Theory and science of administrative and municipal law
Vinnitskiy, A.V. (2018). The Public Use Right in Terms of Suibjective Public Rights. Administrative and municipal law, 12, 1–16.
The subject of the research is the provisions of the doctrine that relates to the right to public use as well as the effective Russian laws that regulate the legal regime at state and municipal units designated for public use. The author of the article examines such aspects of the public use right as: 1. development of the public use right as part of subjective public rights; 2. legal confirmation of the right by the positive law and how it is described by modern science; 3. actors; 4. contents; 5. relation to the obligations of public administration, etc. The research methods used by the author include systems analysis as a general method and special law, comparative law and historical law methods as special methods. As a result, the author concludes that the public use right is an independent and important kind of subjective public rights that have a number of legally relevant features: 1. it is unalienable; 2. it is a statutory subjective right; 3. the right covers state and municipal property that are inscribed into the public space and designated for public use; 4. the right arises when a property is prescribed for public use; 5. it is regulated mostly by the public law; 6. it has got an absolute nature; 7. the authorized person has got the plurality; 8. the content thereof is the self-action competences; 9. it is a limited proprietary right; 10. it remains effective in case of a new public owner; 11. the right is validated disregarding state registration of a property; 12. the right is intimately connected with the obligations to use the property duly; 13. the right is defended based on legal norms.
public property law, municipal property, state property, public property, property right, subjective public right, res publicae, administrative property low, public use, road
Administrative law, municipal law and other branches of law
Chikhladze, L.T., Grudtsina, L.Y., Goncharov, S.A. (2018). Criminal Law Description of a Subject of Illegal Obtainment and Disclosure of Data that Comrpise Commercial, Tax and Banking Secrecy in Industrial Sector. Administrative and municipal law, 12, 17–25.
The authors of the article analyze criminal law features of a subject of illegal obtainment and disclosure of data that comprise commercial, tax and banking secrecy in industrial sector. As a result of the research the authors discover that approaches of the Russian legislator to the definition of a subject of the aforesaid crime fully correspond to the approach used by the majority of foreign states. In the course of the analysis of foreign criminal law the authors emphasize that the tendency of establishing criminal corporate liability is not typical for all foreign states. However, a number of countries set legal responsibility for industrial intelligence, in particular, the USA and China. In their research the authors have used traditional research methodology that is based on the dialectical approach using comparative and formal law method. Based on their research, the authors conclude that the legislator should pay more attention to the specification of a list of special crime subjects set forgh by Part 2 of Article 183 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation committed in industrial sector depending on the subject matter of the crime. The authors suggest that there should be changes in the regulation of the responsibility of foreign officials for commercial, tax and banking secrecy by the state a foreign official is a citizen of because the aforesaid crime has got both reputational risks for the state and causes damage for the state power because a liable person uses his or her official status for his or her own benefit.
bank secrets, subject of crime, criminal law, foreign official, responsibility, official, industrial espionage, tax secrets, trade secrets, public danger
Question at hand
Zeinalov, F.N. (2018). Legal Analysis of the Provisions of a New Professional Standard of a Master of Learning to Drive from the Point of View of the Road Safety Strategy. Administrative and municipal law, 12, 26–35.
The subject of the research is the system of legal relatiosn in the sphere of road safety. The object of the research is the social relations in the sphere of road safety, access to driving vehibles of different kinds and training of drivers. The aim of the research is to analyze the congruency of the legal grounds of road safety, requirements for masters of learning to drive, and criteria of access to driving a vehicle. The author analyzes provisions of the professional standard from the point of view of the Road Safety Strategy, suggests changes and analyzes statistical data of road traffic accidents. The author emphasizes the need to review the standards that grant access to driving a D vehicle and obtaining the teaching license. The methodological basis of the research includes fundamental provisions of the theory of the right and state, generalisation of the practical experience, statistics and methods of logical, systems analysis, comparative and other research methods. The scope of the research covers legislative and law enforcement activity, educational process, researc h and improvement of particular branches of the Russian legal system. The novelty of the research is caused by the practical and scientific importance of the Road Safety Strategy in Russia for 2018 - 2024. In conclusion, the author offers to change Section 3.1. of the Standard and to set forth the rule that individuals who obtain a license to teach how to drive D and D1 vehicles must be 24 years old at least.
public transport, requirements for the master, master of learning to drive, professional standard, experience, admission of drivers, traffic accident, Road safety, accident statistics, buses
Question at hand
Belousova, E.V. (2018). Reformation of the Institutional Grounds of Municipal Authority: Constitutional Opportunities and Prospects under Modern Conditions. Administrative and municipal law, 12, 36–42.
The subject of the research is the legal norms that regulate the place of municipal authority in the system of public authority in Russia. The object of the research is the legal relations in the sphere of organisation and functioning of municipal authority as well as their relationships with the state authority. The author of the article have analyzed the relationship between municipal authority, state authority and public authority. She pays special attention to the provisions of the Constitution and self-government legislation and describes the problems of the practical implementation of Article 12 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation and possible solutions. The methodological basis of the research includes recent achievements and findings. In the course of the research the author has used general philosophical and theoretical methods (dialectics, systems approach, anaysis, synthesis, analogy, deduction, observation and modelling), and traditional law methods (formal law and comparative law). The main conclusions of the research is the author's statement that Article 12 of the Constitution has an excessive imperative nature. Taking into account the fact that it is impossible to change the law at this point, the author suggests to use opportunities provided by the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation and to view relevant provisions as the ones that define specific relationships between municipal and state authority while local self-government activities cannot be replaced with state activities.
Constitution, self-governing authorities, the organizational separation, the government, public power, Municipal authority, article, legislation, Charter, constitutional justice
Administrative law, municipal law and the judicial branch
Sultanov, K.A. (2018). Uncertainty of the Legal Status of a Police Officer as a Participant of Administrative Proceedings in the Court of General Jurisdiction. Administrative and municipal law, 12, 43–47.
The subject of the research is the legal status of a police officer as a participant of administrative proceedings. The object of the research is the right of a police officer to appeal against court decrees and interlocutory judgements. The author analyzes modern principles and legal basis of the procedure that can be used by a police officer to appeal against court decrees. Having analyzed administrative legislation of the Russian Federation, Sultanov discovers that the Administrative Offences Code of the Russian Federation does not mention the right of a police officer to appeal against court decisions. The author of the article focuses on the appealing procedure by police officers at the regional level and describes cases and methods used by police officers to appeal against court decisions via prosecution office. The methodological basis of the research implies a set of the most commonly used research methods and techniques such as analysis and synthesis of legislation within the subject matter of the research, formal law method, and structured logical description. The main conclusion of the research is the statement that a police officer may appeal to a prosecution office against a court instruction when the court returns materials to the police stating that the materials are incomplete. The author analyzes particular court decisions that contradict the law. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author provides an evaluation of the actual state of the law and practical implementation of the law when court decisions and instructions are being appealed. The author's special contribution to the topic is that he defines patterns for further improvement and development prospects of the appealing procedure that may be used by police officers at prosecution office. The practical important of the research is that the author makes particular scientifically grounded suggestions.
local law, Administrative code, the bodies of internal Affairs, authorized body, administrative responsibility, prosecutor's office, police, agreement, internal Affairs, police officer