Administrative law, municipal law and human rights
Olimpiev, A.Y., Admiralova, I.A. (2013). Role of the OSCE in improving
the mechanism for fighting human trafficking
at the international level. Administrative and municipal law, 5, 401–403.
The author discusses functions and goals of the OSCE regarding prevention of human trafficking crime at
an international level. The author studies the measures of the Bureau, the Special Representative and Coordinator,
which are applied to prevent human trafficking.
organization, security, cooperation, Europe, trafficking, human, state, member, Bureau, representative, coordinator, science, unions, plan, action, the OSCE.
Executive authorities and the civil society
Grudtsyna, L.Y (2013). Development of the civil society withi
the aspect of convergence of private law
and public law sources
of the Russian law. Administrative and municipal law, 5, 404–409.
Existence and development of the civil society is not possible outside a complicated system of social relation
and without participation (direct or indirect) by the state, in particular by issuing and application of norms of private
and public law. Also, the political system of the state influences the civil society, and the models of social development
are dependent upon the current quality of political system.
state administration, civil society, private law, public law, state, human rights, business, economics, law.
Issues of administrative and municipal legal relationship
Adarchenko, E.O. (2013). Administrative legal personality
of legal entities in public law. Administrative and municipal law, 5, 410–414.
The article is devoted to the specific features of administrative legal personality as one of the key elements
of a public law legal entity. The author provides reasons for a new law on public law legal entities, which shall enshrine
rights, obligations and responsibilities of such entities. The public law legal entities should be recognized as
collective subjects of administrative law, having certain powers.
public law legal entity, administrative legal personality, legal capacity, dispositive capacity, guilt, state bodies, state corporations, state.
Issues of administrative and municipal legal relationship
Tretyakova, S.B. (2013). Self-regulated organization
as a special subject of law. Administrative and municipal law, 5, 415–420.
The article is devoted to the specific features of legal status of self-regulated organizations. Topicality of
this issue is due to its controversial character and lack of its studies in the theory of law. The author analyzes the
Russian legislation on self-regulated organizations, as well as the views of legal scholars. Additionally, the article
defines social and legal nature of self-regulated organizations their public and private law elements, their legal
capacity and powers. Based on these studies, the author comes to a conclusion on dual (mixed) character of their
legal status.
self-regulated organization, non-commercial organization, legal personality, competence, powers, collective subjects, legal entity, regulation, private interest, public interest, legal nature, legal status.
Administrative law, municipal law and security
Vinokurov, Y.E. (2013). Security in the professional activities
of a lawyer. Administrative and municipal law, 5, 421–423.
The article includes an attempt to introduce a term “professional security” as one of the types of security
in human activities. It is pointed out that lack of professionalism or anti-social views and positions of lawyers may
be dangerous for the people, society and state. The author also discusses the possible ways of prevention of such
lawyer, security, danger, professional quality, security of professional activity.
Management law
Vinokurov, A.Y. (2013). The object of prosecutor supervision over
the implementation of laws
and the Art. 77 of the Federal Law
“On the general principles of organization
of municipal self-government
in the Russian Federation”. Administrative and municipal law, 5, 424–430.
In this article the author based upon analysis of the provisions of the Federal Laws “On Prosecution in
the Russian Federation” and “On the general principles of organization of municipal self-government in the Russian
Federation” attempts to provide grounds for the prosecutor supervision over the implementation of the charters of
municipal units and municipal acts by the municipal bodies and their officials. He offers to amend the provisions of
federal legislation in order to specify the object of supervision over implementation of laws.
prosecutor, prosecution bodies, prosecutor supervisions, supervision over implementation of laws, object of supervision, municipal bodies, charter of a municipal unit, municipal legal acts.
Management law
Kostennikov, M.V., Kurakin, A.V., Pavlyuk, A.V. (2013). On the issue of definition
and methods of state administratio
in the administrative law. Administrative and municipal law, 5, 430–439.
The article is devoted to the problem of state administration. The authors analyze various points of view on
this category, and make a conclusion that state administration includes great variety, the quality of administrative
activity is defined by the methods of administrative legal regulation. Due to this fact, their improvement may considerably
improve the regime of state administration. Additionally, the article includes analysis of state administration
functions, which define its strategic directions.
administration, method, control, means, state, law, competence, subject, participant, government.
Management law
Schekochikhin, P.A. (2013). Notariate within the system
of public administration:
on the issue of its place and role. Administrative and municipal law, 5, 439–443.
The article includes analysis of place and role of notaries within the system of state and social administration.
The author studies the key criteria for the classification of notary systems in the world, and based on these
studies, he offers his own view of the issue in question. He formulates the key directions for the modernization of the
Russian notary system and the perspectives of its development.
notaries, system, protection, administration, place, model, notary, type, act, written document, fact.
Public service, municipal service and issues in the fight against corruption
Kabanov, P.A. (2013). Legal regulation of organization
and implementation
of anti-corruption monitoring
at the municipal level. Administrative and municipal law, 5, 444–450.
The article includes the results of the study of experience of legal regulation of organization and implementation
of anti-corruption monitoring in the constituent subjects of the Russian Federation. The author provides
comparative legal characteristics of the municipal anti-corruption monitoring, he shows the typical shortcomings
of legal regulation, including lack of uniformity in legal regulation of organization and implementation of municipal
anti-corruption monitoring in the municipal units, as well as measures for its improvement, such as development
of the model municipal normative legal act, which would provide for the procedural and technological bases for its
organization and implementation.
Corruption, fighting corruption, monitoring, anti-corruption monitoring, corruption monitoring, causes for corruption, monitoring order, monitoring methods, monitoring rules.
Public service, municipal service and issues in the fight against corruption
Shurukhnova, D.N. (2013). Control over financial status
as an anti-corruption measure. Administrative and municipal law, 5, 451–455.
The article is devoted to the state anti-corruption measures regarding control over the financial and property
status of state officials, and persons holding state office. The author analyzes the history of formation and development
of such measures in the current legislation. The author also analyzes the normative acts, which provide for
the control over the property and financial situation of state officials and other persons. The author shows the key
tendencies in the normative regulation in this sphere, establishes the influence of international law on the formation
of the Russian domestic legislation in the sphere of fighting corruption.
jurisprudence, corruption, fighting, prevention, state official, control, income, property, declaration, spending.
Administrative and municipal law: business, economy, finance
Zholobova, G.A. (2013). The problem of guaranteeing quality
of the marketable surplus of grain within
the mechanism of legal regulation
of the Russian trade in late XIX –
early XX centuries. Administrative and municipal law, 5, 456–464.
The article deals with the topical issues of organization of trade of surplus of grain in the 2nd half of XIX and
early XX centuries within the historical aspect of Russian reality. The studies of archive documents and analysis of
normative legal acts of the Russian Empire of 1881-1913 allowed the author to uncover the historical specific features
of the Russian mechanism for the regulation of grain and bread trade, which was aimed to ensure the quality of
bread. The author showed that inefficiency of existing market solutions caused the greater degree of state intervention
into the bread trade.
trade, export, bread, grain, classification, sorting, quality, price, stock exchange, control, middleman, commissioner, producer.
Debatable issues in administrative and municipal law
Vinnitsky, A.V. (2013). Doctrine of public property
in the administrative law of France. Administrative and municipal law, 5, 465–474.
The article is devoted to the genesis and key provisions of the doctrine of public property in France, including
subject, objects and contents of the public property law, and classification of public domains and forms of their
usage. The author states that regulation of the relations in this sphere should be viewed as a prerogative for the
administrative law.
public property, public domains, public estate, French law, res publicae.
Administrative and municipal law: forms and methods of implementation (practice)
Agamagomedova, S.A. (2013). Customs control after
the release of goods within
the guarantee framework. Administrative and municipal law, 5, 475–481.
Currently the value of the customs control after the release of goods is growing. The article is devoted
to some aspects of post-release control within the framework of implementation of copyright protection function by
the customs bodies. Topical issues include limited amount of administrative sanctions based upon the post-release
control of goods, including copyrighted objects, as well as length of such control period.
The Federal Customs Service of Russia, copyright, administrative offences, customs control, factual control, stopping the issuance, confiscation, control period.
Administrative law, municipal law and other branches of law
Glushkov, A.I. (2013). Role of the prosecutor in the guarantees
of the adversarial principle
at the pre-trial stages
of criminal process. Administrative and municipal law, 5, 482–485.
The article concerns theoretical an legal issues regarding procedural competence of a prosecutor in the
sphere of guarantees of the adversarial principle among the parties at the pre-trial stages of criminal judicial procedure,
as well as in the sphere of guarantees of protection of individuals from the unlawful and ungrounded accusation
and conviction, limitation of human rights and freedoms. The author also studies the issues of procedural form of
decision of the prosecutor to exclude inadmissible evidence from the basis of accusation.
prosecutor, supervision, principle, criminal, judicial procedure, adversarial character, stage, protection, personality, accusation, freedom, limitation, evidence.