Administrative law, municipal law and human rights
Dubrovsky, O. N. (2012). Meaning of National Customs and Traditions in Building Local Self-Government in the Russian
Federation: Case Study of the Tyva Republic. Administrative and municipal law, 8, 5–8.
The article is devoted to the need in keeping records of national and historical traditions, customs and local
peculiarities of peoples in building modern self-government. Their records should be the priority because their secondary
role would have a negative impact on efficient self-government of local communities. The article has been prepared
based on the example of one of the Russian Federation constituents — Tyva Republic. This article will be of interest to
university and high school students and everyone who is interested in the issues of local self-government.
national, customs, traditions, self-government, Tyva Republic, meaning, peculiarities, small-numbered people, Tuvnian.
Theory and science of administrative and municipal law
Lanovaya, G. M. (2012). Qualitative Description of Modern Administrative Law. Administrative and municipal law, 8, 9–13.
The article proves that administrative law is a heterogeneous legal branch. The author describes two particular
types of administrative law — management law which is related to the legal regulation of activities conducted by the
state machine and organization law which ensures regulation of socially important behavior of non-state entities. It is
proved that sine each of the above mentioned types of law has its own institutions, it would be reasonable to distinguish
administrative law and police law as two independent branches, one of them being related to activities conducted by the
state machine and the other one being related to organization of social life.
law, state institution, regulation, management, organization, branch, norm, function, mechanism, police.
Issues of administrative and municipal legal relationship
Skrynnik, A. M. (2012). Concerning the Question about the Legal Status of Inspection and Inspector of State Port
Control. Administrative and municipal law, 8, 14–19.
The article contains an analysis of the administrative and legal status of inspection and inspectors (officials)
of the state port control conducting supervising functions over enforcement of safety regulations of marine navigation
and order at a sea port.
administrative, control, sea, port, inspector, status, supervision, safety, regulation, risk.
Administrative law, municipal law and security
Christinich, I. V. (2012). Prosecutor’s Priority Activity in Enforcing Fire Safety Regulations. Administrative and municipal law, 8, 20–25.
The author of the article carries out an analysis of modern state of legality in the sphere of fire safety. The article
describes the results of the most recent prosecutor’s inspections and violations of fire safety regulations committed
by regulatory and local self-government bodies. The author also provides examples from the practice of prosecutor’s
supervision over abeyance of fire safety regulations including those related to the legality of acts, protection of rights of
business entities, administrative offences and undertaken measures of prosecutor’s response.
fire, safety, prosecutor, priorities, supervision, directions, violation, legality, administrative responsibility.
Management law
Dorokhina, E. G. (2012). Efficiency of State Management in the Sphere of Bankruptcy. Administrative and municipal law, 8, 26–30.
Efficiency of state management in the sphere of bankruptcy shows itself through social and economic results
achieved by a state body. These results become especially important when it comes to reestablishing debtor solvency.
These are conditioned by an efficient state anti-crisis policy and set of legal measures preventing insolvency. The article
contains an analysis of bankruptcy preventing measures applied by executive bodies to particular types of socially and economically important organizations. At the end of the article the author makes a conclusion about the need in unification
of methods of state management.
law studies, bankruptcy, management, state, efficiency, policy, law, measures, purpose, Russian State Register.
Management law
Kazachenkova, O. V. (2012). Peculiarities of Legal Status of Local Self-Government Bodies: Problems of Law Making
and Law Enforcement. Administrative and municipal law, 8, 31–41.
The author of the article analyzes the absence of grounds in current law making and enforcing practice of
local self-government bodies obtaining the status of a legal entity. The author studies the legal nature of public institutions
and describes contradictions between legal statuses of legal entities (including public institutions) and local selfgovernment
municipal, power, self-government, legal capacity, public, institution, powers, status.
Administrative and municipal law: forms and methods of implementation (practice)
Narutto, S. V. (2012). Operation and Implementation of Education Laws. Administrative and municipal law, 8, 42–49.
The article analyzes the four forms of implementation of education laws: observance, enforcement, usage and
application. The author studies relations between these forms based on concrete laws and regulations. At the end of
the article it is concluded about expansion of sublegal and local regulation which, in its turn, increases debates in the
sphere of law enforcement. The author analyzes practice of constitutional, general and arbitrage courts concerning
these education issues.
law studies, enforcement, operation, execution, implementation, education, debates, court, agreement.
Sokolova, O. S. (2012). Information Support of Local Self-Government. Administrative and municipal law, 8, 50–55.
The article studies the legal grounds for realizing functions of municipal control information support established
by the federal laws. According to the author, these functions include information exchange between bodies of
municipal control and other state bodies; information support of municipal control performance evaluation; and public
access to information about results of municipal control. The author describes drawbacks in legal enforcement of the
information content to be displayed and suggests certain ways to improve those.
municipal control, self-government issues, delegated state powers, monitoring of municipal control enforcement, interaction between state control (supervision) and municipal control bodies, content of displayed information, performance evaluation of municipal control.
Liability in administrative and municipal law
Olimpiev, A. Yu., Sidorova, M. A. (2012). Responsibility for Violations in the Credit Sector in Russia: Pre-Revolutionary
Period. Administrative and municipal law, 8, 56–65.
The article is devoted to the stages of development of banks in the Russian Federation. The authors describe
the history of responsibility for crimes in the credit sector and pre-revolutionary legal acts regulating responsibility for
crimes in the credit and banking sector. One can understand the nature and content of crime in the credit sector if he
learns patterns and rules of development and functioning of criminal responsibility for violations in this sphere. In this
content, publications of previous years can actually provide a clear idea about banking activities from the moment of
their origin until now as well as previous and current changes in the credit sector of Russia during different periods of
bank, bankers, trading companies, money-changing shops, St. Petersburg loan associations, Private merchant bank, banking process.
Administrative law, municipal law and environment issues
Kurilova, E. V. (2012). On the Question about Keeping Records of Activities Undertaken by Prosecution, Administrative
Agencies and Courts to Bring to Administrative Responsibility in the Sphere of Environment Protection. Administrative and municipal law, 8, 66–68.
The article provides the author’s opinion concerning keeping records of activities undertaken by prosecution,
administration agencies and courts to bring to administrative responsibility including responsibility in the
sphere of environment protection. At the present time we do not have a uniform state statistic record of administrative
offense which would reflect the practice of bringing to administrative responsibility. The author of the article suggests to legally enforce powers of prosecution agencies to conduct a state statistic record of revealed administrative
prosecutor, responsibility, administrative, supervision, jurisdiction, records, system, environment, violation.
Administrative law, municipal law and consumer protection
Lobanov, S. A. (2012). Administrative and Legal Regulation of Trading Activity in the System of Consumer Market. Administrative and municipal law, 8, 69–74.
The article is devoted to the legal and organizational problems of implementation of administrative jurisdiction
in the sphere of consumer market as well as peculiarities of administrative acts in prevention and suppression of
administrative offences. Mechanism of administrative regulation of activities conducted by the internal affairs agencies
to prevent and suppress violations on the consumer market is nothing else but the method of organization and realization
of rights and legal interests of consumers who interact with trading units as well as service agencies; independent
system of legal means ensuring legal regulation of social relations and allowing to achieve a certain target — legal
order in the sphere of provision of quality products or services to consumers (citizens and legal entities).
market, consumer, mechanism, violation of law, jurisdiction, punishment, interaction, prevention, suppression, interest, measure, set.
Administrative law, municipal law and other branches of law
Adzinba, K. G. (2012). Evolution of International Law Activity and Conceptual Framework of Sustainable Development. Administrative and municipal law, 8, 75–79.
The article is devoted to the process of evolution of the term ‘sustainable development’ and provides a brief
description of functions and activities of international agencies in the sphere of sustainable development.
Committee on the Environment and Development, sustainable development, World Conservation Strategy, Agenda for XXI Century, UNO Forest Forum.
Administrative law, municipal law and other branches of law
Selednikova, O. N. (2012). Some Issues of Compensation for Criminal Property Damage at the Stage of Pre-Trial Investigation. Administrative and municipal law, 8, 80–85.
The issues raised in the article relate to certain aspects of realization of a very -important function of criminal
proceedings — provision and protection of property rights and legal entities of victims. In particular, the author describes
subjective and objective factors hindering from full compensation of property damage and provides their classification.
The author also makes certain examples of gaps in legal regulation due to which it is not always possible to
timely define property and financial resources out of which the compensation an be made. The author also studies the
problem of protection of victims’ rights related to compensation for material damage at the stage of pre-trial investigation
and makes certain suggestions on how to improve the above mentioned institution of criminal proceedings. For
example, the author raises a question about the need in legal enforcement of the right of law enforcement officials to
receive certain bonus for actually compensated criminal damage. The author studies the experience of foreign states
which have created state and social funds for compensation of damage to life and health of citizens. Based on the author,
we can use their experience for similar purposes in Russia.
criminal trial, crime, property damage, pre-trial investigation, seizure of property, compensation, physical entity, restoration, provision, observation.
Administrative law, municipal law and other branches of law
Shestopalova, E. R. (2012). Peculiarities of Legal Regulation of Criminal Victimization of Women and Home Violence
Prevention. Administrative and municipal law, 8, 86–89.
The author of the article studies one of dangerous social forms of aggression — home violence as well as particular
drivers of arguments between spouses, personal traits of a person committing home violence and which actions
can be actually recognized as home violence.
home violence, conflicts in family life, woman — victim, sexual crime, victimization factors, commitment of crime.