama, reflecting the formation of ideas, norms and views, which formed the “body” of law in
the sense, in which it shall be perceived by the theoreticians of natural law in Europe and elsewhere.
law, legal conscience, guilt, punishment, crime, punishment, adversarial system, democracy, responsibility, state.
Georgievskiy, E.V. (2014). Criminal law protection of property by the ancient Russian
Orthodox Church. Actual problems of Russian law, 1, 33–40.
Protection of property by the ancient Russian Orthodox Church has a rather specific character.
By the time when the lists of the Synodal edition of the Statute of Prince Yaroslav on the Church
Courts were formed, a number of encroachments on orthodox religious rites and other objects had
appeared and formed as well. The Russian Orthodox Church considered the Eastern Slavic people
were r eady f or t he r eligion, a nd s trengthened t he p rotection o f i ts o ther s ubsidiary o bjects. I n a ddition
to the Orthodox Christian dogma the protection covered property relations regarding church
property, symbols and constructions. Crimes against them were often unified by the researchers
within the category of sacrilege in the broad sense of this word. Additionally the Church started protecting
specific persons. Criminal law protection of property by the ancient Russian Orthodox Church
was not among the priority goals, unless one is to speak of the property of the church feudal and
sacrilege i n t he b road s ense o f t he t erm a s a t ype o f e ncroachment u pon r eligion. F or a ll o f s uch
crimes the immediate object of crime was interests of religion and church. And when the church regulated
responsibility for property-related crimes, it clearly limited the sphere of its influence with
the family or specific feature of the object of crime, or with the methods of committing such crimes.
church theft, sacrilege, Church Statutes, to insult the dead, blasphemy, harming cross, writing on walls, graffiti, epigraphic, grave robbery.
Bachmaga, O.P. (2014). Evaluation of law-making process in the Russian
Federation at the current stage: comparative
legal analysis. Actual problems of Russian law, 1, 41–46.
The law-making is one of the most important spheres of state activities . Currently a number
of branches of law are being actively changed and corrected, so the law-making problems have
considerable priority. The article includes analysis and evaluation of the law-making process in the
modern Russian state. The author singles out theoretical and practical problems regarding this aspect,
and possible consequences of implementation of legal acts. The author follows the speed of
legislative amendments, and correlation between the goals of normative legal acts and de facto results.
The author also provides comparisons with the law-making in foreign states, studying the statistical
data, and providing specific examples to substantiate a position. In the process of studying this
issue the author monitored the official sources of publication of normative legal acts and electronic
legal system. Special attention is paid to the quality of the laws, and to the principles of law-making.
Then the author proposes and substantiates the need to add new principles to the existing ones.
law-making, principles, law, implementation, forecasting, gaps in law, modern time, lack of stability, changes, consequences.
Sokolskaya, L.V. (2014). Reception as a historical form of legal acculturation. Actual problems of Russian law, 1, 47–56.
The article provides the study of reception as a historical form of legal acculturation. The legal
acculturation is recognized as a lasting contact among the legal cultures of various societies, using
various means and methods of influence depending on the historical conditions. Its necessary result
includes changes in the previously existing structures in the contacting cultures and the formation of
a unified legal area. Depending on the specific cultural and historical conditions the following forms
of legal acculturation are recognized: reception, expansion, assimilation, integration, convergence, etc.
The legal reception is most well-studied form of legal acculturation, it is a historic form of legal acculturation
recognized as an unilateral voluntary process of transferring the element of legal culture
of a donating society and their obligatory acceptance by the receiving society. The ruling elite of the
receiving subject initiates reception in order to adopt the legal system of the donating state in whole
or in part into the receiving state .The result of reception is partial adoption of the cultural legal traditions,
ideas, and values of the donating society by the receiving society, while the receiving society
preserves its national specific features. The legal reception as a form of legal acculturation possesses
the generic characteristics of the latter, while having a number of significant specific features.
jurisprudence, law, culture, acculturation, legal acculturation, reception, inter-cultural contact, legal culture, expansion, society.
Sharifullina, A.F. (2014). Legal regulation of access to gas
transportation systems. Actual problems of Russian law, 1, 57–65.
Transportation of gas is mostly arranged via the pipeline transportation. In the situation of
limited carrying capacity of gas transportation system the issue of non-discriminatory access of independent
organizations becomes especially topical. The article includes analysis of the legal regulation of
non-discriminatory access to gas transportation system belonging to the OAO “Gazprom” and the local
gas distribution systems. Transportation of gas via pipelines is based on natural monopoly. However,
unlike with transportation of oil (natural monopoly is recognized only for the transportation of oil via the
long-distance pipelines) the natural monopoly for gas transportation applies to any types of pipelines.
Access of independent organizations to the gas transportation system is based upon contracts and is
available only upon the presence of free capacity in the gas transportation system from the place of
connection to the place of gas drawing throughout the period of gas delivery required by the supplier. If the available free capacity is not sufficient for the transportation of the entire amount the legislation
establishes the order for satisfying claims for transportation. Priority is provided to the suppliers of gas
for utilities and consumer needs. The refusal to provide access may be challenged in the Federal Anti-Monopoly
Service (FAS) of Russia. Judicial practice includes cases when the owners of gas transportation
systems challenge the decisions of the FAS on violations of anti-monopoly law. S tarting from 2007 the
FAS of Russia took a number of unsuccessful attempts to lobby a new Resolution of the Government according
to which the OAO “Gazprom” and its affiliated entities should have access to pipelines on equal
terms with the independent gas producers. The FAS has developed a draft Resolution of the Government
of the Russian Federation “ On the Guarantees of Non-Discriminatory Access to Gas Distribution
Systems in the Russian Federation” instead of the current provisions on access dating back to 1998.
transportation of gas, non-discriminatory access, the United Gas Supply System; gas distribution networks, natural monopolies, independent gas producers, gas transportation system, the FAS of Russia, OAO “Gazprom”, free capacity.
Nozhkina, A.A. (2014). On the issue of insuring civil liability. Actual problems of Russian law, 1, 66–76.
The article is devoted to classification of types of insuring civil liability. The current legislation
provides for two types of insuring civil liability divided based upon the grounds for its appearance: insuring
the risk of liability on obligations arising out of damage to life, health or property of other persons (Art. 931
of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation) and insuring the contractual responsibility (Art. 932 of the Civil
Code of the Russian Federation). Liability for violation of non-contractual obligations, such as liability of
arbitration manager and the members of administration of a legal entity do not fall within any of these two
categories (contractual or delict liability insurance). Such a liability is not contract-based, since there is no
such contract, and it does not arise from causing harm. Based on above-mentioned positions the author
concludes that legal regulation in this sphere is not sufficient and offers the possible solutions to the problem
insuring liability, types of liability insurance, insuring contractual liability, insuring delict liability, insuring non-contractual liability, classification of obligation, liability of an arbitration manager, nature of arbitration management, insuring liability of administrator, liability of executive bodies.
Puzyreva, A.N. (2014). Topical issues of classification of contracts between the
tour operator and tour agent. Actual problems of Russian law, 1, 77–84.
The article is devoted to topical issues of classification of contracts between the tour operator
and tour agent. The author presents key positions of the Russian legal scholars towards the legal nature
of the model contract between the tour operator and tour agent, she also analyzes the norms of
current legislation, as well as judicial practice and business documents on this issue. The author studied
the types of contract used (sale of tourist product, provision of tourist services for remuneration, franchise
(commercial concession), mandate contract, commission contract, acquisition contract, agent
contract), showing their strong and weak points. She also evaluates the possibility to use these contracts
in the relations between tour agent and tour operator. The author also attempts to find the most
acceptable model for the regulation of relations between the said subjects. The author also proposes
to improve legislation regarding qualifying such a contract as an agency contract by amending the
Federal Law “On the Fundamentals of Tourism Activities” and the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.
tour operator, tour agent, agency, commission, commission, mandate, franchise, acquisition, sale, provisions of service for remuneration, contract model.
Zadoya, K.P. (2014). Legal constructions of the “act which influenced the
results of the voting of electors in an electoral precinct
or district” and the “act causing inability to establish the
will of the electors in a electoral precinct or in elections
(referendum)” as a specific features of the Ukrainian
criminal law. Actual problems of Russian law, 1, 85–91.
The novel criminal legislation of Ukraine provides for criminal responsibility for the crimes
against e lection a nd r eferendum r ights o f p eople, a nd i t w as o ften a mended d ue t o v arious s ocial,
political and legal reasons. However, its characteristic feature compared to other post-Soviet
states was and still is use of the legal constructions of “act which influenced the results of the voting
of electors in an electoral precinct or district” and the “act causing inability to establish the will
of the electors in a electoral precinct or in elections (referendum)”. However, the amount of attention
to these constructions in the science of Ukrainian criminal law is not sufficient. Their subject-structure
analysis allows to consider both of these constructions stillborn and unviable. The reason for it
lays in contradictions between the provisions of criminal and election (referendum) law of Ukraine,
which traditionally fall outside the scope of attention of the legal scholars specializing in criminal law.
elections, referendum, results of the election, election precinct, voting, criminal responsibility, legal construction, crime, elector register, election rights.
Tokarev, M.N. (2014). Some topical issues of specialist participation at the stage
of examination of reported crime. Actual problems of Russian law, 1, 92–99.
The article is devoted to the topical problems of methodological and tactical character, appearing
due to participation of examination of reported crime information regarding unlawful procurement of
water biological resources. The amendments introduced by the Federal Law of 04.03.2013 N. 23-FZ into
the Criminal Procedural Code of the Russian Federation widened the range of procedural acts taken at
the stage of examining the reported crime information, and it requires development of specialized methodological
recommendation and tactical schemes in order to improve the efficiency of crime disclosure
and to avoid the forensic mistakes. In order to achieve this goal, it is necessary to form the novel stage of
examination of reported crime information similar to the stage of initiating a criminal case, and this novel
stage should be characterized with the certain goals, means to achieve them, quantitative and qualitative
characteristics of participants and means influencing formation of versions and planning of the acts of
investigator (enquirer) taken in order to examine the reported crime information. This article concerns
two typical investigative situation, showing the most topical problems regarding the participation of the
specialist – ichthyologist at this stage. The author offers a number of practical recommendations aimed
to improve efficiency of application of specialized knowledge. The author clarifies the goal of crime scene
examination (fishing boat) and establishes the procedure for it involving specialists – an ichthyologist
and specialist in industrial fishing, which would allow to improve the efficiency of this investigative act.
specialist, unlawful procurement, biological resources, investigative situation, examination of a report, methodological recommendations, tactical recommendations, ichthyologist, investigative acts, evidentiary information.
Shulakov, A.A. (2014). Consequential method in international private law. Actual problems of Russian law, 1, 100–108.
The article concern analysis of the mechanism of application of the principle of the closest
l ink i n a ccordance w ith t he “ damage c omparison” m ethod ( consequential m ethod) o ffered
by the American scientist W. Baxter and codified in the Book IV of the Civil Code of Louisiana developed
by S. Symeonides. In accordance with the consequential method any act (action or a document)
should be evaluated exclusively by its consequences. Consequentialism in the international private
law is expressed by choice of applicable law based on consequences of this choice on interests
and values of the conflicting laws. The author evaluates the legal factors forming the closest link
and substantiates the conclusion that consequential methodology in the international private law
limits the autonomy of will and also accumulates both public order reservations (public order reservation and institution of super-imperative norms), and he provides the definition of the closest link.
close link, comparative damage, public interests, consequentialism, consequential method, conflict of law regulations, autonomy of will, conflict of laws norm, material norms.
Martynets, P.V. (2014). International security in regard to mobile equipment.
Qualification problems. Actual problems of Russian law, 1, 109–114.
In the conditions of the current trans-border commercial turnover the access to financing
plays a decisive role, and it makes the security of due performance of obligations especially important.
The most efficient means of unification of security transactions is the Convention on International
Interests in Mobile Equipment. The article concerns means of qualification of security transactions,
the author points out possible contradictions in qualification of security transactions from the
standpoint of applicable law. The author also interprets the provisions of Art. 2 of the Convention
containing references to the need to apply national law in order to qualify a security transaction as
the one providing an international guarantee towards mobile equipment. The author also analyzes
the issue of definition apparatus of the Convention with the autonomous qualification of the security
transaction. He offers to implement qualification in two stages: based upon the definition apparatus
of the Convention (with allows to cover most of the security transaction with due regard to general
goals and principles to the Convention) and then based upon the position of the applicable law.
The author also points out the need for a reasonable combination of approaches within the qualification
procedure and the role of functional approach towards the regulation of security transactions.
guarantees of performance of obligations, Capetown Convention, secured interest, international guarantee, qualification, mobile equipment, security transactions, agreement, reservation of the proprietary rights, leasing.
Minina, A.I. (2014). The objective arbitrability in legislation, doctrine and
arbitration practice in Russia. Actual problems of Russian law, 1, 115–124.
The article concerns the definition of objective arbitrability. Based upon the provisions of the federal law
the author provides a detailed evaluation of objective arbitrability, such as civil law nature of the dispute, presence
of a foreign element in the disputed relations. The author studies the term “commercial enterprise of a party”. She
formulates conclusions on arbitrability and non-arbitrability of certain categories of disputes, in particular, the disputes
regarding immovable property in the territory of the Russian Federation or the titles to it; property disputes
regarding use of subsoil resources; disputes between the participants of stock exchange bidding and their contracting
parties; disputes on the authentic market or other price of evaluated object; disputes between suppliers
and buyers regarding conclusion, amendment, termination and performance under the state contracts for supply
of agricultural products, raw materials and foodstuffs for the state needs; disputes on compensation of harm; disputes
between the state and investor based upon the agreement for the production sharing, copyright disputes.
The author provides examples from the practice of the state arbitration courts, the International Commercial Arbitration
Court at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation. Special attention is paid to the
disputes regarding legislation on bankruptcy, taxes, corporate disputes, conclusions on arbitrability and non-arbitrability
based on the provisions of the Russian doctrine as well as the propositions of the practicing lawyers.
The author offers to use the presumption of arbitrability of disputes as a general rule for objective arbitrability.
objective arbitrability, objective arbitrability, international commercial arbitration, arbitrability of disputes, arbitrability of dispute, dispute resolution, corporate disputes, fiscal disputes, insolvency disputes, International Commercial Arbitration Court at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Fe
Kalinichenko, P.A., Mikhailova, S.A. (2014). Evolution of the EU norms and standards in the sphere
of recognition and enforcement of the decisions on civil
cases. Actual problems of Russian law, 1, 125–136.
This study is devoted to the evolution of normative provisions in the sphere of recognition and
enforcement of judicial decisions on civil cases, as developed in the European Union, which is an integration
organization of 28 European states. From the methodological standpoint, this article uses dialectic
method, historic legal and comparative legal methods based upon a systemic approach. The scientific
novelty of the study is defined by the fact that currently the EU has a broad competence in the sphere
of cooperation of judicial bodies of the Member States in civil, trade and family cases, as well as in the
issues of unification of civil procedural norms, as provided for by the Treaty on the Functioning of the
European Union among the provisions on the formation of the territory of freedom, security and justice
based upon the goals provided for by the paragraph 2 of the Art. 3 of the European Union Treaty.
The conclusions are the following. The modern mechanism of judicial protection in civil cases in the
EU passed several evolutionary stages in its development. At the first stage, which took place in 1960s
the European Communities employed solely international legal means for harmonizing the legislation of
the Member States in the sphere of jurisdiction, recognition and enforcement of judicial decision. The
second stage of development of judicial protection mechanism in the civil cases at the European level
started when the Amsterdam Treaty of 1999 came into force, and it is notable for the change in the
legal instruments employed by the European Union. It was a period of a substantive reform of the very
legal basis for the system of recognition and enforcement of judicial decisions at the European level. In
2000 the Brussels Convention I was substituted for the Brussels Regulation I. Finally, the modern stage
of development of the mechanism of judicial protection in the civil cases in the European law is characterized
with the development of the system based upon the combination of international legal and
European legal instruments for the harmonization of civil procedural law of the Member States. The
Lugano Convention (by the Lugano Convention II) and the Brussels Regulation I (Regulation N. 44/2001).
the European Union, civil judicial procedure, harmonization, law, Brussels Regulation I, evolution, the EU, the Brussels Convention I, freedom, security, justice, the Lugano Convention II.