Issue of the day
Trunov, I. L. (2013). On the Question about Formation f the Common Legal Framework. Administrative and municipal law, 1, 5–7.
Under the conditions of developing globalization processes, formation of international law policy is
becoming one of the most topical and nettlesome issues. This particular article discusses certain challenges and risks
and makes an attempt to define the role of Russia in these processes. As it is noted in the article, under the conditions
of developing globalization processes the principle of the common legal framework as the system of international law
policy of global relations is growing especially important. The other very important issue is the quality and speed of
changing international law.
globalization processes, sovereignty, common legal framework, European Court of Human Rights, protection, human, rights.
Administrative law, municipal law and human rights
Zhigulskih, A. N. (2013). Blood and Blood Components as the Object of Sale and Purchase in Active Legislation. Administrative and municipal law, 1, 8–11.
The author of the article provides a system analysis of the Russian Federation laws regulating turnover
of blood and blood components. The author analyzes associated provisions of the draft law ‘Concerning Donorship
of Blood and Blood Components’. Special attention is paid at a number of tiebreaker clauses and the fact that the
Russian Federation legislation does not provide restrictions on trading blood and blood components and does not
impose adequate responsibility for selling blood and blood components unlike for trading human organs and tissues.
blood, components, donorship, law, goods, item, law, trade, health.
Administrative law, municipal law and the judicial branch
Zhamborov, M. S. (2013). Peculiarities of Adversarial Principle Constitutional Proceedings in Russia and USA. Administrative and municipal law, 1, 12–15.
This constitutional principle has a specific mechanism of action and has certain peculiarities when it is
being implemented in different kinds of proceedings. First of all, it is defined by goals and tasks set before this or that
court. And even though all courts must follow the principles of justice and fairness, court competition occurs in the
course of their procedural powers as set fort by the law. It means that the adversarial principle is implemented in
each type of proceedings in its own way and it always involves delimitating procedural functions between the parties
and the court.
law, constitutional, constitution, proceedings, competition, principle, adversarial, implementation, USA, Russia.
Public service, municipal service and issues in the fight against corruption
Ageev, V. N. (2013). Legal Mechanisms of Corruption Management in the Russian Federation: Regional Experience
(Based on the Example of the Republic of Tatarstan). Administrative and municipal law, 1, 16–23.
The article describes legal mechanisms of corruption management in the Russian Federation. In the author’s
opinion, the most efficient anti-corruption measures are legal measures. The author analyzes regional experience of
anti-corruption law based on the example of the Republic of Tatarstan. Particular attention is paid at the questions
of corruption management in the sphere of civil service.
corruption, anti-corruption policy, regional anti-corruption policy, corruption management, anticorruption law, state service, public officer, legal measures, legal mechanisms.
Public service, municipal service and issues in the fight against corruption
Polukarov, A. V., Kurakin, A. V. (2013). About the Need to Make Legal Entities Criminally Liable for Corruption in
the Sphere of Public Health. Administrative and municipal law, 1, 24–29.
In the article it is underlined that corruption in the sphere of public health creates a serious threat for the
society. This is why the government needs to focus on corruption management and make legal entities criminally liable for corruption. Such an approach would allow the government to increase anti-corruption measures and, at the
same time, it would comply with the international regulations and laws aimed at corruption management.
corruption, public health, fight, state institution, organization, global, agreement, damage, threat, combating, death rate.
Administrative law, municipal law and security
Vinokurov, A. Yu. (2013). Participation of a Public Prosecutor in Administrative Proceedings at Officials
Performing Certain State Functions. Administrative and municipal law, 1, 30–35.
Based on the analysis of the active legislation, the author describes public prosecutor’s powers to coordinate
administrative proceedings at officials performing certain state functions. According to the author, these powers
perform the function of administrative prosecution even though the latter hasn’t been officially fixed in a law or a
description of prosecutor’s functions. Special attention is paid at gaps in legal regulation of the aforesaid procedure.
prosecution agencies, prosecutor’s function, prosecutor, prosecutor’s powers, administrative proceedings, officials.
Administrative law, municipal law and security
Zholobova, G. A. (2013). Legal Groundwork for Fire Protection in Turnover of Oil Product in Russia at the Turn of
XIX-XX Centuries. Administrative and municipal law, 1, 36–42.
Based on the analysis of laws and legal acts created at the end of XIX – beginning of XX century and
constituting the Complete collection of laws of the Russian empire, the author describes the mechanism of legal
regulation of trading mineral oil or its products in compliance with the fire protection and fire safety standards. The
author shows that this mechanism is aimed at creation the fire prevention systems at production sites while market
operators did not have a task to ensure fire protection of oil products.
safety (protection), fire, oil, mineral oil, trade, storage, warehouse, prohibition, responsibility.
Law-enforcement legislation
Doroshenko, O. M. (2013). Administrative Delictuality of the Under-Aged and the Role of Police in Preventing it. Administrative and municipal law, 1, 43–48.
The article discusses the place and role of police in the system of crime prevention among the under-aged.
The author describes a number of methods and measures of a preventive and education nature performed by all
prevention entities. As the research shows, a certain share of the under-aged has turned into the criminally active
part of our population. Before 1990 criminal statistics showed a relatively slow growth of crime rates among the
under-aged – by 11-12 % every 15 years at average. However, since 1991 the number of the under-aged committing
crime has risen drastically. It grew by 46% over the period of 1991-2012. At the present time the crime rates are
especially high among the under-aged. Over the past year the delictuality of the under-aged grew 6 times as fast as
the general population of this age group.
police, subdivisions working with the under-aged, internal affairs bodies, prevention, enforcement, persuasion, measures, help, interaction, cooperation, neglect, social security.
Law-enforcement legislation
Kostennikov, M. V. (2013). On the Question about Corruption Management in the Police. Administrative and municipal law, 1, 49–50.
The article is devoted to the organizational issues of corruption management in official activities of police
officers. The author also describes measures to minimize corruption violations in the system of government.
corruption, internal affairs bodies, prevention, state service, corruption risk, responsibility, executive authority, administrative and legal measures.
Law-enforcement legislation
Pashin, V. M., Kobozev, A. A. (2013). Problems of Personnel Doctrine in the System of the Ministry of Internal
Affairs of Russia. Administrative and municipal law, 1, 51–58.
As the result of the survey shows, in the first place citizens demand a professional approach to protection
of their life, health and property. The previous model of relations based on control and priority of state enforcement
ran out of the stream. In addition, by the end of the first decade of 2000 it is becoming increasingly common for
police officers to violate the law and official discipline which provoked negative reaction of a society and deprecate
the government reputation. The other obvious reason is that the current police structure, active arrangement,
personnel, financial, material and technical provision of the Ministry of Internal Affairs bodies do not fulfill the
modern requirements and thus need to be improved.
personnel, policy, reserve, rotation, service, police, police officer, control, Ministry of Internal Affairs, administration, system, task, doctrine.
Liability in administrative and municipal law
Badulin, A. D. (2013). Institution of Administrative Responsibility and its Implementation in the Sphere of
Production and Turnover of Alcohol and Alcohol-Containing Products. Administrative and municipal law, 1, 59–67.
Institution of administrative responsibility plays an important role in law enforcement in the sphere of
alcohol products. Administrative responsibility for violations in the sphere of production and turnover of alcohol and
alcohol containing products is the administrative enforcement measure for an administrative offence. Administrative
responsibility for violating the law on alcohol and alcohol containing products is enforced according to an established
procedure using sanctions as prescribed in the Special Part of the Administrative Offence Code as well as provisions
of the Russian Federation constituents’ laws on administrative offence.
alcohol, product, responsibility, violation of law, alcohol, regulation, compound, Federal Service for Alcohol Market Regulation, administration, vodka, wine.
Debatable issues in administrative and municipal law
Doynikov, I. V. (2013). Some Methodological Problems of Post-Soviet Period at the Russian Government and Law. Administrative and municipal law, 1, 68–79.
The article analyzes the views of scientists and politicians of the two opposing tendencies in modern Russian
law studies. The first tendency is the liberal (orange) world perception which prevails in modern Russian law studies,
and the second tendency is the first seedlings of the new national and state world perception growing out of the
condition of liberal dictatorship and manipulation of social consciousness.
liberal thinking, development of a new discourse, change of the economic development model, national state, second state of codification of the Russian legislation.