Question at hand
Kosinov V.A. (2015). State regulation of public and municipal property privatization. Administrative and municipal law, 1, 5–7.
Several decades have passed since the beginning of the process of privatization in Russia, but the disputes are
still taking place about its legitimacy, reasonability and legal consequences. The topic of privatization is becoming even
more important within the discussions of its “second wave”. Privatization today is aimed at reduction of the state role in
market processes, decrease of the state property, and involvement of additional funds into the budget. This article is devoted
to a brief analysis of the problem mentioned. The methodology of the article is based on the general scientific and
the special scientific methods of social processes cognition. The author uses the system-structural, comparative-legal,
historical, logical, and formal-logical approaches. The use of these approaches allowed the author to study the problem
in coherence, consistency, comprehensively and objectively. The importance of this problem consists of the fact that the
modern legal regulation should conform to the changing legal relationship and take into consideration the former mistakes.
But at present the issues of privatization are regulated by the normative acts which had been adopted more than
ten years ago, and the state policy in this sphere practically has not changed.
privatization, legality, state regulation, state property, municipal property, mortgaging auction, competition, monopoly, property management, protection of competition.
Issues of administrative and municipal legal relationship
Pavlyuk A.V. (2015). On the issue of the notion “joint stock company” in Russian law. Administrative and municipal law, 1, 8–17.
The enhancement of legislation, regulating the work of joint stock companies, should be carried out on the
base of regulations, functioning in the states of the European Union; and Russia’s joining the World Trade Organization
and the Eurasian Economic Union dictates the necessity of development and enhancement of administrative-legal status
of joint stock companies. Nowadays there is a necessity of defining of the category of a collective subject of administrative
law, and working out of a system of effective administrative-legal measures of influence on joint stock companies’
activities directly. The methodology of the research is based on the up-to-date achievements of epistemology. The author
uses the general philosophical and theoretical methods (dialectics, the system approach, analysis, synthesis, analogy,
deduction, observation, modeling), the traditional juridical methods (formal-logical), and the methods which are used in
special sociological research (the statistical method, expert evaluations, etc.). The revelation of essential and distinctive
features of joint stock companies as juridical persons, the consideration of typical features of joint stock companies as
juridical persons, the analysis of the existing ways of joint stock companies management and their disadvantages will
allow carrying out a thorough examination of “Administrative-legal regulation of joint stock companies’ activities”. The
process of administrative-legal regulation presupposes the existence of two sides: legal regulation subject and legal
regulation object.
management, society, share, shareholder, status, security, regulation, method, state.
Administrative enforcement
Admiralova I.A. (2015). Legal regulation of methods of persuasion and coercion in the police activities as a means of citizens’
right and freedoms protection. Administrative and municipal law, 1, 18–30.
The article reveals the peculiarities of persuasion as a means of citizen’s rights and freedoms protection, touches
upon the constructive features of persuasion, and the forms of its use by the police. The author outlines the logical
interconnection of administrative persuasion and coercion, proves the necessity of use of these ways of influence in interconnection.
Legal and organizational problems of methods of persuasion and coercion in the police activities are studied.
The article considers the problem of administrative constraint measures legality provision. The methodology of the
research is based on the up-to-date achievements of epistemology. The authors use the general philosophical, theoretical
methods, dialectics, the system approach, analysis, synthesis, analogy, deduction, observation, modeling, the traditional
juridical methods and the methods which are used in special sociological research. In the sphere of internal affairs for
provision of legality and law and order various legal and organizational measures are used, which have different impacts on the participants of relations. The choice of method of public relations regulation depends on their participants’ places
and roles in organization of social reality management, their aims and goals, and legality or illegality of their behavior.
The methods of persuasion and coercion are traditionally used in administrative relations.
persuasion, coercion, constraint, the police, method, influence, the police officer, rights, freedoms, responsibilities.
Administrative enforcement
Tregubova E.V. (2015). Protective function of administrative prohibition in Russian legislation. Administrative and municipal law, 1, 31–36.
It is noted in the article that administrative prohibitions in the mechanism of legal regulation are various, they
can serve as components of legal regulation, promote the protection of human and civic rights and the strengthening of
legality and discipline in the system of public administration, and prevent corruption. In spite of the social importance of
administrative prohibition institution as a protective means in the mechanism of legal regulation, unfortunately, it has
not been evaluated properly yet. Therefore, the importance of the article is undoubted. The subject of the research is
administrative-legal prohibition. Moreover, the article reveals its protective component, which is of a big social importance.
The methodology of the research is based on the up-to-date achievements of epistemology. The author uses the
theoretical and general philosophical methods (dialectics, the system approach, analysis, synthesis, analogy, deduction,
observation, modeling), the traditional juridical methods (formal-logical), and the methods which are used in special
sociological research (the statistical method, expert evaluations, etc.). The urgency of the article can also be explained by
the fact, that the existing situation of public relations protection is conditioned by both objective and subjective circumstances.
Therefore, the analysis of administrative prohibition in the system of legal regulation is important for administrative
legislation enhancement. In conclusion it is noted that the study of administrative prohibition is also important
for the protective function of the state, since administrative prohibitions dialectically correlate with other elements of
law enforcement.
protection, prohibition, constraint, coercion, regulation, state, method, means, personality, function.
Administrative enforcement
Kharitonov A.N. (2015). Legal regulation of combating raider takeovers. Administrative and municipal law, 1, 37–42.
The research subjects are legal and organizational methods of combating raider takeovers. It is noted that this
problem undermines economic security of the Russian Federation, creates problems for the development of Russian business
and industry. The research object is the sphere of social relations which occur in connection with combating raider
takeovers. This article considers penal and administrative-legal means of combating raider takeovers, and the special
attention is paid to the enhancement of law-enforcement bodies activities in the sphere in question. The methodology
of the research is based on the up-to-date achievements of epistemology. The author uses the theoretical, general philosophical
methods, and the methods which are used in special sociological research. The problem in question is being
solved neither in theory, nor in practice. It is noted that in Russia the wide spread practice of raider takeovers, based
on illegal and administrative coercion, is a serious problem of the state level and needs urgent measures of legal and
organizational character. The originality of the research consists of the particular suggestions of anti-raider legislation
raider, raider takeovers, property, takeover, responsibility, coercion, the police, crime, development, Code of administrative offences.
Liability in administrative and municipal law
Lapina M.A., Karpukhin D.V. (2015). Construction of crimes and state coercive measures in administrative and budget legislation. Administrative and municipal law, 1, 43–54.
The development of administrative legislation has led to the formation of detached branches of Russian legislation
– financial, tax, budget, and tariff. Therefore, the corpora delicti of corresponding crimes were included in the
codified legal acts – Budget Code of the Russian Federation, Tax Code (chapter 1). This article is aimed at carrying out of
comparative analysis of regulations, introducing juridical responsibility for offences in budget sphere, provided by Code
of Administrative Offences and Budget Code of the Russian Federation; and at formulation of particular ways of state coercive
measures regulation as they are provided by the existing legislation. The methodology of the research is based on
the up-to-date achievements of epistemology. The authors use the general philosophical, theoretical methods, dialectics,
the system approach, analysis, synthesis, analogy, deduction, observation, modeling, the traditional juridical methods
(formal-logical), and the methods which are used in special sociological research (the statistical method, expert evaluations,
etc.). The authors of the article fully share the point of view that has formed in Russian science of administrative
law about the administrative legal nature of budget enforcement measures, which are applied by “financial institutions and institutions of the Federal Treasury (their officials) on the grounds of notification about budget enforcement measures
application by the body of state (municipal) financial control” (art. 306.2 part 1 BC of the Russian Federation). Study
of the problem of correlation of budget and administrative enforcement measures seems to be of a big importance. Budget
enforcement measures are provided by part 2 article 306.2 of Budget Code of the Russian Federation.
corpus delicti, responsibility, enforcement, sanction, constraint, administration, prohibition, finances, object.
Law-enforcement legislation
Bukalerova L.A., Teplova D.O. (2015). Penal and administrative-legal measures of combating fraud. Administrative and municipal law, 1, 55–63.
The article is devoted to criminological research of organized fraud. The functional, system, social and economic
analyses, widely used today, are very important for the study of this kind of organized crime, but the authors
conclude, that criminological research should not be substituted by these methods. The authors suppose that the evaluation
of organized crime through the complex of group crimes can’t be considered appropriate. In this case organized
crime loses its distinctness and turns into some kind of a “drain”, where all the crimes committed by organized groups of
people concentrate. When using this approach it is hard to define the essential features of organized criminal activity.
Though the article gives preference to the criminological approach to organized crime study, the authors also consider
its disadvantages lying in “axiologization” and “demonization” of organized crime. On the base of the comparative-legal
method the authors analyze a wide range of archive materials, scientific literature, materials of Mass Media. The use
of the formal-juridical method helped in formulating of authors’ definitions. The authors also use the statistical method
of organized crime research. The most comprehensive and substantial approach is the criminological approach to organized
crime defining. Depending on the amount of analysis criteria, the narrow and the wide meanings can be defined.
While the wide meaning covers the activity of stable organized groups and criminal communities, the narrow one covers
only criminal communities. The need for generalization and systematization of knowledge about various types of organized
crime doesn’t allow limitation of its sphere only to criminal communities’ activities, or to the complex of crimes
committed by them. In the considered context organized fraud correlates with organized crime as a part and the whole.
organized fraud, criminology, combating, crime, dynamics, prevention, community, abuse.
Law-enforcement legislation
Kurakin A.V. (2015). On the issue of the Russian police legal status and the problems of its application in administrative
activity. Administrative and municipal law, 1, 64–75.
It is noted in the article that in the process of their activity the bodies of Internal Affairs (the police) execute a
wide range of administrative functions, entering into special jural relations with citizens, state and public organizations and
their officials. The article reveals the character of administrative functions realized by the Internal Affairs bodies. The article
offers the classification of rights and responsibilities of the police, which gives the opportunity to reveal the essence and
the contents of their activities; on the base of the research the author formulates suggestions of the mechanism of rights
and responsibilities of the police execution. The methodology of the research is based on the up-to-date achievements of
epistemology. The author uses the general theoretical and philosophical methods (dialectics, the system approach, analysis,
synthesis, analogy, deduction, observation, modeling), the traditional juridical methods (formal-logical), and the methods
which are used in special sociological research (the statistical method, expert evaluations, etc.). It is noted in the article
that among the competencies of the police are: protection of personality, society, and state from illegal entrenchments;
prevention and constraint of crimes and administrative offences; proceedings of administrative offences cases; execution of
administrative punishment; provision of law and order in public places; provision of road safety, etc.
the police, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, status, rights, responsibilities, realization, the Internal Affairs bodies, force, coercion, law and order.
Law-enforcement legislation
Grishkovets A.A. (2015). Government service in the Internal Affairs bodies of the Kyrgyz Republic. Administrative and municipal law, 1, 76–88.
The research subjects are legal and organizational problems of formation and realization of legislation in the
sphere of government service in the Internal Affairs bodies of the Kyrgyz Republic. The research object is the complex
of social relations, which are regulated by norms of administrative law, which emerge in the sphere of Internal Affairs.
The author considers the basic elements of the government service institution which functions in the bodies of Internal
Affairs of the Kyrgyz Republic, and pays attention to combating corruption. The article also touches upon the problem of
work with human resources in the Internal Affairs bodies, and the problem of favouritism eradication in the government
service system of the Internal Affairs bodies. The methodology of the research is based on the up-to-date achievements
of epistemology. The author uses the general philosophical and theoretical methods (dialectics, the system approach, analysis, synthesis, analogy, deduction, observation, modeling), the traditional juridical methods, and the methods
which are used in special sociological research. The author concludes that the legal grounds of the government service
in the Internal Affairs bodies of the Kyrgyz Republic are closely connected with the corresponding legal grounds which
have been formed in the Russian Federation in the sphere of this kind of government service. The author is the first who
considers this kind of government service in this country. The article can serve as a base for a more thorough research of
government service of the CIS member-states.
service, Kyrgyz Republic, the police, management, officer, official, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, sphere, corruption, regulation.
Administrative process and procedure
Berlizov M.P. (2015). The problems of administrative procedure of the legislation in the sphere of cultural heritage objects
application (Krasnodarskiy kray case study). Administrative and municipal law, 1, 89–96.
The author analyzes the administrative proceedings of public authorities in the sphere of cultural heritage in
some particular cases (harmonization of projects, licensure of preservation works, carrying out historical-cultural expertise,
organization of state protection) and the procedure of appeal against these proceedings. The article reveals the
essential problems of the process of appeal (legal expertise), of the legislation in the sphere of cultural heritage objects
(relating to regulation of particular actions), of the competencies of the authorized bodies (including the abuse of authority).
The author uses the general scientific methods: from the abstract to the concrete, induction, deduction, analysis,
synthesis, the comparative-legal method, the system approach. The scientific originality is based on the very formulation
of the problem in this sphere, in carrying out of the comparative analysis of the existing legislation and the judicial and
administrative practice of this legislation application and in the solutions suggested: the necessity of legal expertise in
such cases, the prohibition of substitution of the authorized body by the court, the shortening of the list of “discretionary”
authorities of a public body, and of the legislative support of some terms.
cultural heritage object, appeal, administrative procedure, discretionary authorities, corruption factor, historical- cultural expertise, preservation works, inclusion in the list, subject of protection, restrictions/burdens.
Administrative law, municipal law and other branches of law
Belova M.A., Rustamov N.E. (2015). Legal measures of combating extremism according to Russian law. Administrative and municipal law, 1, 97–102.
The article is devoted to the study of extremist motives as a constructive feature of the offences against the
person. The authors suggest enhancement of the legislation and qualification of these offences. There is no common approach
in the juridical practice to understanding of terms “hostility” and “hatred”, though the authors note that these
terms are used in Russian legislation as synonyms. “Hostility” is usually defined in the Russian language as relationships
and actions full of aversion, hatred – the filling of a strong hostility, anger. The authors prove that the notion “hostility”
is broader that the notion “hatred” and includes some other feelings. In their research work the authors used the complex
of the general scientific and special methods of social and legal reality cognition. The methodological base includes
the dialectic method with its distinctive requirements of objectivity, universality, historicity, objectivity of truth. Among
the general scientific methods the authors used the methods of analysis, synthesis, comparison, and measurement. As
a special scientific method the authors used the comparative legal method. The originality of the research is based on
the attempt to reveal the essence of the notion “social group”, the absence of which complicates law-enforcement and
impedes practice unification. A high social danger of homicide motivated by hostility or hatred for a social group occurs
only if a social group which a victim belongs to is united by national, racial or religious features.
extremism, terrorism, prevention, combating, violence, law, Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, punishment, influence, coercion.
Public service, municipal service and issues in the fight against corruption
Krasnousov S.D. (2015). On the issue of formation of a system of bans, restrictions and responsibilities aimed at combating
corruption. Administrative and municipal law, 1, 103–106.
The Decree of the President of Russia of 11.04.2014 ¹226 “On the National Plan of Combating Corruption
for 2014 – 2015” formed the topical problems of scientific research for 2014 – 2015 years. One of them is a formation
of a system of bans, restrictions and responsibilities, also in relation to commercial organizations, aimed at combating
corruption. From the viewpoint of security measures this article considers the anti-corruption restrictions imposed on a
former commercial organization employee who continued in a government body. The author uses the general scientific and the special methods of cognition: analysis, synthesis, modeling, the formal-logical method, the system-structural
method, and the statistical and sociological methods. According to the existing legislation there can appear a situation
when a manager of a commercial or another organization, which has been noticed using the corruption methods (the
very organization, or its employees have been mage answerable for corruption offences), can without any restrictions
apply for an executive position in a state or municipal authority. It is supposed that public service doesn’t change person’s
behavior or code of conduct. In this case the state as an employer, having received the information about the previous
offences or illegal activities of a job applicant, should have the guarantees of honesty of the applicant on a public service.
At the moment in order to prevent getting jobs by dishonest persons the employer can use the institution of the manager’s
responsibility for the organization’s actions. It is suggested amending the Law on Combating Corruption with the
article 12.6 “Restrictions imposed on a person getting job in a state or a municipal service who had worked as a manager
in a commercial or a non-commercial organization which was made accountable for corruption offences”.
prevention on organizations, combating corruption, organization manager, public service, municipal service, security measures, system of restrictions, the Decree of the President of Russia of 2014 – 2015, private sector, responsibility of organization manager.
Public service, municipal service and issues in the fight against corruption
Bakhtina M.S. (2015). On the issue of the principles of anti-corruption expertise of normative legal acts and their projects. Administrative and municipal law, 1, 107–113.
The article considers the basic principles of anti-corruption expertise of normative legal acts, their essence and
the problems of application. The article analyzes the difficulties with specification of education and competency requirements
of the professionals carrying out the anti-corruption expertise of legal acts, and evaluation of a normative legal
act in its connection with other normative acts. The author considers the requirement of sufficiency, objectivity and verifiability
of anti-corruption expertise results. The article raises a problem of possibility of cooperation between independent
experts and public authorities during anti-corruption expertise carrying out. The article studies the problems of application
of anti-corruption expertise principles application, and offers the ways of solution. The author uses the method of
textual analysis of legislative enactments, the dialectical-materialistic method of scientific cognition, the methods of
social-legal research (the comparative legal method), and the formal logical method. The author concludes that the
principles of anti-corruption expertise should regulate anti-corruption expertise carrying out, set the frameworks and the
character of functioning for the developers of normative acts and the experts. The conclusions made will facilitate the
development of anti-corruption policy.
anti-corruption expertise, normative legal acts, principles of carrying out, obligatoriness, sufficiency, objectivity, verifiability, independent experts, cooperation, bodies of executive power.
Administrative law, municipal law and the institutions of civil society
Filatova E.V. (2015). The enhancement of mechanism of normative legal acts in banking expertise. Administrative and municipal law, 1, 114–119.
The problem of normative legal acts improvement is urgent for every sphere of a modern law-making. It entirely
concerns the regulation of Russian lending organizations. One of key ways of this problem solution is the enhancement
of expertise of legal and normative acts projects. At the same time the types of normative legal acts expertise which
are being used today, are solely the kinds of a state expertise. In relation to bank legislation, in our opinion, they should
be supplemented with a very important institution of a public expertise. In this article the author uses the institutional
approach to the analysis of a public expertise essence. Within the limits of this approach the author uses the methods of
the comparative, structural, and system analysis. The author concludes that the most proficient institutes which are able
to carry out the public expertise of normative legal acts in the bank sphere are the Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation
and the Interregional Banking Board at the Council of Federation of the Russian Federation. The author formulates
the set of proposals for development of the institute of pubic expertise of normative legal acts in the bank sphere.
legal expertise, bank legislation, public expertise, the Central Bank, expertise mechanism, normative legal acts, lending organizations, subjects of economic activity, legal regulation, the quality of legal regulations.