Issues of administrative and municipal legal relationship
Adarchenko, E. O. (2013). Distinguishing Features of Public Law Legal Entities. Administrative and municipal law, 3, 201–205.
This article describes pubic law legal entities as particular subjects of law as particular subjects of law that
are different from private law legal entities. The author of the article describes common and distinguishing features
of public law and private law legal entities and makes a conclusion that in this case differences prevail over common
features. Therefore, the author evidently proves the need in marking out public law legal entities as a particular
subject of legal relations.
description, legal entity, public law, criteria, private law, differences, common features, state institution, state agencies.
Issues of administrative and municipal legal relationship
Scherbakova, L. V. (2013). Forms of Administrative Treaty Obligations: Basic Classification Criteria. Administrative and municipal law, 3, 205–219.
The author of the article analyzes different classification criteria of administrative treaty obligations. The
author studies the variety of forms of administrative treaty obligations and provides her own classification based on
the following criteria: description of interests, administrative legal capacity, direct consideration of administrative
agreement, delegation of authorities between public service and legislative regulation.
administrative agreement, administrative treaty obligations, classification, forms, law-making treaty, direct consideration, public interest, administrative legal capacity, delegation of authority.
Administrative law, municipal law and security
Boskhamdjieva, N. A. (2013). Right to Security in Foreign States. Administrative and municipal law, 3, 220–226.
The article is devoted to certain aspects of a topical issue of institutional fixation of right to social security
both in foreign states and Russia. The author of the article underlines the fact that this term hasn’t been legally fixed
in legislation systems in many countries.
social security, security of constitution, personal security, risk, threat, person, countering actions, state institution, system.
Administrative law, municipal law and security
Kuleshov, R. V. (2013). Theory of Battle Counter Actions Against Extremist and Terrorist Activities. Criminal
Procedure and Administrative Law: Issues of Correlation and Continuity of Scientific Knowledge. Administrative and municipal law, 3, 226–229.
The author of the article analyzes the relation between the theory of battle counter actions against extremist
and terrorist activities and other sciences of law, in particular, criminal procedural law and administrative law,
from the point of view of continuity of scientific knowledge.
battle counter actions, extremist and terrorist activity, investigate activity, terrorism, extremism, science, scientific theory, subject mater, criminal procedure, criminal procedure law, criminal proceedings, administrative law.
Law-enforcement legislation
Berezhnova, N. D. (2013). Legal, Social and Psychological Functions of Influence on Social Environment of a
Penitentiary Society under Special Conditions. Administrative and municipal law, 3, 230–233.
The article is devoted to legal, social and psychological functions of influence on social environment of a
penitentiary society. Based on the author, prevention of special factors of criminogenic situations involves a number
of certain functions, too. The author offers certain methods that may increase the level of aggression of convicts. The
author also describes how to use these methods and offers new directions of activities that would raise efficiency of
environment, warning, blocking, information connections, neutralization, negative direction, group, differentiation, special squads.
Law-enforcement legislation
Lapina, M. A., Dolgikh, I. S. (2013). Departmental Rule-Making of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia: Analysis
of Current Condition and Prospects of Future Development. Administrative and municipal law, 3, 233–239.
The authors of the article analyze the current issues of legal regulation of subordinate rule-making activities
of federal executive authorities based on the example of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. The authors
of the article make certain suggestions on how to systematize different forms of regulatory acts and provide recommendations
on how to improve the current legislation in the sphere of departmental rule-making and experience of
its implementation.
rule-making, regulatory act, federal authorities, executive authorities, Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, decree, order, provision, instruction, regulation, statute, guide.
Public service, municipal service and issues in the fight against corruption
Kurakin, A. V. (2013). International Law Sources of Administrative Law in the Sphere of Managing Corruption in
the System of State Service of the Russian Federation. Administrative and municipal law, 3, 240–249.
The author of the article underlines the fact that almost all documents devoted to social, economic
and political development of the country or crime prevention deal with corruption issues in this way or another.
Corruption was also given special attention in the Letter of the President of the Russian Federation to the
Assembly of the Russian Federation in 2012. This particular article is devoted to international law sources of corruption
management. Based on their analysis, the author suggests how to improve corruption management in the
system of state service.
corruption, source, right, struggle, service, control, regulation, index, standard, officer, official.
Administrative and municipal law: business, economy, finance
Bogolyubsky, S. S. (2013). Concerning the Question about Genesis of Victim Behavior in Entrepreneurial Activity. Administrative and municipal law, 3, 250–255.
The article is devoted to the legal issues of development of victim behavior that appears during
entrepreneurial activity. The author of the article states that violations of law committed by entrepreneurs should
not be considered as solely ‘economic’ crime, although 20 years ago criminologists did believe that economic crime
included offence against property rights and business procedures.
business, entrepreneurship, genesis, victim behavior, activity, crime, violation, delict, property.
Administrative and municipal law: business, economy, finance
Zholobova, G. A. (2013). The Problem of Intermediation in Russian Bread Trade During the Second Half of XIX —
Beginning of XX Centuries and Legal Restriction Measures. Administrative and municipal law, 3, 256–264.
The article is devoted to the issues of bread industry during the second half of XIX- beginning of XX century
in Russia. By studying archives of late XIX — early XX centuries the author could vividly picture the negative
side of market regulation of bread industry that was due to the dominance of intermediaries who caused the collapse
of peasant manufacturers and made a negative impact on all bread industry in general. Based on the analysis
of legislation of the Russian empire back in those times, the author showed the attempts of Russian government to
restrict extreme intermediation of loan — sharking trade. The author has shown how inefficient administrative
regulation was and how it caused the need in solving those problems and strengthening of state interference in
bread industry.
trade, bread, grain, intermediary, speculative activity, loan-sharking, prohibition, punishment, peasant, manufacturer.
Administrative and municipal law: forms and methods of implementation (practice)
Kretov, V. V. (2013). Concerning Some Measures of Improving Administrative Regulation of Road Facilities. Administrative and municipal law, 3, 265–269.
The author of the article defines the main problems of administrative regulation of road facilities in the
Russian Federation. The author suggests how to improve it on the account of legislative regulation of involving
road users and creation of target non-budgetary funds. The author makes a conclusion that the majority of existing
problems of car road facilities can be successfully solved through creation of so called road unions that would
have all actual powers and non-budgetary funds ensuring adequate financing of road facilities in the Russian
roads, advice, funds, user, management, financing, control, programs, efficiency.
Liability in administrative and municipal law
Kurakin, A. V., Kalinina, N. S. (2013). Administrative Responsibility and its Implementation in the Sphere of Law
Enforcement during Meetings, Demonstrations, Rallies, Marches and Picketing. Administrative and municipal law, 3, 270–279.
The article is devoted to the problems of implementing measures of administrative responsibility for violation
of law on meetings. It is note that there are a lot of legal and organizational problems on the way to implementation
of such measures of legal responsibility.
meeting, march, responsibility, enforcement, control, violation, freedom, manifestation, picketing, picketer, law, prohibition, liability.
Administrative law, municipal law and other branches of law
Bukalerova, L. A., Minyazeva, T. F. (2013). Sentence Served by Persons in Place of Imprisonment: Experience of the
Russian Federation and Norway. Administrative and municipal law, 3, 280–283.
The article is devoted to the issues of improvement of the procedure and conditions of imprisonment in
Russia from the point of view of the Development Conception of Criminal Executive System of the Russian Federation
by 2020 and imprisonment in modern Norway.
freedom, human, experience, Norway, sentence, violation, prisoner, suspect, accused, convict, arrested.