Issue of the day
Astanin, V. V. (2012). Issues of Monitoring Law-Enforcement for the Purpose of Anti-Corruption Policy. Administrative and municipal law, 6, 5–11.
The article studies the legal and organizational issues of monitoring of law-enforcement activities in the sphere
of anti-corruption policy. The author of the article describes methods of researches in the sphere of law enforcement
and anti-corruption policy and makes certain suggestions on how to improve law enforcement methods in the sphere of
anti-corruption policy.
monitoring, law, doctrine, science, law enforcement, methodology, method, analysis, research, document, cogitation, corruption, risk, factor.
Administrative law, municipal law and consumer protection
Kostennikov, M. V., Lobanov, S. A. (2012). On the Question about Definition of Consumer Market in Administrative Law. Administrative and municipal law, 6, 12–16.
The article studies the legal and organizational issues of consumer protection from the point of jurisdiction.
Based on their research, the authors of the article conclude that jurisdictional methods can be successfully used for ensuring
legal order in the sphere of consumer market. The article also gives the definition of consumer market and makes
certain suggestions on how to improve consumer protection in the country. It is also underlined in the article that the
term ‘consumer market’ was legally defined not so long ago.
consumer, protection, jurisdiction, market, mean, human, goods, trade, legal order, mechanism, relations.
Public service, municipal service and issues in the fight against corruption
Bukalerova, L.A., Fortuna, K. A. (2012). On the Question about Punishment for Corruption Forgeries by an Official. Administrative and municipal law, 6, 17–25.
The article provides an analysis of law enforcement and theory issues that arise when a punishment for corruption
forgeries is imposed. Based on the thesis that the fairness of punishment depends on the nature of crime and
its threat for the society as well as circumstance of the offense and personal traits of the guilty, the authors recommend
certain changes in the current legislation on this matter.
punishment, corruption, forgery by an official, problems, criminal responsibility, total, criminialization, court practice.
Public service, municipal service and issues in the fight against corruption
Vatel, A. Yu. (2012). Administrative and Legal Regulation of Resolution of Conflict of Interests in Civil Service As Part
of Anti-Corruption Management. Administrative and municipal law, 6, 26–30.
The article studies the legal and organizational issues of establishment and implementation of official and ethical
standards of official behavior and describes their role and place in the anti-corruption mechanism.
corruption, anti-corruption policy, ethics, standard, service, revenue, information, risk, interest, conflict, state institution, official, commission, profit motive.
Public service, municipal service and issues in the fight against corruption
Kabanov, P. A. (2012). Prosecutor’s Supervision over Creation and Performance of the Committee on Compliance with
Requirements for Official Behavior of Civil (Municipal) Officials and Management of Conflict of Interests. Administrative and municipal law, 6, 31–34.
This is the first time in Russian law that we view the issues of prosecutor’s supervision over creation and
performance of the Committee on compliance with requirements for official behavior of civil (municipal) officials and
management of conflict of interests in the Russian Federation. The author of the article provides a list of issues that need
prosecutor’s supervision and certain actions.
corruption, civil service, municipal service, conflict of interests, prosecutor supervision, anti-corruption measures, committee on compliance with requirements for official behavior and management of conflict of intere, state authorities, local self-government authorities.
Public and municipal service and the citizen
Komakhin, B. N. (2012). On the Question about Information and Innovation Support of Civil Service. Administrative and municipal law, 6, 35–42.
The article is devoted to the legal and organizational issues of information support of civil service and points
out certain problems interfering with the development of information technologies in the system of work relations. The
author of the article underlines the variety of social relations formed due to information support of official behavior of
civil officials at different state agencies.
service, innovation, staff, civil servant, control, system, information, support, regulation, activity, prohibition, restrictions.
Management law
Shugrina, E. S., Narutto, S. V. (2012). Peculiarities of Management of the System of Education in the Sphere of Law-
Enforcement Activity. Administrative and municipal law, 6, 43–58.
This particular article summarizes and analyzes all law-enforcement materials in the sphere of education. It is
noted that there have been many court decision on certain issues while other matters are not so covered but still need
to be researched. The authors describe peculiarities of law-enforcement practice in the sphere of delineation of competence
between public authorities in the sphere of education. They also analyze certain issues of law-enforcement in the
sphere of state accreditation, licensing and certification as well as legal status of educational institutions. Monitoring
of judicial practice on educational issues helped to fine certain collisions and problems in the sphere of education laws
and allowed to make certain suggestions on law interpretation. Results of the study are aimed at harmonization of laws
regulating relations in the sphere of education and their practical implementation.
education, licensing, state accreditation, educational institution, institute, educational standards, judicial protection, law-enforcement, delineation of authority.
Liability in administrative and municipal law
Kurakin, A. V., Babulin, A. D. (2012). The Problem of Implementation of Administrative Measures in the Sphere of
Production and Sales of Ethyl Alcohol, Alcoholic and Alcohol-Containing Products. Administrative and municipal law, 6, 59–66.
The article studies goals of legal regulation of alcoholic products turnover and describes peculiarities of this
particular type of legal responsibility. The authors of the article also define certain measures that can improve administrative
law enforcement in the sphere of turnover of alcoholic products. It is also noted that Russia is facing a catastrophic
situation in the sphere of alcohol consumption now. Alcohol addiction is turning into a national disaster and
the government attempts to solve this problem do not prove successful.
alcohol, ethyl, responsibility, turnover, sales, abuse, alcohol abuser, death, alcohol addiction, consumption, supervision, intoxication, product, responsibility, regulation.
Liability in administrative and municipal law
Obydenova, T. V. (2012). Legal Regulation of Administrative Responsibility of the Underage. Administrative and municipal law, 6, 67–69.
The article studies the legal and organizational aspects of administrative responsibility of minors and describes
peculiarities of performance of the Commission on Juvenile Affairs and police actions in the sphere of prevention
and suppression of juvenile crime. Based on her research, the author of the article makes certain suggestions on
how to improve administrative laws.
minors (underage), prevention, suppression, violation of law, administrative, responsibility, measures, punishment, parents, guardians.
Administrative process and procedure
Morozova, M. S. (2012). Administrative Procedures in the Russian Federation Customs Activity and their Role in Russia’s
Integration as One Common Economic Space. Administrative and municipal law, 6, 70–74.
The author of the present article shows the importance of improvements in legal regulation of customs activity
towards implementation of administrative procedures under conditions of the customs union formation and intensive
integration of Russia as one common economic space. The author studies scientific approaches to definition of the nature,
content and legal importance of the institution of administrative procedures in modern administrative law. Based on the analysis, the author suggests her own approach to definition of administrative procedures implemented by the
Russian Federation customs, in particular, their role in harmonization and unification of laws in member states of the
Customs Union based on generally accepted standards and international law principles as an essential condition of the
common economic space existence.
administrative procedures, harmonization and unification of laws, state administration, common trade policy, common economic space, protection of human rights and freedoms, procedure, customs, customs union, federal budget, economic security.
Tax administration
Demin, A. V. (2012). Incompleteness and Fragmentation in the System of Tax Regulation: Problem Definition. Administrative and municipal law, 6, 75–81.
The article deals with the issues of gaps in laws about taxes and levies. The author defies such a gap as an
absence of certain law or legal act in the tax legal system regulating social relations in the sphere of tax regulation.
The author describes the subjective and objective factors of such issues and suggests a unique classification of those.
At the end of the article it is concluded that collisions and legal acts with relative contents must not be considered as
gap, tax, taxation, analogy, certainty, norm, completeness, supplementation.
Administrative and municipal law: business, economy, finance
Sochnev, D. V. (2012). Administrative Regulation of Credit Risks under Modern Conditions. Administrative and municipal law, 6, 82–86.
Administrative regulation of risks in a commercial bank must be based on an integrated structure of functions
and responsibilities from the senior leadership to operators. Such a structure must cover all aspects of risks, especially
market, credit and liquidity, operational and judicial risks as well as risks related to the bank’s reputation and personnel
performance. This structure includes the Board of Directors as the final responsible body as well as committees, risk
management and supervision departments. All of these departments should have very distinct and clear responsibilities
and documentation.
regulation, risks, bank, management, credit, diversification, policy, document, report, credit.
Administrative law, municipal law and environment issues
Kuznetsova, N. A. (2012). Administrative Regulation of Environment Protection. Administrative and municipal law, 6, 87–89.
The article underlines that nowadays we are very close to actually solving the environmental issue. We only
need to create and promptly implement new legal initiatives in this sphere. New and better environmental laws must
be made as soon as possible and cover all sides of modern environmental situation. We also need to activate all legal
mechanisms for the purpose of preservation and rational use of natural resources and preservation of favorable environment
for the present and future generations.
environmental catastrophe, environmental activity, environmental issues, rational use of natural resources, Environment Protection, oil production, environmental situatation, environmental laws.