Question at hand
Sokolova, O.S. (2020). Novelties in the Constitution of the Russian Federation in the area of corruption prevention. Administrative and municipal law, 6, 1–9.
The subject of this article is the novelties in the Constitution of the Russian Federation, which impose laminations on persons, who fill public and municipal positions. The author applied the method of comparative legal analysis of the norms of Russian law that regulate imposition of anti-corruption restrictions in activity of the federal government branches, public authorities, and local self-governing bodies. Comparative analysis is conducted on the restrictions introduced in new revision of the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the corresponding norms in federal legislation. The author examines the norms of constitutional, administrative and municipal law in the area of corruption prevention, particularly in the context of federative relations that established for regulation of public and municipal service, as well activity of the persons who fill public and municipal positions. The opinions of scientific community on the topic are presented. The article gives assessment to compliance of novelties of the Constitution of the Russian Federation on corruption prevention with the National Anti-Corruption Strategy, and legal positions of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation. The scientific novelty consists in determination of the conflicts of norms of constitutional, administrative and municipal law that impose anti-corruption restrictions, and assessment of their legal consequences.
separation of powers, federalism, corruption, state service, state office, prohibitions, limitations, Constitution of the Russian Federation, foreign financial instrument, conflicts
Public and municipal service and the citizen
Trofimov, E.V., Garsia, S.D. (2020). Anti-corruption declaring in public service: comparative legal research in the ethical paradigm . Administrative and municipal law, 6, 10–30.
Leaning on the analysis of legal sources of Russia, a number of European and Asian countries, South and North America, this article explores the institution of anti-corruption declaring in public service. The goal consists in substantiation of methodological approaches, which would allow, with a certain degree of accuracy in the context of ethical paradigm, comparing the integral Institution of legal regulation of anti-corruption declaring in different countries, as well as utilizing these approaches in comparative legal research based on Russian and foreign materials for determination of substantial differences that require scientific comprehension and practical response. As a result of the conducted research, the author acquired data on several indicators of trust as an service-ethical purpose for disclosure of personal information by public officials, namely by volume of the disclosed personal information, nature of the source of the declared records, openness of declarations and their verifiability. Foreign declaring traces two main approaches: service-ethical and instrumental. In Russia, the Institution of declaring is of clear instrumental nature, which raises a question of the prospects for implementation of service-ethical approach, first and foremost, with regards to release of declarations of the officials. This question should depend on the actual goals of national policy.
comparative jurisprudence, government ethics, public service, information disclosure, declaring, anti-corruption, administrative law, methodology, public trust, civil control
Administrative process and procedure
Rozhkova, D.D. (2020). Constitution of the Russian Federation within the system of sources of judicial administrative and procedure law. Administrative and municipal law, 6, 31–38.
This article explores the question of sources of judicial administrative procedure law of the Russian Federation. Attention is turned to the special role of the Constitution of the Russian Federation among other sources of this branch of law, since its provisions are basic for the development of judicial administrative procedure in modern Russia. Emphasis is made on the Chapters 2, 3 and 7 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the prescriptions of which develop in the Code of Administrative Procedure of the Russian Federation. From the administrative and procedural perspective, the author analyzes the results of the constitutional reform of 2020, which put to the forefront the question on the Constitution as primary source of the Russian public law. The main conclusion the conducted research consists in specification of thesis on the Constitution as a source of judicial administrative procedure law in the provision that the constitutional text views administrative proceedings as equal and sovereign form of legal proceedings alongside other forms, the essence of which lies in hearing administrative cases. At the same time, the Constitution employs the term “administrative procedure legislation” that implies a set of normative legal acts, which serve as the basis for the activity of judicial authorities with regards to hearing administrative cases. The author gives positive assessment to the results of the constitutional reform of 2020, although notice that certain proposals made by the representatives of public legal science were unimplemented by the legislators.
procedural guarantees, procedural legislation, regulatory legal act, administrative code, constitutional reform, constitution, source of law, administrative process, legal proceedings, courts
Administrative law, municipal law and environment issues
Manin, I. (2020). Legal regime for natural resource management in Mexico. Administrative and municipal law, 6, 39–51.
The subject of this article is the legal regime for natural resource in the United Mexican States. The author examines the system and structure of government branches in the area natural resource management. Special attention is given to the questions of ownership of the subsoil, allocation of powers for their administration to the federation, and foreign investment to fuel and energy complex of Russia. The object of this research is the relations in the area of natural resource management in Mexico. The author describes the users of subsoil and the procedure of accessing natural resource management, addresses the questions of taxation with regards to usage of mineral deposits, traces the trends in Mexican natural resource law in part of regulating the development of strategic sites. The main conclusion consists in the statement that constitutional consolidation of ownership of the mineral resources along with natural resources, and the authority of their management allocated to the “center” in federate and confederate states meets rather national interests and ensures protection of economic grounds of the country, security and inviolability of the constitutional order. The scientific novelty of this work consists in demonstration to the audience of “cross-section of the side track of the Mexican tree of natural resource law". The “rings on a fresh cut” give an idea on the development of this branch of law, its current state, “vectors for expansion”, as well as possess substantial originality. The author suggests “nationalization of natural resource management” within the framework of its pursuit of factual Unitarianism, leaving de jure federalism as an opportunity for historical reunification with the lost territories.
Natural Resources Management Structure, Natural Resources Investments, Mexico Subsoil Use Licensing, Mexico Natural Resources Tax, Natural Resources Field Property, Mexico Natural Resource Law, Subsoil Using Management, Mexico Subsoil Using, Citizen Bonds, Petróleos Mexicanos
Public service, municipal service and issues in the fight against corruption
Kravchenko, A.G., Ovchinnikov, A.I., Mamychev, A.Y., Vorontsov, S.A. (2020). Usage of digital technologies in the area of corruption prevention. Administrative and municipal law, 6, 52–63.
The subject of this article is certain anti-corruption trends that utilize digital technologies and can be taken into account in setting the priorities of anti-corruption legal policy of the Russian state. The author examines new opportunities for corruption prevention in the conditions of systematic implementation of information and communication technologies in the area of public administration. The goal of this work is to outline new opportunities for corruption prevention using digital technologies in public administration and various spheres of social life. The scientific novelty lies in the generalization and comprehensive analysis of digital technologies in the area of corruption prevention. The conclusion is made that the new digital technologies create unprecedented opportunities for modification of the model of anti-corruption policy, shifting the focus from administrative, criminal and other mechanisms of bringing to responsibility the participants of corruption relations to the benefit of development of the mechanisms for technical incapability, economic insolvency and inexpediency of corruption actions, ties and relationships. The information and communication technologies on their own are the tool of legal policy; not self-standing and without reference to the general principles of corruption prevention, they are able to generative destructive occurrences of technocratic bureaucracy, totalitarian political control, and systemic violations of human rights and freedoms.
public administration, public service, digital technology, anti-corruption technology, conflict of interest, corruption, anti-corruption policy, legal policy, digitalization, digital control