Administrative law, municipal law and human rights
Trunov, I. L. (2013). Democratic Tolerance of Officials and Politicians Towards Shocking and Insulting Defamation. Administrative and municipal law, 2, 102–107.
The article is devoted to the return of criminally liable defamation (slander) as well as the current laws
punishing for insulting officials and the civil institution of the honor and dignity protection.
slander, insult of an officer, the first place in the number of criminal cases against journalists, anti-defamation suit, state officials, unprotected from shocking and insulting expressions, responsibility for quality of adopted laws.
Public service, municipal service and issues in the fight against corruption
Vinokurov, A. Yu. (2013). Control Over Matching Expenses of State Officials and Other Persons Against their Revenues
as an Independent Function of Prosecutor’s Office. Administrative and municipal law, 2, 108–112.
Based on the analysis of the provisions of the Federal Law on Control over Matching Expenses of State Officials
and Other Persons Against their Revenues’, the author of the article makes a conclusion about the appearance
of an independent activity of the prosecutor’s office. This activity has all the signs of a function. The author also pays
attention at numerous features of the legal position of the prosecutors within the framework of implementing the
aforesaid new law.
prosecutor, prosecutor’s office, functions of the prosecutor’s office, independent function, official, control over matching expenses against revenues, legal position of the Prosecutor, General Prosecutor.
Law-enforcement legislation
Berezhnova, N. D. (2013). Operational Use of Psychological Factors of Special Squads in Preventive Activities. Administrative and municipal law, 2, 113–118.
The author of the article analyzes a number of corrective measures performed by special squads in preventive
activities based on update psychological information. The author also describes the conditions of successful
implementation of psychoanalytical tools in a criminal group.
refocusing, criminal group, psychological pressure, leader, mechanism of attitude formation, roles in a group, social and psychological methods, warning, penitentiary crime.
Law-enforcement legislation
Sokolova, O. S. (2013). On the Question about Unification of Laws on Law-Enforcement Agencies. Administrative and municipal law, 2, 118–123.
Reformation of law enforcement agencies in the Russian Federation goes on but there is no uniform law on
this form of state service. Law-enforcement research institutes recognize adoption of such a law as the most efficient
mechanism of reformation. Moreover, description of the contents, purposes and principles of law-enforcement agencies
has a special meaning for discussing the issue about unification of the law on law-enforcement service.
legislation, service, law enforcement, state, unification, reformation, principles, administrative, efficiency.
Management law
Belousova, E. V. (2013). Concerning the Relation Between the Notions ‘Competence’, ‘Powers’ and ‘Area of Authority’. Administrative and municipal law, 2, 124–131.
The author of the article analyzes the relation between the notions ‘competence’, ‘powers’ and ‘area of
authority’ in connection with the functioning of the local self-government authorities as the bodies of public authority.
The author describes various approaches of modern authors to interpreting the aforesaid terms and defines the
structure and contents of such notions as ‘competence’, ‘powers’ and ‘area of authority’. The author also studies the
legal provisions of the Federal Law of October 6, 2003 on General Principles of Local Self-Government in the Russian
Federation’ as amended and supplemented. The author points out the different classifications of powers and areas of
authority of local agencies in the Russian Federation.
competence, powers, area of responsibility, local self-government, municipal unit, local authorities.
Management law
Kuyan, I. A. (2013). Municipal Power and the Principle of People’s Sovereignty: the Relation and Practical Implementation
in the Ukraine. Administrative and municipal law, 2, 131–137.
The article is devoted to the study of the institution of municipal authority from the point of view of implementation
of modern models of the people’s sovereignty conception. The author describes potentials of these models
in ensuring the people’s sovereignty and implementation of public interests at the national and local levels. To implement
the principle of people’s sovereignty and ensure the factual rule of the people in the Ukraine, it is necessary to
comply the community model of municipal authority with the requirements of the European Charter of Local Self-
people’s sovereignty, municipal power, the rule of the people, territorial community, local self-government, local government, community, public interests, European Charter of Local Self-Government.
Administrative process and procedure
Kobzar-Frolova, M. N. (2013). On the Question about the Concept and Essence of Administrative Jurisdiction. Administrative and municipal law, 2, 138–142.
The author of the article stresses out that the concept and essence of administrative jurisdiction remains
one of the most nettlesome issues both in theory and law-enforcement practice. First of all, it is due to the fact that
the term ‘administrative jurisdiction’ hasn’t been legally fixed at the federal level yet, and secondly, to the fact that
academic lawyers haven’t come to the mutual agreement about the definition of this term. Such a situation can be in
some way explained by the fact that administrative jurisdiction just like civil and criminal proceedings do not form
the legal regulations but only allow to use these legal regulations in certain situations.
essence, process, jurisdiction, proceeding, procedure, citizen, position, complain, violation of law, enforcement.
Public law: New challenges and realities
Rudakov, A. A. (2013). Codification of Constitutional Legislation. Administrative and municipal law, 2, 143–146.
The article is devoted to the legal issues and prospects of codification of constitutional legislation. The existing
legal base in the sphere of constitutional law relations regulates only some aspects of constitutional law science
which is not enough to solve other important problems of the constitutional law. Adoption of single legal regulations
in the form of federal constitutional laws has a very weak affect. So there is a certain need in codification of the rules
of constitutional law that are not covered by the Constitution.
constitutional law, codification of constitutional legislation, constitutional law relations, Constitution, federal constitutional law, unified codified constitutional regulation, state management, power, politics.
Administrative law, municipal law and security
Sochnev, D. V., Abasov, M. M. (2013). General Description of the Legislation of Western European Countries in the
Sphere of Fight Against Terrorism Financing. Administrative and municipal law, 2, 147–153.
The author of the article touches upon the issues of adopting a number of legislative measures by the German
government after the events happened on September 11, 2001. If properly combined, these measures allow to
detect and prevent from legal financial tools being used for the criminal purposes including terrorism.
fight against, terrorism, terrorism financing, laundering of money, UN resolution, German legislation, law, bank, beneficiary, fraud, European Union, al-Qaeda.
Administrative and municipal law: business, economy, finance
Lagutin, I. B. (2013). System Elements in Organizing the Budgetary Control in Russia (Administrative Law Aspect). Administrative and municipal law, 2, 154–156.
The article represents the author’s approach to definition of the system elements in organizing the
budgetary control in the Russian Federation. The elements are divided into theoretical and practical as well as
into the elements forming the system and elements completing the system of budgetary control The author also
underlines such elements as the federal budgetary control, regional budgetary control and municipal budgetary
system, budgetary control, elements, federal budgetary control, regional budgetary control, municipal budgetary control, administrative law enforcement, theoretical elements, practical elements.
Liability in administrative and municipal law
Alkhutova, E. Yu. (2013). Definition and Meaning of Administrative Responsibility as Part of Purposes and Goals
of the Prosecutor’s Supervision over Administrative Jurisdiction Authorities Enforcing the Law in the Sphere
of Economics. Administrative and municipal law, 2, 157–162.
Based on the analysis of previously provided definitions of administrative responsibility, the author makes
the definition of administrative responsibility to be used for the purposes of the prosecutor’s supervision over administrative
jurisdiction authorities enforcing the law in the sphere of economics. The author also describes the
principles of administrative responsibility as a measure of state enforcement. The results of the study will be interesting
for researchers and can be used in organizing and providing the prosecutor’s supervision over administrative
jurisdiction authorities enforcing the law in the sphere of economics.
responsibility, supervision, prosecutor’s office, economics, principles, definition, signs, enforcement, legal provision.
Administrative and municipal law: forms and methods of implementation (practice)
Sindeeva, I. Yu. (2013). Transfer of State and Municipal Property under Economic Jurisdiction and Operative
Management as a Special Form of Administrative Agreement. Administrative and municipal law, 2, 163–172.
The author of the present article analyzes the legal nature of regulations and agreements related to transfer
of public law units, under economic jurisdiction and operative management by state and municipal unitary enterprises.
The author studies the peculiarities of the agreement for transferring state and municipal property under
economic jurisdiction and operative management as a form of administrative agreement and considers the stages of
development of the right to economic jurisdiction and operative management.
right to economic jurisdiction, right to operative management, state and municipal property, state and municipal unitary enterprise, administrative agreement.
Kurakin, A. V., Kuleshov, G. N., Nesmelov, P. V. (2013). Information Security in the System of Civil Service. Administrative and municipal law, 2, 172–176.
Due to the development of informatization processes in public management, state civil officials get involved
into a whole system of information-related legal relations. This is why it is almost impossible to imagine their supervisory,
permitting and jurisdiction activities without obtaining and using necessary information. Taking this into
account, at a modern stage it is very important to develop a new model of administrative law regulation of information
relations in the system of state civil service. It is very important that such a model takes into account all new
problems of the global informatization of a modern society.
service, official, information, security, informatization, management, corruption, provision, control, procedures.