Astanin, V. V. (2012). Methodological Background to Law Enforcement Monitoring Within the Framework of
Doctrine and Legal Requirements. Administrative and municipal law, 4, 5–13.
The article studies legal and organizational issues of law enforcement monitoring and describes methods
for studying law enforcement. Based on the study, the author makes certain suggestions on how to improve current
methods of legislative quality assurance.
monitoring, law, doctrine, science, law enforcement, methodology, method, analysis, research, document, knowledge.
Issue of the day
Kalugina, O. V. (2012). Prosecutor’s Supervision over Legality of Municipal Legal Acts Regulating Land Relations. Administrative and municipal law, 4, 13–18.
The present article studies the condition and subject of prosecutor’s supervision over observance of legal
acts by local self-government authorities in the sphere of use and protection of land. The author of the article
establishes a range of issues which are to be solved when a legal act is being enforced. The author also suggests
certain ways to improve the current supervision activity performed by the prosecutor.
condition, subject, prosecutor, municipal legal acts, individual legal acts, land relations, self-government agencies, efficiency, organization.
Administrative, municipal law and federal structure of the state
Mkrtumian, A. P. (2012). Constitutional Status of Autonomous Entities in Modern States with Various Form of
State Structure. Administrative and municipal law, 4, 19–24.
The article is devoted to peculiarities of the legal position of autonomous entities and its enforcement in
constitutional legislation of the Russian Federation and foreign states. The author of the article defines establishment
of autonomous sub-national entities as a form of protection and creation conditions to contribute to ethnic,
cultural, language and religious identity of certain national minorities.
autonomy, federative form of government, unitary state, national minorities, control, religion, identity, sovereignty.
Public service, municipal service and issues in the fight against corruption
Kabanov, P. A. (2012). Concerning Requirements for members of the Committee for Observance of Requirements for
Official Behavior of Civil Servants and Management of Conflict of Interest by non-Civil Officials. Administrative and municipal law, 4, 25–27.
The author of the article forms general and special requirements for members of the Commission for observance
of requirements for official behavior of civil servants and management of conflict of interest by non-civil officials.
The author also provides classification of these requirements depending on the provisions of law on state civil service.
civil service, state civil servant, independent expert, Committee for observance of requirements for official behavior of civil servants and management of c, professional competence, composition of the committee, representative of a professional union, representative of an academic institution.
Management law
Manchenko, P. A. (2012). Transparency of Activities Performed by Governmental Authorities and Local Self-
Government in the Russian Federation and European States. Administrative and municipal law, 4, 28–34.
The present article views transparency in Russia and Western and Central Europe not only as a political
or social but also as a constitutional law phenomenon. Transparency is described as a legal guarantee of constitutional
bases of a democratic state, a principle of actions performed by governmental authorities and local selfgovernment
agencies as well as a common wealth which can be used by anyone.
transparency, authorities, governmental authorities, local self-government, human rights, Western Europe, Central Europe, the rule of the people, society.
Administrative law, municipal law and human rights
Rostovskaya, I. V. (2012). Description of Modern Constitutional Laws Concerning Under-Ages. Administrative and municipal law, 4, 35–38.
The article is devoted to the issues related to establishment of legal and scientific terms regarding rights
of the child that are closely connected with the human rights.
legal position of under-ages, legal protection of a family, family legislation.
Administrative law, municipal law and security
Dubovik, O. L. (2012). Tendencies of Legal Regulation of Energy Efficient Technologies in European Law. Administrative and municipal law, 4, 39–46.
The article analyzes the decisions of the European Parliament and Council in the sphere of energy consumption
and energy efficiency based on concrete examples of production termination of incandescent lamps and
improvement of utilization of biological wastes in order to get more energy. The author explains a number of terms
which lie in the basis of international and national laws on energy and traces back positive effects of implementation
of new technologies in the sphere of production and utilization of energy for the environment.
international law, biomass, directive, lamps, lights, waste products, environmental studies, energy consumption, energy efficiency, trades.
Administrative law, municipal law and consumer protection
Lobanov, S. A. (2012). Administrative Regulation in Jurisdictional Activity Performed by Internal Affairs Agencies
in the Sphere of Consumer’s Market. Administrative and municipal law, 4, 47–54.
The article studies the legal and organizational issues of implementation of administrative jurisdiction in
the sphere of consumer’s market and describes peculiarities of administrative law in the sphere of prevention and
suppression of administrative offences.
market, consumer, mechanism, violation of law, jurisdiction, punishment, interaction, warning, suppression, interest, mean, set.
Law-enforcement legislation
Minyazeva, T. F. (2012). Goals of the Federal Penitentiary Service in View of Development Concept of the Russian
Federation Penal Enforcement System 2020. Administrative and municipal law, 4, 55–58.
The article is devoted to the questions about the nature of on-going reform of penal enforcement system in
Russia planned until 2020. The author describes the goals and tasks of the Federal Penitentiary Service.
Federal Penitentiary Service, conception, criminal law measures, social lifts, penal enforcement system of Russia, employment, post-penitentiary assistance.
Law-enforcement legislation
Sochnev, D. V. (2012). Administrative Mechanism of Extremism Suppression. Administrative and municipal law, 4, 59–65.
Administrative mechanism of extremism suppression is not so efficient as the current situation requires. At the
present time their actions are not quite coordinated and the information exchange system between authorities needs to
be improved. Social units and other institutions of civil society are not involved in the process that much, either.
extremism, society, suppression, crime, state institution, power, control, struggle, system.
Law-enforcement legislation
Yurchevsky, S. D. (2012). Concerning the Question about Political Extremism in the North Caucasus and Methods
of Suppression. Administrative and municipal law, 4, 65–67.
The article is devoted to the legal and organizational problems of political extremism suppression in the
North Caucasus. The author of the article describes peculiarities of political extremism at a modern stage and
forms certain suggestions on how to improve the current legislation on political extremism.
Caucasus, extremism, suppression, responsibility, punishment, norm, xenophobia, nationalism, qualification, nationalist, fascism, court, code, separatism.
Administrative and municipal law: forms and methods of implementation (practice)
Vasilenko, G. N. (2012). Peculiarities of Administrative Institution of Declaring. Administrative and municipal law, 4, 68–70.
The article proves the author’s point of view regarding establishment of an independent administrative
legal institution of declaring. The author describes the main features of such an institution, suggests his own definition of the institution of declaring, describes the system of specialized sources and underlines the unique nature
of the method of legal regulation as well as defies the subjective composition of the institution. The author also
pays attention at the variety of forms of declaration.
management, declaring, state institution, subject, source, element, system, law, control.
Administrative and municipal law: forms and methods of implementation (practice)
Shugurov, M. V. (2012). Global Financial System and Perspectives of Global Innovation-Based Development:
International Law Aspects. Administrative and municipal law, 4, 71–89.
The article is devoted to the analysis of financial law with reference to transfer and distribution of technologies
and innovations globally. It is concluded that there is a certain need in reformation of architecture of the
global financial system. The author of the article also underlines the innovation potentials of modern international
financial institutions.
development, finances, globalization, sustainable, cooperation, transfer, technologies, economics, investment, currency.