Question at hand
Ostrovskaya, A.S. (2018). Registration at Place of Stay or Place of Residence in the Russian Federation: Reformation Way Searching. Administrative and municipal law, 4, 1–7.
The subject of the research is the registration of citizens at the place of their residence (or stay) in the Russian Federation as an institution of constitutional and administrative law. The aim of the research is to carry out an integral analysis of registration activity performed by internal affairs bodies in the sphere of migration, theoretical grounds of their independent status, and development of theoretical and practical recommendations on improving the Russian law in the aforesaid sphere. In her research the author analyzes the reasons why the current registration system does not fulfill the requirements for complete and valid data. In the course of writing her article the author has used both general research methods (analysis, synthesis, and analogy) and special research methods (comparative law method, for example). The rationale of the research is caused by the need to create a system of a better quantitative accounting of population in the Russian Federation compared to the current system of registration of citizens. At the present time there is a search for the best ways to improve the system of registration at place of residence (or place of stay) of citizens in the Russian Federation. This is a nettlesome issue for such a big country with vast territories, multinational population and a great number of constituents as Russia is.
administrative responsibility, city, town, accounting, place of abode, adress, registration, Constitution, law, act, society, Russian Federation
Question at hand
Sukhareva, K. (2018). Openness and Accessibility of Municipal Acts in Canada and England. Administrative and municipal law, 4, 8–17.
The subject of the research is the official websites of municipal units in England and Canada and particular features of posting municipal acts there. The research involved methods of continuous and sampling observation depending on different criteria: title of the website sector that contains municipal acts, location of a sector containing municipal acts on a municipal unit's website, methods of displaying acts in a sector, search box for quick search inside a sector, quantity of located acts, date of the first and last acts, and others. The author has applied the dialectical method as well as the system structure, formal law and other methods of research. The results of monitoring of openness and accessibility of municipal acts on official sites of England and Canada demonstrate that in Canada the majority of municipal acts is demonstrated on official sites of municipal units. At the same time, all municipal units, especially within one province, lack the single method of act location. Unlike Canada, the majority of official sites of municipal units in England do not post municipal acts at all. Despite the fact that openness and accessibility of information about activity of state and municipal authorities is quite a nettlesome issue today, especially for the global society, in reality most of the questions that relate to openness and accessibility of municipal units remain unregulated.
citizens' rights, municipality, municipal formation, publication, access to information, municipal legal acts, accessibility, opennes, legislation, monitoring
Question at hand
Bezrukavaya , N.I. (2018). The Subject of Prosecutor Participation in Administrative Proceedings. Administrative and municipal law, 4, 18–25.
The author of the article analyzes participation of prosecutor in administrative court proceedings. In her article Bezrukavaya discusses the views of leading academics regarding the subject of prosecutor's supervision. She differentiates between the subject of prosecutor's supervision and the subject of prosecutor participation in court proceedings, defines general and special components of the subject of relevant prosecutor's activity, and touches upon particular features of the subject of prosecutor's participation in individual categories of administrative proceedings as well as that at different stages of court proceedings. The author also gives a list of means of prosecutor's response to violations that may be discovered in the course of proceedings. The research is based on the dialectical research method, and the author also applies the following methods: systems analysis, logical analysis, comparative law analysis. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that for the first time in the academic literature Bezrykavaya defines the subject of prosecutor's participation in administrative proceedings and defines general and special components thereof. For the first time in the academic literature the author also offers a list of prosecutor's responses to violations that may be discovered during proceedings. As a conclusion, the author emphasizes the theoretical and practical importance of defining the subject of relevant prosecutor's activity and underlines the need to apply means of prosecutor's responses described herein.
violation, participate in the proceedings, the subject, administrative offence, court, prosecutor, legitimacy, supervision, means of reaction, protest
Administrative and municipal law: business, economy, finance
Lapin, A.V. (2018). Development of the National Innovation System as a Mandatory Condition for Technological Changes and Industrial Growth. Administrative and municipal law, 4, 26–41.
The subject of the article is the administrative legal relations that may arise in the sphere of innovation activity. The object of the article is the current national innovation system. The athor of the article analyzes the legal grounds for the innovation path of the development of the real economic sector and describes the quality of state management of economic processes, and proves the need in institutional, structural and technologies changes as the elements of the systems approach to development of the national innovation system. The author pays special attention to the analysis of strategical and policy documents that contain elements of the national innovation system. The author concludes that there is no single approach of scientists to understanding the mechanism of improvement of Russia's national innovation system and ways to fix relevant guidelines in legal acts. The methodological basis of the research implies modern achievements of the theory of knowledge. In the process of the research the author has used the general method of philosophical resaerch, systems analysis, expert analysis, event analysis, traditional legal methods (formal law, comparative law) as well as structural and statistical analysis. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author makes recommendations regarding development of the national innovation system based on the improvement of the system of national innovation law which implies administrative regulation of the innovation development of our country's industry. The author of the article provides all necessary argumenents to prove the need in complex regulation of the innovation development of the real economic sector for development and assessment of technologies changes and industrial growth in the real economic sector.
administrative and legal support, digital transformation, public administration, industry, real sector of economy, economic sovereignty, national innovation system, innovative economy, innovations, innovation activity
Liability in administrative and municipal law
Anisiforova, M.V. (2018). Concerning Administrative Responsibility for Drug Trafficking Set Forth by the Law of the Kyrgyz Republic. Administrative and municipal law, 4, 42–46.
The subject of the research is the social relations that may arise as a result of violation of administrative law in the sphere of trafficking of drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors in the Kyrgyz Republic. The object of the research is the legal provisions that set forth administrative responsibility for the turnover of prohibitted drugs and substances. In her article Anisiforova analyzes the anti-drug law of the Kyrgyz Republic as well as the Administrative Responsibility Code of the Kyrgyz Republic of 1998. The advantage of the Code is that it sets forth public procedures for treatment of drug addicts. The research is based on specific legal methods such as comparative law and legal statistics method. As a result of analyzing comparative law of Russia and Kyrgyz Republic in the sphere of trafficking of drugs, psychotropic substances and precursors, the author defines positive and negative aspects of administrative law. The author emphasizes the need to carry out an administrative classification of activities in the sphere of prevention of drugs in the Kyrgyz Republic.
administrative legislation of Kyrgystan, illegal drug use, advocacy, drug advertising, KAO KR, anti-drag law in Kyrgystan, drag trafficking, administrative responsibility, counteraction to illegal drug trafficking, drug addicts