Public service, municipal service and issues in the fight against corruption
Ageev, V. N. (2012). Legal Methods of Fight against Corruption in the System of State Service of the Russian Federation. Administrative and municipal law, 9, 5–10.
The article stressed out that corruption management in the system of state service is the ground of anticorruption
mechanism. The most effective methods of fight against corruption are legal methods. Anti-corruption
legislation in the sphere of state service is aimed at strengthening of the restriction regime for state structures, severing
responsibility for corruption crime and stressing out the expansion of anti-corruption prevention.
corruption, anti-corruption policy, corruption management, state service, state officer, restriction of rights, prohibitions, conflict of interests, anti-corruption legislation.
Public service, municipal service and issues in the fight against corruption
Kabanov, P. A., Garipov, I. M. (2012). Victimology Characteristics of ‘State Corruption’ in the Republic of Tatarstan. Administrative and municipal law, 9, 11–15.
The article is based on the main regional statistics about one of the forms of criminal corruption — so called
‘state corruption’ in the Republic of Tatarstan since 2007 till 2011. The author of the article makes a conclusion that
usual victims of this form of corruption are physical persons but not legal entities. However, damage resulted from
state corruption is more often incurred by legal entities instead of physical persons.
corruption, victim, victimology statistics, corruption consequences, state corruption, Republic of Tatarstan commercial corruption, extent of damage, material damage.
Public service, municipal service and issues in the fight against corruption
Kurakin, A. V., Lavrentieva, O. O. (2012). Principles o State Civil Service as a Part of Corruption Management. Administrative and municipal law, 9, 15–24.
The article studies the legal and organizational issues of implementation of state service principles in anticorruption
management. It is also underlined that the process of reformation of state service resulted in formation
of state civil service as a form mf state service, construction of the system of federal state civil service and state civil
service of the Russian Federation constituents, enforcement of principles of interactions between state civil service
and municipal service and beginning of transformation of military services. Adoption of new police laws also realized
suggestions on formation of legal grounds of law-enforcement services.
service, officer, service officer, carrier, management, corruption, mechanism, principle, control, publicity, organization.
Public and municipal service and the citizen
Komakhin, B. N. (2012). On the Question about State Civil Service Procedures as a Part of Modernization of State
Management. Administrative and municipal law, 9, 25–32.
The article is devoted to the legal and organizational grounds of state civil service procedures. The author
of the article points out the problems encountered on the way of development of information technologies in the system
of legal regulation of civil relations. The article also points out the variety of social relations formed due to staff
resourcing of civil activity performed by state civil officers.
service, innovation, staff, officer, control, system, procedure, enforcement, regulation, activity, prohibition, restriction, contest, attestation.
Management law
Borisov, A. M. (2012). Reformation of the System of Executive Authorities and New Scheme of State Territorial
Government. Administrative and municipal law, 9, 33–37.
Determination of a set of tasks of social and economic development of Russia for the nearest ten years
brings forth the problem of improvement of the system and legal framework of activities performed by executive
authorities. The author of the article provides a critical evaluation of a new scheme of state territorial management suggested by the Institute of Law and Comparative Law Studies under the President of the Russian Federation. The
author notes that the given conception touches upon certain constitutional and administrative issues and thus requires
a wide expert and prognosis discussion.
administrative reform, state management legislation, conception of legislative development, system of executive authorities, enlargement of regions, federalism, efficiency.
Management law
Shugrina, E. S. (2012). Peculiarities of Granting Scholarships and Payment of Scholarships to University Students. Administrative and municipal law, 9, 37–43.
The given article is devoted to the peculiarities of granting scholarships and payment of scholarships to
university students based on applicable laws and a draft Federal Education Law. The author describes in detail when
such a scholarship is started and expired, how long the scholarship is usually paid and studies the criteria for granting
of scholarships. The author also describes the general procedure of scholarship granting and payment.
scholarship, bachelors and masters, criteria for granting scholarships, university, duration of scholarship, draft education law, standard provisions, scholarship, student.
Administrative law, municipal law and security
Motin, V. V. (2012). Problems of Enforcement of Transport Security under Conditions of Developing Information
Technologies. Administrative and municipal law, 9, 44–48.
The article studies the legal and organizational issues of enforcement of transport security. At the present
time transport is a large portion of world economy. Based on Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development
experts, by 2030 the world transport infrastructure needs in investment, including aero and sea ports, rail
roads as well as pipe lines, will reach 11 3 trillion dollars. Thus, there is a certain need in creating a transport infrastructure.
transport, passenger, attack, technology, information, security, virus, infra-structure, investment, cargo turn-over.
Administrative and municipal law: business, economy, finance
Lagutin, I. B. (2012). Organizational Grounds for Russian Budgetary Control: Administrative Law Enforcement. Administrative and municipal law, 9, 49–53.
The given article is devoted to the study of peculiarities of budgetary control in the Russian Federation and
the procedure of its administrative law enforcement. The article contains the author’s approach to classification of
circumstances influencing organization of budgetary control (territorial organization of a state institution, former
system of budgetary control, system of separation of powers, peculiarities of development of the system of local selfgovernment,
procedure of administrative law enforcement) in the Russian Federation and describes their contents
and role.
budgetary control, organizational grounds, system of organization, administrative law enforcement, elements of organization, territorial organization, separation of powers, experience of budgetary control organization, control relations.
Administrative and municipal law: business, economy, finance
Pavlov, P. V. (2012). Concept of Development of Offshore Areas Law. Administrative and municipal law, 9, 53–62.
The author of the article provides definition of the offshore area and describes the modern mechanism of
state (administrative law) regulation of their activity. The author also analyzes causes of offshore formation and
their modern territorial and functional dislocation. The article studies the causes of underdeveloopment of offshore
business in Russia and suggest a legal solution of the problem of improvement of offshore area activity in the territory
of our country.
offshore area, tax privileges, transfer price formation, commercial and banking secrecy, conception of offshore areas law, administrative law regulation, investors, residents, tax heaven.
Administrative and municipal law: business, economy, finance
Tikhonov, D. V. (2012). Ways of Solving the Problem of Strengthening of Income Base at Municipal Units (the Case
Study of the Nizhni Novgorod Region. Administrative and municipal law, 9, 62–66.
The given article studies the problem of strengthening of independency of local budgets based on the case
study of the Nizhni Novgorod Region. Insufficient income base at municipal units results in a need of significant transbudget
transfers which, in its turn, leads to the outflow of funds from the regional budget. Thus, the author considers
the efficiency of both current and future measure of strengthening of income base at municipal units such as: self-taxation
of citizens, regulation of tax privileges and optimization of expenses spent on local self-government authorities.
transfer, inter-budget, self-taxation, privileges, income, region, Nizhni Novgorod, local, municipal.
Administrative law, municipal law and other branches of law
Adzinba, K. G. (2012). Genesis of the Concept of International Authority: International Law Aspects. Administrative and municipal law, 9, 67–73.
The article contains a brief history of formation and development of international organizations, their
rights and responsibilities as well as detailed description of certain types of international organizations and their
legal acts.
international organizations, functions, powers, international system, international authorities, international law subject, committee, arbitrage, international conferences.
Administrative law, municipal law and other branches of law
Sipok, R. P. (2012). General Description of Efficiency of Legal Law Acts. Administrative and municipal law, 9, 73–80.
The purpose of the article is to describe different conditions of implementation of criminal laws as well as
its efficiency in this age and day. The topic of the article is the aspects of criminal influence on the right holders from
the point of view of efficiency and achievement of a positive result in social environment.
studies of law, crime, security, defense, act, law, legal consciousness, state institution, punishment, invasion.
Administrative and municipal legal practice
Agamagomedova, S. A. (2012). Legal Grounds and Peculiarities of Administrative Defense of Olympic and Paralympic
Symbols by the Russian Federation Custom Authorities. Administrative and municipal law, 9, 81–91.
Prior to the Olympic Games in Sochi in 2012 issues of legal defense of Olympic symbols are becoming especially
important. Custom authorities play a special role in the system of administrative defense of Olympic symbols.
These authorities control trans-border transportation of goods with Olympic symbols, discover and suppress administrative
offenses related to illegal usage of Olympic symbols and use customs registry of intellectual property. This
particular article is devoted to the court practice and peculiarities of administrative proceedings in this sphere as
well as legal and organizational issues of interactions between customs and other state authorities.
defense, custom authorities, Olympics, Sochi 2014, symbols, administrative offense, court practice, counter- facts, registry.