Administrative law, municipal law and security
Zholobova, G.A. (2014). Mechanism for the legal regulation of the trade of toxic and drastic substances in the Russian Empire in 1881–1913. Administrative and municipal law, 3, 201–211.
The article discusses actual historical problems of the legislation of the Russian Empire regarding regulation
of the relations in the sphere of trade of toxic and drastic substances in late XIX — early XX centuries. The author shows
the formation of the mechanism for the legal regulation, which was aimed to promote the organization of trade, as
well as to provide for the due supervision in order to guarantee state security and public welfare. The author reveals
existing difficulties and contradictions, analyzes the problems and specific features of implementation of relevant legal
rules. The author paid special attention to the problems of legislative regulation of the organization of trade in the
azotic acid. Special attention to azotic acid was due to the strengthening of the terrorist activities in the Empire and
the use of the azotic acid for making the explosives. Based upon the analysis of normative legal acts provided in the
Complete Collection of Laws of the Russian Empire and the norms of the Code of Laws of the Russian Empire, as well
as some newly found archive documents, which are being introduced into the scientific turnover for the first time, the
author studies the mechanism of the legal regulation in the relevant spheres at all of its stages.
poisonous, drastic substances, azotic acid, apothecary, apothecary store, the Code of Laws, rules, trade, sellers, certificate, police, supervision, responsibility, Pharmaceutical Charter.
Administrative and municipal law: forms and methods of implementation (practice)
Kalinin, G.I. (2014). State veterinary supervision over compliance with the requirements of the technical regulations. Administrative and municipal law, 3, 212–218.
The object of studies in this article concerns the issues of correlation between the technical regulation and
state veterinary supervision. Art. 14.43 of the Administrative Offences Code of the Russian Federation may serve as
an efficient instrument in order to intercept the violations of the current veterinary legislation, however, there are
problems with its application in the veterinary sphere. Many technical regulations in the veterinary sphere are not
yet adopted. There is not distinction between regional and federal supervision in this sphere. There are contradictions
in the normative documents, defining the competence of supervisory bodies. Limiting the state super vision to the
competence in the sphere of supervision over the compliance with technical regulations considerably narrows the
scope of supervision, leaving a number of veterinary objects unsupervised. The process of study involved the following
general scientific methods: dialectic, historical, analysis, synthesis, deduction, induction. In the process of work
the author also applied the specific scientific methods, such as historical legal studies, comparative legal studies,
systemic structural studies, systemic analysis. The scientific novelty of the article is due to the fact that the issues
of state veterinary supervision over compliance with technical regulation were not previously studied. The article
contains conclusions providing that the normative legal acts on the issues of application of technical regulations in
the veterinary sphere require amendments, and the scope of judicial practice in this sphere should be widened. The
state veterinary supervision over compliance with the requirements of technical regulations should be implemented,
however supervision should not be limited only to it. Supervision should also include the compliance with veterinary
norms and rules. The Provision on State Veterinary Supervision of 2013 requires significant amendments and the
veterinary control activity should be regulated in more detail, while the list of necessary events should be broadened.
veterinary, supervision, offence, requirements, rules, regulations, turnover, security, competence, control.
Administrative enforcement
Garaev, A.A. (2014). Guarantees of lawfulness when disposing of the withheld goods. Administrative and municipal law, 3, 219–224.
The article concerns the situation when unclaimed goods appear at the temporary keeping warehouses in
the process of customs control and possible legal means for their disposal. One of the options for disposal of such
goods is withholding them and their later sale without judicial sanctions. These norms exist in the legislation for several years by now, however, they are not applied due to the inconsistencies in the positions of various government
bodies. The author evaluates the positions of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation and
the Federal Customs Service of Russia on this issue. The author also provides critical analysis of the positions of the
opponents of the non-judicial disposal of the withheld property. It is stated that this position does not take into
account both international and national legislation. It uses the norms of the Constitution of the Russian Federation
selectively and with no reference to its other norms, thus providing the ground for the abuse of proprietary right,
and giving it absolute priority. The work contains the references to the positions of opponents and supporters of
sale and destruction of withheld goods. Taking into account the fact that the article mostly provides the positions of
the opponents of the disposal of withheld goods, the author provides analysis of the weak points in such positions.
In addition to criticism the article contains legal substantiation for the norms established by law, and the analysis
of practical problems arising in their implementation. The detailed analysis of the issues concerning disposal of the
withheld goods takes place for the first time. The author shows the ambiguity of sale and destruction of withheld goods
without the sanction of a court. However, the author of the article does not support the position that these norms are
unconstitutional and provides the grounds for this position. The article also reflects legal gaps in the procedure for the
sale of withheld goods. The author also gives propositions for the possible solutions of this dispute, including possible
participation of the prosecutors.
withheld goods, non-judicial sale, lawfulness, customs bodies, prosecution bodies, recognizing goods as being without an owner; destruction, disposal, sanction of a court, proprietary right.
Liability in administrative and municipal law
Serov, A.S. (2014). Administrative procedural guarantees of participants in the proceedings in the administrative offence cases. Administrative and municipal law, 3, 225–233.
The study of administrative legal position of the participants in the administrative offences cases shows that
the problem of guarantees of rights and lawful interests of a person in the proceedings on administrative offences
cases has several main aspects regarding the proceedings on the cases of administrative offences; application of
administrative coercion measures in general, activities of the state regarding guarantees of rights and lawful interests
of the state in the administrative law sphere. In the Russian Federation the system of state protection of human rights
and basic freedoms is established and it included the rights and freedoms of a victim of an administrative offence.
In the process of development of administrative legislation the activities of state bodies and officials implementing
proceedings on administrative offence cases there was shift from the principle of protection of rights and interests of
the state, society and individual. The methodological basis for the work was formed by the modern achievements of
the cognitive theory. In the process of studies the author used general philosophical, theoretical and empiric methods
(dialectics, systemic method, analysis, synthesis, analogy, deduction, observation, modeling), traditional legal
methods ( formal logic method), and methods typical for specific sociological studies (statistical, expert evaluation,
etc.). The legal position of the participants of the proceedings on the administrative offences cases is characterized by
a complex of rights and obligations, which are based upon the constitutional rights and obligations of an individual,
having its own specificities, additional rights and obligations. Additionally, the legal position of the participants of the
administrative offence cases includes legal responsibility, which takes place in cases of non-performance or undue
performance of their obligations.
guarantee, process, participant, status, regulation, coercion, organization, proceedings, stage, person.
Liability in administrative and municipal law
Konstantinova, L.V. (2014). Improvement of the legal regulation of the proceedings on administrative offence cases within the competence of
the customs bodies within the framework of the functioning Customs Union. Administrative and municipal law, 3, 234–240.
The article concerns topical issues regarding proceedings on administrative offence cases within the
competence of the customs bodies within the framework of the functioning Customs Union. The author analyzes the
administrative legislation of the Member States of the Customs Union regarding violation of customs rules in the
sphere of procedure for initiation of cases on failure to deliver the goods. It is noted that the Administrative Offences
Code of the Russian Federation establishes responsibility for the failure to deliver the goods carried in accordance with
the customs transit no matter what customs body defines the place of delivery and whether the place where the goods
should be delivered to is situated in the territory of the Russian Federation or in the territory of the Party. However,
since the Republic of Belarus and the Republic of Kazakhstan still did not take measures for the unification of their administrative legislation, it forms prerequisites for the situations when persons, who have committed violations of
the requirements of the customs legislation of the Customs Union of the Russian Federation may avoid responsibility
and have the sustainable schemes for avoiding payment of the customs fees.
unification of legislation, delivery of goods, carrier, the Customs Union, administrative offences, customs transit, administrative responsibility, legal regulation, customs bodies, transit.
Management law
Kudryavtsev, V.V. (2014). On some issues regarding constitutional legal regulation of the right of citizens and their associations to take part
in the formation of the representative bodies of municipal units in the Russian Federation. Administrative and municipal law, 3, 241–246.
The object of studies concerns some tendencies and novelties in the Russian legislation concerning the
changes in the process of formation of city and municipal districts in Russia and participation of the citizens of
the Russian Federation and their associations in this procedure, as well as their influence on the right of the local
population to take part in the formation of the municipal government bodies, which, in turn, is a crucial element of
the right to take part in the implementation of the local self-government. The author studies the dynamics and the
logical chain of the latest changes in the legislation in this sphere, then he analyzes the various points of view on
the topical issues and the practice of application of the federal legislative rules in the sphere of municipal elections
from the standpoint of the right to participate in the formation of the municipal self-government bodies. The study
involved special legal cognition methods. In particular, the author applies the formal legal method which allows
to reveal the procedure of application and use of the constitutional legal basis, regulating the procedure for the
formation of the municipal bodies in Russia, as well as to define legal terms regarding participation of the local
population in the formation of municipal government bodies and to classify the types of formation of the municipal
bodies. The author uses the method of legal interpretation, which is used for the independent interpretation of the
nature of constitutional legal norms regarding the methods for the formation of the municipal bodies. The latest
changes in the federal legislation concerning the changes in the procedure for the formation of representative
bodies of municipal units have not been objects of complex analysis in legal science prior to this article. The author
analyzes these changes within the framework of the prior legislative tendencies and novelties in this sphere. He
formulates the conclusion on the need to correlated the relevant legal institutions and the principles of supremacy,
especially pointing out a number of constitutional principles of municipal self-government according to which the
conclusions are made on the need to form a necessary legal policy in the issues of the right of citizens to take part
in the formation of the representative bodies. The author makes proposals regarding strengthening of the process
of formation of these municipal self-government bodies.
local self-government, local government, local population, citizens, non-governmental associations, political parties, municipal elections, representative bodies, election system, municipal entity.
Management law
Dzhagaryan, N.V. (2014). Specific features of the constitutional nature of the municipal self-government as the sphere of implementation of
the representative democracy institutions. Administrative and municipal law, 3, 247–258.
The article provides systemic complex analysis of the constitutional nature of municipal self-government,
which is rooted in the current Constitution of the Russian Federation and its interpretation within the practice of
constitutional justice. Based on this approach the author views the topical issues regarding the existing difficulties
and specificities regarding correlations between the forms (institutions) of the direct (immediate) democracy and
representative (mediated) democracy. The goal of the study is to substantiate the non-severable connection of direct
public and professional representative elements in the conditions of the municipal self-government, which are united
by the very nature of the relations in the sphere of public territorial self-organization of the population. According
to this approach the author shows specific features of the municipal representative democracy as an offspring and
a necessary form of support of municipal self-government, formulating the author’s definition of this concept. The
methodology of studies of the author is defined by the constitutional concept of municipal self-government as a dialectic
unity of power and freedom of the local community, Hence, there is a need and an opportunity for the individualization
of the municipal representative democracy in correlation with the other public representation institutions, while
still regarding it a continuation and a guarantee of implementation of a direct municipal democracy. The article
singles out basic substantial characteristics of the municipal democracy in its differentiation and correlation with the public democracy institutions. It is substantiated that while the principle of combination of direct and representative
democracy is typical for the people’s rule relations in general, its manifestation in municipal self-government is rather
special in its qualities. In particular, it provides for the considerable immersion of direct democracy into the municipal
representation system, formation of various combined (direct representative) institutions, such as territorial public
people’s rule, self-government, direct democracy, representative democracy, crisis of democracy, municipal self-government, public power, municipal freedom, municipal democracy, representative democracy.
Law-enforcement legislation
Kurakin, A.V. (2014). Administrative jurisdictional activities of the police: theoretical issues. Administrative and municipal law, 3, 259–271.
The article concerns theoretical issues of administrative jurisdictional activities of the police, revealing its
specific features, object and mechanism of its implementation. The article concerns jurisdictional activities of the
police in its narrow interpretation, and it mostly concerns the proceedings on administrative offence cases in the police
bodies. Additionally, the article provides for the definition and characteristics of elements of the administrative offence,
with its analysis regarding its application in police activities. The article also discusses the constituent elements of an
administrative offence, its subjective and objective elements. Based on the above-mentioned matters the author makes
proposals for the improvement of organization and implementation of the proceedings on administrative offences
case in police bodies. The methodological basis for the work was formed by the modern achievements of the cognitive
theory. In the process of studies the author used general philosophical, theoretical and empiric methods (dialectics,
systemic method, analysis, synthesis, analogy, deduction, observation, modeling), traditional legal methods ( formal
logic method), and methods typical for specific sociological studies (statistical, expert evaluation, etc.). Administrative
jurisdictional activities of the internal affairs bodies is a constituent part of administrative, or to put it more exactly,
administrative procedural activities of the internal affairs bodies. The administrative jurisdiction plays an important
role within the contents of administrative activities of the internal affairs bodies.
These activities are varied and complicated and its law-enforcement potential is aimed at the protection of rights and
freedoms of persons, guarantees of rule of law in the sphere of internal affairs. In the course of these activities, the
legislation on administrative offences is being implemented.
police, jurisdiction, proceedings, control, process, stage, participant, elements, offence, responsibility.
Administrative law and local self-government
Belyaeva, G.S. (2014). On the issue of definition of legal regime. Administrative and municipal law, 3, 272–285.
The article provides for the existing scientific legal approaches towards the definition of “legal regime”,
allowing for the formation of an unified definition. The author studies the etymology of the term “regime”, its evolution
from the formation of this category in the works of the philosophers of the Antiquity to its further development in the
works of foreign and Russian scientists. The author establishes and provides characteristics of the specific elements
of the legal regime: obligatory normative legal provision; specific goal, special procedure of regulation; formation of
favorable (non-favorable) conditions for the realization of the interests of the legal subjects; systemic and complex
character; specific structure of legal regime. In the process of studies the author used general scientific means and
methods of logical cognition (analysis, synthesis, abstraction, modeling, systemic structural, functional and formal
logical approaches). The complex theoretical and a applied interdisciplinary approach towards the studies of legal
regimes required the need for the systemic method, and within its framework the author implemented integration
of the theoretical abstract provisions enshrined in the current legislation, empirical materials, legislative and lawenforcement
practices. This article is of general theoretical conceptual character, it is a complex interdisciplinary study,
which is aimed at the development of the general theory of legal regime and at the improvement of its efficiency.
In the process of writing this article the author provides comparative analysis of scientific approaches towards
understanding of nature and contents of the “legal regime” category, and based on the above the author develops and
provides an unified definition of a legal regime, then she singles out and characterizes the specific features, allowing
for the interpretation of the legal regime as an independent legal category.
regime, legal regime, definition of legal regime, characteristic features of legal regime, goal of the legal regime, structure of legal regime, legal means, procedure of legal regulation, permissions, prohibitions.
Administrative law, municipal law and human rights
Shagara, G.V. (2014). The problems of implementation of constitutional right of citizens for the secrecy of phone conversations and other
messages. Administrative and municipal law, 3, 286–293.
The article discusses specific features of implementation of the constitutional right to the secret of phone
conversations and other messages at the current stage of social development. It is noted in the article that the
independency and value of the constitutional right of every person for the secrecy of phone conversation as a
guarantee of basic fundamental rights has special value. The article notes the approach of the legislator, who made
this guarantee a constitutional one, and this guarantee along with others plays an important role in the legal status of
individual and citizen of the Russian Federation, relations of citizens and state at the current stage of development of
the Russian society. The article also points out one matter, which is of significant value in the sphere of implementation
of the right to secrecy of phone conversations. The methodological basis for the work was formed by the modern
achievements of the cognitive theory. In the process of studies the author used general philosophical, theoretical
and empiric methods (dialectics, systemic method, analysis, synthesis, analogy, deduction, observation, modeling),
traditional legal methods ( formal logic method), and methods typical for specific sociological studies (statistical,
expert evaluation, etc.). The international legal acts and the Constitution of the Russian Federation alike regard the
right to the secrecy of the phone conversation as an absolute right. It is noted in the article that according to the
international legal documents this right may be limited on a number of legislatively defined conditions. However,
these acts do not define what these conditions are. They were regulated in more detail in the law of the European
Union, providing for the right to respect to correspondence. Based upon the analysis of the Art. 23 of the Constitution
of the Russian Federation it follows that the tight to the secrecy of phone conversations is a constituent element of
inviolability of private life, personal and family secrecy, protection of dignity and good reputation.
secret, telephone, information, data, person, individual, protection, Constitution, secret, guarding.
Reviews and bibliography
Kurakin, A.V., Kostennikov, M.V. (2014). New book on state civil service. Review on the study manual by A.A. Grishkovets “State Civil Service”, Moscow,
Delo i Servis, 2014 — 624 p. Administrative and municipal law, 3, 294–298.
It is pointed out in the review that there are rather many various publications are devoted to the problems
of state service in general and state civil service in particular. These publications include manuals, teaching materials,
monographs and PhD theses. The published scientific works and teaching manuals concern various aspects of state
service relations, and the institution of the state service is studied by the legal scholars working in various spheres.
However, in spite of the interdisciplinary approach towards the studies of state service relations, the institution of
state service is studied in most detail within the framework of the science of administrative law. The methodological
basis for the work was formed by the modern achievements of the cognitive theory. In the process of studies the
author used general philosophical, theoretical and empiric methods (dialectics, systemic method, analysis, synthesis,
analogy, deduction, observation, modeling), traditional legal methods ( formal logic method), and methods typical for
specific sociological studies (statistical, expert evaluation, etc.). The legal scholars specializing in administrative law
consider state service to be one of the key issues in teaching administrative law.
service, servant, official, review, reform, efficiency, system, success, corruption, regulation.
Reviews and bibliography
Soloviev, A.A. (2014). One should not diminish the value of administrative process. Review of the monograph by M.A. Lapina “Administrative
jurisdiction within the system of administrative process”, Moscow, Finansovyi Universitet, 2013, — 140 p. Administrative and municipal law, 3, 299–302.
It is noted in the review that today there is no need for the folios based upon numerous quotations or retelling
and paraphrasing of the norms of administrative legislation Currently there is a great need for the new generation
of manuals, which would allow for the conceptual evaluation (and in some respect re-evaluation) and fundamental
understanding of administrative law and administrative process, for the systemic interpretation of the main terms
within this science at a higher (greater than general) degree of scientific quality.
process, proceedings, jurisdiction, procedure, control, regulation, power, competence, stage, principle.