Liability in administrative and municipal law
Savichev, A. (2021). Improvement of legislation on administrative offenses for breach of legislation of the Russian Federation on tourism activity. Administrative and municipal law, 5, 1–8.
The object of this research is the content of the Article 14.51 of the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offences, which establishes administrative responsibility for breach of legislation of the Russian Federation on tourism activity. The subject of this research is the case law on administrative offenses set by the Article 14.51, normative legal acts, as well as scientific articles in periodicals. The activity of the Federal Agency for Tourism on identification of administrative offenses set by the Article 14.51 of the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offences is exposed to critical assessment. The author indicates the declarative nature of the legal norms that stipulate the responsibility of tour operators and travel agents, as the terms of sale contracts for tourism product, to provide the tourist and (or) other customer with accurate information on the risks that the tourist may face during their trip, since there is currently no administrative responsibility for failure to provide such information. Based on the acquired results, the recommendations are formulated for the improvement of legislation on administrative offenses for breach of legislation on tourism activity: delegation of authority to initiate cases of administrative offenses set by the Article 14.51 (Paragraphs 1, 3, and 4) of the Code on Administrative Offences of the Russian Federation to the Federal Service for the Oversight of Consumer Protection and Welfare; establish the composition of administrative offenses in the Article 14.51 of the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offences related to improper fulfillment of responsibilities by tour operators and travel agents on providing tourists with the information about risks they may face during their trip.
Federal Service for Surveillance on Consumer Rights Protection and Human Wellbeing, Federal Agency for Tourism, case material, administrative offenses, administrative liability, tourist activity, tourism, tourism safety, informing tourists, tour operator
Public and municipal service and the citizen
Zanko, T.A. (2021). On determination of the deadlines with regards to restrictions arising after the dismissal of civil servants for loss of credibility. Administrative and municipal law, 5, 9–14.
The subject of this research is the legal norms that regulate the consequences of bringing civil servants to responsibility in the form of dismissal due to loss of credibility. It is noted that the current norms of civil service legislation do not contain specific deadlines for restrictions upon the admission to civil service after dismissal for loss of credibility. It is also indicated that the exclusion of a citizen from the register of persons dismissed for loss of credibility does not prevent negative consequences such as failure to enter into civil service is indefinite per se. The author compares the sanctions that restrict the admission of individuals to civil service within the framework of disciplinary, administrative, and criminal responsibility. The main result lies in formulation of practical recommendations for the improvement of civil service legislation, namely clarification of the paragraph 10, of the Part 1 of the Article 16 of the Federal Law No. 79-FZ for determination of the term in which the restriction caused by dismissal for loss of credibility is imposed on the entry into civil service. The article also suggests the mechanism for admission to civil service of persons who have been dismissed for loss of credibility, with participation of the Commission for combatting corruption-related offences.
anti-corruption, executive power, corruption offense, restrictions, public administration, loss of trust, civil service, public service, legal status, legal responsibility
Question at hand
Gorian, E. (2021). Personal data security in PRC: vectors of improving legal regulation in the financial and banking sector . Administrative and municipal law, 5, 15–32.
The object of this research is the legal relations in the sphere of regulation of personal data security in the financial and banking sector of the People's Republic of China. The characteristics is given to the current legislation of China (Civil Code, Personal Information Protection Law, and Cybersecurity Law), existing or draft bylaws in the field of personal data security. Attention is given the second revision of the draft law on personal information protection, as well as determination of the institutional mechanism for ensuring personal data security. The article examines the peculiarities of regulation of relations in the sphere of ensuring personal data security in the financial and banking sector, as well as characterizes the role of the financial regulator in this mechanism. The development of the mechanism for personal data protection is at completion stage; besides the adoption of the Civil Code of the People's Republic of China, which establishes the framework for regulation, two of the three special laws – Personal Information Protection Law and Cybersecurity Law – have already been adopted. The flagship law on Personal Information Protections is expected to be adopted by 2021. The aforementioned laws encompass all spheres of information security and ensure strong data protection regime: outline the scope of regulation, objects and subject composition, responsibility, and institutional control mechanism. The legal regime covers such aspects of relations as personal data of deceased persons, persons with reduced capabilities (due to age and health), as well as transnational data transfer. At this point, the financial and banking sector features a number of bylaws that set strict standards for ensuring personal information protection. The leading role in this mechanism is played by the financial regulator – the People's Bank of China. The standards adopted by the People’s Bank of China require further examination, which would allow formulating recommendations for the improvement of the Russian legal system.
data security, legal mechanism, financial regulator, China, cross-border data transfer, personal information, personal data, big data, liability, personal data operator
Public and municipal service and the citizen
Girfanova, A.R. (2021). Inclusiveness of labor and civil service activities in the EAEU member-states. Administrative and municipal law, 5, 33–45.
Leaning on the analysis of the normative legal framework for facilitating the employment of persons with health limitations in the EAEU member-states, this article examines the mechanism of inclusion the disabled in civil service. The goal of this research lies in determination of trends and range of problems, search for successful cases, as well as objectification of possible prospects for the development of inclusiveness in terms of civil service relations. The author dwells on the existing legislation that regulates labor relations, social security, and public service; as well as the empirical data that allow forming a holistic representation on the situation in this sphere. The novelty of this work lies the assessment of current state and outlining the possibilities for inclusion of persons with disabilities in civil service of the group of post-Soviet countries. Refutation of the practice of assignment of quotas in civil service in the EAEU member-states does not entail the search for other options for development of inclusiveness of civil service relations. The conclusion is made that the solution to the problem of inclusiveness in civil service consists in the fundamental revision of the approach towards implementation of the policy of economic inclusion of persons with health limitations.
barrier-free environment, employer, competitive procedures, affirmative action, quotas, persons with disabilities, public service, unemployment, employment, Eurasian Economic Union
Public and municipal service and the citizen
Semin, A. (2021). The peculiarities of normative legal regulation of the official structure of civil service of the Republic of Kazakhstan . Administrative and municipal law, 5, 46–57.
This article explores the peculiarities of legal regulation of the official structure of civil service of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The author determines the characteristic of the current stage of development of the institution of civil service, and conducts their assessment from the perspective of the impact of various models of arrangement and functionality of the system of civil service. Particular attention is given to the terminological framework and essential content of the key categories of this institution. The author differentiates the concepts of “state civil service of the Russian Federation”, “state service of the Republic of Kazakhstan, and “civil service of the Republic of Kazakhstan”. The application of comparative- legal and formal-legal methods allow establishing correlation between the political and administrative posts in civil service of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the one hand and state positions and positions of the civil service of the Russian Federation on the other hand; and public office and posts in civil service of the Russian Federation on the other hand. The conclusion is made on the substantial differences not only in the official structure of civil service, but in the official structure of public administration in both countries as well. The article also outlines a range of problems in the normative legal regulation of the official structure of civil service of the Republic of Kazakhstan. It is proven that the direct comparison of the official structures of public administration and civil service of the two countries is impossible due to significant difference in the terminological framework and general principles of formation of the official structures. Taking into account the common historical base – the uniform system of civil service of the Soviet Union, such a difference may testify to multidirectional trends in the development of the systems of civil service in the Russian Federation and the Republic of Kazakhstan.
models of public service, register of positions, public official, position, class rank, public office, organizational structure, civil service, civil servant, categories of positions