Administrative law, municipal law and the judicial branch
Solovyev, A.A. (2017). Peculiarities of legal regulation of judicial review in the French Republic. Administrative and municipal law, 6, 1–14.
The piece studies the issues of legal regulation of judicial review in the French Republic – a state with a highly developed system of administrative jurisdiction. The topicality of this study is determined by, among other things, the appearance of a new codified procedural legal act – the Administrative Procedure Rules – within the Russian legislative system. This act contains the chapter 21 “Proceedings on administrative cases about the contestation of normative acts and acts interpreting the legislation and having regulatory power”. Using the methods of analysis, synthesis, comparison, specification, generalization, the author analyzes the constitutional provisions, related to the problem under consideration, and analyzes the procedure of judicial consideration of a priority problem of defining the constitutional nature in case there are any reports about the provision of law breaching rights and freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution. The author studies the functioning of a three-stage mechanism of such judicial review. The first stage is realized by any judicial authority subordinate to the Council of State or the Court of Cassation. Within the current judicial procedure, a litigating party has the right to bring up an issue about the violation of the constitutional rights and freedoms by a particular provision of law. The second stage takes place in the Court of Cassation or the Council of State, which decide about submitting of the priority problem of defining the constitutional nature of the judicial act to the Constitutional Council. The third stage consists in submitting of this priority issue by the Court of Cassation or the Council of State to the Constitutional Council, which decides, whether the considered provision of law is constitutional or not. Particular attention is given to the problems of participation of the Council of State in the law-making process and judicial review.
law making process, foreign experience, judicial system, problem of defining the constitutional nature, the Court of Cassation, the Council of State, the Constitutional Council, the French Republic, administrative legal proceedings, judicial review
Question at hand
Molotov, A.V., Ivanov, A.V. (2017). On financial guarantees for former public officials in the regions of the Russian Federation. Administrative and municipal law, 6, 15–26.
The research object is social relations in the sphere of creation and implementation of the system of social guarantees for former public officials in the regions of the Russian Federation. The authors consider such aspects of the topic as the guarantees of pension rights of former public officials in the regions of the Russian Federation and the problem of compensation payments to this category of citizens, who have retired on their own volition or upon the expiration of the term of office. Special attention is given to the analysis of the legislation of particular regions of the Russian Federation, which have different approaches to formalization of such guarantees or their particular elements. The research methodology includes general scientific methods of dialectical materialism, generalization and analysis, and specific historical method and the method of comparative jurisprudence. This work is one of the first attempts to study the institution of social guarantees for former public officials in the regions of the Russian Federation with regard to the latest changes in the legislation and law enforcement practice in this sphere. The authors formulate the substantiated and reliable conclusions and proposals about the further improvement of legal regulation of this sphere of social relations.
court, position, resignation, payments, fight against privileges, retirement, legislation, public office, financial guarantees, regions of the Russian Federation
Administrative process and procedure
Agamagomedova, S. (2017). Administrative and customs procedure: the problem of correlation of the concepts. Administrative and municipal law, 6, 27–34.
The research object is the correlation between such concepts as administrative procedure and customs procedure. The concept of customs procedures is one of the key ideas of customs legislation. The author raises the problem of defining the correlation between administrative and customs procedures in the current legislation and fundamental science. To solve this problem, the author singles out the legal and doctrinal concepts of customs procedure and offers positioning these concepts within the formula: administrative procedures – administrative procedures of customs law – customs procedures. The research methodology includes general scientific methods, such as the historical and system methods and analysis and specific methods of jurisprudence, primarily the formal-logical, which allows defining legal notions and detecting their characteristics. The author formulates the provisions about the correlation between the concepts of administrative procedure and customs procedure, raises the problem of their correlation within the legislative framework and fundamental science. The scientific novelty consists in the proposed formula of correlation of these concepts. The author elaborates the classification of administrative procedures in the sphere of customs legislation, which are the varieties of administrative procedures.
Customs Code, licensing procedures, customs registration, administrative procedure, control and supervision procedures, customs bodies, customs case, customs regime, customs procedure, administrative procedures
Administrative law, municipal law and human rights
Averyanova, M.I. (2017). Legal regulation of social services in the regions of the Russian Federation. Administrative and municipal law, 6, 35–49.
The research subject is the set of legal provisions regulating the peculiarities of social services in the regions of the Russian Federation in the context of reforming the legislation in the sphere of social services. The purpose of the study is to analyze the set of problems in the sphere of legal regulation of social services on the regional level. The study is based on the legislative acts in the sphere of social services of Arkhangelsk, Ivanovo and Nizhny Novgorod regions. Special attention is given to the types of social services in these regions and to the problem of establishment of the charge for social services. The author applies system analysis and the comparative legal method of scientific cognition. The scientific novelty of the study consists in the complex legal analysis of the legal provisions of the federal and regional legislation in the sphere of social services; in the comparison of legal regulation of social services in Russian regions, and in the development of recommendations and proposals about the further improvement of social legislation in Russia. The results of the research can be used in the law making activities of federal and regional authorities aimed at the improvement of legal regulation of social services, and in research activities. The author formulates the following proposals: 1) Some services, offered in the regions of the Russian Federation in the sphere of social welfare, are the same as social services, which should be guaranteed by regional authorities in accordance with other provisions in the sphere of social welfare (particularly, in the sphere of health protection and healthcare delivery) and the provisions of other branches of law (for example, in the sphere of education). This fact proves a complex and intersectoral nature of social services; 2) It is necessary to formalize not an approximate but a minimal list of social services on the federal level according to the types of social services with an opportunity to extend this list on the regional and municipal levels; 3) It is necessary to formalize on the federal level the methodological recommendations for the detection of persons who need social services, containing particular measures, which would help reveal such persons.
legislation of regions of the Russian Federation, Federal legislation, Powers, Legal regulation, social services, Social service, Social security, Need, Low income, charge
Gorian, E. (2017). Adaptation of migrant domestic workers as a means of guaranteeing national security: international tendencies and the experience of Canada. Administrative and municipal law, 6, 50–64.
The research subject is international tendencies and national mechanisms of guaranteeing the rights of migrant domestic workers in the context of their adaptation to new social relations for national security protection. Migrant domestic workers are the most vulnerable category of labor migrants, which is explained both by their gender and by the peculiarities of their work. Multiple exploitation (by employers, families and the state of origin), isolation determined by the specificity of work (especially connected with home care), complicated family relations – these factors have negative impact on psychological and physical condition of migrant domestic workers, increasing the risk of negative influence of asocial persons, formation or aggravation of mental diseases. To acquire the most reliable scientific results, the author uses the set of general scientific methods (system-structural, formal-logical, hermeneutical approaches) and specific methods of legal cognition (comparative-legal and formal-legal methods). Taking into account the specificity of the research subject, the author applies the interdisciplinary approach based on sociological data. The impossibility to realize public supervision in the sphere of migration and protection of labor, low level of legal culture and religion-based legal consciousness of most migrant domestic workers are the factors of their involvement in extremist (terrorist) activities. Therefore, it is critically important to implement the state policy aimed at adaptation and involvement of migrant domestic workers in social relation using the activities of social organizations, cultural and national centers, labor unions, etc. It is necessary to as soon as possible ratify the Convention No 189, containing minimum labor standards for migrant domestic workers, and, taking into account the experience of Canada, successfully realizing the Live-in Caregiver Program, to develop a state program of adaptation of migrants with regard to the peculiarities of work of migrant domestic workers.
Canada, migration, exploitation, international labour standards, migrant domestic worker, human rights, national security, labor contract, extremism, terrorism
Administrative law, municipal law and environment issues
Manin, I., Yazdanimogadam, M. (2017). Development of the legal regime of mineral resources management in Iran in the 19th – the 21st centuries. Administrative and municipal law, 6, 65–78.
The research subject is mineral resources management in the Republic of Iran in the 19th – the 21st centuries. The authors give special attention to the formation of the national legislation of Iran on natural resources. The authors consider three stages of the modern legal regime of mineral resources management in Iran: the first – contractual – stage, the second – national – stage, and the third – normative legal (post-revolutionary) – stage. Special attention is given to the legal regime of Iran’s continental shelf and to the contracts of the National Iranian Oil Company with agents, contractors and foreign investors. The research contains the information about the formation and development of the system and the structure of governmental management of mineral resources in Iran. The research methodology is based on general scientific methods (dialectics, comparison, analysis, synthesis, analogy, induction, deduction, etc.) and specific methods (formal-legal, comparative-legal, historical-legal, the method of governmental regulation, the system method, the method of prognostication, etc.). The scientific novelty of the article consists in the fact that it reveals the historical patterns of formation and development of Iran’s legislation on natural resources; defines the stages of its formation including the legislation on the continental shelf; studies the essential terms of contracts and patents on joint mineral resources management; defines the legal status of the participants of mineral resources production including foreign investors; describes the historical dynamics of the system and the structure of state management of mineral resources in Iran; and reveals the tendencies of the further development of Iranian legislation on mineral resources management.
Iranian mineral resources management , history of natural resources law, Legal Regime of mineral resources management , Iranian continental shelf, mineral resources management in Iran, Iranian Oil Contracts, Iranian Oil Patents, Joint mineral resources management, Iranian users of subsurface resources, Iranian Foreign Investment
Administrative law, municipal law and environment issues
Manin, I., Yazdanimogadam, M. (2017). Legal regime of subsurface use in Iran: making subsurface resources allowable for use. Administrative and municipal law, 6, 79–94.
The research subject is the legal regime of granting the right to use subsurface resources in the Islamic Republic of Iran. Special attention is given to classification of petroleum contracts and transformation of their essential conditions in the historical dynamics with regard to different types of petroleum contracts. The authors consider upstream contracts, downstream contracts, oil and gas trade contracts and the procedure of their drawing up, agreeing, concluding and approving. The study reflects the content of objective operation contracts as a specific type of petroleum contracts and their main categories: concession, investment, production and service contracts. The authors reveal the content of new-generation Iranian petroleum contracts (IPC). The research methodology is based on general scientific methods (dialectics, comparison, analysis, synthesis, analogy, deduction, induction, etc.) and specific methods (formal-logical, dogmatic, formal-legal, and the method of interpretation of law), the comparative-legal method, the method of state-legal modeling, the historical-legal and system methods, prognostication, etc. The authors come to the following conclusions: firstly, Iranian subsurface resources are made allowable for use on the basis of a petroleum contract; secondly, the procedure of making subsurface resources allowable for use is a formalized procedure of concluding petroleum contracts; thirdly, the access to subsurface resources in Iran is possible only subject to agreed conditions of a petroleum contract, based on a standard project, with the Government of Iran and the Iranian Economic Council and final approval by the Ministry of petroleum upon indirect agreeing of the conditions of subsurface resources use with the Parliament of Iran; fourthly, the Parliament of Iran indirectly agrees upon the conclusion of petroleum contracts and each stage of their performance (petroleum operations) by means of regulation of incomes and expenditures of petroleum activities in the laws “On annual budget”; fifthly, the legal regime of subsurface resources use in the Islamic Republic of Iran is in a transitive state, and legislation on natural resources is a complex sector, which combines the interests of public and private companies in the context of growing public influence in this sphere; sixthly, Iran is planning a gradual transformation from agreement-based system of subsurface resources use to a licensing or a mixed system, from an indirect procedure of making subsurface resources allowable for use by foreign investors to a direct procedure, which would be realized without the involvement of the National Iranian Oil Company. The scientific novelty of the study consists in the fact that it considers the reasons for and the procedure of making Iranian subsurface resources allowable for use and the state-legal mechanism of subsurface resources use management including the checks and balances model in realization of the sovereign right of Iran to use subsurface resources within its water area and state territory.
Iranian Petroleum Operations, Trade Contracts, Downstream Contracts, Upstream Contracts, Petroleum Contracts, Iranian Subsurface resources use, Carbon Buy-back, Petroleum Swap, Iranian Petroleum Contract, Iranian Foreign Investment
Krylov, O.M. (2017). Money circulation in incomes generation and spending of centralized monetary funds of public entities. Administrative and municipal law, 6, 95–113.
The research subject is the set of legal provisions regulating social relations in the process of money circulation. The research object is social relations in the process of money circulation in the process of incomes generation and spending of centralized monetary funds of public entities. Money circulation in the process of income generation and spending of centralized monetary funds of public entities is characterized by the peculiarities, directly affecting the effectiveness of financial activities of a public entity. To successfully achieve the aims and goals of modern financial activity of the state and other public entities, it is necessary to take into account the specificity of money circulation in the sphere of public finance. The research methodology is based on the dialectical method of scientific cognition of social, economic and legal phenomena in their interrelation and interdependence. Reliability and feasibility of the results is achieved by complex using the system-structural, comparative-legal, formal-legal and logic and theoretical methods, and the method of description of notions, analysis, synthesis, generalization and other methods. The author formulates the typical features of money circulation in incomes generation and spending of centralized monetary funds of public entities, connected with the beginning and the end of money circulation, its object and types of financial legal relations mediating money circulation. The author detects the key peculiarities of financial subjective legal rights and duties in the process of incomes generation and spending of centralized monetary funds of public entities. The author substantiates the necessity to transform the legal definition of tax and offers amending the provision of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation (part 1) of 31 July 1998 No 146.
Bank of Russia, Non-cash circulation, Cash circulation, cash equivalent , Public entity, money, money circulation, Financial legal relationship, Object of money circulation, tax
Legal entities of administrative and financial law
Lokhmanov, D.V. (2017). Administrative and jurisdictional activities of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Russian Federation in the banking sector. Administrative and municipal law, 6, 114–122.
The article studies administrative and jurisdictional activities of the Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAS) of Russia in the banking sector. State antimonopoly policy in the banking sector is one of the most important mechanisms guaranteeing the achievement of socio-economic goals in the social life. The author considers the process of interaction between the FAS of Russia and credit organizations; reveals the problem of reporting wrong information by credit organizations upon the requests from the antimonopoly authority, and the problem of inconsistency of the conditions about the full value of a credit with the Federal law of 21.12.2013 No 353 “On consumer credit (loan)” and the Decision of the Plenum of the Supreme Commercial Court of the Russian Federation No 58 of 08.10.2012. The research methodology is based on the modern achievements in epistemology. The author uses general philosophical and theoretical research methods (dialectics, the system method, analysis, synthesis, analogy, deduction, observation and modeling), traditional methods of jurisprudence (formal logical) and the methods of specific sociological researches (statistical, expert evaluations, etc.). The author concludes that the FAS of Russia and the Bank of Russia should develop joint statutory instruments in order to formulate the concept and the list of banking services and the procedure of calculation of the production cost of a unit of banking service (and/or an analogous indicator), and formalize the peculiarities of credit services advertising with account for the position of the Supreme Commercial Court of the Russian Federation. The scientific novelty of the study consists in the proposals about the improvement of administrative and jurisdictional activities of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of Russia.
advertisement, economy, responsibility, credit institutions, legislation, bank, The FAS of Russia, state, improvement, practice