Theory and science of administrative and municipal law
Zatsepina , E. (2017). On the issue of administrative responsibility for the breach of microfinance activities legislation. Administrative and municipal law, 4, 1–7.
The paper considers the problem of administrative responsibility, imposed for the breach of legislation in the field of microfinance activities. The topicality of the issue is determined by the apparent drawbacks in the sphere of financial services for the population, and socio-economic prerequisites for the improvement of microfinance activities. The author gives special attention to the concept of “finance” in the context of the title of the chapter 15 of the Administrative Offences Code of the Russian Federation. The author considers the fundamental types of administrative breaches in the sphere of microfinance activities and defines the peculiarities of administrative responsibility for the breach of legislation on microfinance activities. The research methodology is based on general scientific methods (analysis, comparison, description, generalization, induction, and deduction) and specific research methods (formal-dogmatic, comparative-legal, system-structural, and the method of legal interpretation). Global transformations in the sphere of microfinance activities, primarily, investing the Bank of Russia with powers in regulation, control, and supervision over the activities of microfinance and microcredit organizations, and jurisdictional powers, as well as the establishment of the institution of self-regulation, prove the undoubted topicality of administrative studies in the sphere of microfinance.
self-regulating organization, finance, the Bank of Russia, microfinancing, Administrative Offences Code of the Russian Federation, administrative offence, microfinance activities , microcredit company, microcredit organization, administrative responsibility
Question at hand
Garaev, A.A. (2017). Analysis of the application of legal provisions regulating customs debts collection. Administrative and municipal law, 4, 8–19.
The research subject is the set of legal provisions defining the actions of officials aimed at customs debts collection. The research object is legal relations in the process of the application of customs legislation by customs agencies. The topicality of this research consists in the analysis of the procedure of customs debts collection and the problem aspects of law enforcement: taking interim measures for customs debts collection – arrest and suspension of operations on the payer’s accounts; ineffectiveness of the mechanism of forced sale of property via government agencies; results of distrainment of other property. The author offers the variants of solution of problem situations, elimination of contradictions, and formulates the conclusions. The research methodology is based on the set of general scientific and specific research methods (formal-legal, analytical, normative-logical and comparative). The author analyzes the activity of court bailiffs aimed at forced collection of customs debts and taxes, forced sale of property, and application of interim measures for customs debts collection. The author suggests transforming and changing legal regulation of customs debts collection, and adapt it to the current social relations. The author substantiates the necessity to change the legal norms regulating the introduction of interim measures for debts collection, to substitute the procedure of payer’s bankruptcy for the process of debt collection using other properties of the payer; to refuse of such an interim measure as seizure of property; to improve the formulation of the provisions regulating debts collection.
bailiff, forced collection, suspension of operations on accounts, seizure of property, interim measures for debts collection, customs payments, law Appliances, sanction of procurator, evaluation, market price
Question at hand
Lipinsky, D.A., Musatkina, A.A. (2017). The concept and the grounds for incentives for public servants. Administrative and municipal law, 4, 20–37.
The paper considers incentives for public servants and the legal provisions regulating the cases of their use. The authors consider different aspects of the concept of incentives for public servants, study the normative grounds for incentive measures, and focus on the most controversial issues of this legal institution. The authors substantiate the intersectoral nature of the institution of incentives for public servants. For the purposes of the research, the authors study not only the federal legislation, but also the statutory instruments of the territorial units of the Russian Federation. The authors apply the dialectical method of scientific cognition, the formal-legal and the comparative-legal methods. The authors also use analysis and synthesis, deduction and induction, and the philosophical principles of unity and struggle of opposites and transition of quantity into quality. 1. The institution of incentives for public servants can be considered in three aspects. Firstly, as an intersectoral and functional institution of stimulation of public servants. Secondly, as an incentive sanction provided by the norms of administrative or constitutional law. Thirdly, as a process of application of incentive measures to public servants, which is a form of the law enforcement process. 2. A sanction-incentive is a structural element of law, formalizing the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the measures of positive legal responsibility, aimed at the implementation of the regulation contained in the disposition of a legal norm. 3. The institution of incentives for public servants is the set of legal norms (of constitutional and administrative law), regulating the procedure and the grounds for incentive measures for public servants, which is based on the incentive method of legal regulation, equal legal relations, coordination and subordination. 4. To use incentive measures for public servants, it is necessary to have factual and formal grounds. Formal grounds are formalized in federal laws, Presidential decrees, legislation of the units of the federation, subordinate legal acts, and local acts. 5. The factual reason for encouragement is lawful behavior of a public servant. Lawful behavior of a public servant is his/her deed (activity), which is in compliance with the provisions of the Constitution of the Russian Federation and legislation on public service, meeting the interests of the society and the state, and is realized by means of incentives and restrictions.
Institution of incentives, Incentive norms, grounds for encouragement , merit, types of incentives, incentive, public servant, public service, legal regulation, Incentive sanctions
Question at hand
Kurakin, A.V., Karpukhin, D.V. (2017). Self-employment of citizens: problems of legal regulation of administrative coercion in the sphere of self-employment . Administrative and municipal law, 4, 38–46.
The research subject is the set of current provisions of various legal acts regulating self-employment. The authors study scientific approaches to the problem of self-employment of citizens, which have formed in Russian legal science. The specific legal feature of the “self-employment” concept is a significant number of references to this category in legal acts contrasted with the lack of a clear definition of this category. The authors analyze administrative and penal compositions of offences, related to self-employed citizens, involved in illegal business practices, and the ways of their improvement. The research methodology is based on the set of different methods of scientific cognition. The authors use theoretical and general philosophical methods (dialectics, the system method, analysis, synthesis, analogy, deduction, modeling), traditional methods of jurisprudence (formal logical and interpretative methods, which are used for the analysis of the content of legal regulations); the comparative method, which is used for the comparison of scientific views on the research subject. The authors conclude that it is necessary to adopt: the set of administrative norms, aimed at the formation of the definition of the “self-employed citizen” concept, immediately, before the expiry of the 2-3 years’ period of discharge from administrative responsibility; administrative mechanism of self-employment regulation; measures of administrative coercion, aimed at legalization of informal economy. The authors study the potentially possible directions of development of administrative coercion in the sphere of self-employment. They note the necessity to generate preventive and remedial measures aimed at the legalization of self-employed citizens by means of their registration and payment of all necessary taxes. The scientific novelty of the study consists in the consideration of the problem of evolution of scientific views on the essence of the “self-employment of citizens” concept, and the formation of the mechanism of administrative regulation in the sphere of self-employment and the administrative coercion institution in this sphere. The authors offer the set of measures of administrative coercion in the sphere of self-employment, which could help balance the interests of the state and this category of citizens.
patent, legalization of status, self-employed citizens, administrative and punitive measures, administrative and remedial measures, administrative and preventive measures, administrative coercion, definition, self-employed person, decriminalization
Theory and science of administrative and municipal law
Kireeva, A.V. (2017). Public-Private Partnership in the sphere of control and coercion – a new element of the state mechanism. Administrative and municipal law, 4, 47–58.
The research subject is the impact of new directions of public-private partnership, forming in the sphere of state control and coercion, on the state mechanism. The author studies the works of legal scholars for the last several years, dealing with various aspects of private organizations’ performance of functions of control, supervision and coercion. The author shows that the problem of the role of public-private partnerships in the state mechanism hasn’t been studied so far comprehensively enough; at the same time, traditional approaches to defining the state mechanism prevail in the scientific literature; they don’t provide for the opportunity of partial delegation of functions of control, supervision and coercion, performed by public authorities, to the entities without this status. The research methodology is based on the works of S.S. Alekseev, D.N. Bakhrakh, P.V. Demidov, V.V. Zakharenkov, A.B. Zolotareva, A.E. Ziat’kov, A.D. Kerimov, Ya.S. Kleimenov, V.V. Lazarev, S.V. Lipenia, D.A. Limareva, M.M. Magomedrasulov, N.I. Matuzov, A.V. Mal’ko, A.N. Pigolkin, and others. The author concludes that the state mechanism is being transformed at the present time; it’s been extending, and now it includes new social relations, which haven’t been typical for it previously. Since the problem of the state mechanism extension hasn’t been studied by Russian legal science comprehensively enough, the possible risks of delegation of functions of control, supervision and coercion to private entities haven’t been estimated either. At the same time, in practice, the legislation, regulating the issues of control and supervision, has been including new elements, which can be considered as the examples of delegation of some functions, which have been traditionally performed by public authorities, to private entities: from the development of the rules for some markets and quasi-licensing, to the creation of opportunities of agreements between self-regulatory organizations and public oversight authorities on the basis of which public authorities reduce the general number of inspections of the self-regulating organizations’ members, or completely refuse of scheduled inspections, and reserve only the right to organize unscheduled inspections.
control authority, state functions, state coercion, self-regulatory organizations, delegation, private companies, state mechanism, state control, public authority, development institutions
Public and municipal service and the citizen
Baldina, A.S. (2017). Regulatory bodies staffing improvement on the basis of recommendations for public servants’ professional development. Administrative and municipal law, 4, 59–68.
Regulatory bodies staffing in modern Russia is one of the key, and at the same time, poorly studied, elements of state control. The research subject is regulatory bodies staffing improvement mechanism in the context of the reform of control and supervision activities. The author considers such aspects of the topic as the increase of professional competence of public servants, since the development of social relations determines the necessity to improve professional knowledge, skills, and competence of public officials. The research methodology is based on the dialectical method of cognition. The author also uses the methods of analysis, analogy and study of legal norms. The author comes to the following conclusions: firstly, it is important to develop recommendations for public servants’ professional development by means of periodical professional training in their field of work; secondly, it is necessary to create the system of psychological support of personnel management in regulatory bodies; thirdly, it is necessary to involve public servants in various research and practice events; fourthly, it is necessary to use information technologies in control and supervision activities.
state control mechanism, personnel management, professional development, professional competence, regulatory bodies, staffing, public servant, control and supervision activity, administrative reform, professional competence
Debatable issues in administrative and municipal law
Alkhutova, E.Y. (2017). Peculiarities of coordination work of modern prosecution agencies. Administrative and municipal law, 4, 69–76.
The research subject is the problem of correlation between coordination and interaction with law enforcement and controlling bodies in the work of a prosecutor; the peculiarities of the work of prosecution agencies aimed at the coordination of control and supervision over business entities, local authorities and their officials, public authorities of territorial units of the Russian Federation and their officials. The author considers and analyzes the changes in the legislation in regard to empowering prosecution agencies with new coordination responsibilities, in addition to the coordination of the work of law enforcement agencies aimed at the struggle against crime. The research methodology is based on the general scientific method of cognition; the author applies the comparative and the system-structural methods and logical analysis. The author concludes that legislative novels should lead to the changes in law enforcement practice. Taking into account the essence of prosecution agencies’ coordination of law enforcement agencies’ work aimed at the struggle against crime, and the recent changes in the legislation, the author outlines other directions of the activities of prosecution agencies, aimed at coordination, which can be considered as the coordination work of prosecution agencies.
inspection, controlling bodies, breach of the right, prosecutor's supervision, interaction , coordination, prosecutor, coordination, legality, change of legislation
Gorian, E. (2017). Labor inspection in the legal mechanism of enforcement of rights of migrant workers in the context of the struggle against HIV/AIDS. Administrative and municipal law, 4, 77–90.
The article studies social relations emerging in the process of enforcement of rights of migrant workers in the context of the struggle against HIV/AIDS. The author outlines the peculiarities of the legal mechanism of enforcement of their rights: active involvement of employers and their organization, social organizations and labor unions. The author studies international recommendations and tendencies of participation of labor inspectors, and the aspects of their interaction with employers and labor unions in the mechanism of enforcement of rights of migrant workers in the struggle against HIV/AIDS. The author emphasizes the coordinating role of labor inspections in enforcement of rights of migrant workers by employers and labor unions. To acquire the most reliable scientific results, the author uses the set of general scientific methods (system-structural, formal-logical and hermeneutical) and specific research methods (comparative-legal and formal-legal). These methods are used in complex. Labor inspectors play a special role in enforcement of rights of migrant workers in the struggle against HIV/AIDS. Their influence and force of conviction promote the development and introduction of special programs in companies; they are authorized to organize inspections and to oblige employers to observe international standards of the struggle against HIV/AIDS. At the present moment, the role of labor inspectors has transformed from the merely controlling to coordinating. They can play a significant role in enforcement of rights of workers involved in informal economy. The activities of labor inspectors lead to the implementation of the tripartism principle, typical for the regulation of labor by means of educational programs and courses for employers and employees.
informal economics, ILO, tripartism, human rights, HIV/AIDS, migration, labor inspection, employment, decent work, migrant worker